It isn't your empathy I object to, it is your bullshit logic.

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It isn't your empathy I object to, it is your bullshit logic.

 No link, but was listening to a news story in passing on my TV. I was about a community rallying around a terminally ill baby with spinal muscular atrophy. Ok, I do get it, great that you want to raise awareness and attention to the illness and raise money to find a cure. But why the fuck do you really think a all powerful god is involved? It makes no fucking sense.

A simple google search of worldwide deaths from everything will tell you that claiming there is a magically sky wizard who cares about you, is about as likely as me farting a Lamborghini out of my ass. On average, worldwide 50 to 60 million humans die, from childbirth, famine, disease, crime, war and mostly old age. It isn't the empathy I object to. Our species can be quite compassionate in wanting to help others. But to gap fill with a sky wizard especially when it comes to a defenseles baby, it becomes absurd. 

No sane parent, if they had the power they claim their sky wizard has, would allow their kid to be subject to that. That says to me humans have more morals than the fictional sky hero's they falsely believe in.

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Brian doesn't know the first

Brian doesn't know the first thing about logic, so he has no business judging anyone elses logic.

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i see we're farting

i see we're farting lamborghinis again. haven't pasted that one in awhile...

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A moronic statement started

A moronic statement started by the previous resident psychopath. It's actually quite fitting that Brian is following in Shizzle's footsteps.

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i wasn't aware of that. it

i wasn't aware of that. it explains a lot. it's a bit depressing knowing even brian's idiocy isn't original.

"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

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Vastet wrote:A moronic

Vastet wrote:
A moronic statement started by the previous resident psychopath. It's actually quite fitting that Brian is following in Shizzle's footsteps.


Yea ok, Hitchens equates God to to Kim Jong Un and heaven as a "celestial North Korea". 


Exacly how am I a "phychopath"?


If parents allowed the things the fictional god character allows, the kids would be taken away if they survived and the parents would be arrested. 

The OP is again, a blunt version of Epicuris and the problem with evil. Do not ask me to think the God character is a pretty story. The character can only be called inept or malicious. I don't see that character as as a real being. I assses  it as a character out of a book, like a book review or movie review. 


I wouold not hire this god character to watch even my pets. If this God character owned a bicycle factory, the bikes would end up with squid for spokes and the workers would murder each other over how to read the assembly manual.


Why don't stop being so fucking stupidly defensive of religion. Nobody is suggesting a forceful end of it. But it does not deserve to be free from being offended. Remember that the next time you ridicule Fonzie hypocrite. Grow the fuck up crybaby.


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Brian37 wrote:Exacly how am

Brian37 wrote:
Exacly how am I a "phychopath"?

If you were mentally capable of understanding how you're a psychopath, I wouldn't need to explain it to you. Because you aren't capable, there's no point trying to explain it.

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 The God character sets up

 The God character sets up two innocent people he didn't let in on his bet with Satan. Punishes them for a crime they had no say in setting up the law in the first place, on top of having no knowlege of what was going on. Scapegoats Eve for her vagina dispite Adam consenting to it. So God throws them out of the garden over a bet he didn't have to make, and a world he didn't have to set up. 

Ok so the garden didn't work. Was supposed to be the utopia? So either God is inept, or Adam and Eve are lab rats. Fast forward, God allows tons of fucking, interviens here and there, but does nothing to stop it all together untill he gets really fucking pisseed and murders the entire world in a flood. All powerful allegedly poofs everything into existence, but choses mass genocide and painful drowning as a punishment. Cant poof them painlessly out of existence? Oh and exactly who did Noah's kids fuck to repopulate the planet? Yet another do over. And somewhere God god pissed at the Pharoh and allowed all the first born to be murdered. That is not coirrective punishment, that is an act of REVENGE.


OK, so two do overs so far. Get's pissed again. But this time fakes empathy, clones himself,  through a magic vagina without a second set of DNA. Preforms magic tricks for a while. Then gets himself arrested and commits a fake suicide for attention to cure humanities ills. Yet a third do over. And not even a moral one. He does it for attention to gain club members and doesn't even stay dead. The soldiers of D-Day didn't start a religion, didn't get famous and the once who died stayed dead. 

On top of the fact that the Jesus character is still the "son"/himself of the violent bloodthirsty genocidal OT god, and even this fake "reforrmed" savior says "I bring not peace but a sword" and tells you also to abandon your family and friends if they do not kiss his ass.


The the end of the book this fake nice guy and his father/him, go right back to being violent pricks and murder everyone execpt those who kissed his ass.


If people didn't believe this horrible book as fact, I'd call this God character a petulant child who is playing an X-Box who keeps getting frustrated for not getting his player to do what he wants, then finally smashes the entire X-Box.


