The sacredness of essential Tinder hookups.

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The sacredness of essential Tinder hookups.


Our dictator, Dr. Fauci has decided that restaurants, bars, schools, and any non-food/pandemic healthcare business is far too risky and must be forced to be shut. But hookups on dating apps  where often body fluids are often exchaged with strangers are sacred and should be left to the individual to decide. Like the buses in Detroit or the subway in New York, these apps must never ever be shut down.

We are now moving into a permanent era where goverment can cotrol our movements, who we associate with, force mask and gloves, force immunizations. All in the name of public health. Why is sex and childbearing so fucking sacred? Why can't we force people to use Norplant and other birth control as a means to lessen population density? Can we stop all immigration from countries where religion discourages the use of birth control and women are forced to bear children with men that often rape them?

I'm just desperate to see if there is any rationality on this planet. Or we are destined to go from on Malthusian catastrophy to the next while we destroy the environment and remove all wilderness?

Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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 Your liberties are NOT


Your liberties are NOT lost. This virus is a contagent and a Novel virus which is very adapt and efficient at spreading quickly., You can carry it in you for up to a week without showing symptoms. That means anyone you come in contact with you could give it to. It isn't a matter of denying your rights, it is a matter of public safety. How would you feel if you got it, and found out you gave it to your family?  Close contact with others SHOULD be avoided as much as possible.

Going out right now should be limited to only when you need to. Once  a vaccine is made then things can get back to nomral. Instead of thinking only about what you want to do for yourself, think about how your actions can effect others. 


This isn't like personal choices like drinking or smoking. This virus does not care about borders, or race, or political party, or religion, or class, or zip code. It can infect ANYONE ANYWHERE AT ANYTIME. 

If I were your bartender or waiter, and I was sneazing , I could chalk it up to alergies if I had them, and you would have no way of knowing if I had it. Depending on surface the virus can exist for hours and even days. If you want to lick doornobs, go ahead, but that doesn't mean others want to come behind you and touch that same doornob.


And the evidence is in as far as pandemics. The 1918 Spanish flu showed the locations that had more people who conducted social distancing had less cases and less death, the locations that thought like you had more cases and more death.


This isn't about you personally. This is about saying to you, if you care about others, then you should want to do it. But if you don't want to do it, GOVERNMENT has every duty in the world to protect others from your bad logic.  Regulations to keep the public safe are not punishments. 


As the saying goes, "Your rights end where my nose begins."


I have friends who work in nursing homes. They have to be there, and they can tell you they are very worried themselves about bringing it home to their families. I also have another friend who works in a big box chain store, he just found out one of his co workers got it, and he too is extremly worried about getting it himself. And even meat packing companies have reported outbreaks in their processing plants. 


This virus does not care about where you work or what you do for a living. Nobody wants this. If you stupidly think liberals love these lockdowns and are simply doing it out of political spite, you are full of shit. Everyone, regardless of politics, has family and friends and co workers, and even within those circles we are politically diverse working side by side and even diverse within the same families. The virus does not care about politics or public opinion. 


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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EXC, you know what? you are

EXC, you know what? you are absolutely, indubitably, 199.44% goddamn RIGHT! you have my unqualified blessing--nay, my strong encouragement--to go right wherever you fucking please. go visit as many people as you can. fuck every hooker on the corner. and seriously, FUCK those stalinist masks, those fucking gloves, and ESPECIALLY that motherfucking, monkey-brained, commie fucking hand sanitizer. fuck soap and water too! fucking soap and water is a motherhumping load of leftist, commie, tyrannical, Abraham-Lincoln-and-FDR-double-penetrating-the-motherfucking-red-commie-liberal-hippie-mother-of-god BULL FUCK. be a patriot! eat every good, hardworking white man's sneeze and cough! what are you, a PUSSY? and after you've done your red-blooded, praise-god-as-he-was-incarnated-in-the-flesh-and-blood-and-pimpled-middle-aged-ass-of-richard-nixon DUTY, PLEASE...PLEASE, brother...don't EVER wimp out and go to one of those pinko, socialistic, pansy-ass fucking emergency rooms! you go through your COVID-19 and your smallpox and your TB and your diphtheria and your cholera and your polio and your bubonic plague like a fucking, miller high life-crushing, red hat-wearing MAN! TRUMP 2028!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

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I know you enjoy your

I know you enjoy your strawman, but I don't support Trump, I'll only support someone that supports mandatory Norplant and sterilization to save life on this planet.

I could give a fuck about the worthless governments orders or the protesters. I practiced social distancing and prepared for pandemics long before this virus. Everytime I visited a libtard USA city, the fact that it was such an unsanitary shithole made me this way. Also, visiting other countries and seeing what an overpopulated shithole they are and seeing that more than doubling the world population in past 50 years has destroyed the environment and all wilderness areas.

I realized this is the way the world is the first time I ever visited one of the world's vanishing rainforests. I was blow away by the place but I had to bath myself in mosiquto repellent the entire time. You know why there are still rainforests? Because everytime humans tried to settle there, maliaria and denge put an end to it. These viruses are the rainforest's protectors.The real virus is ignoring the obvious fact that we are the virus to every other species.

But ignore all that and blame it all on Republicans and Capitalists, must easier than opening your eyes and using your brains.


Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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 So "anarchy" is your jizz

 So "anarchy" is your jizz without a condom.




Ok genious if no government is your masterbation centefold, good for you.


What then? If you don't like what I like, and others in our respective lives cant agree on how to live life, then what? You bust down what you don't like and win. THAT supidly assumes what you "fight for" will automatically arise out of the ashes of what you defeat.

SORRY ASSHOLE, life isn't as simple as defatating what you dont like. POWER will always arise . Power comes and goes in long periods of time. So the REAL argument isn't that government will happen, it does, and always has, be it a more open or closed power. 


What do you want? Do you want  so much freedom that you don't give a shit that the person whom served you at your restaurant didn't wipe their ass or washed their hands when they took your order, but went to the bathroom and got feces on your food? Please tell me you are not that bat shit insane.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Beyond Saving
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 Forget Tinder- they tell

 Forget Tinder- they tell you that you are supposed to social distance- Got that covered, I am the king of social distancing, I was doing it long before it was "cool", I go weeks at a time without even going into town. But then, they limited the hours of Walmart, then they put an employee smack in the middle of the doors so that you literally cannot walk into the store without passing within 6-feet of an employee, then they funnel everyone so that there are chokepoints- you know, a military tactic to force people together. It all seems quite counterproductive if your real goal is to keep people separated. I used to go to Walmart around 4-5 am. Know how many people I came within 20-feet of? The cashier. That's it. If I used the self-checkout, I could have done an entire trip without coming within a stones throw of anyone. Now, they aren't open, so I have to go when everyone else goes.

Apparently, Covid doesn't spread at Walmart, Lowes, Home Depot or other big chain stores. But the local shop, that rarely had more than 2-3 people in it at any given moment anyway is terribly dangerous. The idea that we have a snowballs chance in hell of reducing the spread of a highly contagious virus is utterly irrational. It will spread now, or it will spread later. We are literally attempting to do the impossible, and damaging the lives of many in the attempt. The virus isn't going to disappear, anymore than any other virus has disappeared. We can't even get rid of small-pox after decades of mass vaccinations. To even try is insane. I know our President has never been mentally stable, but I thought we had at least a few governors who were. Guess I was wrong. 

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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 In my teens and 20s I use


In my teens and 20s I use to love parties and big crowds. My favorite thing on th 4th of July was to go into DC and watch the fireworks and drink. I still drink, but being 53 I hate large amounts of people. I don't feel the need to be out other than to shop for basic goods. I have felt that way for years now.


But I make much more of an effort now to stay home because of this pandemic. As long as I have my TV and internet I can handle staying at home. I can keep up on world events, talk to my friends on line. 


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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 Actually @ Beyond, COVID


Actually @ Beyond,


COVID has spread to Walmart. I have a friend who works at a Walmart whom has said his store has had a confirmed case. That should not surprise anyone knowing that even Tyson meat processing company has had far worse. This virus does not give a fuck about where someone works, class, politics, economic view, religion, race, NOTHING.


It will infect and or kill anyone anywhere in the world.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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 Actually @ Beyond, COVID


Actually @ Beyond,


COVID has spread to Walmart. I have a friend who works at a Walmart whom has said his store has had a confirmed case. That should not surprise anyone knowing that even Tyson meat processing company has had far worse. This virus does not give a fuck about where someone works, class, politics, economic view, religion, race, NOTHING.


It will infect and or kill anyone anywhere in the world.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Beyond Saving
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 Lol, good to know some

 Lol, good to know some things never change. I didn't literally mean Covid doesn't strike Walmart- only pointing out the insanity of keeping some random (and typically very busy) places open, while forcing businesses that rarely have more than a customer or two at a time to close. Instead, our overlords decided that some things were "essential" while other things are "non-essential". It's all essential in my book. I've employed a lot of people in my life, I've never had an employee who was not essential- if they weren't essential I'd have saved my money and fired them. No business is essential to everyone- all businesses are essential to SOMEONE.  


So Brian what are you doing these days? Did the overlords deem you essential or non-essential? Are you ok with their assessment? 

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Brian37 wrote: COVID has

Brian37 wrote:


COVID has spread to Walmart. I have a friend who works at a Walmart whom has said his store has had a confirmed case. That should not surprise anyone knowing that even Tyson meat processing company has had far worse. This virus does not give a fuck about where someone works, class, politics, economic view, religion, race, NOTHING.


It will infect and or kill anyone anywhere in the world.

