Richard Dawkins to appear on CNN!,123,CNN
Richard Dawkins with Paula Zahn (CNN)
at CNN
Richard Dawkins will be the guest with Paula Zahn on Thursday, February 8th 2007 at 8pm EST on CNN.
Date: Thursday, February 08, 2007
Time: 08:00 PM
We've made progress!
We'll be watching this in the Stickam room!
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Is this going to be an edit hatchet job or is he actually going to be in studio to respond in person?
If so, I want to see those minorities face Dawkins and explain their bigotry to his face and watch them squerm.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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I'm not sure, I think he is going to be there in person. This should be interesting.
Score one for the good guys!!! Since this follows so hard upon the heels of last weeks offense, it makes me wonder if it wasn't already on the books, or if this is a response to public outcry on the afformentioned show. Either way, it's worth watching!
The darkness of godlessness lets wisdom shine.
Hellfiend, apparently the Zahn team said the atheist story was their most controversial ever, and Dawkins was booked only after the backlash came in. Score one for us atheists!
I wonder if they'll have moron panelists that would say Dawkins doesn't live in a Christian Nation so he's not qualified to speak on the issue. (yeah I know it's stupid, but I'm going off of CNNs recent history)
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I hope they read some of the hate mail they got from us!
Me too!
I'll be interested to see what format this segment takes. I don't know the show very well, do they always have a panel to discuss isssues?
The reason I ask is that if the segent only shows Richards point of view, stand by for the slew of Christain responses complaining that they were underrepresented in this programme!
ohh the Irony
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shame... now it will be 2 Englishmen telling American Xtains that their full of shit...
<sarcasm>that's gonna go down well :roll: </sarcasm>
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I tell you what the focus should be on for all media. Now mind you when I say this I am for the free market.
The reason CNN and Fox respectively get away with slanted crap is because the viewing public does not know what they are being sold. Each side is selling the audiance what they want to hear, and not what journalism should be, which is unbias and objective.
Walter Cronkite expressed concern for years over this. It is about viewers and adverdising dollars.
I dont have a problem with that AS LONG AS THOSE who call themselves "Journalists" dont make themselves part of the agenda either way.
If you look at any cable news station the actuall "news" is tiny and only takes up 2 mins every 15 minutes. The rest of the hour is Cheerleading for a club.
I wouldnt be suprised if the Dawkings story is another package where after it is played the pannelists use Dawkings as a dart board. No different than Hanity or Howard Stern.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Not with Christopher Hitchens on the panel it won't
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I'm a forum lurker, but I thought I should add it looks like they just bumped Richard Dawkins for a special report about ANNA NICOLE SMITH.
The caps are because I'm tearing the hair out of my head.
I know, she picked the perfect time to die...
Anyone dieing weither famous or not effects someone. I am not going to say she was not important to people, oviously the people she was close to it is quite obvious and understandable.
If I died I would expect those who know me to want to mourn me. But for me to expect the world to mourn me would be absurd.
Reporting her death is understandable. But the motif of Paula Zaun's show is about racism, not an obituary.
It is about ratings. If it bleeds it leads.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Here is some perspective.
7 Military were killed in a helicoptor crach in Iraq today. Anna was was imporant to her family, but she wasn't being shot at or killed defending our freedom.
AGAIN, it is not to say that she AS AN INDIVIDUAL, was not important. But how is it because she merely is famous because of her entertainment value is more or less imporant than the soldiers who's only fame is not by thier individual names like Anna, but their fame is by the uniforms they wear and might as well be the same flavor. Her death is the same as theirs, whatever brings the most viewers.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Did someone put that Dawkins story on Youtube or at least know when they'll repeat it. I just found out about it and missed it. I hope Dawkins ripped her a new one.
You didn't miss it, it's been rescheduled. I don't know when, though.
Some whore died so the show got put off until a later date.
Interesting note though, Dawkins does live in an officially Christian nation where the Atheists are the majority. So does that mean he can tell the Christians to shut up?
According to Dawkins' schedule online, the show will be tomorrow, the 9th, at 8 PM EST. I'm definitely so watching it.
I just got a bulletin that said that it was pushed back to monday the 12th.
Dear Paula Zahn Now Viewer,
Please be advised that due to breaking news coverage of the death of Anna Nicole Smith, the program “Out in the Open: What happened to love thy neighbor” scheduled to air this evening on Paula Zahn Now has been rescheduled for Monday night, February 12. Thank you for your interested, and for being our valued viewer.
We must favor verifiable evidence over private feeling. Otherwise we leave ourselves vulnerable to those who would obscure the truth.
~ Richard Dawkins
Wow. One wonders if they were making up for offending christians, if they would have pushed it off so easily.
Angelic, I got the same e-mail. Apparently you wrote to bitch too eh? lol To Sapient, that's awesome! They're most controvertial ever? wow!
The darkness of godlessness lets wisdom shine.
I got it too.
I got it too. But since I wasn't made aware of the subject matter of the program being delayed, I bitched them out again:
Dear CNN Public Information,
Let me update your public information. I am not a Paula Zahn Now viewer. I've watched the show once, and in that episode, my strongly held beliefs in science and reason were completely misrepresented and were the subject of ridicule by your bigoted and completely uninformed panelists, who made remarks which, if against any other group of people, would have sparked outrage and been called prejudice.
And after voicing my complaint of your biased journalism through your website, to add insult to injury, no official apology was made either to myself personally or to the larger Atheist community on your show. Instead, all I received was an auto-response email which in know way addressed the offense, and this 2nd email, which also contains no apology. Rest assured that me and my fellow Atheists will not be watching your show until a public apology is made to the Atheist community and another panel discussion (this time consisting of an actual Atheist and individuals who actually know something about Atheism) occurs on your show.
Your friendly neighborhood Atheist,
They just sent me another stupid email back:
Thank you for letting us know you received an erroneous response to the email you sent to Paula Zahn Now. We did experience a glitch that resulted in some of these emails generating a response from our coverage of Steve Irwin’s memorial service. Please accept our apologies for that. This response is to let you know we have verified your original email is in the Paula Zahn Now email box, and has been read.
We also want to make sure you know that due to breaking news coverage of the death of Anna Nicole Smith, the follow-up segment “Out in the Open: What Happened to Love Thy Neighbor” scheduled to air last night on Paula Zahn Now has been rescheduled for Monday night, February 12.
Thank you for taking time to send your comments our way, and for being our valued viewer.
CNN Public Information
Well, there goes CNN.
Hello BBC news.
EDIT: and channel 30
I did NOT get an e-mail reply from them (although it may have been caught by my fliters.)
I watched that whole fucking show last night thinking 'certainly thay can't fill the whole hour with this shit...' I was (re-)pissed.
The new time is Mon 2/12 (Darwin Day!) Same Zahn time, same Zahn channel.
(apologies to Adam and Burt.)
"The time appears to me to have come when it is the duty of all to make their dissent from religion known."
- John Stuart Mill
Dawkins interview on YouTube.
Watch it here.
(I'd embed it, but being technologically challenged, I don't know how!)
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