Would Christ vote conservative?

Many christians tell me that to be christian is more than believeing in christ it is striving to be more christ-like. Why then do so many christians (particularly the fundamentalists) align themselves with right wing politics? Christ (atleast as he is explained by popular christianity) seemed to be all about the left. He was about charity and peace.
Right wing politics seems to be very old testament but even the fundies, when questioned about a particularly ridiculous rule in the old testament, insist that those rules no longer apply to them as christ replaced them.
Oh, a lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!
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From what the BuyBull says he very likely might on social issues, but on economic issues he was practically a communist.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
I never really thought of Christ as a voter. Assuming that the whole idea behind Christianity is true, then the way I see it, Christ served more of the role of a computer program (like in the Matrix). His program was to talk all crypticly, confuse the crap outta people, and then get his zombie on. Voting wasn't in that picture. Politics in general weren't really in there either. It's kind of like asking who Windows 95 would vote for.
Silly rabbit. Christ is King of Kings. If he were here there would be no elections.
For GWB:
Ron Paul.
Christ looked like a hippie. First, you must have a permanent domiciliary to register. Hippies just travel around behind their favorite bands. Also, you cannot vote if you are stoned out of your gourd. We all know hippies are always stoned. Finally, hippies don't vote because they fight the "man." So, Jesus would not vote because he would not be trapped in the "man's" stuggle for power.
"Hippies! Smell bad, don't have jobs! Hippies!"
"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer
It can be interpreted in so many ways...
Maybe he would of been a Christian Anarchist...
Jesus cannot be a Christian. A Christian is a follower of Christ. So unless Jesus can follow himself ...
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