Always bet on black, New incoming AG for NY promises to crawl up the orange turd's ass.

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Always bet on black, New incoming AG for NY promises to crawl up the orange turd's ass.


This is sweet for two reasons. 1. A black lady is going to crawl up his and his family's ass. 2. The orange fuckface can't have her fired.


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 Actually this woman need

 Actually this woman need to be impeached and jailed for selective prosecution. Because someone is in a powerful position and you don't agree with their politics is not a reason to treat them differently. Because of who someone is related to is not a reason to go after someone.

This is banana republic stuff. She wouldn't be doing this if Hillary had won. This is why a civil war in US inevitable, you don't believe in rule of law or equal justice.



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EXC wrote: Actually this

EXC wrote:

 Actually this woman need to be impeached and jailed for selective prosecution. Because someone is in a powerful position and you don't agree with their politics is not a reason to treat them differently. Because of who someone is related to is not a reason to go after someone.

This is banana republic stuff. She wouldn't be doing this if Hillary had won. This is why a civil war in US inevitable, you don't believe in rule of law or equal justice.


EXACTLY! That black NY AG is simply a racial TERRORIST! They'll never get Trump on anything anyway because they tried for DECADES to get him in New York & got NOTHING! 

Even the previous AG Preet Bharara said they couldn't get him on anything.

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