Non-white cop shoots and kills unarmed white man

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Non-white cop shoots and kills unarmed white man

As we have spoken previously and as I have attempted to research, why is it that the media has an issue with using the term "black cop shoots white man"? I've checked the media reports and you don't find it. The media avoids it.

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digitalbeachbum wrote:As we

digitalbeachbum wrote:

As we have spoken previously and as I have attempted to research, why is it that the media has an issue with using the term "black cop shoots white man"? I've checked the media reports and you don't find it. The media avoids it.

This does not change the lopsided ratio that blacks are more likely to be pulled over even when doing nothing wrong. Will be charged more severely than whites even if they make it safely to the back of a police car. And cops are more likely to kill blacks in a confrontation than whites.

I have done stupid shit as a teen myself, things that if cops had seen should have put me in jail. I have seen assaults between whites where no one gets charged. I have seen videos of armed people who do not end up dead.

Instead of posting stuff trying to prove blacks are making it an issue, if we as a society want to get to the point where it really is not an issue, than pretending that blacks are making it up and it is all in their heads, face that it is an issue instead of blaming blacks.







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 "They do it too" is not an

 "They do it too" is not an argument. When one makes that argument it means that person is in denial of their own bias.

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Brian37 wrote:...face that

Brian37 wrote:

...face that it is an issue instead of blaming blacks.



                                                    ....instead blame whites.   See, problem solved !   

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Brian37 wrote:  When one

Brian37 wrote:

  When one makes that argument it means that person is in denial of their own bias.


                                           What biases are you in denial of Brian ?   Oh, you're left wing so you can't be prejudiced.


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ProzacDeathWish wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

...face that it is an issue instead of blaming blacks.



                                                    ....instead blame whites.   See, problem solved !   

Put that in context. Yes blame whites, blame the racists, and blame whites who are not racist but think it is not a problem. 

I think it is reasonable that all sides want race to not be an issue. My problem with people who are not racist are the ones who don't want to face it is an issue. You do not solve problems by pretending they do not exist. Only a fool thinks race is not an issue. And only an fool blames the those affected by it instead of blaming the people doing it.

Same stupid mentality I get from liberal theists and atheists when I blaspheme bigots who use religion to condemn sexism and racism and homophobia. Don't get angry at me for getting angry at the right people, get angry at the right people.




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digitalbeachbum wrote:As we

digitalbeachbum wrote:

As we have spoken previously and as I have attempted to research, why is it that the media has an issue with using the term "black cop shoots white man"? I've checked the media reports and you don't find it. The media avoids it.

In fairness to the media, most police shootings of blacks don't get this kind of attention either. It was social media and the protests that drew the attention of the national media. 

Again, what irritates me about these situations is how the cops close ranks. "Days, weeks or months" before the video is released? That is completely unacceptable. When regular people commit crimes, any video of it is often on the news THAT night. The cops should be forced to release all the video they have recorded by that camera within a reasonable timeframe (say 48 hours), so that we can see if this shooting was justified. Although, aside from being slow to release the video, the police officials seem to be handling PR much better than in Ferguson. And it is likely that this community doesn't have as hostile relationship day to day with police as the people in Ferguson did. So the only people upset about it are the ones directly affected by losing a loved one, which is a really small protest that most people don't pay attention to. Maybe big news in local papers, but not nationally newsworthy. 500+ people are killed by police every year, that is a news story every day. 

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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 Oh and when people use the

 Oh and when people use the word "tollerate" again in what context? If everyone here agrees that on a government level people have the right to claim a god exists, but the claim itself does not deserve blind value or taboo. When a bigot racist opens their mouth, they have the right by law to do it, and I have the right by law to call them fucking assholes.

Now who the fuck in their right mind thinks no one should respond to this dickhead?

But according to some racism does not exist.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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 Quote:I'm a right wing

 Oh that's right, I am the one blowing shit up in the me of Allah. I am the one using the bible to justify controling women's bodies. I am the one shooting abortion doctors. I am the one denying gays equal rights. I am the one using holy books to bastardize science.