It is a disease of globalization and global overpopulation. The wealthy elites wanted cheap labor and renters, so since 1965, we've basically had open borders. The overcrowded condtions are what fueled the outbreaks. There has hardly been any spread in wealthy suburbs or rural areas. But the politicians must shut everything down so as to not be seen as racist by only shutting down places where the virus is spread.

The meat processing plants should have already been automated and will soon be automated because of the outbreak. All these slave wage immigrants that worked there will compete for limited jobs that remain.

Walmart and all the other big stores got to stay open cuz they donate to politicians, and small business don't. Fauci and all the other scientific elites are frauds and cowards for not pointing out that the risk for mass spreading is higher in a big store vs small store.

Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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EXC wrote:Brian37

EXC wrote:

Brian37 wrote:


COVID has spread to Walmart. I have a friend who works at a Walmart whom has said his store has had a confirmed case. That should not surprise anyone knowing that even Tyson meat processing company has had far worse. This virus does not give a fuck about where someone works, class, politics, economic view, religion, race, NOTHING.


It will infect and or kill anyone anywhere in the world.

It is a disease of globalization and global overpopulation. The wealthy elites wanted cheap labor and renters, so since 1965, we've basically had open borders. The overcrowded condtions are what fueled the outbreaks. There has hardly been any spread in wealthy suburbs or rural areas. But the politicians must shut everything down so as to not be seen as racist by only shutting down places where the virus is spread.

The meat processing plants should have already been automated and will soon be automated because of the outbreak. All these slave wage immigrants that worked there will compete for limited jobs that remain.

Walmart and all the other big stores got to stay open cuz they donate to politicians, and small business don't. Fauci and all the other scientific elites are frauds and cowards for not pointing out that the risk for mass spreading is higher in a big store vs small store.


No, it is a result of globalization, not a disease, but a RESULT of human consumption'greed.  it is our speed as a species that has allowed other life to take advantage of our invasive nature. 


If you are going to sit there and fucking bitch about how you cant ride a Harley or own a gun or drink a 5 million gallon Big Gulp, then fuck you. I personally am the reason you are stuck in your home, not because I am a lawmaker, but because I agree to keep other people safer, STAY AT HOME? Yea, I am the  bad guy. So you stupidly honstly think burning more fossil fuels at an increasing pace isn't hurting our species? 


OF COURSE if there are more humans traveling faster and consuming more at a faster pace, then bacteria and viruses and invavive species will piggyback on our behavior.





"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Beyond Saving wrote: Lol,

Beyond Saving wrote:

 Lol, good to know some things never change. I didn't literally mean Covid doesn't strike Walmart- only pointing out the insanity of keeping some random (and typically very busy) places open, while forcing businesses that rarely have more than a customer or two at a time to close. Instead, our overlords decided that some things were "essential" while other things are "non-essential". It's all essential in my book. I've employed a lot of people in my life, I've never had an employee who was not essential- if they weren't essential I'd have saved my money and fired them. No business is essential to everyone- all businesses are essential to SOMEONE.  


So Brian what are you doing these days? Did the overlords deem you essential or non-essential? Are you ok with their assessment? 

I only mentioned Walmart because I have  a friend who works at Walmart, and last week he confirmed one of his co workers got it. IT IS CALLED A PANDEMENC for a reason. It doesn't give a fuck if you are atheist, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, white, black or plaid. This virus will infect/kill anyone WORLDWIDE AND HAS.

But to be honest, I am not esssential to a 13.8 billion year old universe, but neither are you. I would think, that you'd value yourself enough, like I do, while you are alive. But COVID-19 itself, has no cognative capability of giving a fuck about either of us.


FYI, I live in coastal NC. So far in the county I live in, people ARE NOT taking this virus as seriously as they should. Before all this, I didn't go out much anyway, but damn, nobody in my county knows the fuck what 6 feet is. 



"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at

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EXC wrote:Brian37

EXC wrote:

Brian37 wrote:


COVID has spread to Walmart. I have a friend who works at a Walmart whom has said his store has had a confirmed case. That should not surprise anyone knowing that even Tyson meat processing company has had far worse. This virus does not give a fuck about where someone works, class, politics, economic view, religion, race, NOTHING.


It will infect and or kill anyone anywhere in the world.

It is a disease of globalization and global overpopulation. The wealthy elites wanted cheap labor and renters, so since 1965, we've basically had open borders. The overcrowded condtions are what fueled the outbreaks. There has hardly been any spread in wealthy suburbs or rural areas. But the politicians must shut everything down so as to not be seen as racist by only shutting down places where the virus is spread.

The meat processing plants should have already been automated and will soon be automated because of the outbreak. All these slave wage immigrants that worked there will compete for limited jobs that remain.

Walmart and all the other big stores got to stay open cuz they donate to politicians, and small business don't. Fauci and all the other scientific elites are frauds and cowards for not pointing out that the risk for mass spreading is higher in a big store vs small store.


The meat processing plants "should have been automated".... What about the farms that bring the plants meat? What bout HUMANS requied to keep both the farms and factories sanitary?  Are you saing the machines don't have to be sanitized? Even in a fucking restaurant you don't have a perpetural motion machine that cleans the bathrooms customers use. 

Automation has it's limits too. Somoene still has to police the machines and fix the machines humans use. And if those machines have to do with processing meat, how the fuck is that different than knowing you have to clean off a meat grinder or meat slicer? More atutomation isn't going to take humans out of it. 

Betit toilets may save on toilet paper, but humans still have to maintain them.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at

Beyond Saving
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Brian37 wrote:I only

Brian37 wrote:

I only mentioned Walmart because I have  a friend who works at Walmart, and last week he confirmed one of his co workers got it. IT IS CALLED A PANDEMENC for a reason. It doesn't give a fuck if you are atheist, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, white, black or plaid. This virus will infect/kill anyone WORLDWIDE AND HAS.


Yes: Pandemic: (of a disease) prevalent over a whole country or the world.

Describes dozens of illnesses, some of which might kill you. 


I would think, that you'd value yourself enough, like I do, while you are alive. But COVID-19 itself, has no cognative capability of giving a fuck about either of us.

I value living, not existing. We are all going to die. If not Covid, then something else. My military career was ended over a bad case of influenza that resulted in pneumonia. I am reminded of the scarring on my lungs every time I swim underwater. If only we had a nationwide lockdown back then... I feel sorry for those who have allowed the fear of a virus to remove those things that bring them joy. 



FYI, I live in coastal NC. So far in the county I live in, people ARE NOT taking this virus as seriously as they should. Before all this, I didn't go out much anyway, but damn, nobody in my county knows the fuck what 6 feet is. 

Good for them. Their odds of dying from most things are much higher. I decided to take ye ol' kayak into the bay today. I was pleasantly surprised to see the dockside restaurants and bars packed to the gills with people- eating, drinking, enjoying the sun. Boaters out having a good time. Only observed two people in face masks. There is no particular reason they should take it seriously unless they are in the high-risk groups. For the vast majority of people, Covid isn't even something that registers as "I feel sick". 

For me, well with the scar tissue on my lungs it could be potentially serious. But I had a doctor tell me decades ago that I would very likely die of pneumonia when I got older. I've actually not had a bought of pneumonia in about 8 years, so until I get that one that'll kill me- I'll live like I am dying because it would be a shame to have missed doing something enjoyable. Keep myself physically and mentally active, do what I want today because there very well might not be a tomorrow. 

Imagine, you cloister yourself in your home, fearing Covid, then you order some delivery- because you have to eat. You take all the precautions, but the bag handed to you had Covid on the outside that could survive for weeks. Maybe the driver breathed on it, maybe Covid was on the driver's seat, maybe somebody in the restaraunt had it. Whatever. It is literally impossible to live your live in a manner where you will not come in contact with something that has been handled by someone else. So you live in isolation- and you get the damn thing anyway. Except now your immune system is suppressed, (because we know your immune system is suppressed by isolation, depression etc.) and now what would have been a mild case if you were out in the world exercising, getting fresh air and living, is now going to kill you.


Everybody seems to forget, the scientists did not say that social distancing would reduce the number of people who got the disease, and the only way it reduces deaths is by ensuring that the health system is not overwhelmed and can in theory provide better care. Everyone in the world is going to come in contact with Covid. They are either susceptible to it, or they are not. They will get a severe case, or not. But everyone who can get it, will get it  It is a question of whether that happens in weeks, months or years.

The faster the infection curve rises, the quicker the local health care system gets overloaded beyond its capacity to treat people. As we're seeing in Italy, more and more new patients may be forced to go without ICU beds, and more and more hospitals may run out of the basic supplies they need to respond to the outbreak.

A flatter curve, on the other hand, assumes the same number of people ultimately get infected, but over a longer period of time. A slower infection rate means a less stressed health care system, fewer hospital visits on any given day and fewer sick people being turned away.

For a simple metaphor, consider an office bathroom.

"Your workplace bathroom has only so many stalls," Charles Bergquist, director of the public radio science show "Science Friday" tweeted. "If everyone decides to go at the same time, there are problems. If the same number of people need go to the restroom but spread over several hours, it's all ok."

So if you live in an area which has adequate medical facilities, then there is absolutely no damned reason not to let that curve steepen, get sick and move one with your life. Covid is a pandemic, which by definition, means it has spread so far as it cannot be contained. Yet we continue to pretend we can contain it. Go live your life Brian, it is going to end one day and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. Have a drink, have a smoke, play with some guns, if you feel like you're getting too happy, watch the Redskins.  



