I don't get it, you cannot prove there is not a God.

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I don't get it, you cannot prove there is not a God.

The only way would be to die and somehow come back and say "yep, I was just rotting in the ground, that was it" In fact, many people who calim to have died have never said "Iwas just lying there dead" they would say something regarding to heaven or hell. Have any of you died and know there is no heaven or hell? Have any of you tried to disprove the Bible. I challange you! I challange you to disprove the Bible through historical events, historical documentation.... And anyone who says they have, which I doubt any of you would say that you seem more intelligent then that, why doesn't the world know. If you can prove Daniel was never saved from the furnace by Jesus, if you can prove there was no flood or arc, if you can prove there never was a burning bush or ten commandments, be my guest and share it with the world. I don't believe you can, many have tried then realized it was true, Jesus is the Son of God. You can mathimatically prove Jesus was the one the prophets speak of. From the time window and location of His birth, which it is a historic fact Jesus lived, he is the only one that fits the description of the Mehsiah.sp? All I know is I bet not one atheist, agnostic, non-beleiver can ever disprove the Bible. It's track record is spotless, why should I not believe what it says of my Lord and my eternity.
Can you except the Challange???

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I assign you to write 1

I assign you to write 1 billion times "The burden of proof is ALWAYS on the person who claims something exists and NEVER on the one who claims it does not. Try reading some of the other threads before you start one."

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I'll give you the benefit

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, here. It's possible that you thought this issue has never been addressed on these boards, so I'll sum up for you.

There is no such thing as a disproof of god in the way you describe it. There's no such thing because it cannot exist. It cannot exist because if it did, then there would be no knowledge!

If I have to disprove your god, then you have to disprove Allah. And Buddah, and Zeus, and Mithra, and Marduk, and Ea, and Baal, and Ra, and Poseidan, and Enlil, and Kalil, and every single other god that has ever been described.

But, it's worse than that. The primary reason people believe in the supernatural is something called "faith." Faith is actually contrary to reason. It is believing something despite evidence to the contrary. Theists tell you that you must believe something despite the fact that logic and science will tell you differently. The problem here is that if they're right, then ANYTHING could be a result of faith, and you will have to disprove every single illogical thing that could possibly be conceived! Not only is it impossible, it would make it illogical to ever know anything about anything! Deductive reasoning would not work, and even intuitive knowledge would collapse in the face of the supernatural.

Sorry, man. This has been refuted dozens of times. Read some of the threads in Reason vs. Faith. It's all there.

And above all, please don't jump into an argument if you don't know what you're talking about. It will only make you look bad. Do some homework, and when you're ready, come back with facts, and we'll be happy to debate you fact for fact and logic vs. logic.

Good luck with it.


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Oh, and here's my response

Oh, and here's my response to your assertion that the bible is spotless:

  • (a) the bat is a bird (Lev. 11:19, Deut. 14:11, 18);
  • (b) Some fowls are four-footed (Lev. 11:20-21);
  • (c) Some creeping insects have four legs. (Lev. 11:22-23);
  • (d) Hares chew the cud (Lev. 11:6);
  • (e) Conies chew the cud (Lev. 11:5);
  • (f) Camels don't divide the hoof (Lev. 11:4);
  • (g) The earth was formed out of and by means of water (2 Peter 3:5 RSV);
  • (h) The earth rest on pillars (1 Sam. 2:8);
  • (i) The earth won't be moved (1Chron. 16:30);
  • (j) A hare does not divide the hoof (Deut. 14:7);
  • (k) The rainbow is not as old as rain and sunshine (Gen. 9:13);
  • (l) A mustard seed is the smallest of all seeds and grows into the greatest of all shrubs (Matt. 13:31-32 RSV);
  • (m) Turtles have voices (Song of Sol. 2:12);
  • (n) The earth has ends or edges (Job 37:3);
  • (o) The earth has four corners (Isa. 11:12, Rev. 7:1);
  • (p) Some 4-legged animals fly (Lev. 11:21);
  • (q) The world's language didn't evolve but appeared suddenly (Gen. 11:6-9; and
  • (r) A fetus can understand speech (Luke 1:44).

Thanks to Dennis McKinsey for compiling this list at http://members.aol.com/ckbloomfld/

Lord knows I wouldn't want to be accused of plagiarism, right Rook?



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SAMMYW1024 wrote: Jesus is

SAMMYW1024 wrote:
Jesus is the Son of God. You can mathimatically prove Jesus was the one the prophets speak of.


Please, do share this mathematical proof with us then. I'd love to see it.

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Captain_Entropy wrote:

SAMMYW1024 wrote:
Jesus is the Son of God. You can mathimatically prove Jesus was the one the prophets speak of.


Please, do share this mathematical proof with us then. I'd love to see it.

Jesus + Bible - common sense = Hallejuah!!

Wait.....shit, I forgot to carry the one....(scribbles out god equation in pink crayon...)

Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine

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SAMMYW1024 wrote: if you

SAMMYW1024 wrote:
if you can prove there was no flood or arc, if you can prove there never was a burning bush or ten commandments, be my guest and share it with the world.

The Noah's Ark is one of my favorite subjects to debunk. First of all the geological record without a doubt, does not support a global flood, this was the first in many nails in the coffin for the flood myth. Another problem is that during the supposed time of the flood, we have civilizations in existence who do not mention the flood. The egyptians were building pyramids during the time when they should have been covered in water.

The ark being composed of wood, would be far too unstable to keep together. The best ship builders of our time switched to steel, reason being is that steel hulls can accomodate the constant bending it would need to absorb. However it was found that large wooden ships would come undone, so steel became the medium for large ships.

The story cannot account for animals such as the Koala bear, or Sloth. Koalas have one source of food, which is only found on one place on the planet - Austrailia. How did the koala end up in Austrailia is what I would like to know? How did plant life continue on earth if it was overrun by water? The variety of Insects? Or how abou the fumes on the ark from all the dung would have made it dangerous to light a candle . Maybe you could provide some of those answers.

Lets not forget the Epic of Giglamesh , a story which predates that of the bible and is nearly identical in account. National Geographic spent years trying to prove the flood, only to have to revise the account in order to be in accord with all the evidence. In this new revision of the flood, National Geographic believes the flood to have been a localised event that swelled water from the mediterranean into the black Sea, but hardly global in nature.

Some people believe that a formation of ice on Mount Ararat to be that of the ark. However numerous expeditions have been called off and the interest is waning considerably. Why? Well if an ark was indeed on top of the mountain it would be at the bottom by now because the movement of ice would have pushed it over long ago. So if we have the proof of the flood sitting right in front of us, I find it so odd that no one is willing to invest the time and money to go after it.

Now I've provided evidence that shows conclusively the flood myth, is exactly that. A Myth. I would like to see you prove otherwise.





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SAMMYW1024 wrote: The only

SAMMYW1024 wrote:
The only way would be to die and somehow come back and say "yep, I was just rotting in the ground, that was it" In fact, many people who calim to have died have never said "Iwas just lying there dead" they would say something regarding to heaven or hell. Have any of you died and know there is no heaven or hell? Have any of you tried to disprove the Bible. I challange you! I challange you to disprove the Bible through historical events, historical documentation.... And anyone who says they have, which I doubt any of you would say that you seem more intelligent then that, why doesn't the world know. If you can prove Daniel was never saved from the furnace by Jesus, if you can prove there was no flood or arc, if you can prove there never was a burning bush or ten commandments, be my guest and share it with the world. I don't believe you can, many have tried then realized it was true, Jesus is the Son of God. You can mathimatically prove Jesus was the one the prophets speak of. From the time window and location of His birth, which it is a historic fact Jesus lived, he is the only one that fits the description of the Mehsiah.sp? All I know is I bet not one atheist, agnostic, non-beleiver can ever disprove the Bible. It's track record is spotless, why should I not believe what it says of my Lord and my eternity. Can you except the Challange???

The Bible is about as spotless as a carpet with wine spilled on it. You are so indocrtinated you will justify claims of magic. Sorry to burst your bubble but humans dont "poof" magically come from dirt. Donkeys dont talk and there is no such thing as spirit sperm. 

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SAMMYW1024 wrote: The only

SAMMYW1024 wrote:
The only way would be to die and somehow come back and say "yep, I was just rotting in the ground, that was it" In fact, many people who calim to have died have never said "Iwas just lying there dead" they would say something regarding to heaven or hell. Have any of you died and know there is no heaven or hell? Have any of you tried to disprove the Bible. I challange you! I challange you to disprove the Bible through historical events, historical documentation.... And anyone who says they have, which I doubt any of you would say that you seem more intelligent then that, why doesn't the world know. If you can prove Daniel was never saved from the furnace by Jesus, if you can prove there was no flood or arc, if you can prove there never was a burning bush or ten commandments, be my guest and share it with the world. I don't believe you can, many have tried then realized it was true, Jesus is the Son of God. You can mathimatically prove Jesus was the one the prophets speak of. From the time window and location of His birth, which it is a historic fact Jesus lived, he is the only one that fits the description of the Mehsiah.sp? All I know is I bet not one atheist, agnostic, non-beleiver can ever disprove the Bible. It's track record is spotless, why should I not believe what it says of my Lord and my eternity. Can you except the Challange???

Have you examined every atom of the universe? NO! Have you seen everything in the universe? NO! So you cant claim that their is a god. For the same reason we reject the same argument from Muslims, "Prove that Allah doesnt exist".

Prove that Thor doesn't exist.

Prove that Yahwey doesnt exist.

Prove that my purple snarfwidget doesnt exist.

Atheists are not claiming to have all the answers in the universe. We merely dont incert claims of bearded sky daddies as a replacement for what we dont know. You value an ancient book writen by tribalistic myth lovers. 

The burdon of proof is always on the claimant. Atheists dont claim that a deity exists. Just as you'd be justified in saying "Prove it" to a Muslim. You wouldn't merely buy it "just because".

We are only extending that "prove it" attitude to one more deity than you do. You've debunked all other gods besides yours, now try understanding why you reject all other gods but yours then you will understand why we reject yours as well. 

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You forgot the part about

You forgot the part about half the animals on the ark eating the other half, since animals tend to do that.

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Two anteaters fed by two

Two anteaters fed by two ants yet there are still ants on the planet.

Apparently the Noah's flood happened during the reign of the Egyptian empire.  Somehow God flooded the entire Earth and missed these folks. 

Another good one is in the Book of Jubilees (it's still in the Ethipioan Bible) where the Tower of Babel was created in order to send an army into the clouds to do battle with the gods.  Well, we've flown through clouds and there aren't any gods up there.  However, in the Jewish religious texts arrows were fired into the clouds and the arrows came down with blood on them.  So your gods are material and live in the clouds.  So why don't they get sucked in airplane turbines when we fly through their home?

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I'm surprised we hadn't

I'm surprised we hadn't picked up yet on his claim that Jesus's existance is a historical fact - it isn't. See the Jesus Mythicism forum.

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