They have all the legal right to spew bullshit and I have the legal right to call it bullshit. If you are being a bigot damned right I am going to call you out on it. 

Not right wing at all buddy. Merely getting offended is not a crime or an act of oppression. I think you should be more concerned with their intollernce and not me.

If you are more concerned with my cussing and blaspemy at assholes than the real oppression in the world that leads to violence and arrest, then you have your priorities way out of whack.


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Brian37 wrote:


                                                    ....instead blame whites.   See, problem solved !   

Brian37 wrote:
  Put that in context. Yes blame whites, blame the racists, and blame whites who are not racist but think it is not a problem.


                               Oh believe me, there are millions of whites who aren't racist but still see racism as a problem, but not in the order that you do.



Brian37 wrote:
My problem with people who are not racist are the ones who don't want to face it is an issue. You do not solve problems by pretending they do not exist. Only a fool thinks race is not an issue. And only an fool blames the those affected by it instead of blaming the people doing it.


      You know Brian,  Hispanics will eventually become the dominant ethnic group in America.  Our culture has already manifested many of these changes and will continue to do so.   Funny thing is that they quite frequently express racist attitudes againt blacks. (  They even discriminate against the full-blooded indians from their home countries because they consider them to be beneath them ) The big difference is that when they take the reigns of power from the "whites" the Hispanics can't be guilt-tripped by blacks into caving in to the "NO JUSTICE-NO PEACE" crowd.    Hispanics had nothing to do with slavery, Jim Crow laws or any of that shit.   In Los Angeles the traditionally black neighborhoods are already being pushed out by the huge influx of immigrants and this transition isn't going over so well with the blacks.  Apparently the hispanic response is something along the lines of "tough shit." 





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ProzacDeathWish wrote:

Brian37 wrote:


                                                    ....instead blame whites.   See, problem solved !   

Brian37 wrote:
  Put that in context. Yes blame whites, blame the racists, and blame whites who are not racist but think it is not a problem.


                               Oh believe me, there are millions of whites who aren't racist but still see racism as a problem, but not in the order that you do.



Brian37 wrote:
My problem with people who are not racist are the ones who don't want to face it is an issue. You do not solve problems by pretending they do not exist. Only a fool thinks race is not an issue. And only an fool blames the those affected by it instead of blaming the people doing it.


      You know Brian,  Hispanics will eventually become the dominant ethnic group in America.  Our culture has already manifested many of these changes and will continue to do so.   Funny thing is that they quite frequently express racist attitudes againt blacks. (  They even discriminate against the full-blooded indians from their home countries because they consider them to be beneath them ) The big difference is that when they take the reigns of power from the "whites" the Hispanics can't be guilt-tripped by blacks into caving in to the "NO JUSTICE-NO PEACE" crowd.    Hispanics had nothing to do with slavery, Jim Crow laws or any of that shit.   In Los Angeles the traditionally black neighborhoods are already being pushed out by the huge influx of immigrants and this transition isn't going over so well with the blacks.  Apparently the hispanic response is something along the lines of "tough shit." 





What makes you think I would not address that. The demographic is chaning, because migration in evolution has always happend.

My x wife who is Japanese hates being confused with Koreans. My Purto Rican former co worker hated being confused with Mexicans.

That still does not change our current climate. Still does not change ratio wise who is affected the most right now.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote: .My x wife

Brian37 wrote:



My x wife who is Japanese hates being confused with Koreans.

          She is a racist !


Brian37 wrote:
My Purto Rican former co worker hated being confused with Mexicans.


         He is a racist !

Brian37 wrote:
That still does not change our current climate. Still does not change ratio wise who is affected the most right now.



              If you think current immigration patterns are not large enough to matter then you should come visit Texas.  Don't forget to bring your English / Spanish dictionary.




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ProzacDeathWish wrote:

Brian37 wrote:



My x wife who is Japanese hates being confused with Koreans.

          She is a racist !


Brian37 wrote:
My Purto Rican former co worker hated being confused with Mexicans.


         He is a racist !

Brian37 wrote:
That still does not change our current climate. Still does not change ratio wise who is affected the most right now.



              If you think current immigration patterns are not large enough to matter then you should come visit Texas.  Don't forget to bring your English / Spanish dictionary.




NO, once again, out of context. One can have bais without being aware of their own bias.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote:NO, once

Brian37 wrote:

NO, once again, out of context. One can have bais without being aware of their own bias.



  You whining about "context" sounds just like the Christians when they try and use "context" to justify genocide in the Old Testament.  It wasn't really  cold-blooded murder !  God just  told the Hebrews to kill every man, woman and child. ..... YOU"RE TAKING IT OUT OF CONTEXT !!!!!!

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Brian37 wrote:

digitalbeachbum wrote:

As we have spoken previously and as I have attempted to research, why is it that the media has an issue with using the term "black cop shoots white man"? I've checked the media reports and you don't find it. The media avoids it.

This does not change the lopsided ratio that blacks are more likely to be pulled over even when doing nothing wrong. Will be charged more severely than whites even if they make it safely to the back of a police car. And cops are more likely to kill blacks in a confrontation than whites.

I want links from credible sources showing a break down of blacks and whites on crime and then break it down even more in to ethnicity.

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ProzacDeathWish wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

  When one makes that argument it means that person is in denial of their own bias.


                                           What biases are you in denial of Brian ?   Oh, you're left wing so you can't be prejudiced.


The same can be said for conservatives (wait!) Conservatives never tolerate any other views other than their own.

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Brian37 wrote:

ProzacDeathWish wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

...face that it is an issue instead of blaming blacks.



                                                    ....instead blame whites.   See, problem solved !   

Put that in context. Yes blame whites, blame the racists, and blame whites who are not racist but think it is not a problem. 

Racism exists in humans. It isn't specific to blacks or whites.


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Beyond Saving

Beyond Saving wrote:

digitalbeachbum wrote:

As we have spoken previously and as I have attempted to research, why is it that the media has an issue with using the term "black cop shoots white man"? I've checked the media reports and you don't find it. The media avoids it.

Again, what irritates me about these situations is how the cops close ranks. "Days, weeks or months" before the video is released? That is completely unacceptable. When regular people commit crimes, any video of it is often on the news THAT night. The cops should be forced to release all the video they have recorded by that camera within a reasonable timeframe (say 48 hours), so that we can see if this shooting was justified. Although, aside from being slow to release the video, the police officials seem to be handling PR much better than in Ferguson. And it is likely that this community doesn't have as hostile relationship day to day with police as the people in Ferguson did. So the only people upset about it are the ones directly affected by losing a loved one, which is a really small protest that most people don't pay attention to. Maybe big news in local papers, but not nationally newsworthy. 500+ people are killed by police every year, that is a news story every day. 

I can sort of empathize with the cops. They are constantly under the microscope of society, but you are correct. They shouldn't be closed ranks. If a cop is innocent it isn't the police chief who is the judge; that's for the courts.

But understand from a military perspective, the commander protects their troops and the public shouldn't be allowed to hang them with mob mentality.


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digitalbeachbum wrote:The

digitalbeachbum wrote:

The same can be said for conservatives (wait!) Conservatives never tolerate any other views other than their own.


                                                                     Conservatives are just one big hate group.  

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digitalbeachbum wrote: But

digitalbeachbum wrote:

But understand from a military perspective, the commander protects their troops and the public shouldn't be allowed to hang them with mob mentality.

Military justice is authoritarian. I don't think our country should be policed by a military force. (And I think Iraq is a good example of why we shouldn't expect a military force to be like police.)

I don't think demanding videos and asking for a trial is mob mentality. I'm on my tablet, so I am missing my bookmarks, but police rarely ever see a public trial. I think that if cops regularly went to trial in situations that are less than crystal clear, you would see a lot more restraint being used and if police departments had to pay for lawsuits, you would see far more internal control of behavior that increases the risk of such confrontations happening.

Ultimately, it is about trust. The people of Ferguson don't trust the cops and there is almost certainly some combination of truth and urban myths that are both in that mix. Increased transparency and immediate addressing when incididents like this occur can go a long way towards fixing that. Also, militarizing the police for with equipment that was never built with the intent of non-lethal force goes against that. The pictures from Ferguson make people trust police even less, and it should outrage all Americans. (even us whities) There is NEVER a reason for a cop to point a gun at a group of unarmed protestors. Every cop that did, should be fired at the very least and the Ferguson PD should face a massive class action lawsuit.

You don't point a gun unless you are willing to pull the trigger. If our cops are willing to pull the trigger on those protestors, they are the bad guys- no matter how much in the right the cop who initially shot brown may or may not have been in.  

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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digitalbeachbum wrote: But

Brian37 wrote:

My x wife who is Japanese hates being confused with Koreans. My Purto Rican former co worker hated being confused with Mexicans.

Lol, from the hypocritical label machine himself. Is there anything in your life you don't have labeled? 

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Beyond Saving

Beyond Saving wrote:

digitalbeachbum wrote:

But understand from a military perspective, the commander protects their troops and the public shouldn't be allowed to hang them with mob mentality.

Military justice is authoritarian. I don't think our country should be policed by a military force. (And I think Iraq is a good example of why we shouldn't expect a military force to be like police.)

I don't think demanding videos and asking for a trial is mob mentality. I'm on my tablet, so I am missing my bookmarks, but police rarely ever see a public trial. I think that if cops regularly went to trial in situations that are less than crystal clear, you would see a lot more restraint being used and if police departments had to pay for lawsuits, you would see far more internal control of behavior that increases the risk of such confrontations happening.

Ultimately, it is about trust. The people of Ferguson don't trust the cops and there is almost certainly some combination of truth and urban myths that are both in that mix. Increased transparency and immediate addressing when incididents like this occur can go a long way towards fixing that. Also, militarizing the police for with equipment that was never built with the intent of non-lethal force goes against that. The pictures from Ferguson make people trust police even less, and it should outrage all Americans. (even us whities) There is NEVER a reason for a cop to point a gun at a group of unarmed protestors. Every cop that did, should be fired at the very least and the Ferguson PD should face a massive class action lawsuit.

You don't point a gun unless you are willing to pull the trigger. If our cops are willing to pull the trigger on those protestors, they are the bad guys- no matter how much in the right the cop who initially shot brown may or may not have been in.  

And who are the majority that don't trust cops? Now take that nation wide. No there is no urban myth. You can talk to suburban blacks and rual blacks and they can tell you the same thing. 

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^ Doesn't know what an urban

^ Doesn't know what an urban myth is.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

Beyond Saving
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Brian37 wrote:And who are

Brian37 wrote:

And who are the majority that don't trust cops? Now take that nation wide. No there is no urban myth. You can talk to suburban blacks and rual blacks and they can tell you the same thing. 

Anyone who has had interactions with the thugs. And yes, blacks tend to have more interaction with them than any other race. If you were actually interested in reality, you might consider asking why that is. There is a shitload of studies on the topic, I linked to a few of them for Harley. Your simplistic and unsophisticated views of the world are not the slightest bit useful for finding actual solutions to our problems.

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Beyond Saving wrote:Your

Beyond Saving wrote:
Your simplistic and unsophisticated views of the world are not the slightest bit useful for finding actual solutions to our problems.

it in a nutshell!!!

"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

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   Agreed.  Beyond's


  Agreed.  Beyond's assessment of bloviating Brian is spot on.