If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Beyond Saving wrote:Brian37

Beyond Saving wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

I only mentioned Walmart because I have  a friend who works at Walmart, and last week he confirmed one of his co workers got it. IT IS CALLED A PANDEMENC for a reason. It doesn't give a fuck if you are atheist, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, white, black or plaid. This virus will infect/kill anyone WORLDWIDE AND HAS.


Yes: Pandemic: (of a disease) prevalent over a whole country or the world.

Describes dozens of illnesses, some of which might kill you. 


I would think, that you'd value yourself enough, like I do, while you are alive. But COVID-19 itself, has no cognative capability of giving a fuck about either of us.

I value living, not existing. We are all going to die. If not Covid, then something else. My military career was ended over a bad case of influenza that resulted in pneumonia. I am reminded of the scarring on my lungs every time I swim underwater. If only we had a nationwide lockdown back then... I feel sorry for those who have allowed the fear of a virus to remove those things that bring them joy. 



FYI, I live in coastal NC. So far in the county I live in, people ARE NOT taking this virus as seriously as they should. Before all this, I didn't go out much anyway, but damn, nobody in my county knows the fuck what 6 feet is. 

Good for them. Their odds of dying from most things are much higher. I decided to take ye ol' kayak into the bay today. I was pleasantly surprised to see the dockside restaurants and bars packed to the gills with people- eating, drinking, enjoying the sun. Boaters out having a good time. Only observed two people in face masks. There is no particular reason they should take it seriously unless they are in the high-risk groups. For the vast majority of people, Covid isn't even something that registers as "I feel sick". 

For me, well with the scar tissue on my lungs it could be potentially serious. But I had a doctor tell me decades ago that I would very likely die of pneumonia when I got older. I've actually not had a bought of pneumonia in about 8 years, so until I get that one that'll kill me- I'll live like I am dying because it would be a shame to have missed doing something enjoyable. Keep myself physically and mentally active, do what I want today because there very well might not be a tomorrow. 

Imagine, you cloister yourself in your home, fearing Covid, then you order some delivery- because you have to eat. You take all the precautions, but the bag handed to you had Covid on the outside that could survive for weeks. Maybe the driver breathed on it, maybe Covid was on the driver's seat, maybe somebody in the restaraunt had it. Whatever. It is literally impossible to live your live in a manner where you will not come in contact with something that has been handled by someone else. So you live in isolation- and you get the damn thing anyway. Except now your immune system is suppressed, (because we know your immune system is suppressed by isolation, depression etc.) and now what would have been a mild case if you were out in the world exercising, getting fresh air and living, is now going to kill you.


Everybody seems to forget, the scientists did not say that social distancing would reduce the number of people who got the disease, and the only way it reduces deaths is by ensuring that the health system is not overwhelmed and can in theory provide better care. Everyone in the world is going to come in contact with Covid. They are either susceptible to it, or they are not. They will get a severe case, or not. But everyone who can get it, will get it  It is a question of whether that happens in weeks, months or years.

The faster the infection curve rises, the quicker the local health care system gets overloaded beyond its capacity to treat people. As we're seeing in Italy, more and more new patients may be forced to go without ICU beds, and more and more hospitals may run out of the basic supplies they need to respond to the outbreak.

A flatter curve, on the other hand, assumes the same number of people ultimately get infected, but over a longer period of time. A slower infection rate means a less stressed health care system, fewer hospital visits on any given day and fewer sick people being turned away.

For a simple metaphor, consider an office bathroom.

"Your workplace bathroom has only so many stalls," Charles Bergquist, director of the public radio science show "Science Friday" tweeted. "If everyone decides to go at the same time, there are problems. If the same number of people need go to the restroom but spread over several hours, it's all ok."

So if you live in an area which has adequate medical facilities, then there is absolutely no damned reason not to let that curve steepen, get sick and move one with your life. Covid is a pandemic, which by definition, means it has spread so far as it cannot be contained. Yet we continue to pretend we can contain it. Go live your life Brian, it is going to end one day and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. Have a drink, have a smoke, play with some guns, if you feel like you're getting too happy, watch the Redskins.  



Why are you mixing quotes with out attributing them to names? Half the shit you allegedly quoted me with I did not say.


My bottom line is that Trump is  fuckface, and even if I was a economic conservative, there still would be no way I could support the fuckface.


It is possible to tackle disease we've done so in the past. It is possible to taclke poverty, humans have done that too. HUMANS DON'T NEED MORE DISEASE OR GUNS..... How much do you want me to fuck with you on that, because I can, and will, because humanity doesn't need more of either.


 FYI BEYOND, "living" and "existing" are relitive words, and both subject to point of view.


If someone likes working 80 hours a week that is both living and existing. If someone else wants a life outside of their job and doesn't like killing themsesves physically to make someone else rich, they are also living and existing.


So all you are fucking arguing is, "If you don't live like I do, you are not living or existing".



"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Not sure what Trump has to

Not sure what Trump has to do with it. Seems to me that you are supporting his lockdown. So fascism good, but not Trump?


Brian37 wrote:

It is possible to tackle disease we've done so in the past. It is possible to taclke poverty, humans have done that too. HUMANS DON'T NEED MORE DISEASE OR GUNS..... How much do you want me to fuck with you on that, because I can, and will, because humanity doesn't need more of either.


Well guess what- more disease will come. If Covid ever goes away (probably won't, it is related to the common cold), another virus will mutate in the future. Welcome to Earth- all sorts of things here will try to kill you. I'm more worried about the damn snakes. Probably going to kill me from a heart attack some day and the low country is full of them. Snakes, that is something we could do without, but alas, eliminating them is about as difficult as eliminated disease.


I tackled poverty for years. I don't do that anymore, I'm retired. Now the only poverty I tackle is when I tip someone. Guns, I have built up my collection a bit more and still go out shooting regularly. We definitely need more of those. 

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Beyond Saving wrote: Not

Beyond Saving wrote:

Not sure what Trump has to do with it. Seems to me that you are supporting his lockdown. So fascism good, but not Trump?


Brian37 wrote:

It is possible to tackle disease we've done so in the past. It is possible to taclke poverty, humans have done that too. HUMANS DON'T NEED MORE DISEASE OR GUNS..... How much do you want me to fuck with you on that, because I can, and will, because humanity doesn't need more of either.


Well guess what- more disease will come. If Covid ever goes away (probably won't, it is related to the common cold), another virus will mutate in the future. Welcome to Earth- all sorts of things here will try to kill you. I'm more worried about the damn snakes. Probably going to kill me from a heart attack some day and the low country is full of them. Snakes, that is something we could do without, but alas, eliminating them is about as difficult as eliminated disease.


I tackled poverty for years. I don't do that anymore, I'm retired. Now the only poverty I tackle is when I tip someone. Guns, I have built up my collection a bit more and still go out shooting regularly. We definitely need more of those. 


"Welcome to Earth" so do nothing?


Bad shit happens? I thought "doomsday" bullshit was strictly a right wing theist patent, thanks for proving you are as fatalistic and delusional as any theist.


It is true that our species has a finite ride. But investing in fatalism is BULLSHIT, so why don't you switch teams because theists on average seem to want to shorten the ride tather than try to extend our species ride.


YES BAD SHIT HAPPENS, so? Fear is what you are bying into. "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself"


There is a HUGE difference than falling for doomsday bullshit, and fearing the conspiracies of what you fucking buy into. 


Go lick every doorknob you run into to prove your "bravery".


Firearms, war only prove our species capability to kill, they don't prove our species ability to avoid violence.


Just last week, I was in a "Publix" grocery store, and ran across another patrion who was wearing a mask. I thanked him because he understood. When I said, "Thank you for keeping your distance and wearing the mask he responded, " I am caring about you, and you are careing  about me." and NEITHER OF US were "packing".





"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote:YES BAD SHIT

Brian37 wrote:

YES BAD SHIT HAPPENS, so? Fear is what you are bying into. "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself"

Me? I'm the one living my life more or less as normal- without a mask. Not cowering inside my house because there is a 30% chance that I might get Covid if I go out and a 20% chance that if I get it- it gets me noticably sick and and if it gets me noticeably sick a 5% chance that it kills me. Ironic that you would quote that line while you huddle in fear from the 99.6-99.7% odds that Covid won't kill you.  


"Go lick every doorknob you run into to prove your "bravery".

Why? I don't particularly care for the taste of metal and I don't have to "prove" a damn thing to anyone. If I really wanted to prove my bravery, I'd have bought a barber shop and stood there cutting hair, thrown the ticket in the face of the pig who wrote it and keep cutting until they came and hauled me away in cuffs. Then I'd spend $100k and a decade of my life in court trying to create some kind of legal precedent that might prevent such an outrage from happening in the future. However, I'm too old for that, have better things to spend my time and money on and I've lost faith that this country is worth that kind of personal sacrifice. Maybe its a bit selfish of me, but the American people are unworthy of any sacrifice. They have grown fat, soft, lazy and have lost sight of what made the country great. Every hegemony collapses eventually. The US has started. Though like Rome, it will likely be centuries before it is complete so I will be long dead. 


If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Beyond Saving wrote:Brian37

Beyond Saving wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

YES BAD SHIT HAPPENS, so? Fear is what you are bying into. "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself"

Me? I'm the one living my life more or less as normal- without a mask. Not cowering inside my house because there is a 30% chance that I might get Covid if I go out and a 20% chance that if I get it- it gets me noticably sick and and if it gets me noticeably sick a 5% chance that it kills me. Ironic that you would quote that line while you huddle in fear from the 99.6-99.7% odds that Covid won't kill you.  


