The God Challenge! YES I AM SERIOUS!

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The God Challenge! YES I AM SERIOUS!

I know it sounds like a joke but since the people here seem open minded -- here is a new idea.....

OK so there is no God! Well is there a chance that that idea is wrong? Is there a chance there is a God and we just are not gettting
it right? I know you are saying "Hell no!" Right?

OK in the very very remote off chance that there is a God out there -- here is The God Challlenge!

For about 2 weeks do this....

Pray, now hold on, I know that sounds like something you would not do but pray like this...

God, I do not believe in you! I do not like some of the things I read in the Bible. I think this world is really messed up and if you did exist then what are you doing? OK God if you are there then you can hear my prayers and you will let me know. If you are not there, as I suppose, then I am only wasting just a minute of my time each day for two weeks. If you are there then please let me know directly before the two weeks are over. Thank You nobody.

OK, so since the odds are in favor of no response from talking to yourself this will not hurt you. The idea is that it is more proof for you that there is NO God. Now if God happens to be there then he can let you know.

The only other thing I ask for this God test is that you do it alone. Don't even tell anyone and do it in a nice open minded way.
In other words try not to say "God you are a bastard" and shit like that.

Bottom line is God is responsible for being God. Please just show me that you are very open minded.

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Uhh.. I was a Christian for

Uhh.. I was a Christian for 18 years.

Now! Will you take the atheist challenge? Live your life for two weeks as if there was no god. Don't pray, don't go to church..nothing godly. If nothing bad happens to you then will you become an atheist?

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yes of coarse

Well yes but I was an atheist most of my life. From 9yrs to 19yrs I not only was an atheist but I knew some bible versus that I would use to wack Christians over the head with. Also since being a Christian I have come in and out of the faith. How did I become a Christian? At 19 I prayed just like I said in my last post and God grabbed me by the arms and shook me! I know that sounds like another nut job thing that some wacked out realigiuous fruit loop believes. What can I tell you... It is what happen to me. I don't have any reason to make it up. When would you like us both to start our challenge? CrazyCraig

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I love this! Seriously,

I love this!

Seriously, this is something I heard a lot when I was a Christian, and it is so telling about the insecurities of believers.

If I was going to do this, why would I want to keep it a secret?  (And by the way, when I was a Christian, I prayed for much longer than two weeks for any sign at all, and that was when I was trying to believe!)

The question is a very relevant one.  We're very logical types around here.  If your little experiment could prove the existence of god, why wouldn't we say we would try it?  We're here to promote rationality, after all.

Look, I'll tell you what.  I'm not going to promise to do it every day for two weeks, cause that's just some bullshit number you made up.  But, as soon as I'm done writing this, you have my solemn word that I will make thoughts in my head to a nonexistent deity, and ask him if he wouldn't mind, please show me something, no matter how small, that defies the laws of physics in a way that I can't deny.   I'll give him two weeks, and every time I think about it for the next two weeks, I'll think an alarm bell in my head to try to remind him.  If nothing happens at the end of two weeks, will you admit that your god doesn't exist, and your test was a crock?


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Well yes but I was an

Well yes but I was an atheist most of my life. From 9yrs to 19yrs I not only was an atheist but I knew some bible versus that I would use to wack Christians over the head with. Also since being a Christian I have come in and out of the faith. How did I become a Christian? At 19 I prayed just like I said in my last post and God grabbed me by the arms and shook me! I know that sounds like another nut job thing that some wacked out realigiuous fruit loop believes. What can I tell you... It is what happen to me. I don't have any reason to make it up. When would you like us both to start our challenge? CrazyCraig

Yes. It sounds like fruit loops.

Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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Which god do we pray to?

Which god do we pray to?

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yes that is right two weeks

yes that is right two weeks is a bullshit number I made up. That is the number that came to mind when I tried it myself. I just figured one day or one week was not very long for something that could be important. Well, as for proving God I don't think that will happen. Remember I am a wack job who actually thinks God grabbed him and shook him. Does that prove that God is there? Nope.

Glad you will try it and I will not pray and I will not go to church or anything for 2 weeks. I think mine is kind of easy since I have no real love for religion.

