Steps to a theocracy

Step 1. Government officials shall be comprised of strict fundamentalist religious leaders. (CHECK)
Step 2. Government shall use biblical rhetoric that is confusing or misleading to ensure the non-religious see it as common sense logic, even though it is nothing but propaganda. (CHECK)
Step 3. Government shall make laws based on strict fundamentalist interpretation of the bible behind closed doors. (CHECK)
Step 4. Government shall replace judges with fundamentalist religious extremists to overcome any constitutional barriers. (CHECK)
Step 5. Biblical laws shall be imposed on the unwilling.
Senate Must Not Wed Church And State, Says AUs Lynn
Todays Senate Judiciary Committee vote for a federal marriage amendment is deplorable, according to Americans United for Separation of Church and State.
S. J. Res. 1, the so-called Marriage Protection Act, passed the committee on a party-line vote of 10-8. The action took place behind closed doors in a room off the Senate floor.
This is an outrage, said the Rev. Barry W. Lynn, Americans United executive director. Its bad enough that the Senate is trying to wed church and state in unholy matrimony, but its even worse that they did it behind closed doors.
Americans United has urged the Senate to reject the constitutional amendment, charging that it enshrines the marriage rituals of the countrys majority faiths in the Constitution and undercuts separation of church and state.
Senate leaders clearly are bowing to the demands of the Religious Right, said Lynn. This is election-year grandstanding for the benefit of Pat Robertson, James Dobson and other disgruntled Religious Right leaders.
The marriage amendment, which mandates that marriage in America shall consist only of the u_nion of a man and a woman, now moves to the Senate floor where a vote is expected the week of June 5.
Americans United is a religious liberty watchdog group based in Washington, D.C. Founded in 1947, the organization educates Americans about the importance of church-state separation in safeguarding religious freedom.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
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Fucking scary. :shock:
I'm moving to mars, who wants to come?
Armed revolution, anyone?
The second ammendment has never looked better.
Haha true that! :smt068 :smt070 :smt067
In our very first show, Brian Flemming put it quite well, I paraphrasing here, but he said somethin like:
"Ask yourself what the country would look like right before it became a theocracy. It wasn't quite a theocracy, you could still pull it back from the brink if you really worked and tried, what would it look like?"
The only honest answer to that is that it would look like it does right now. No doubt about it.
We're there, IMO, but I still think we can pull it back by non-violent means, but not for much longer. This next election is huge. We not only need a sensible leader, we need a leader willing to undo the damage that has been done. Honestly, what motivation would a new Prez have to restore the freedoms that have been stolen from us over the last 8 years at that point?
And that's the thing, once you give up a freedom, once you give and inch and they take a mile - you NEVER get it back. We'll be dealing with unlawful prisons and surveilence for decades to come.
As for armed revolution, well that's terrifying - but you better believe I'm prepared, and always have been.
From my cold dead hand, motherfuckers - seriously.
I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. - Richard Dawkins
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
Awareness needs to be raised, people dont' think there is anything wrong. The best fascist type governments are the ones that convince the masses that everythign is ok and freedom is nothing but a flag. Using "morals", "family values" and "God" as fodder to pursue the agenda of "life" this country is slowly becoming what the founders came here and fought to escape, religious persecutions. Many evangelists have already said they would love to see homosexuals and abortionists be put to death. Perhaps we shall take every homosexual, and under the name of god, stick a rainbow patch on their arm and send them to "moral training" camps. The problem is that both sides of our political spectrum are very well aware of Straussian type governments, the neocons are the ones pushing it, and neocons are not only on the republican side, there are plenty of democrats as well that fall within the neocon paradigm. Until a valid 3rd party gets footing, we have to choose between the lesser of the two evils.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.