"Go lick every doorknob you run into to prove your "bravery".

Why? I don't particularly care for the taste of metal and I don't have to "prove" a damn thing to anyone. If I really wanted to prove my bravery, I'd have bought a barber shop and stood there cutting hair, thrown the ticket in the face of the pig who wrote it and keep cutting until they came and hauled me away in cuffs. Then I'd spend $100k and a decade of my life in court trying to create some kind of legal precedent that might prevent such an outrage from happening in the future. However, I'm too old for that, have better things to spend my time and money on and I've lost faith that this country is worth that kind of personal sacrifice. Maybe its a bit selfish of me, but the American people are unworthy of any sacrifice. They have grown fat, soft, lazy and have lost sight of what made the country great. Every hegemony collapses eventually. The US has started. Though like Rome, it will likely be centuries before it is complete so I will be long dead. 



i don't believe centuries. modern conditions have made everything move much faster. maybe A century. that's actually what scares me about the times we live in: everything can go to shit much faster.



"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

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Beyond Saving wrote:Brian37

Beyond Saving wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

YES BAD SHIT HAPPENS, so? Fear is what you are bying into. "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself"

Me? I'm the one living my life more or less as normal- without a mask. Not cowering inside my house because there is a 30% chance that I might get Covid if I go out and a 20% chance that if I get it- it gets me noticably sick and and if it gets me noticeably sick a 5% chance that it kills me. Ironic that you would quote that line while you huddle in fear from the 99.6-99.7% odds that Covid won't kill you.  


"Go lick every doorknob you run into to prove your "bravery".

Why? I don't particularly care for the taste of metal and I don't have to "prove" a damn thing to anyone. If I really wanted to prove my bravery, I'd have bought a barber shop and stood there cutting hair, thrown the ticket in the face of the pig who wrote it and keep cutting until they came and hauled me away in cuffs. Then I'd spend $100k and a decade of my life in court trying to create some kind of legal precedent that might prevent such an outrage from happening in the future. However, I'm too old for that, have better things to spend my time and money on and I've lost faith that this country is worth that kind of personal sacrifice. Maybe its a bit selfish of me, but the American people are unworthy of any sacrifice. They have grown fat, soft, lazy and have lost sight of what made the country great. Every hegemony collapses eventually. The US has started. Though like Rome, it will likely be centuries before it is complete so I will be long dead. 


You know what the love of guns produces? FUCKING NARCISSISM!

It just lead TWO OKC women to shoot and injure two innocent McDonalds Workers for fucking what? Years of the NRA/FOX/GOP firearm makers selling "they're all out to get you".  So when this viurs happened, instead of these two women staying home, which is the sane thing to do, they couldn't be happy with simply picking up their food, they wanted to sit at the table and stay there. When the employees RIGHTFULLY told them they could not stay, they got shot. 

FUCK YOUR DAMNED GUNS. Guns don't prove intelect other than our species ability to invent ways to kill. 


 Self entitlement is when you talk about percentages being low as all there is to life. 

50 to 60 million humans die from everything worldwide, at every age on average per year. "Death happens" isn't an excuse to force your risk taking on others. 

Drinking is legal, it can kill you. Smoking is legal can kill you. But you don't have the right to drink and drive, and you don't have the right to blow smoke in other's faces, much less a child.  And drinking and driving is illegal.

In the case of this virus, it doesn't give a shit about politics, religion, borders or race. It can infect anyone anywhere in the world make them sick and or kill them. 

Saying "death happens" doesn't mean humans don't or should not look for ways to mitigate that risk. NOBODY, NOBODY, NOBODY wants this virus. But "freedom" isn't based on anarchy or self entitlement. It is based on, our should be, based on the collective RESPONSIBLITY that there are things everyone can do to mitigate the damage. 

I seriously hope you don't get sick, just like I siously hope nobody who owns a gun kills themselves or others. But if you claim life is about living without fear, it doesn't mean you should ignore facts or disregard the safety of others.

This virus isn't human, you are not invading the beaches of Normandy. Staying at home are what MEDICAL EXPERTS are saying is the best policy. 


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote:"Death

Brian37 wrote:
"Death happens" isn't an excuse to force your risk taking on others. 

I don't force anyone to do anything, I've never suggested the government should force anyone to do anything. Stay home til you starve to death for all I care. I have never suggested that you do or not do anything except perhaps a time or two intended to be friendly advice. You do whatever the fuck you want. If you want to live in a hamster ball and have everything you need delivered to your door and never leave you house again, I 100% support your right to do so. If someone else wants to go to a mega-church full of 10,000 Covid infected patrons looking for a miracle cure, good for them. Me, I would just like to get a proper hair cut, then eat at a restaraunt on a real plate. That is what freedom is.  


I never thought I would live in a country where someone literally is going to be spending time in jail for cutting hair. Fortunately it turned out to only be for a night or two, but seriously- if you think that is moral you are completely fucked in the head.



Drinking is legal, it can kill you. Smoking is legal can kill you. But you don't have the right to drink and drive, and you don't have the right to blow smoke in other's faces, much less a child.  And drinking and driving is illegal.

What does that have to do with anything?



In the case of this virus, it doesn't give a shit about politics, religion, borders or race. It can infect anyone anywhere in the world make them sick and or kill them. 

Saying "death happens" doesn't mean humans don't or should not look for ways to mitigate that risk. NOBODY, NOBODY, NOBODY wants this virus. But "freedom" isn't based on anarchy or self entitlement. It is based on, our should be, based on the collective RESPONSIBLITY that there are things everyone can do to mitigate the damage. 

Freedom isn't "based on" shit. Freedom is freedom. Either you have it, or you don't. Clearly, you don't value it. Apparently, the majority of Americans don't value it anymore either.



I seriously hope you don't get sick, just like I siously hope nobody who owns a gun kills themselves or others. But if you claim life is about living without fear, it doesn't mean you should ignore facts or disregard the safety of others.

This virus isn't human, you are not invading the beaches of Normandy. Staying at home are what MEDICAL EXPERTS are saying is the best policy. 

I routinely ignore the advice of medical experts. Medical experts also say you shouldn't drink (I do), smoke (I do), eat red meat (I do), or a bazillion other things. Judging by the growing waist lines of my fellow Americans, they obviously follow medical expert advice even less than I do. Are you proposing that we live in a technocratic society where what we can and can't do is dictated by medical experts?



If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Beyond Saving wrote:Brian37

Beyond Saving wrote:

Brian37 wrote:
"Death happens" isn't an excuse to force your risk taking on others. 

I don't force anyone to do anything, I've never suggested the government should force anyone to do anything. Stay home til you starve to death for all I care. I have never suggested that you do or not do anything except perhaps a time or two intended to be friendly advice. You do whatever the fuck you want. If you want to live in a hamster ball and have everything you need delivered to your door and never leave you house again, I 100% support your right to do so. If someone else wants to go to a mega-church full of 10,000 Covid infected patrons looking for a miracle cure, good for them. Me, I would just like to get a proper hair cut, then eat at a restaraunt on a real plate. That is what freedom is.  


I never thought I would live in a country where someone literally is going to be spending time in jail for cutting hair. Fortunately it turned out to only be for a night or two, but seriously- if you think that is moral you are completely fucked in the head.



Drinking is legal, it can kill you. Smoking is legal can kill you. But you don't have the right to drink and drive, and you don't have the right to blow smoke in other's faces, much less a child.  And drinking and driving is illegal.

What does that have to do with anything?



In the case of this virus, it doesn't give a shit about politics, religion, borders or race. It can infect anyone anywhere in the world make them sick and or kill them. 

Saying "death happens" doesn't mean humans don't or should not look for ways to mitigate that risk. NOBODY, NOBODY, NOBODY wants this virus. But "freedom" isn't based on anarchy or self entitlement. It is based on, our should be, based on the collective RESPONSIBLITY that there are things everyone can do to mitigate the damage. 

Freedom isn't "based on" shit. Freedom is freedom. Either you have it, or you don't. Clearly, you don't value it. Apparently, the majority of Americans don't value it anymore either.



I seriously hope you don't get sick, just like I siously hope nobody who owns a gun kills themselves or others. But if you claim life is about living without fear, it doesn't mean you should ignore facts or disregard the safety of others.

This virus isn't human, you are not invading the beaches of Normandy. Staying at home are what MEDICAL EXPERTS are saying is the best policy. 

I routinely ignore the advice of medical experts. Medical experts also say you shouldn't drink (I do), smoke (I do), eat red meat (I do), or a bazillion other things. Judging by the growing waist lines of my fellow Americans, they obviously follow medical expert advice even less than I do. Are you proposing that we live in a technocratic society where what we can and can't do is dictated by medical experts?




FYI, I drink and smoke myself, and it will probably kill me. THAT is not the issue.


My drinking and smoking only affects me personally. With a virus you cannot say the same. You can pick this up, carry it for days and weeks without showing symptoms and spread it to even those you love without knowing you have it. 


When I drink, I DON'T DRIVE, when I smoke, even with guests in my own home, I smoke outside. I have control over my drinking and smoking, I don't have control over the virus. So for right now, I only go out to shop for food. Outside that, I stay at home, because I care about not spreading the virus to others. 


It is law that if you know you have aids and spread it to others, you can be arrested. Just like it is legal to arrrest a fundy for knowing their kid has a deadly desease but refuses care to them.

It is even a risk for me just to go to the store, but I won't go out of my way to ignore the risk to others. 

Your logic fails because you make it about YOU, and fail to consider your actions can and do effect others. Drinking and smoking do defy medical advice, yes. But your logic is like arguing that drinking and driving should be legal.

