Us Christians wont be antiatheist
YOU RESPOND. (is it illegal for us to think she's pretty?)
----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Dec 5 2006 8:10 PMAw, i feel so bad for you.
so lost and think you can live your own life without depending on anyone else.
Dont worry though, us christians, we wont have ANTI ATHEIST stuff or make mean icons about you guys. No, we'll pray for you.God Bless!
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
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No, she's very attractive, Sapient. ^_^
I know I can't live my life without depending on anyone else. That's why I have friends and family, and I help them when they need me. And I hate to be the one to tell you that many christians DO have anti-atheist sites, and frequently send the RRS and other prominent atheists and atheist groups hate mail and death threats.
Too late, there are many christian based anti atheist stuff.
In fact america (In which the xians for a majority) is almost completely anti atheist.
I will eat cheese for you too.
A little to late for that I think.
I hope they cannot see

the limitless potential
living inside of me
to murder everything.
I hope they cannot see
I am the great destroyer.
She is cute. And we'll think for her.
Pity. Why are all the pretty ones incapable of free thought?
Anyway, I have to ask her something. Has she ever shot and killed anyone? As in has she ever had an irrational person run at her while wearing an explosive vest? Has she ever shot that person and watched them die? Or did God Himself come down from the heavens and defend her against the man who wants her dead? god didn't help me there at all. I shot the man four times, three times in the chest, once in the head, and I had to sit there while our convoy was stopped and watch the man die. Barring the fact that God is scientifically impossible, he's simply not there. Why does he want us to love him unconditionally, yet he doesn't want us to test him? Why is he so willing to kill upwards of two million people in the Bible, but he's not willing to save one life?
Believing in God is a lot like doing a jump while wearing an invisible parachute. You don't see it, you don't feel it, you don't know its there, but you have faith that at the end of the four seconds, that invisible parachute is going to deploy and you'll be just fine... Okay... Where is it? I know its there... Why hasn't it - *SPLAT!*
However, we're here to tell you that we are already doing so successfully. Being an atheist and having a good life are not mutually exclusive. Ask Bill Gates.
Look at this, for example:
Nice post. BTW, I got to ride in a C130 once with a bunch of sweaty marines. (It was awesome, heehee). I paid $20 to take a hop to Japan. One of the engines cut out and I was freaking out but the marines assured me that I'd be alright. (I was in the Navy in the PI)
TheSarge, thank you for your post. I know you probably hear lots of Christians say things like, "Well, those people are crazy because their god doesn't exist and Satan has deceived them." I'm continually amazed at the inability of man to notice the mote in his own eye, to borrow the biblical phrase.
I also know, because my father was a marine, just how polarized the armed services are politically and religiously, and I can only imagine how tough it must be to be forced into a religious war... forced to kill a man in the name of a god who doesn't exist any more than the one the dead guy in front of you used to believe in.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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