Is Religion...

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Is Religion...

Is religion (the belief of God and surrounding topics) the only belief we have without physical proof?  in your opinion, what are some other ideas that our socitiey considers real without proof...

if you can think of none, why is it that God is the only thing we believe in without physical proof?


 btw.. happy father's day out there to all the dads!

May God bless us and give us the words to express our ideas in a creative and civil manner, while providing us an ear that we may truly hear each other, and a voice to clearly project our thoughts.

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psychic ablities, ghost,

psychic ablities, ghost, demons (don't need religion for demons), Aliens, Leprechauns, fairies, i have heard of people beleiving in werewolves, vampires, doplegangers (sp?), spirits of all sorts, I think that covers the major ones, anyone else?

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not 100% of society

not 100% of society but...

homeopathy, magic, big foot, nessy, good politicians Eye-wink


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latincanuck wrote: psychic

latincanuck wrote:
psychic ablities, ghost, demons (don't need religion for demons), Aliens, Leprechauns, fairies, i have heard of people beleiving in werewolves, vampires, doplegangers (sp?), spirits of all sorts, I think that covers the major ones, anyone else?

Vampires do exist!

But yeah, pretty much anything falling under the term "supernatural" is an irrational belief.

Belief in aliens rather depends on the definition though. I've frequently heard American sources refer to Mexicans as aliens.

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How about absolute morals,

How about absolute morals, justice, truth?

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Just check out our list of

Just check out our list of Irrational Precepts. There is plenty of utter crap accepted without proof all around us, religion simply happens to be the most prevalent and has the most potential for abuse.

I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. - Richard Dawkins

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I knew a guy who believed

I knew a guy who believed that dragons exist. No, not existed, exist.

 I also had the pleasure of meeting a guy who thought that the American Bar Association was run by Arabs and that the public education system was designed by them to weed out those who didn't fit into their plan for society. He didn't explain in full, but was kind enough to hand me a ten page long "pamphlet" explaining his crusade against the Bar Association.

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LosingStreak06, I don't

LosingStreak06, I don't suppose you read any of the many-paged pamphlet?  I'm dying to know why folks from the Middle East would want to take control of the ABA!  (Especially considering the ABA has nothing to do with the educational system.)

Do you know if they're primarily after the prosecutors or defense attorneys?

How very odd......... 

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I did read it, but it was

I did read it, but it was mostly incoherent. It read a lot like the Time Cube gospel ( if you aren't familiar). This guy has also admitted openly at a public forum (a school board meeting, if I recall) that he has performed "experiments" on his own feces, and also that he believes that we must utilize earthworms to combat global warming. He also served a few months in prison but I don't know what for.

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LosingStreak06 wrote: I

LosingStreak06 wrote:

I knew a guy who believed that dragons exist. No, not existed, exist.



Was it Kent Hovind?

I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. - Richard Dawkins

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