Atheist explanation for all the detailed universe

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Atheist explanation for all the detailed universe

 There’s a lot of diverse humans, animals, insects, fish. Additionally, every body part has a job to do. (Eyes to see, ears to hear, etc) Furthermore, almost every living thing is born with a natural weapon. We humans have fists, feet, elbows, etc. Cats have claws, dogs have teeth (almost all of us with teeth can use them for ammunition) bees can sting, snakes have poison, etc.


There’s a like of beauty on the planet too - Flowers, the ocean, mountains, etc.



All living things need rest, so the world turns dark, which gives us that chance.



My question - What is the atheist explanation for all that? Because it makes sense to think a Higher Power created everything.  



By the way: If anyone knows of a book, documentary, or a internet clip that explains things in detail, please post.

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Zeeboe wrote:

Zeeboe wrote:

 There’s a lot of diverse humans, animals, insects, fish. Additionally, every body part has a job to do. (Eyes to see, ears to hear, etc) Furthermore, almost every living thing is born with a natural weapon. We humans have fists, feet, elbows, etc. Cats have claws, dogs have teeth (almost all of us with teeth can use them for ammunition) bees can sting, snakes have poison, etc.

There’s a like of beauty on the planet too - Flowers, the ocean, mountains, etc. 

All living things need rest, so the world turns dark, which gives us that chance. 

My question - What is the atheist explanation for all that? Because it makes sense to think a Higher Power created everything.  

By the way: If anyone knows of a book, documentary, or a internet clip that explains things in detail, please post.

DNA and vasts amount of time explains the diversity of life.

Which higher power? Do you have a specific belief?

Here is a simplistic video which I find is clear and concise.

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Ah the theist tendency to

Ah the theist tendency to look at everything backwards. Assume the universe was catered to life instead of acknowledging the simple reality that this is the logical conclusion of life evolving under the conditions present.

Lets take this one at a time. I've nothing better to do.

Diversity is an argument against a god. Needless complication and vulnerability to extreme events. An all powerful god wouldn't need pests, he'd make the pretty things do all that was necessary.

Every body part does not have a job to do. Exactly why do you need a pinky finger? Or little toe? They serve no purpose. Hair in general is useless. Finger and toe nails are only useful because the skin under them is so fragile, but a god could have changed that. Why defecate and urinate? A god could have made our bodies 100% efficient at energy conversion.
There are so many arguments to counter this I could write a book.

You acknowledge that not all life has weapons yet claim life having weapons is evidence for a god. I need say nothing more about that, the ridiculousness speaks for itself.

Beauty is subjective. Not everyone agrees on beauty, so that actually works against god too.

Not all living things need rest. Dolphins don't sleep. There goes your night cycle argument.

The core of your question demonstrates an ignorance of physics and biology.

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Vastet wrote:Ah the theist

Vastet wrote:
Ah the theist tendency to look at everything backwards. Assume the universe was catered to life instead of acknowledging the simple reality that this is the logical conclusion of life evolving under the conditions present. Lets take this one at a time. I've nothing better to do. Diversity is an argument against a god. Needless complication and vulnerability to extreme events. An all powerful god wouldn't need pests, he'd make the pretty things do all that was necessary. Every body part does not have a job to do. Exactly why do you need a pinky finger? Or little toe? They serve no purpose. Hair in general is useless. Finger and toe nails are only useful because the skin under them is so fragile, but a god could have changed that. Why defecate and urinate? A god could have made our bodies 100% efficient at energy conversion. There are so many arguments to counter this I could write a book. You acknowledge that not all life has weapons yet claim life having weapons is evidence for a god. I need say nothing more about that, the ridiculousness speaks for itself. Beauty is subjective. Not everyone agrees on beauty, so that actually works against god too. Not all living things need rest. Dolphins don't sleep. There goes your night cycle argument. The core of your question demonstrates an ignorance of physics and biology.
His question was for a video, but yeah, his statements are fallicious.

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 I guess I've been an

 I guess I've been an atheist too long now. When I see a thread like this I have no desire to debate this religious nonsense. Believe what you want to believe.

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ProzacDeathWish wrote: I

ProzacDeathWish wrote:

 I guess I've been an atheist too long now. When I see a thread like this I have no desire to debate this religious nonsense. Believe what you want to believe.

I agree, but at the same time I feel an urge to explain to people that they have posted a fallacy.

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one does get tired repeating

one does get tired repeating oneself. i sometimes wonder if one of the main reasons the 2008 rrs boom tapered off wasn't simple fatigue, on both sides of the debate. (yes, yes, i know, the rise of social media, etc., played a big part; i'm just offering an additional hypothesis.)

"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

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It's possible.

It's possible.

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Zeeboe wrote: There’s

Zeeboe wrote:

 There’s a lot of diverse humans, animals, insects, fish. Additionally, every body part has a job to do. (Eyes to see, ears to hear, etc) Furthermore, almost every living thing is born with a natural weapon. We humans have fists, feet, elbows, etc. Cats have claws, dogs have teeth (almost all of us with teeth can use them for ammunition) bees can sting, snakes have poison, etc.


There’s a like of beauty on the planet too - Flowers, the ocean, mountains, etc.



All living things need rest, so the world turns dark, which gives us that chance.



My question - What is the atheist explanation for all that? Because it makes sense to think a Higher Power created everything.  



By the way: If anyone knows of a book, documentary, or a internet clip that explains things in detail, please post.


Humans assume a "who" is needed, but that is your own false assumption. It really is nothing more than a reflection of your own desires.


"Life has pretty things in it" is not an argument. Life and the planet and the universe ALSO have very nasty things in it. Our plant has had 5 mass extincition events in it's 4 billiion year history, of which only 1% is what we observe still alive now.  Cockroaches and bacteria are far more efficient and faster breeders than humans and have been around far longer. Humans can choke on their food and die where as whales and dolphins have separate eating breathing tubes.

On average per year woeldwide 50 to 60 million humans die at every age, from stillborn to old age and every type of death in between. We die from disease, accidental, natural disaster, crime and war. That is half a billion deaths every 10 years and 1 billion deaths every 20 years.


Our universe is 13.8 billion years old. Our species has only existed in it's current form only about 200,000 years. Of that 200,000 years we've only been writing for 10,000. So most of our existence has been in ignorance, and even after creating language and religion we are still having wars and murdering each other over it.

It would seem a ton of waste if one wants to make the naked assertion that a all powerful efficient being was responsible. It would be cruel if it were true.


Humans make up god/s and that is the real truth. The universe does not need a sky wizzard as a cause.

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Brian37 wrote:false

Brian37 wrote:

false assumption

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Zeeboe wrote: By the way:

Zeeboe wrote:

By the way: If anyone knows of a book, documentary, or a internet clip that explains things in detail, please post.

Check this out.

The latest theories are that our little universe is just one of an infinite number of universes with differing constants of physics producing an infinite varity of universes. Ours just happens to be one that is hospitable to live forms such as humans.

Also that the multi-verse is actually a mathimatical structure of infinete size in another theory would explain our universe.


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