things theists do that i hate

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things theists do that i hate

1.)when they call their beleifs "the truth" in debate... over and over again
2.)they deny that the quotes you show them quotes they deny their existance
3.)they know about their religions pagan traditions and dont find it hippocritical
4.)they call the gospels contemporary i tell them how they are not and they deny it
5.)they say that because christianity is popular it is true

post here you pet peeves of theists

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things theists do that i hate

They secretly laugh thinking we are going to hell!

"You poor heathen if only you would see the matter how illogical, you may seem right now with your logic and science, and I may look like an asshat, but youll see youllllll beeeeee ssssoooorrrrryyyyyyyyy!!!"

my doG is gonna get you!!!








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things theists do that i hate

When they twist words to try to win arguments.

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things theists do that i hate

I hate non sequiturs like "Evolution is false or "just a theory", therefore God created the universe.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. - Seneca

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things theists do that i hate

They say "The Bible is the best selling book in the world". No, it isn't.

I'm sure book series like Harry Potter have outsold the Bible by now. Hey, that must be one of the reasons they hate it so much Laughing out loud

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things theists do that i hate

When they say they want to "save" us, as if believing that some mythical Jesus figure is the Messiah is going to affect me in any way.

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things theists do that i hate

When they ignore what you said in a debate

That shows they are just there to bark at you like a recording, instead of process ideas like a normal person.

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things theists do that i hate

they think truth is a popularity contest.
"christianity is the most popular religion in the world therefore its true"

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things theists do that i hate

* Thinking Faith or non-evidence claims are virtuous.
* defaulting to "well I just believe it to be so" as a valid epistemic position when explaining an aspect of objective reality.
* Any form of 'special pleading' without valid backup.
* saying "God can do anything" as a get out clause, even when the claim is illogical.
* misrepresenting the facts when they know full well that is not the position held by those that they are attributing them too, (dishonesty).
* Thinking that 'atheism' is just another religion. (probably because they can't concieve of a worldview that isn't religious at it's core).
* Not admitting there is a problem with their worldview even when it's been pointed out to them time and again


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things theists do that i hate

when they say "you just have to have faith" instead of telling the truth and saying "im really really brainwashed"

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things theists do that i hate

All arguments with theists end with the faith card being played, and it's a conversation stopper.

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things theists do that i hate

In general I hate:

The fact that I work at a place where the other employees are so religious that if I told them I was an atheist I?d lose my job.

That I can?t get involved in discussions of religion that happen ALL the time at work.

Hypocrisy of modern day Christians.

Theists think all atheists are the same: devil worshipers and etc?

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things theists do that i hate

Couldn't you sue them for discrimination if they fired you for being an atheist?

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things theists do that i hate

hungoverharry wrote:

Theists think all atheists are the same: devil worshipers and etc?

Wait, we're not? *cough* I uh... I mean... "no, we're not". Yea that's it. *cough*



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things theists do that i hate

Couldn't you sue them for discrimination if they fired you for being an atheist?

I could-in theory-but i live in a right to work state and i work at a place where turnover is huge.

If they came out and said "we are firing you on the basis of your beliefs" then i could, but they would just find something else to fire me for, or they would make my job a hell so id quit.

lets just say that religion is such a factor with the people that i work closely with, that they would make it not so fun to work there anymore.

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things theists do that i hate

hungoverharry wrote:
...but they would just find something else to fire me for, or they would make my job a hell so id quit.

Yea, that's how people get around things like that. And it's really hard to prove that that's their game.

Have you thought about looking for another job on the side on the down low? You can't be fired if you've quit...


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things theists do that i hate

And Christians try to say they're discriminated against. They just have this persecution complex, and some of them seem to think they are being persecuted if they are prevented from persecuting others. :roll:

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things theists do that i hate

MattShizzle wrote:
And Christians try to say they're discriminated against. They just have this persecution complex, and some of them seem to think they are being persecuted if they are prevented from persecuting others. :roll:

Or as Colin McGinn notes, many think "criticism" is "persecution", which is silly.


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Know Nyarlathotep, No Peace.

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things theists do that i hate

They actually say it's persecuting them when they can't put up the 10 commandments in a public school/courtroom/etc or hold a graduation in a church. Can you imagine how they'd be if their kids' school decided to hold the graduation in a mosque or Hindu temple? I also have a problem with how some areas use a church as a polling place during elections.

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things theists do that i hate

MattShizzle wrote:
And Christians try to say they're discriminated against. They just have this persecution complex, and some of them seem to think they are being persecuted if they are prevented from persecuting others. :roll:
how dare you stop me from killing that abortion doctor/gay/atheist/satanist/muslim/blasphemer/helpless child/pornstar/buddist/shorty... IM GONNA SUE YOU!!! im so oppressed woe is me. its the lions all over again. pat robertson was right!

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things theists do that i hate

That sympathetic smile as though you are a lost little child when they can't actually respond to your point.

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things theists do that i hate

I hate when they try to convert you.I have had tons of people tell me,"Oh,you should come to church,you would have so much fun."And most of them while i was wearing a pentagram around my neck.So they must have known i wasnt gonna go.

Also,I just recently had a baby and my aunt keeps saying,"You need to bring that baby to church on Sundays."Hell no.Im not letting anyone brainwash my child like they tried to brainwash me when i was younger!Hopefully se will be athiest like me when she grows up.

Many have made a trade of delusions and false miracles decieving the stupid multitude.

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things theists do that i hate

i hate it when they say " in jesus' name i LOVE YOU BROTHER!!!"
how fake does it get?
and they think that these magic words will make us 'see the light'and become Christians... wtf?

But i think what i hate the most, is that they think that being a christian means that you are a good person, and if you're not a christian, you can't be good.

How is it that they think Love is exclusively christian? huh? wth?