The medical avice on this virus isn't meant as a punishment to you. It is merely arguing that if you care about others, their advice are currently the best practices. 



"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote:The meat

Brian37 wrote:

The meat processing plants "should have been automated".... What about the farms that bring the plants meat? What bout HUMANS requied to keep both the farms and factories sanitary?  Are you saing the machines don't have to be sanitized? Even in a fucking restaurant you don't have a perpetural motion machine that cleans the bathrooms customers use. 

Automation has it's limits too. Somoene still has to police the machines and fix the machines humans use. And if those machines have to do with processing meat, how the fuck is that different than knowing you have to clean off a meat grinder or meat slicer? More atutomation isn't going to take humans out of it. 

Betit toilets may save on toilet paper, but humans still have to maintain them.

These jobs will all be surely be automated. Beyond programming and repairing the robots, there won't be much else for humans to do. Eventually AI will eliminate even these. With fewer workers in the factory is much easier to be sanitary and have PPE for everyone.

What is going on now at meat processing plants and mega-farms is no different than pre-civil war slavery. You have wealthy owners that take advantage of non-citizenship status to have workers in completely unsantitary conditions at slave wages. If you're so anti-capitalist, why have you been brainwashed to support the absolute worst of capitalism? It is a modern slave trade complete with paying of the human smugglers.

Jail and fine the people that hire and rent to illegal immigrants and stop giving immigrant visas when there are Americans that need these jobs. Robotics engineers and technicians need to pay their bills to.


Brian37 wrote:

But "freedom" isn't based on anarchy or self entitlement. It is based on, our should be, based on the collective RESPONSIBLITY that there are things everyone can do to mitigate the damage. 

Except of course when it comes to limiting population density like what we have in NYC. No one should ever be forced to do anything to reduce overpopulation. Capitialists are free to bring in all the cheap labor and renters they can to increase their wealth. And of course, people will always be 100% entitled to have children they can not take care of and dump the expense onto the rest of society. You must always switch your position from extereme social responsibilty to extreme freedom depending upon who is paying the bill.

Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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Beyond Saving wrote:Brian37

Beyond Saving wrote:

Brian37 wrote:
"Death happens" isn't an excuse to force your risk taking on others. 

I don't force anyone to do anything, I've never suggested the government should force anyone to do anything. Stay home til you starve to death for all I care. I have never suggested that you do or not do anything except perhaps a time or two intended to be friendly advice. You do whatever the fuck you want. If you want to live in a hamster ball and have everything you need delivered to your door and never leave you house again, I 100% support your right to do so. If someone else wants to go to a mega-church full of 10,000 Covid infected patrons looking for a miracle cure, good for them. Me, I would just like to get a proper hair cut, then eat at a restaraunt on a real plate. That is what freedom is.  


I never thought I would live in a country where someone literally is going to be spending time in jail for cutting hair. Fortunately it turned out to only be for a night or two, but seriously- if you think that is moral you are completely fucked in the head.



Drinking is legal, it can kill you. Smoking is legal can kill you. But you don't have the right to drink and drive, and you don't have the right to blow smoke in other's faces, much less a child.  And drinking and driving is illegal.

What does that have to do with anything?



In the case of this virus, it doesn't give a shit about politics, religion, borders or race. It can infect anyone anywhere in the world make them sick and or kill them. 

Saying "death happens" doesn't mean humans don't or should not look for ways to mitigate that risk. NOBODY, NOBODY, NOBODY wants this virus. But "freedom" isn't based on anarchy or self entitlement. It is based on, our should be, based on the collective RESPONSIBLITY that there are things everyone can do to mitigate the damage. 

Freedom isn't "based on" shit. Freedom is freedom. Either you have it, or you don't. Clearly, you don't value it. Apparently, the majority of Americans don't value it anymore either.



I seriously hope you don't get sick, just like I siously hope nobody who owns a gun kills themselves or others. But if you claim life is about living without fear, it doesn't mean you should ignore facts or disregard the safety of others.

This virus isn't human, you are not invading the beaches of Normandy. Staying at home are what MEDICAL EXPERTS are saying is the best policy. 

I routinely ignore the advice of medical experts. Medical experts also say you shouldn't drink (I do), smoke (I do), eat red meat (I do), or a bazillion other things. Judging by the growing waist lines of my fellow Americans, they obviously follow medical expert advice even less than I do. Are you proposing that we live in a technocratic society where what we can and can't do is dictated by medical experts?




Your attitude of "fuck it" i am going out regardless, IS forcing needless risk of you picking it up and bringing home to your own family or friends. Limiting contact with others is saying you care about others.  This isn't about YOU, this is about caring enough about others around you. Your attitude is as stupid as drinking and driving with a car full of people. 

It doesn't matter if you say you don't care if you get it. It should matter that you care if you give it to someone else and they die becuase you spread it to them. There is risk in everything yes, but don't disregard the safety of others arround you.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote: FYI, I drink

Brian37 wrote:

FYI, I drink and smoke myself, and it will probably kill me. THAT is not the issue.

My drinking and smoking only affects me personally. With a virus you cannot say the same. You can pick this up, carry it for days and weeks without showing symptoms and spread it to even those you love without knowing you have it. 

Smoking and drinking impact social health FAR more than Covid. Tens of millions if not hundreds of millions have been negatively impacted by other people drinking. 



When I drink, I DON'T DRIVE, when I smoke, even with guests in my own home, I smoke outside. I have control over my drinking and smoking, I don't have control over the virus. So for right now, I only go out to shop for food. Outside that, I stay at home, because I care about not spreading the virus to others. 

Because you can't spread Covid at the grocery store?



It is law that if you know you have aids and spread it to others, you can be arrested. Just like it is legal to arrrest a fundy for knowing their kid has a deadly desease but refuses care to them.

1. Just because it is a law doesn't make it right.

2. It is perfectly legal to spread Aids, you are only required to notify people you are having sex with, and that law is certainly not construed to people who do not know that they have Aids. If you have been diagnosed with Covid, maybe there is some justification for mandatory quarantining. Quarantining people who have not even been tested is the equivalent of anti-sodomy laws to prevent the spread of Aids. Something that freedom lovers like myself opposed before it became trendy. 



It is even a risk for me just to go to the store, but I won't go out of my way to ignore the risk to others. 

Your logic fails because you make it about YOU, and fail to consider your actions can and do effect others. Drinking and smoking do defy medical advice, yes. But your logic is like arguing that drinking and driving should be legal.

Yes, your actions impact others. Government actions impact EVERYONE. I come in zero contact with anyone who has not also decided to take the "risk" of being in public. I'm not forcing myself into their homes. I go to Lowes and literally everyone there decided to take the same "risk" I took. Yesterday, I went out to eat with my girl and had a chat with the waitress. She was late 20's, early 30's. Guess what, she's a fucking waitress so she hasn't made a penny in over a month, buisiness was slow yesterday and she didn't get shit on a shingle from unemployment compared to what she usually makes. As someone who used to work in the restaurant industry I would think you'd realize how dependent such workers are on tips and how those tips aren't really reflected for unemployment. She was there very willinging and quite depressed that it was so slow. My girl left her a respectable tip and the girl broke down crying. Along with the government reopening, she has an eviction proceeding on the 24th when the moratorium expires. She had to give up custody of her children to their father because she didn't have enough money to provide a home. Why has she been denied the fundamental right to provide for herself and her two children?

So while your piece of shit ass, sits on your god damned high horse, safe and secure in your home, this poor girl lost her kids because she is unable to care for them and is now facing eviction because assholes like you tolerate this bullshit. Fuck you, you selfish sanctimonius prick. We had the ability to help her out and add a zero replace a good bit of lost income, but we don't have the resources to help the millions of other people out there in similar situations- we probably don't even have the resources to help all the people who have been crushed that I come in contact with. All the people who just want to do something useful, go to work and make an honest living being useful to society instead of just a steaming pile of shit waiting for their next government handout.

The factory workers who work their asses off but probably aren't the best at managing money- how many of them were prepared to lose 30-40% of their income overnight? A lot of them are dependent on overtime- none of which is covered by unemployment. Sure, I'd criticize them for not being more responsible, not having a proper savings account, but lets face it, most people don't. Nobody really expects to have their income just turned off overnight. 



The medical avice on this virus isn't meant as a punishment to you. It is merely arguing that if you care about others, their advice are currently the best practices. 

I don't have any problems at all with medical advice. My sole problem is with those who use the violence of government action to impose their idea of "best practices" on everyone whether they want it or not. Like I said, I'm fine. I have mine and other than taking a month off of eating out and a casino trip that is a bit delayed, it hasn't impacted me much. I more or less did what I would have done anyway. Over the past month, I built a fence, I've worked on renovating my bathroom, did some grilling out and the only "law" (technically executive order, which contrary to popular belief is NOT a law) I broke was I put my kayak on the water before it was authorized. Not sure why it was ever "closed" it isn't like boaters come anywhere even close to being in Covid spreading range.

The 30 million unemployed people, they are the ones who are hurting. And I can be a bit of a selfish asshole, but I'd be lying if I said that my eyes didn't tear up when we were talking to that waitress. That my heart doesn't break a little when I think of the devastation being wrought on the lives of an entire generation of 20-30 somethings who don't have jobs high enough to be considered "essential" and don't get much in unemployment. Even for the stupid fucking Uber drivers who were already working for slave wages and are getting like $40/week in unemployment.