Sometimes I hate religion. The more religious it is the further from God it is. The Roman Catholic Church, also know as The Beast, is a good example of bad religion.

Any how I think my brain is shutting down.

crazyCraig ZZzzzZZZZzzzzz

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no, no... wait! My deal

no, no... wait!

My deal didn't have anything to do with you not praying.  I said my little chant in my head, and if nothing happens in two weeks, you admit that your god doesn't exist... or, you admit that he doesn't care enough about me to give me just a little floating penny for two seconds so I can go to heaven, in which case, he's an ass.  I don't care which you pick.


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Good question

That is a good question.

 I am Christian but I don't believe in the idea of the Trinity. For the next two weeks I believe in nothing except perhaps for my self.

My doctrinal teaching is of the oneness pentecostal ideas but my understanding is the true Christian Church is not any denomination but instead is a spiritual church --- The (spiritual) body of Jesus Christ. All those who received him are members of that church. That is the same as being born again.

I believe Jesus was physically man and spirtully all God. His name comes from Joshua which means

"The Lord my God my Salvation" or "YHWH Savior"

Is that a clear answer? I am real sleepy now.

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Awww... dude, you're going

Awww... dude, you're going to ignore me?

So, you have no horse in this race?  Why is this fair, if only I can change my mind?  Isn't open-mindedness about being willing to change your mind?  I am if you are.


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Perhaps I hit reply to the

Perhaps I hit reply to the wrong person? Below is the person Hambydammit and I was refering to his post. (below)


Now! Will you take the atheist challenge? Live your life for two weeks as if there was no god. Don't pray, don't go to church..nothing godly. If nothing bad happens to you then will you become an atheist?

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That wasn't mine.  This

That wasn't mine.

 This was mine:

Look, I'll tell you what.  I'm not going to promise to do it every day for two weeks, cause that's just some bullshit number you made up.  But, as soon as I'm done writing this, you have my solemn word that I will make thoughts in my head to a nonexistent deity, and ask him if he wouldn't mind, please show me something, no matter how small, that defies the laws of physics in a way that I can't deny.   I'll give him two weeks, and every time I think about it for the next two weeks, I'll think an alarm bell in my head to try to remind him.  If nothing happens at the end of two weeks, will you admit that your god doesn't exist, and your test was a crock?


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I am very tired. really so

I am very tired. really so you have to realize I don't even know what I am saying now.

You are tring to have a battle of the minds and I am saying if there is a God then that spirit can interact directly with a person.

I am very open minded to the idea that there is no God but that is not proved by some else not believing.

You can choise to not believe and I can fully understand that since I have been there many times.

On the other hand you do not know that there is no God. You think it but that does not mean for sure what you think is fact.

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then I revised it and said

then I revised it and said you could also say your god was an asshole for not giving me anything that I could believe and dooming me to hell.

 (Don't you dare say I would be sending myself to hell.  I'm perfectly willing to believe if I see anything supernatural.)


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It's cool, man.  I

It's cool, man.  I understand you're tired.

Start a new thread when you're rested, and we'll talk about proof and logic.


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I am sorry, I did not say

I am sorry, I did not say anything about hell.

I don't believe in hell in the way others do.

Hell is field were dead bodies were burned.

The bodies are burned and that mean perish or cease to exist and that is forever.

The idea of being torured in hell is a bullshit.

ok well, again I did not say anything about hell.

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I considered taking you up

I considered taking you up on your offer. If a god does exist who wouldn't want to know?? But I got to remembering more than a dozen lucky breaks during the last month. All happening directly after watching Blasphemy Challenge replies, or going to or returning from an atheist meetup. Oh yeah and then there was the awesome parking space and no customers ahead of me at the checkout when I went to get lights for my christmas tree, which btw is forbidden in the bible.

After a month like that, if there is a god, then he wants me to be an atheist. If there is a god then he wants me to burn in hell....or maybe all these good things happening to me were gods way of letting me know that the bible and christianity are all bullshit.

Either that or there is indeed no god and its all just a bunch of wild and crazy coincidences.


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open mind

You sound like a person who really keeps an open mind. That is great!

