Voter Fraud

Recent hyperbole from Trump has caused a ruckus with the idiot voters. Recent polls show 41% of them think the elections are rigged.
Where did they take these polls? W. Virginia? Texas?
Claiming the system is rigged is one of the most irresponsible, reprehensible comments ever uttered from Trump's shit filled pie hole. And claiming the system is rigged works both ways. You can't have a rigged system if you lose and a non-rigged system if you win.
Of studies I've found, in the last 5 elections, .000000013% of the elections had voter fraud. Very few ended up being convictions, most of them were glitches in the system/typos or voter error with out intent to commit a crime.
Compare this to Russia where voter fraud is rampant and denounced and criticized by multiple international and independent reviews. These same reviews have not labeled America's elections fraudulent.
I know of several cases at the mayor level where voter fraud was a common situation, but on the Presidential level, it isn't true. There are too many people involved with the process of counting votes.
This shit has got to stop. Trump is a cock sucking mother fucker.
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"I will totally accept the election results...................................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................................................................if I win."
Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare
and , weeeeell no. It's rigged by the media to greater or lessor extent. The 1st rig-up is, they support the two party system. Any third parties are marginalized and get very little media support. Trump is an odd ball candidate and that makes him liable for a higher negative scrutiny. I've noticed the first thing on the news lately has been what Trumps latest negativity rating are. Then it's off to hillary but not so severe a critique./ It's obvious Hillary is favored. Maybe he doesn't deserve a good rating anyway.
As far as public voter fraud---nada. There's very little of that. Then there's the republican party's claim of voter fraud and want all to have voter ID,s. If it's all fraud free anyway what's the sense. It's because they want to rig the poor and lessors in society out of the voting system. IOW those that can't or would find it hard to get voter registrations ID's. In this sense theyre trying to rig without direct tampering at the polls. It was that all one needed is an ID of some kind, usually a drivers license. But that's to common so they try a direct voter ID----which technically isn't needed, but is a way to limit oposite party voters.
There's very little if any rigging in the general sytem as is---but they're trying awfly hard. They'll get it there at some time.
And- Why aren't the third party candidates included in the debates. It's obvious the media is a promoter of the two party system. Both parties aren't going to fix anything---the third parties might but cant get a fair hearing.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
I blame the GOP and the DP for this bullshit about any other party being cock blocked. They make that 10% rule then they use the media to pervent them from getting proper air time. Yes, in that sense the system is rigged to be a two party system.
In a sense the process isn't rigged, but Trump is using the word to promote fear. If the system is rigged it is rigged all the time. Not just if he loses, but also if he wins. There is no flip flopping here.
The system isn't even democratic because it isn't open to people who are better qualified than the idiots running now. I don't know of any one who is worth while to be honest with you.
To some degree every US party and politician has contributed to this since watergate. Snowden and wikileaks certainly haven't helped. Fact is the US government is a force for conspiracy, corruption, hypocrisy, intrusiveness, and lies. It doesn't matter that there isn't much voter fraud because the whole system is fraudulent. Has been for a long time.
Americans like to think they are special and free, but your country is worse than Russia and China combined.
Fact is that the relationship between the US government and the US people can never be repaired, because the government is making no effort to rectify everything it has done wrong for the last century, and the people (even the dumb ones) see it. Bernie Sanders was the first hope in my lifetime, and he was waylaid by his own party just so the first female would be on the ticket following the first black man.
Fact is Trump can't do anything worse than the US is already doing. Anyone who thinks otherwise has their head buried in the sand. The US is by far the most dangerous and stupid country on Earth, and until the American people revolt it will stay that way. It's funny how everyone's talking about Trump getting the nuclear codes when the Obama administration has pissed off Russia enough to make them threaten to use their own. Maybe Trump would use nukes. Then again, maybe Clinton will cross the last line and force Russia to use nukes. Does it really matter who launches first when both candidates have a roughly equal chance at being the last candidate?
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
Some Americans like to think this and that is definitely a personal opinion unfounded and unsupported.
As far as Russia is conserened -if the US can destroy Iraq ETAL without any provocation what's the US's bitch if Putin does the same to someone else. I rate what happened in Iraq the worst catastopy of all time barring natural destruction. How many people have been killed (maybe millions)on accounts of that lie initiated undertaking, and the migrating of the consequences to other Mid East Countries. Bush, Cheny, and the neocons in time will never be forgiven for what they caused.
About 10 years ago a Marine from our forum went to his ancestoral birth place ,( a amall country in the Baltics) and reprortesd that one of the main concerns of his relatives there was the US meddling in thier countries affairs. And according to a US soldier who served in Germany--the Germans really don't like the US all that much. They have to go along to get along.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
No it's a demonstrable and 100% verified fact.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
The problem is politics. If Russia attacks one of our interests. This whole humanitarian shit is crap. No one cares about poor weak humans who are being bombed. IF there was oil or some other power variable then yes, they would get involved.
Germans have learned their lessons. They like us at arms length.
I'm American and I don't think I'm special or free. I have certain freedoms and have special needs and abilities. I know many others like me, so grouping Americans together is like saying all Canadians are French.
America has a lot of better things than Russia and China. I've been to China. I've seen their poor. I've seen their politics at work.
The same with Russia. They have a lot of shit going on. They are corrupt too. They don't care about their poor either.
The best thing right now for the entire world is that Putin has a stroke. That would be interesting.
Irrelevant. You're outnumbered more than 10 to 1. In comparison, less than a third of Canadians are French. So your analogy is a fail.
Maybe you should look around at home more. China has superior education, superior healthcare, and their people are more free than Americans. Same goes for Russia. Yes they have issues, all nations do. But China > America. Russia > America. Even 3rd world nations > America. The fact that the US imprisons about as many people as China and Russia combined completely refutes claims of being free. You aren't free, you're brainwashed.
The best thing for the world would be the US obliterating itself overnight without hurting anyone else. And with no survivors. Maybe then there wouldn't be a hypocritical government that is literally guilty of every single thing it blames other countries for. The US attacks Iraq without justification but it's ok. Russia annexes Crimea to ensure the US can't shut its Black Sea port down after the US funds a revolution in Ukraine to isolate Russia, but then the US throws a hissy fit. Or maybe we can look at human rights, something the US constantly attacks China for. It's true China has a lot of political prisoners, but when you look at the US so do they. The US has less than a third of China's population yet it has MORE people in prison. That the US can talk about human rights with a straight face is ludicrous. Or maybe we can look at elections. Oh the US is so butthurt that Russia is interfering. Never mind the fact that the US has been doing the exact same thing to Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union.
I could write a series of novels to show just how much full of shit the US government is, but it wouldn't matter because the vast majority of Americans are brainwashed morons who are everything wrong with the world, and they'd just chant "USA USA" like the puppets they are.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
You'll never admit it but you have no survey or poll to back up your post. 10 to 1 is arbitrary. Just because we have more in prison than the other countries is a problem with our law enforcement and justice system. It is a sign that we lock up more poor and more blacks due to racial issues. It also doesn't support your claim.
I've been to China and I can tell you that per 100,000 people health care is not better.
When it comes to freedom ranking, you are wrong again.
You are supposed to be one of the sane people on this forum so stop acting like Brian37.
And Putin is a fucking ganster. He's a criminal stealing billions from his own country. To think Russia is a great place to live I'd rather live in China.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
And probably a gross underestimation too. More likely it's 100 to 1. The exact numbers aren't important, all that is important is that I'm right.
Like it or not your justice system is part of your government. And no other country locks up poor people or visible minorities at anything like the rate the US does. The indisputable fact is that the US is by far the single greatest example of human rights abuses on the entire planet. Even throughout history.
That's a lie. 95% of the Chinese population has access to healthcare.Even after Obama's health reform the US doesn't hit 90%. And people still go bankrupt over health costs, which doesn't happen in China.
Sure the US system is more advanced (for now), but the Chinese system is more inclusive. China has to catch up technologically, but they are way ahead in every other aspect.
Propaganda. There is incredible bias and straight up bs in those links. Wikipedia even states as much: "assessments of the state of freedom in the world, according to their own various definitions of the term, and rank countries as being free, partly free, or unfree using various measures of freedom,"
Says the guy acting like Brian37.
Clearly you are far too ignorant of reality to have this discussion. Your entire government is much more 'ganster' than Russia's.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
LMAO. Do I hear 1,000 to 1? 1,000 to 1? Yes, to the self righteous Canadian in the rear!
Please state sources to support your opinion.
No it isn't a lie. I've actually been to China.
95%? Really? Source please? And I've seen their healthcare. Pulverised horn of a rhino. Gonads from a tiger. Snakes in alcohol. I've been to their hospitals. I've been to their schools of medicine. I've been examined by their doctors. I've been prescribed their medicines. While some of it has promise most of it is witch doctor bullshit.
The life expectancy in China is lower than in America; and Russia is even lower than China. America is defintely a great place to live. We have more freedom and better healthcare than China and Russia combined.
I've stated sources other than Wikipedia for healthcare and freedom for China/Russia vs America. Please post sources other than your personal opinion.
My sources are nearly everyone on Earth who isn't American. Facts are facts.
Yes it certainly could be 1000 to 1. Even 10,000 to 1. Though I don't think it could get much higher than that.
Btw, you aren't the 1. You proved you're as brainwashed as most Americans already.
Yes it is a lie. I don't care if you lived there for 30 years, you are full of shit.
Look it up. I did.
As if bullshit 'healers' aren't prevalent throughout the US. lmfao. They have proper medicine too. If all I did was take those examples of US healthcare (mirroring your bias), then the US is the worst on Earth. Bar none.
1: Maybe. 2: Bullshit. 3: Irrelevant, because you didn't visit them all and even if you did you aren't qualified to assess the efficiency and capabilities of their system.
Irrelevant, I already said that the US system is more advancesd. Doesn't matter, China is catching up. And inclusive/cost wise they are WAY ahead of you. Everyone is.
Brainwashed delusions with no basis in reality.
Nothing you've posted supports your arguments based in ignorance of reality. You're just like any theist. But instead of god you worship the US. My sources are easy to find. You just have no interest in ridding yourself of the lies you believe in.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
HAHAHA. Yes sir, Mr. Valdimir Donald Trump Putin. Right away sir! As you command almighty one from the Great White North.
^ Classic example of American brainwashing.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I agree. You are totally brain washed.
You certainly are.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I met a Canadian today. Nice guy. Too bad you aren't more like him. He was logical, cordial and a pleasant person to discuss subjects.
Most of us are infinitely more rational than the average American. If you want cordial you're in the wrong place doing the wrong things.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
....bada bing !
His fear mongering is dangerous, but money still equals power and without inforcing anti monopoly concepts you can end up with a climate of heavy influence of big money in politics, and that climate we do have. Reagan started the erra of deregulation and Citizens United was a horrible SCOTUS decision. Our system is still in tact, but the way our system works the advantage goes to those who control the mapping of voting districts. When you take into account the ballance of power as an average from local to state to congress, that majority ON AVERAGE since Reagan have been republicans. That has allowed them to control the narrative and have used gerrymandering to control that narrative. It isn't a conspiracy in as much as a bad climate.
Trump is a result of the peddling of fear long before he ran. Reagan and the religious right sold the cold war anti private sector godless commie bullshit long before Trump. That narrative unfortunately has been successful and has caused for far too long Democrats to compromise and or compete to prove we were not those things. But it is easy to convince scared voters today when they have been feed decades of Jerry Springer WWE Duck Dynasty bullshit.
There is no voter fraud, but that does not negate the long term gerrymandering advantage the GOP has built in that time through successul marketing to voters. I agree completely though that his talk is toxic to the concept of peaceful transfur of power. I hated Bush Jr and in our history, he has to be the worst president we have ever had since the Great Depression, but not even he ran with the blantly demagogery scapegoating rhetoric Trump has.
Trump is setting a very dangerous tone. No, he cannot become a dictator on day one. But like boiling a lobster slowly, if politicians from either party from state to federal think they can win using it, that can errode our western concepts of government. Trump is a textbook example of the tactics of a despot.
Good news is that history has shown in polls this late, the one behind at that average wont win. I doubt he will even do as well as McCain or Romney in thier losses. Utah wont go blue, but even their majority Mormons are pissed at his tactics, and even Texas is turning purple. Trump stupidly thought he could win treating politics as an episode of Jerry Springer. But just like any blowhard bully, call their bluff, they suddenly scream claiming to be the victim.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
If Trump looses, he can just call himself the "Undocumented President". Hasn't the left taught us to ignore the constitution if you don't feel some law was right?
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
I agree, but you are not one of them.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Hey asshole, give me one example where the left has ignored the Constitution. You not liking losing doesn't mean the left are Kim Jong Un lovers.
The Constitution allows for change. If it did not, there would be no provisions in it to add new amendments or repeal amendments like Prohibition. If it did not allow for change blacks would still be slaves and women would still not be allowed to vote. "I want my guns" and 'fuck you I got mine" are bullshit simplistic views of self entitled idiots. The founders never intended for no government at all. You losing an election does not make the winner a tyrant.
If anyone is the GOP are for refusing to hold confirmation hearings for SCOTUS nominees Obama wants to make. I defy you where it says the other party has the right to delay those hearings forever. Those same assholes are now hinting at delaying nomination hearings if Hillary wins.
Just amit you hate losing. That I can buy. But there is no conspiracy moron.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
I'm not going to engage in any type of discussion with you because of the language you use. You are coward because you can write ananymously things you would be immedialty be popped in face for in person. You can never make a rational argument, so you must call everyone assholes.
If I'm the asshole, why I am not the loser you are? Losers like you have to put all your hope in daddy governement lessening the impact of being such a total loser. But your politicians have sold you out, you'll just be a slave of them as the USA becomes another turd world shithole with pockets of sharia law. You're being replaced by uneducated people that can't even speak English and robots, you are of no use to anyone. Your only hope is a pittance from government in exchance for your vote. So there is no point in any discussion with you since this is your position in life.
The only thing your arguments ever convinced me of is that idiots like you should not be allowed to vote. If limiting politial speech is constitutional as you wish, seems this should be too. If we are going to limit the free speech of rich, we need to limit the free speech of idiots like you as well.
Face it, You're a total loser no matter who wins.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
As you aren't qualified to make such a claim (being an example of typical American mis-education), your opinion doesn't matter.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.