And, in the coming weeks, I know that I'll be driving past dozens of small businesses that are never going to reopen. Each one representing somebody's dream that has been crushed and likely personal bankruptcy for the owner. You know what? I've been there. I've built businesses on a shoestring budget where shutting down for a week would have meant I was bankrupt and that everything I had poured my heart, soul, personal savings and time into would have been for nothing. Then a little bit of that anger seeps in, and I so wish that all these pompous, arrogant, fascist fucks- who sit there collecting their salaries (because obviously THEY happen to be "essential&quotEye-wink and declare all these rules, crushing peoples lives. For them, I hope we are wrong and there is a hell, because they deserve it- every last god damn one of them.  


But then I remember what you always say- fuck'em, I've got mine. I can't save the world, I can't save the country, fuck I can't even save my county. Occasionally, I can reach into my pocket and help up some random soul when the stars align. Relatively low cost to me personally, relatively significant for them. Maybe some of them are people who will actually use that assistance to make long-term improvements and aren't just going to blow it and end up in the same sorry situation again. At least I like to believe that, so I will. 

Maybe I could get back in the game. Take some capital and invest. I can't help everyone, but I could build a little portfolio of maybe 3-5 businesses with bailout loans and equity investments. Probably make a good profit, maybe even make myself truly "rich", but I just don't have it in me anymore. Watching over my cash, running numbers, calculating and recalculating projections, dealing with the inevitable employee bullshit and bumping heads with various government goons to get approval for every damned change, getting sued by some fuck looking to make a quick buck? I just don't have it in me anymore, I don't want to wake up every morning with this fire or that fire to put out. Does that make me selfish? 






If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Beyond Saving wrote: Lol,

Beyond Saving wrote:

 Lol, good to know some things never change. I didn't literally mean Covid doesn't strike Walmart- only pointing out the insanity of keeping some random (and typically very busy) places open, while forcing businesses that rarely have more than a customer or two at a time to close. Instead, our overlords decided that some things were "essential" while other things are "non-essential". It's all essential in my book. I've employed a lot of people in my life, I've never had an employee who was not essential- if they weren't essential I'd have saved my money and fired them. No business is essential to everyone- all businesses are essential to SOMEONE.  


So Brian what are you doing these days? Did the overlords deem you essential or non-essential? Are you ok with their assessment? 

What the fuck does it matter what I am doing? 

In the context of a 13.8 billion year old universe, on a 4 billion year old planet which has had 5 mass extinction events, neither you or I matter.


WHAT DOES matter, isn't what you do for a living, or what I do for a living, big or small, WHAT MATTERS NOW is that we give a fuck about our actions that might affect others. 

Do you give a fuck enough about not wanting to hurt others? Nobody would blame you if you got the virus, but you should give a shit about minimizing the risk of getting it, THEN SPREADING IT TO OTHERS,  even if you don't die yourself. You do know that you can cary COVID-19 for up  to a week without showing symptoms? How many people in a week in your daily activities do you come in contact with?

NOBODY is asking you to live in a prison. But the sane who know what is at stake DONT take this as a Frat House  drinking game, jumping the Grand Canyon, or Man vs Food Challenge.



"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote:What the fuck

Brian37 wrote:

What the fuck does it matter what I am doing? 

It doesn't. It is called polite conversation. Apparently what you are doing is very important to the government. 



In the context of a 13.8 billion year old universe, on a 4 billion year old planet which has had 5 mass extinction events, neither you or I matter.

WHAT DOES matter, isn't what you do for a living, or what I do for a living, big or small, WHAT MATTERS NOW is that we give a fuck about our actions that might affect others. 

If neither you nor I matter, then why do the lives of others matter? What makes us different? (Not sure what the age of the universe has to do with what "matters" inanimate objects cannot care about anything, so therefore absolutely nothing "matters" to them including the universe)



Do you give a fuck enough about not wanting to hurt others? Nobody would blame you if you got the virus, but you should give a shit about minimizing the risk of getting it, THEN SPREADING IT TO OTHERS,  even if you don't die yourself. You do know that you can cary COVID-19 for up  to a week without showing symptoms? How many people in a week in your daily activities do you come in contact with?

NOBODY is asking you to live in a prison. But the sane who know what is at stake DONT take this as a Frat House  drinking game, jumping the Grand Canyon, or Man vs Food Challenge.

The sane are going out and living their lives. Working, providing for their loved ones who matter greatly to them, producing the goods and services that allow you to cower in the corner of your home. The reality is that everytime we step out of our homes we run the risk of unintentionally harming others. A quick lapse could cause a car accident that could permanently maim or kill someone. Heck, a friend of mine was helping me build a wall and accidentally hit me in the head with a hammer, fortunately it was just a graze. Should we all stay isolated forever because anytime humans interact there is a chance of death? You could be spreading any of a thousand communicable diseases. 4.6 million people have died of communcable diseases year to date. Roughly a quarter of a million of those was Covid. So statistically speaking, even if you killed someone by spreading a communicable disease this year, there is a 95% chance that disease was something OTHER than Covid. 

There are also unintended consequences when the government orders businesses shut-down and people to stay home. How many health problems have been caused? Dollars to donuts says that the suicide rate is up materially. Domestic violence is certainly up. Isolating yourself is known to cause all sorts of psychological health issues that can manifest as physical health issues- it is literally a form of torture. Humans are social animals.

Additionally, outpatient medical care has all but ceased. "Non-essential" surgeries have been stopped forcing people to deal with immense pain, and allowing their conditions to worsen so that when they can have their procedure, it might not be as effective. How many people have become addicted to opiods because of this? Put a human in enough pain, and they will do things that are out of character. How much damage and destruction will that cause? And the waitress I met the other day. She is losing literally everything. What do humans do when they lose everything? Well, they tend to do things like turn to drugs, sometimes turn to criminal activity and all sorts of bad things. 

You pretend to "care", but do you really? Have you even stopped for one moment and considered what harm might be befalling others? All you want to talk about is me, and you. I told you, I'm fine. Everything I need is on my property. My income has increased over the past month because a collapsing stock market is an opportunity to make tons of cash. I can buy cash-flow today at half the price I had to pay just 3-months ago. My life hasn't been significantly impacted.

What do you have to say about all the people who have had their lives crushed, who are going to lose their homes, who have lost their jobs, their businesses. Do you give a flying fuck about them? Have you even thought for one moment "Is this worth it?" At the very least I think it is a calculation worth considering. Literally nobody in power is considering it. Meanwhile, Sweden, which hasn't shut down, hasn't turned fascist, and has continued as normal- has a death rate that is inline with other countries. So the real sad part of all this, is that there is a very good chance that all this damage isn't saving a single mother fucking life. Which is what the experts said initially- flattening the curve through isolation was NEVER intended to reduce the number of infections. Because it won't. You can't stop a virus- they are tiny little fuckers that multiply like crazy and are everywhere. 


If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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 And staying home isn't

 And staying home isn't doing dick to protect you (or anyone else).

“You still have 600 new cases that walked in the door yesterday. A week before that we still saw 1,000 new cases every day. Where are those new cases coming from? Because we’ve done everything we can to close down,” Cuomo said. “So what we’ve done over the last few days is we’ve asked hospitals, look at just those new cases who are coming… Where are those new people coming from and what can we learn from those new people to further target and refine our strategy?”

Up to 84% of those new patients reported that they were staying at home, according to Cuomo, while only 17% were working. The Cuomo administration expected a high number of essential workers, which was not the case.

“We thought maybe they were taking transportation, and we’ve taken special precautions on public transportation, but actually, no. Because these people were literally at home,” Cuomo said. “Two percent car services, nine percent were driving their own vehicle, only four percent were taking public transportation. Two percent were walking.”

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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anyhow, it's nice to see the

anyhow, it's nice to see the old shit flarin' back up again. i reckon all this FUBAR was good for that, at least.


"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

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 @Beyond YOU, "I want to



YOU, "I want to live, not exist".


NO SHIT, what makes you think I dont?


But your idea of living and my idea of living are completely different. And since there is no right way to live life, there still remains the social agreements socities make to keep order. And since neither you or I get 100% of what we want, because there is no such thing as a utopia, then what is left is reality, and this virus doesn't give a shit about killing you or your family. How would you feel if you found out you picked it up and spread it to one of your loved ones and they died?

Let me clue you in, I KNOW a nurse and a physical thearapist who worry CONSTANTLY every day about that risk. THEY have to do their jobs. 

And I DO have sympathy for those who have no choice but to work, or be homeless. I get that too. But what I am talking about are people who have the means to do the right thing, and DONT!

Right now I have the means. So all I do right now is go to the store, AND THAT IS IT.  I'd love to go to a barbecue with my friend. I'd love to go to a sports bar too. I'd love to even go to an atheist meeting locally, though in a rural area we are like unicorns.  BUT I am NOT entitled to take needless risks that put others lives at risk.

I would love to see Pompii, and Heroshima and Nagiasaki. And if I was not afraid of flying, I would do it in a heartbeat, BUT NOT NOW. Just like if Neil Degrass Tyson were to council a venue if he had one locally, I wouldn't bitch about it, I would be understanding during all this. I would in all cases be wiling to wait until this virus is mitigated. AGAIN, NOT FOR ME, but to insure I don't help spread it myself. 

Maybe YOU need to learn how to adjust and learn to stimulate your mind and body at home. NOT forever, but for others, until this virus is mitigated to a safe degree and or a vaccine is found.

Anne Frank would call you a pussy.  She had a right to bitch. YOU DON'T!


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote: NO SHIT,

Brian37 wrote:


NO SHIT, what makes you think I dont?

Because you stated how you are huddled in fear inside your home. 