My father tells me that he believes in God but that does not mean he likes him.

(trying to make a joke here)

until another day I must sleep.

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yes well in order to do

yes well in order to do this kind of challange you would need God to do something kind of different.

Not just a small break like a parking spot. I am not saying to ask for a big miricle but ask God to show you something that you can't just shake off as a coincidence. Please let God pick what it is and how he will communicate with you.

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Ophios wrote: Which god do

Ophios wrote:
Which god do we pray to?

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You'd think the prayer

You'd think the prayer could be worded better, considering you're supposedly talking to a super being. Either way, as something of an experiment as a kid I tried something along those lines while I was more agnostic than I am now. It took place over a couple months if I remember correctly. Since I'm a full force atheist now, I imagine you can guess at the results.

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goofball wrote: yes well

goofball wrote:

yes well in order to do this kind of challange you would need God to do something kind of different.

Not just a small break like a parking spot. I am not saying to ask for a big miricle but ask God to show you something that you can't just shake off as a coincidence. Please let God pick what it is and how he will communicate with you.

Ok, here we go.  Lets see if i can remember all this in order...

The first one was the blasphemy challenge and christmas lights. I must have watched well over 20 replies the day I went to the store. that's 2

Then there was the 1 1/2 hour trip to another town for my monthly atheist meetup. I wasn't more than 5 minutes out of town and speeding. A semi I had passed flashed his lights in my rear view mirror. "WTH??? cop???" so i slow down...sure enough there was a cop with another vehicle pulled over. "whew". Once I get near our regular meetup place I call ahead to let them know I was running late and find out that the meetup had moved, so I went directly there instead of finding no one at the regular place. On the way back I was speeding again, not so much this time, probably wouldn't have even been pulled over, but I got flashed again by a trucker, and low and behold, there was a cop in the median. that's a total of 5

Now all this time I was driving on tires that were well overdue for a change. I even had to air up one of them before the trip, slow leak. WELLLLLLL the morning after the meetup it was flatter than flat! I drove for 3 hours on that tire, and it was a front tire.... what if it had blown in the vast emptiness between my town and the meetup??? this totals up to 6, but i think the severity of being stranded in the middle of nowhere with no cell reception...8???

The next day when I discovered the flat tire in a nasty ass winter storm, I discover that my friend and neighbor LIKES to change tires (what?!?!) so she changed my tire for me. chalk up another one, totaling 7.

THENNNNN I call up an old friend (that I hadn't talked to in a year) and get awesome deals on new tires and a washing machine repair!!! that's a total of 9.

So its not 12 but it sure seemed like it

How does a theist shake all of that off as coincidence. I know I said "in the last month" It all happened in the 2 middle weeks of December, the meetup, flat, tire change, and replacement, and washer repair happened between the 3rd Sat eve and the next Tue afternoon.

OMS!!! I forgot! I locked my last key in the car on monday (before the tire replacement)! the locksmith came out and charged me $25 instead of $40. Its not like I'm some kind of cute or anything. I'm just an old house wife. I didn't even say merry christmas. I said happy holidays....maybe the locksmith was an atheist!!!...LOL   that's 10!!!

Does that count? All that in such a short time. Its not a bolt of lightning, but how do you explain such good luck happening to an atheist, while (or shortly after) doing atheistic things?!!!?? I mean, really, if god existied, dont you think just one of these potential disasters would have happened??? Shouldnt it have been a financial burden to fix these issues??? Every time, I got between $15 and $45 taken off my bills. Gee, does that count as 3 more??

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AtheistInWonderland wrote:

Uhh.. I was a Christian for 18 years.

Now! Will you take the atheist challenge? Live your life for two weeks as if there was no god. Don't pray, don't go to church..nothing godly. If nothing bad happens to you then will you become an atheist?

And I was a Christian for about 21 years.  I suffered due to unresolved sexual abuse issues perpetrated against me by a man in our church.  I prayed every night for five years for "god" to heal me.  Guess what didn't  happen? Here's a hint: I am an atheist. Smiling

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Ophios wrote: Which god do

Ophios wrote:
Which god do we pray to?

I suggest the Flying Spaghetti Monster.  He's answered more of my prayers than Yahweh, Jesus and the Holy Spirit COMBINED!  Yeah, I'm dissing the Holy Ghost...whoops, did I just commit the unforgivable sin? 

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Iruka Naminori

Iruka Naminori wrote:

...whoops, did I just commit the unforgivable sin?

 Your Damned! DAMNED I tell ya!!!! unless of course you meet any one of the hundred or so exceptions to that damned sin...ROFL

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Sorry it took so long

Yes I would like people to pray in Jesus name but since this is more of a test to see if God will interact directly with a person how about you just say something like... Look higher power or whatever you are..... I would like to know if you are there. If you (whatever you are) are not there then you will not be able to hear me. Please just let me know if your there and then later I can worry about understanding you.


ok so I see one person said that god was a Flying Spaghetti Monster. Well I do like Spaghetti. ha ha

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Sorry I did not directly answer your question

I thought I did but hay look at the bottom of this blog thing and I fine tuned it.



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oh let's see... Did you see a miricle from what could only be God and then you refused to believe anyway?

no? Oh well then you did not commit a unforgivable sin.

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well perhaps I am slow

So if good things happen to you then that means that there is no God? Oh I can do better with your side of the agument then that. Why, do terrible things happen to people who beilieve? Are they being tested like Lot? I have no idea why.

To show that you are the children of your Father Who is in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the wicked and on the good, and makes the rain fall upon the upright and the wrongdoers [alike]. Matthew 5:45

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goofball wrote: Why, do

goofball wrote:

Why, do terrible things happen to people who beilieve? Are they being tested like Lot?

No, they are receiving hard evidence that an all loving all powerful god does not exist. 

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yes it would seem your are correct.

and then again there is Lot. He was a good man that God allowed go through all kinds of shit. (I am trying to look at things from all sides)

The only thing that God would not let happen to Lot is that his soul was safe. Perhaps an eternity with a living God balances out the painful and very short life we live here.

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Sapient wrote: goofball

Sapient wrote:
goofball wrote:

Why, do terrible things happen to people who beilieve? Are they being tested like Lot?

No, they are receiving hard evidence that an all loving all powerful god does not exist.

I am so glad you got to that before I

Well said, as usual. thumbs up

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Um... I don't think you're

Um... I don't think you're talking about Lot, goofball.

Lot had his wife turned to salt while they were running away from the whole city that god was destroying.

Lot was also the one who handed his daughters over to be raped...

I think you're thinking of someone else in the bible, but I'm not going to tell you who.


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Iruka Naminori

Iruka Naminori wrote:
AtheistInWonderland wrote:

Uhh.. I was a Christian for 18 years.

Now! Will you take the atheist challenge? Live your life for two weeks as if there was no god. Don't pray, don't go to church..nothing godly. If nothing bad happens to you then will you become an atheist?

And I was a Christian for about 21 years.  I suffered due to unresolved sexual abuse issues perpetrated against me by a man in our church.  I prayed every night for five years for "god" to heal me.  Guess what didn't  happen? Here's a hint: I am an atheist. Smiling

That sort of thing real cuts me. I do wonder why God would let this sort of thing happen. I remember when I started going blind I really was at a loss for answers. I figured that God was not real and that is was all a crock. I now have my eye site back but it
makes me wonder if it was just chance.

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goofball wrote:

goofball wrote:
That sort of thing real cuts me. I do wonder why God would let this sort of thing happen. I remember when I started going blind I really was at a loss for answers. I figured that God was not real and that is was all a crock. I now have my eye site back but it makes me wonder if it was just chance.

Let's think about this for a minute.

I also had some serious eye problems following LASIK surgery. I was functionally blind for many weeks. This happened when I was an atheist and I didn't pray about it at all, but eventually my eyesight cleared up.

When I was a Christian, I developed serious issues revolving around sexual abuse. I also developed a deep-seated depression. As I previously mentioned, I prayed about these issues for five straight years and nothing happened. When my niece was being born, I prayed for her, but she died shortly after birth.

Prayer doesn't work. Once I began to realize this, I began to learn to think rationally.

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