A man is visiting his doctor, and....

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A man is visiting his doctor, and....

A man is visiting his doctor, and the doctor tells him he has TB, but at least they discovered it early on. The guy replies, "so my prognosis is good, right?" The doctor replies, "That depends. Are you a creationist?"


Dr: "Because I need to know if you want me to treat the TB bug as it originally was, or if you want me to treat it as the multiple-drug-resistant strain it's evolved into. If you're a creationist, I'll just give you streptomyacin."

Man: "Oh...What are the new treatments like?"

Dr: "They're intelligently designed."

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A man is visiting his doctor, and....

OK. I admit it. I laughed!

Thanks for the late evening chuckle!

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A man is visiting his doctor, and....

nice :smt044