But your idea of living and my idea of living are completely different. And since there is no right way to live life, there still remains the social agreements socities make to keep order.

What gives you the right to tell people how they should live? I don't agree to your "agreement". We have a social agreement, it is called the Constition. Unfortunately, our government decided to stop following that agreement a long time ago. If this were a business contract, I'd declare the other side in default and dissolve the relationship.  



And since neither you or I get 100% of what we want, because there is no such thing as a utopia, then what is left is reality, and this virus doesn't give a shit about killing you or your family. How would you feel if you found out you picked it up and spread it to one of your loved ones and they died?

I imagine about the same I'd feel if I got in a car accident that killed someone, or any of a bazillion actions I might take that could accidentally lead to death. How would you feel if someone you loved committed suicide because they had lost everything they cared about due to the government shutdown orders you support? How would you feel if someone you loved was in immense pain on a daily basis because they couldn't go to the doctor to have the procedure done that would relieve that pain? How would you feel if someone you loved died in a hospital, and you were prevented from being there to say goodbye? These are things that are happening to people all across the country every day. 



Let me clue you in, I KNOW a nurse and a physical thearapist who worry CONSTANTLY every day about that risk. THEY have to do their jobs. 

Then they are probably working in the wrong field. Worrying constantly is not healthy. And no, they don't HAVE to do their jobs. Absolutely nobody is going to arrest them, harrass them or fine them if they choose not to go to work. For other workers, they don't have the luxury of choosing (including many nurses who have been laid off). 



And I DO have sympathy for those who have no choice but to work, or be homeless. I get that too. But what I am talking about are people who have the means to do the right thing, and DONT!

The law doesn't distinguish based on means. It is banning people from working, period. It doesn't say "don't work unless you need to", it says "these businesses cannot operate" and those businesses include a lot of workers who are not living high on the hog. You have demonstrated absolutely zero empathy for them and have failed to even recognize the collateral damage done to them in your vendetta against those who have means.  



Right now I have the means. So all I do right now is go to the store, AND THAT IS IT.  I'd love to go to a barbecue with my friend. I'd love to go to a sports bar too. I'd love to even go to an atheist meeting locally, though in a rural area we are like unicorns.  BUT I am NOT entitled to take needless risks that put others lives at risk.

Good for you, that is your choice. I have a friend who works at the port. He is an "essential worker" so he has been working the whole time. He comes over every Sunday morning for breakfast. Despite it being very likely that he has exposure to numerous people who have had Covid at his job, we have continued our tradition. My girl volunteers for the Red Cross, going out and assisting people when things like house fires happens. And you know what she does when someone is staring at everything they own go up in flames? She gives them a hug, because she's a fucking human and she doesn't think twice about whether she might get Covid from it. Both of them have WAY more contact with random people than I do. As I discussed above, I really don't have much contact with any strangers on a daily basis. And you know what? If I get Covid, and die- because I do fall into a higher risk category, of the people I know, I am the HIGHEST risk to actually die of this thing- oh well. I wouldn't trade those happy moments in my life for a damn thing. And fuck those who would expect me to.  



I would love to see Pompii, and Heroshima and Nagiasaki. And if I was not afraid of flying, I would do it in a heartbeat, BUT NOT NOW. Just like if Neil Degrass Tyson were to council a venue if he had one locally, I wouldn't bitch about it, I would be understanding during all this. I would in all cases be wiling to wait until this virus is mitigated. AGAIN, NOT FOR ME, but to insure I don't help spread it myself. 

I feel sorry for you that you have allowed fears prevent you from doing what you dream. If you want to see those places, you should schedule a trip as soon as restrictions are lifted. One day, you will be on your deathbed, and it is too late then to regret not doing the things that you wanted to do. 



Maybe YOU need to learn how to adjust and learn to stimulate your mind and body at home. NOT forever, but for others, until this virus is mitigated to a safe degree and or a vaccine is found.

Anne Frank would call you a pussy.  She had a right to bitch. YOU DON'T!

Did you read what I wrote? The part about how this has barely impacted my life because I live a fairly isolated life anyway? This isn't about ME. I'm not sad about what I'M restricted from doing. I'm the kind of guy who has the luxury of doing what I want, when I want and if I want to do something against the government restrictions, I can afford the fine (as far as I know, the only restriction I violated was going out on "closed" water and I was more than willing to pay the ticket). I am mostly self-sufficient. I have a garden, I have a freezer full of enough meat to last a year, I have enough money to pay all of my bills for the rest of my life without working a single day. I'm not upset for me, I'm upset for those who are not in my position and are having their lives crushed by arrogant fascists like you who think that everyone has to be controlled by the same absurd fears you have. 

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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iwbiek wrote:anyhow, it's

iwbiek wrote:

anyhow, it's nice to see the old shit flarin' back up again. i reckon all this FUBAR was good for that, at least.


It is nice to know some things never change. It is kind of like finding an old Atari game. 

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Brian37 wrote:  I'd love

Brian37 wrote:

  I'd love to go to a barbecue with my friend. I'd love to go to a sports bar too. I'd love to even go to an atheist meeting locally, though in a rural area we are like unicorns.  BUT I am NOT entitled to take needless risks that put others lives at risk.

I would love to see Pompii, and Heroshima and Nagiasaki. 

The only thing that matters is maximizing human population growth. So you must obey your corporate media/political indoctrination masters. Push aside massive numbers of other species, destroy all wildness areas not dedicated to maximizing human population growth. Welcome every immigrant escaping overpopulation in their native lands and make your city have a massive housing shortage.

This means you can have no fun if it gets in the way the prime directive of maximum population. Travel around the world is unnecessary and will just contribute to global warming. We must come up with a vaccine for Covid to continue our dominace over the planet, but never ever make people use birth control at the same time. Thinning out the herd and limits on population growth are for other species, not ours.

As you sit in your home prision, just remember you are a complete and total slave to other people's libido for all the days of your life on this earth.

But there is always the sacred right to hook up with anyone and have a baby, then dump the cost onto others and of course doesn't matter the environment. Enjoy this only, it is the only sacred freedom we have.

Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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EXC wrote:Brian37

EXC wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

  I'd love to go to a barbecue with my friend. I'd love to go to a sports bar too. I'd love to even go to an atheist meeting locally, though in a rural area we are like unicorns.  BUT I am NOT entitled to take needless risks that put others lives at risk.

I would love to see Pompii, and Heroshima and Nagiasaki. 

The only thing that matters is maximizing human population growth. So you must obey your corporate media/political indoctrination masters. Push aside massive numbers of other species, destroy all wildness areas not dedicated to maximizing human population growth. Welcome every immigrant escaping overpopulation in their native lands and make your city have a massive housing shortage.

This means you can have no fun if it gets in the way the prime directive of maximum population. Travel around the world is unnecessary and will just contribute to global warming. We must come up with a vaccine for Covid to continue our dominace over the planet, but never ever make people use birth control at the same time. Thinning out the herd and limits on population growth are for other species, not ours.

As you sit in your home prision, just remember you are a complete and total slave to other people's libido for all the days of your life on this earth.

But there is always the sacred right to hook up with anyone and have a baby, then dump the cost onto others and of course doesn't matter the environment. Enjoy this only, it is the only sacred freedom we have.

Since when did you ever object to corporate America? You like Beyond both buy the self entitlement bullshit corporate marketing sells. I DONT.

Since when are things like speed limits, food inspectors things corporate America likes? Just last year Trump and the GOP gutted most meat processing plant inspections. Corporations hate regulations, I think regulations are good. I think seatbelts and airbags are good. I think health inspectors checking the places I eat are good. I think speed limits are good, in fact, we wouldn't be burning so much fucking oil if we went back to the nationwide 55mph law we had at one time. 

I DON'T LOOK AT MY HOUSE AS A PRISON DUMBASS!  I have my tv, and being a news junky, and loving science shows, I have plenty to stimulate my brain. I also have the internet where I can waste my time trying to explain what a fucking crybaby you are. And in storms, when my power has gone out, I read books and magizines. 

I have everything I like and need and while this virus is wreaking havoc on the world, I see staying home not as a punishment, BUT CARING about others by limiting going out.

Anne Frank lived in a REAL prison. She spent years hiding in an acttic and had to have food and supplies snuck to her and her family. Nobody is going to stop you from leaving your home to shop for food. Nobody is hunting you down becuase of your race or political views. Nobody is going to murder you. 

I am fucking sick of assholes thinking being stuck at home is prison when it is simply experts sayiing if you want to help out others, right now, that is the best thing to do to help others as well as yourself.

YOU ARE NOT BEING CHASED  BY NAZIS DUMBASS. You aren't even being put into internment camps because of your race. You are simply pissed that a virus, THAT NOBODY WANTS is causing MEDICAL EXPERTS and governments to say, "IT WOULD BE BEST IF YOU LIMIT YOUR MOVEMENTS FOR THE SAFETY OF OTHERS".

Take your "HOLD MY BEER" selfish self entitlement bullshit and grow the fuck up.


When you spend years in an attic wondering when someone is going to drag you off and murder you, then you can bitch. Other than that, the most responsible thing for everyone to do, for now, is to limit their motions and contact with others. 


If you are a nurse or a doctor or policeman, you have no choice. If you are poor and face threat of being homeless, I get having to work in those conditions too. But, if you have the money and the means to limit your actions, DON'T BE A FUCKING DICK. 

I'd love to go back to prior and go out more. But I since I have the means, I DON'T. For now I simply go to the grocery store, and that is it. 







