Bill Maher speaks truth

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 Maher occasionally gets it

 Maher occasionally gets it right. I agree that the #METOO  movement is spiraling into paranoia. 

 Funny thing how so many Hollywood and media elites were  eager to focus on "rape culture" and "toxic masculinity" as a topic as long as it occured among the great unwashed masses but it turned out that the real rape culture was being perpetuated among their own brethren. And they all KNEW it but said nothing....for decades.


Remember the very public sex scandals among the evangelicals in the late 1980s ?  Well the number of self identified male feminists / progressives who have admitted to sexual improprieties absolutely dwarfs the number of preachers who got busted for doing the same thing.  If I was Jimmy Swaggart or Jim Bakker I'd be laughing my ass off.

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It is indeed funny.

It is indeed funny.

There's going to be a massive backlash at some point. Oh wait, Trump is president. It already happened.

For decades males have been promoted as fools and incompetents in most liberal minded media. It really started in the 60's and 70's. Before then conservative media dominated with the opposing view, so perhaps that is why things have gotten so bad now.

Now males are even worse, rapists and molesters as well as incompetent fools. The entire left wing has devolved exactly the same way and at the same rate as the right wing over the last few decades, they just went in a different direction. Left wing denigrates males and whites, right wing denigrates females and diversity. It's absolutely ridiculous. There's no significant difference between any of them. Any differences that do exist which are of any significance whatsoever can be overcome by individuals. Some women are really good at male 'oriented' and dominated tasks, and some men can do really well at female 'oriented' and dominated tasks.

In the end people can only be separated into one range of categories. Stupid and not stupid. Far too many people are on the stupid end of the spectrum, and they've conquered the only two real American political parties.

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The world is fucked. 

The world is fucked.


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 What's fucked is that rich

 What's fucked is that rich and powerful men would be stupid enough to throw away their career / financial security in an ethically dubious effort to spend a few minutes with what is basically nothing more than a mucus filled stink hole.  

Unless of course you're Kevin Spacey or George Takai in which case you make a fool of yourself over a fleshy appendage.

That's fucked, for sure.

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ProzacDeathWish wrote:

 What's fucked is that rich and powerful men would be stupid enough to throw away their career / financial security in an ethically dubious effort to spend a few minutes with what is basically nothing more than a mucus filled stink hole.  

Unless of course you're Kevin Spacey or George Takai in which case you make a fool of yourself over a fleshy appendage.

That's fucked, for sure.

It shows what a fucktard Drumpf is, for even considering taking the job.

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Do you dream about Trump ? 

Do you dream about Trump ?


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ProzacDeathWish wrote:Do you

ProzacDeathWish wrote:

Do you dream about Trump ?


Nope. Like I said, the only time I even remotely consider speaking or thinking about the fucktard is when I'm on the web. I would think it might be similar to the way you guys think about Brian.

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I think about any American

I think about any American politician about as often and for the same reason I think about religion. Someone brings it up in conversation. lol

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 ....but neither thread I

 ....but neither thread I referenced was even  about are the only one who brings Trump into them. So yeah, Trump lives inside your head.

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ProzacDeathWish wrote:

 ....but neither thread I referenced was even  about are the only one who brings Trump into them. So yeah, Trump lives inside your head.

I only think of politics when on the web. I don't think of any one else either outside the web. Ryan, McCain, Obama, Clinton all come to mind when I'm on these forum.

Your assessment is flawed.

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 You can be as obssessed

 You can be as obsessed with Trump as you like. I can't stop you, .....wouldn't even try.

Nevertheless my assessment is spot on despite your obvious deflection. 

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ProzacDeathWish wrote: You

ProzacDeathWish wrote:

 You can be as obsessed with Trump as you like. I can't stop you, .....wouldn't even try.

Nevertheless my assessment is spot on despite your obvious deflection. 

Since you never speak about Clinton it must mean you are obsessed with her; and given your past comments I'm sure you have stalked her.

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 Good comeback digital.

 Good comeback digital. Very deft.

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ProzacDeathWish wrote: Good

ProzacDeathWish wrote:

 Good comeback digital. Very deft.

I've been practicing.


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