It would be comical if humans didn't truely believe in this monster. I can't stop humans from buying this bullshit, but fuck you for suggesting I am the "pychopath". I have no desire like the God character does to do the horrible things that fictional charcater condones or allows. There is not even any  bans on rape or slavery in tha that book of myth. God'ts top commandments are all about him, having nothing to do with the welfare of humans. 

God Buffilo Bill from Silence of the Lambs dress up as Mr Rogers.



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You are just as much a

You are just as much a psychopath as any theist in history. People like you are the reason the crusades and inquisitions happened. The ONLY difference between you and those psychopaths is that you chose a different side. Go fuck yourself scum. Preferably in acid.

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 Wait, there is more to the

 Wait, there is more to the book that my oversimplification? Oh yea, those certianly are not the only stories. No, you can find some pretty stories in it. But so fhe fuck what. That's like finding corn in your shit. You have to cherry pick it and gloss over the nasty shit.

There is absolutly no way to paint that character as good. That book on top of being scientificallly absurd is morally bankrupt. If people want to believe that garbage, by law and human rights, they certainly CAN. But do not expect me to sugar coat what I think of such an antiquated absurd and immoral book. The reason it was written like that was becuase back then humans live ind fuedal kinships and the mortality rate was much higher and it was espected that you had blind loyalty to the tribe you were part of. That is why the God character is refered to as "Lord" and heaven a "Kingship".

Our morals as a species have changed since then. I find no value in faith. I find it to be nothing but intillectual laziness on top of giving cover to bad ideas. 



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Vastet wrote:You are just as

Vastet wrote:
You are just as much a psychopath as any theist in history. People like you are the reason the crusades and inquisitions happened. The ONLY difference between you and those psychopaths is that you chose a different side. Go fuck yourself scum. Preferably in acid.

Do you stupidly want to claim that Brian Sapient would allow a really dangerous person to post on his website? I am no more a physical danger to anyone than the fucking hot air you are spewing. I certainly am a threat to bad ideas though.

Keep it up stooge. Go fucking find a church, you really love coddling bad claims and bad ideas. Be consistent asshole, stop blaspheming and ridiculeing Fonzie, hypocrite.

I think you are an asshole, but hardly dangerious. If you really thought I was a physical threat to anyone, after how many years and you haven't called the police on me? Grow up. You simply don't like me. Too fucking bad.

God is a "psychopath" as a CHARACTER, like Darth Vadar. Only humans like believing this character is good.

I have no violent fellonies,  not even a speeding ticket. The worst you get from me is a "fuck you" and "you are full of shit". I would hardly say the God character has that much restriant. 

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Brian37 wrote: Wait, there

Brian37 wrote:

 Wait, there is more to the book that my oversimplification? Oh yea, those certianly are not the only stories. No, you can find some pretty stories in it. But so fhe fuck what. That's like finding corn in your shit. You have to cherry pick it and gloss over the nasty shit.

There is absolutly no way to paint that character as good. That book on top of being scientificallly absurd is morally bankrupt. If people want to believe that garbage, by law and human rights, they certainly CAN. But do not expect me to sugar coat what I think of such an antiquated absurd and immoral book. The reason it was written like that was becuase back then humans live ind fuedal kinships and the mortality rate was much higher and it was espected that you had blind loyalty to the tribe you were part of. That is why the God character is refered to as "Lord" and heaven a "Kingship".

Our morals as a species have changed since then. I find no value in faith. I find it to be nothing but intillectual laziness on top of giving cover to bad ideas. 



Brian argues a strawman. Shocker!

Brian37 wrote:
Do you stupidly want to claim that Brian Sapient would allow a really dangerous person to post on his website?

You seriously think the average christian in the dark ages WANTED to hike to the middle east and leave their farms and families, probably forever? No, they were told to. By assholes like you who claimed the jews and muslims were in a poisonous religion. The only reason you aren't dangerous is because noone listens to your bullshit. Go fuck yourself scum. Preferably in acid. And fire.

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 Cut the fucking crap. No

 Cut the fucking crap. No strawman.

You don't like me cutting to the chase.

It is antiquated bullshit book of myth. Horribbly written, full of scientific absurd claims, immoral acts of harm and murder of others either watched over by, or commited by this God character. 

Cant dumb it down any further for you McFly. I don't need any fucking lectures from you asshole.

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 Charllote's Web is a much

 Charllote's Web is a much better fairy tale than that old commic book. 

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 The flood story alone is

 The flood story alone is an act of genocide, there is not polite way of putting that. In the civil west we are not allowed to carpet bomb an entire poplulation for the alleged bad acts of the few. There wasn't event dipicted in that immoral story courts on a case by case basis. He fucking takes EVERYONE OUT without trial and causes even women and children and babies the torture of swallowing water, which in reality is a very painful way of dying. People on death row get better treatment and die from a needle, when properly used. 

Oh and that vile act is put in children's books. I can tell you as a kid dipicitions of violent acts presented to ignorant children can and do have a real affect. Now, the intent of that story when fed to kids is to get them to behave through fear. That is not behaving because it is the right thing, it is arbatrary abuse.  Funny how an act of genocide makes it into a children's but Lot fucking his daughters does not.

Even outside the bible. I can say as a kid, dipictions of conflict and violence can and DOES scare kids depending on the individual. My mom made the mistake of taking me to see Jaws when I was a kid. I had nighmares for weeks. Now please tell me how mass murder makes it into a children's book? 

And if you accept the flood as scientifically absurd and never happened. That alone, regardless of morality issues, is enough for me to scrap the entire book of tripe. Genesis too. That book is not only a fairy tale, it is a horrible book. Both on scientific level and a moral level.


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Brian37 wrote: Cut the

Brian37 wrote:

 Cut the fucking crap. No strawman.

You don't like me cutting to the chase.

It is antiquated bullshit book of myth. Horribbly written, full of scientific absurd claims, immoral acts of harm and murder of others either watched over by, or commited by this God character. 

Cant dumb it down any further for you McFly. I don't need any fucking lectures from you asshole.

Brian can't argue the facts so he makes up strawman after strawman. What a loser scumbag.

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Vastet wrote:Brian37

Vastet wrote:
Brian37 wrote:

 Cut the fucking crap. No strawman.

You don't like me cutting to the chase.

It is antiquated bullshit book of myth. Horribbly written, full of scientific absurd claims, immoral acts of harm and murder of others either watched over by, or commited by this God character. 

Cant dumb it down any further for you McFly. I don't need any fucking lectures from you asshole.

Brian can't argue the facts so he makes up strawman after strawman. What a loser scumbag.

Scumbag? Ouch that really hurts, and by "hurts" I mean, I could give a shit less what you call me. I find that funny considering you are an atheist too. 

If you would not be willing to beat the shit out of me if we were face to face in reality. Or if you were not willing to have me arrested if you could, then really all you are saying is you don't like me. Cry me a fucking river. I am not going to self censor because you get all buthurt because you don't like my tactics or word choice. 

Not interested in the slightest in any type of law to stop people from making bullshit claims. Not interested in having anyone arrested when they call me names or speak ill of me. Not interested in physical violence one bit. The world has enough violent assholes. But if you stupidly think because I cuss and am blunt, that makes me a "scumbag", you are the fucking idiot. But do your worst. If I had a nickle for every time someone spoke ill of me, I'd make Trump look like a homeless man.

Sticks and stones crybaby, sticks and stones. 

Here is what you sound like "MOMMY MOMMY  I don't like it when people offend me." Grow up. Stop being such a drama queen.




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And Brian continues to dodge

And Brian continues to dodge the actual arguments. He also laughably highlights my insults against him, which is funny considering he insults everything and everyone every time he posts. Typical response from a whiny little bitch who has made hypocrisy into a profession. Smiling

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 You really should consider

 You really should consider becoming a believer because you are getting just as buthurt over blasphemy like a believer. 

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Brian37 wrote: You really

Brian37 wrote:

 You really should consider becoming a believer because you are getting just as buthurt over blasphemy like a believer. 

Brian projects his character flaws onto me. Boring.

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 Get this through your tiny

 Get this through your tiny pea brain. 7 billion humans are never going to get to the point of only saying nice things and speaking like they are in a library.  I find it fucking rediculous that you like theists think bluntess and cussing is on par with murder. Civility isn't about being free from getting offended or never having your claims picked on. Civility is what you do when you get offended. If we all got to murder people becuase we got offended all of us could think of excuses to do such. What keeps the west civil isn't censorship. What keeps us civil is common law.

You want to call me obnoxious, that would be a better argument. You want to say you hate me, that is your right and we are not obligated to like each other. But please stop with your fucking drama. There is a reason I call that book immoral on top of being scientifically absurd, and it is nothing more than verbally throwing cold water on someones face in the same way one would if they had a friend claiming the Yankees won the Superbowl.  That book has nothing to do with modern scientific knowledge, and the morals reflected the social norms for the people written back then. It was understanable people fell for it back then, it has no bases in our modern pluralistic world. Humans have rights, but claims as ideas do not deserve to be free from being offended.



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The strawmen just keep

The strawmen just keep coming. I guess Brian is just too stupid to realise how badly he gets owned on every possible subject.

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Vastet wrote:The strawmen

Vastet wrote:
The strawmen just keep coming. I guess Brian is just too stupid to realise how badly he gets owned on every possible subject.

What "strawman"?

Once again stooge, this isn't complicated. That book was written over 1,000 year period, by over 40 authors with books left out, full of scientific absurdities, with immoral acts of murder and genocide either condoned by or done by the God character, and the entire thing is based on a naked assertion that they have yet to even prove exists even before you get to the first word of that comic book. The fact that humans still buy that garbage is not my bagage. I didn't write it, I am simply giving people a book review, like a bad book or bad movie.

Stop being a drama queen.

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'What "strawman"?' In case

'What "strawman"?'

In case anyone in the audience missed it, I never once said religion was good or should be coddled or believed, despite Brian's incessant claims to the contrary. I simply claim it isn't poison, which is the kind of terminology that automatically shuts down any chance of rational discussion. It also happens to be factually inaccurate, as by definition anything poisonous automatically and absolutely must cause harm or death to anyone who injests it: something that religion has never accomplished and never will.

Brian of course is too stupid to understand this, so he keeps saying the same bullshit, that has nothing to do with any argument I ever made, over and over.

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Vastet wrote:'What

Vastet wrote:
'What "strawman"?' In case anyone in the audience missed it, I never once said religion was good or should be coddled or believed, despite Brian's incessant claims to the contrary. I simply claim it isn't poison, which is the kind of terminology that automatically shuts down any chance of rational discussion. It also happens to be factually inaccurate, as by definition anything poisonous automatically and absolutely must cause harm or death to anyone who injests it: something that religion has never accomplished and never will. Brian of course is too stupid to understand this, so he keeps saying the same bullshit, that has nothing to do with any argument I ever made, over and over.

Then stop fucking acting like it! Just stop with the drama, stop getting buthurt. Just say you don't like me. I don't like you either. Welcome to reality.

If you claim you never said religion was good, and I agree, and you also, like me think it should not be coddled, then skip the fucking word salad games. It isn't complicated in the slightest. It is an old book it is a fairy tale, a horribly written book with scientifically absurd claims and immoral as well. 

No strawman at all. I am simply cutting to the chase. Before you get to the first word they have no evidence. Start a claim with crap it doesn't matter what the "formula" is or how people justify it. Now, if you like wading through that comic book, be my guest. 

I am sure you think I am no genious and think I am a dumbass. But please. Both you and I know holy books are nothing more than tribal books writen in an age of ignorance. Just cut the fucking drama dude, you don't do anything differently in going after Fonzie as you should and rightfully do.



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Brian the hypocrite strikes

Brian the hypocrite strikes again! All the drama is courtesy of him, and him alone.

There's a reason words have specific definitions, shit for brains. Learn to English, mother fucker.

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Vastet wrote:Brian37

Vastet wrote:
Brian37 wrote:

 You really should consider becoming a believer because you are getting just as buthurt over blasphemy like a believer. 

Brian projects his character flaws onto me. Boring.

Character flaws? Everyone has flaws dumbass, even you.

Now if by not getting stuck on the different tuxes the skunk wears(meaning the different details religion points to to justify clinging to it) is a flaw, that is just silly. There are tons of different details even with in the same religions and they do get quite complecated. But so is the Harry Potter book series. Same can be said with the differnt daytime Soaps on TV.

The problem is and you damned well know it is that people hold those books to be true and factual and historical. The poision is that they cant simply leave it as a passtime like a favorite sports team or si fi show like a fan. They act on these beliefs and it can and does get to a political level to the point of oppresive laws and even war. To deny that is dangerous.

It is why 19 hijackers slammed planes into buildings. It is why blacks were slaves and women could not vote. It is why gay marriage was denied for so long and even today why religious people still freak out over it. It is why Galileo was put under house arrest. It is why witches were burned in Europe and Salem. It was the cause of the dark ages.


None of that is saying you can rid the world by force  of religion. But if you accept that relegion should not be coddled then don't fucking get upset with me. Not projecting myself on you one bit. Just saying you are a fucking idiot.



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Brian37 wrote:Character

Brian37 wrote:
Character flaws? Everyone has flaws dumbass, even you.

Brian thinks this is a good response. I LOL. Especially since compared to him I'm flawless.

The rest is Brian AGAIN missing the point completely, failing at English, projecting, making strawmen, blaming religion for things it isn't responsible for (which is hysterically funny considering how easy it is to find things religion IS responsible for), and being an all around dumb ass hypocrite.

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Brian37 wrote:It is why

Brian37 wrote:

It is why blacks were slaves and women could not vote.

No, it wasn't, as evidenced by the non-religious and deists who supported slavery. By far the largest drivers against slavery were religious nuts. The women's suffrage movement also was church driven.


It is why Galileo was put under house arrest.

No,, Galileo faced inquisition because he insulted Pope Urban VIII in a book. Before that, the Pope had been a personal friend and supporter for over a decade. In those days, publicly insulting someone with substantial political pwer was a good way to lose your head, regardless of your religion.


It was the cause of the dark ages.

No it wasn't. The dark ages was caused by the collapse of the Roman Empire, something the church did everything in its power to prevent. Do you even know why the dark ages is called the dark ages? (Of course not)


If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X