"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Beyond Saving wrote:iwbiek

Beyond Saving wrote:

iwbiek wrote:

anyhow, it's nice to see the old shit flarin' back up again. i reckon all this FUBAR was good for that, at least.


It is nice to know some things never change. It is kind of like finding an old Atari game. 

So when are you going to grow up and stop playing an Atari?

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at

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Beyond Saving wrote:iwbiek

Beyond Saving wrote:

iwbiek wrote:

anyhow, it's nice to see the old shit flarin' back up again. i reckon all this FUBAR was good for that, at least.


It is nice to know some things never change. It is kind of like finding an old Atari game. 

So when are you going to grow up and stop playing an Atari?

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote:Beyond Saving

Brian37 wrote:

Beyond Saving wrote:

iwbiek wrote:

anyhow, it's nice to see the old shit flarin' back up again. i reckon all this FUBAR was good for that, at least.


It is nice to know some things never change. It is kind of like finding an old Atari game. 

So when are you going to grow up and stop playing an Atari?

So when are you going to grow up and start playing an Atari?





"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

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Brian37 wrote:Beyond Saving

Brian37 wrote:

Beyond Saving wrote:

iwbiek wrote:

anyhow, it's nice to see the old shit flarin' back up again. i reckon all this FUBAR was good for that, at least.


It is nice to know some things never change. It is kind of like finding an old Atari game. 

So when are you going to grow up and stop playing an Atari?

What? You want me to stay home and not go out, but you don't want me playing Atari either? 

That is the problem with fascists, they are just never happy about anything and feel a need to micro-manage everything.

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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i was in college in the

i was in college in the early '00s when they came out with this atari joystick that hooked into the TV with the classic tricolor split AV cable. it had, i think, 15 or 20 atari games built in. man, i wish i could find that thing. i'm sure it's gathering dust in a gray plastic tote, stacked under about 8 other totes, in an obscure corner of dad's garage.


i'm guessing brian objects to atari because he seems to object to fiction in general. i bet if they'd had "carl sagan's incredible higgs boson blast!!!" on the atari, he'd be combing the flea markets for one.



"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

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 We went through those

 We went through those stupid Atari joysticks like crazy. The buttons would stop working, it would stop going in certain directions, get loose as hell. Pretty sure it was part of their business model.

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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don't forget the rubber

don't forget the rubber coming off, so you ended up with a white plastic stick.


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Brian37 wrote:Since when did

Brian37 wrote:

Since when did you ever object to corporate America?

Huh? I've objected all the time to them using illegal aliens and H1-B visa holders as their personal slave. The damage their slavery institution has done to this country is just massive.

If we had rational regualtion, we wouldn't be bringing in massive numbers of immigrants and creating the massive housing and homeless crisis and now the massively unsanitary conditions in all our 'sancutuary' cities.

But corporations use their wealth to brainwash the likes of people like you that it would be racist to not give them all the slaves they need.


I just don't want to see corporations that don't pollute and don't contribute to local or global overpopuation used as ATMs by the lazy, drug addicted leftists that believed they are entitled to the fruits of labors of others when they are too lazy and messed up to work or do much with their lives.

Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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what cracks me up is that

what cracks me up is that repubs don't seem to realize how close to socialism bailouts are. it's basically paying the price for nationalization (more, probably) without any of the benefits.


"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

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iwbiek wrote:what cracks me

iwbiek wrote:

what cracks me up is that repubs don't seem to realize how close to socialism bailouts are. it's basically paying the price for nationalization (more, probably) without any of the benefits.


I believe Fascism is the correct term. A mixed economic system where the government intervenes and ultimately controls what business does from the national level. Hitler could only have dreamed of having the Federal Reserve with near infinite cash at its disposal. We haven't had a free market in the US for a long time, now the final nail has been driven into the coffin. Economic success today is related to your political ties more than anything else.


I scratch my head at the Trump worshippers that still try to wave the flag of "small government". It seems that Trump's multiple flip-flops and the huge difference between what he tweets and what he does allows them to delude themselves that everything is some Democrat's fault. For all their animosity, there isn't really a difference between the republican and democratic parties- they are just sports teams where people pick a side and hate the other side. Look at Brian- aboslutely hates Trump, but agrees with nearly every action he has taken.





If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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well, fascism definitely

well, fascism definitely sounds like what trump is doing (and madeline albright makes a good case for that in her recent book). fascism historically hasn't nationalized industries. it's a form of government that's been in bed with the biggest capitalists, handing out contracts like donuts, and the working class essentially pays for things twice over: once, when their taxes pay for the fatcats' remuneration, and, twice, when they pay for the products they make. of course, both the fascist politicians and the fatcats are interested in keeping unemployment high. the fascists like it because it keeps the working classes angry, and they are easily distracted by scapegoats whom they usually don't like anyway (foreigners, jews, muslims, other races, fatcats who don't toe the line, e..g., soros, etc.) or who don't really exist (the "deep state," the global jewish conspiracy). the capitalists like it because it keeps the workers at each other's throats for low-wage jobs. of course, they always try to benefit (or appear to benefit) at least one group that can keep them in power (in america, that's traditionally the middle class). of course, fascists are the most enthusiastic union-busters.


"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

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 The interesting thing

 The interesting thing about facism is they never had a real unified economic theory. It was always about what was expedient for the moment and what was popular. They very much were a form of populism, willing to adopt the rhetoric of whatever was popular, even as they might do the complete opposite. But ultimately, it boiled down to control- the leaders at the top didn't have to formally nationalize industry, because they had all the movers and shakers coming to them. Those who did what the party wanted, got all sorts of favors. Those who didn't got visited by the brownshirts who intimidated, disrupted and attempted to run them out of business. Hitler was not a principled man. He changed philosophies as often as he changed his underwear to suit the audience of the minute- usually attempting to tap into the emotions of the listener, with hate and pride being two of the easiest emotions to evoke. I see a scary number of comparrisons to Trump.  

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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i would say fascism never

i would say fascism never had any sort of theory at all, beyond something like "the nation is always right" (nation as opposed to state, mind you; hitler did an excellent job dismantling the state almost completely).

hitler's only principle was that the strongest race has every right to dominate. near the end of the war in europe, he was heard to remark that if the german people couldn't destroy their enemies, they deserved annihilation.

you're spot-on about trump. he has no principles beyond "what's good is whatever's good for me." if he's clever about anything, he's clever in recognizing who can get him what he wants and knowing how to tell them what they want to hear. i think it's hilarious how neo-nazis like bannon will continue to defend him, even after he chucked bannon out on his alcoholic ass. what none of his supporters seem to realize is that he holds them in utter contempt, just as he does everyone else. he would sell all the gun-toting racists and xenophobes up the river if it would make him a greasy buck or keep him in office another four years (or put him there for life, which is obviously his greatest dream). he's gambling on the fact that there are more racists and xenophobes in america than any other group, and he's right. i don't honestly believe he believes or even thinks much about what he says, other than his being the greatest president of all time and so on. i do believe he is a racist and a misogynist, but only as an effect of the fact that he hates everyone other than himself. if anything, he's a solipsist.



"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

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iwbiek wrote:hitler's only

iwbiek wrote:

hitler's only principle was that the strongest race has every right to dominate. near the end of the war in europe, he was heard to remark that if the german people couldn't destroy their enemies, they deserved annihilation.

Isn't that the priciple of everyone opposed to population control? That humans as the strongest species have the right to push aside all others and destroy all wildness because food, housing and of course the right to breed are all sacred rights as humans?

Haven't the Jews always taught that their race and religion is superior too and they should come to dominate with high birth rates and economic dominance? Isn't that whay you claim they are doing now in the Middle East? They did the same thing thing in Europe before Hitler came to power. So why is Hitler the only bad guy, when the fact is this drama is always being played out because we always have population pressures?

iwbiek wrote:

you're spot-on about trump. he has no principles beyond "what's good is whatever's good for me."

Has there ever been a person or animal that didn't? How would such a creature have survived and evolved that didn't? You need a politician to act like he actually cares, a good show is all that matters. Well, they can't do anything but lip service since the country is now broke thanks to the diseases of cramming too many people into overcrowded cities.

iwbiek wrote:

i think it's hilarious how neo-nazis like bannon will continue to defend him, even after he chucked bannon out on his alcoholic ass. what none of his supporters seem to realize is that he holds them in utter contempt, just as he does everyone else. he would sell all the gun-toting racists and xenophobes up the river if it would make him a greasy buck or keep him in office another four years (or put him there for life, which is obviously his greatest dream). he's gambling on the fact that there are more racists and xenophobes in america than any other group, and he's right.

So the Hindus, Islamists, East Asians, Africans and Latinos have zero racist tendencies? The Imams never tell their followers that their race and religion are superior and they should come to dominate inferiors in peoples like white Christian USA? Only white Americans that oppose mass migration are racist? These Trump supporters all need to learn to be like the enlightend people of San Francisco and New York that just welcome more and more immigrants into their overcrowded, expensive, unsanitary cities? Is NYC, LA, Chicago and SF their models of why they should not oppose mass immigration into the places they live? Good luck with that one.

Democrats are gambling on the fact that voters in swing states won't see what disease infested shitholes with no affordable housing are what you get with their 'sanctuary' cities.

Good luck with that one.

Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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adults are trying to talk. 

adults are trying to talk.


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iwbiek wrote:adults are

iwbiek wrote:

adults are trying to talk.


The far left is the one telling us we need to listen to Greta on everything cause the adults have fucked things up so bad. Yes, plese do live with the adult fantasy that our cities are not overcrowded petri dishes for disease.

Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen