Russell Brand, well intended but still gets my WTF award. OP/ED.

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Russell Brand, well intended but still gets my WTF award. OP/ED.

Holly crap, I am used to dealing with delusions from theists, but I really hate it when atheists do it. Russell is well intended in wanting to help the average Joe and the poor and sees like many the disparity between the top and the bottom. Sees the abuse of money and power and the over pollution of the planet.


But doesn't vote himself, says he won't vote because it does not work. My question to this moron is, what would you replace it with? And what does he think would happen to his own personal wealth if voting were scrapped? I'll tell him what would happen. It would create a power vacuum, and that vacuum would be filled with someone with even more  money than him, enough to create a monopoly on political power, like Gaddaffi, or the anarchy warlord country of Somalia. Removing voting would not guarantee the end of disparity, it would simply shift power.


Secular systems of government are no different that dictatorships, they are both run by humans and thus subject to abuse of power, because humans have always been capable of cruelty and compassion. Voting happens in Iran too but I doubt Russell  would like living there nor could he make a living making fun of religion like he does. Libya thought Gaddaffi overthrowing the prior democracy would cure their social ills, and all it did was allow him to become a dictator, BECAUSE OF HIS WEALTH.


The problem isn't voting, the problem is humans. At least in the west, people have MORE of an opportunity than a dictatorship, to have a voice. I'd say to Russell Brand, vote and or run for office, but don't bitch, and do not speak for me.


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CORRECTION......I have just

CORRECTION......I have just been informed that Brand is NOT an atheist. But having seen him trash religion so many times, I assumed. Still does not change that I think he is a moron to want to stop voting.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Never heard of the imbecile

Never heard of the imbecile until he started talking. A quick google reveals he just purchased another $2.2 million home. If he is so concerned about the poor, why doesn't he give away his millions?

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Beyond Saving wrote:Never

Beyond Saving wrote:

Never heard of the imbecile until he started talking. A quick google reveals he just purchased another $2.2 million home. If he is so concerned about the poor, why doesn't he give away his millions?

Holly shit Beyond, you really have it in your tiny brain that liberals cant value wealth. And you also completely missed that I blasted him as well.


He wasn't wrong about the pay disparity. He was wrong about scrapping the secular system. He confuses "it isn't working", missing the point of TIME AND CONTEXT, I'd argue that simply because people misuse the tool, WHICH THE UBER RICH DO, doesn't mean you throw the tool out because of what the users do with the tool.


What he should argue is monopolies of power and pay gap, not get rid of voting, I sure as hell wont give up my right to vote considering that you vote. He is well intended, just wrong about tactic.



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Brian37 wrote:Beyond Saving

Brian37 wrote:

Beyond Saving wrote:

Never heard of the imbecile until he started talking. A quick google reveals he just purchased another $2.2 million home. If he is so concerned about the poor, why doesn't he give away his millions?

Holly shit Beyond, you really have it in your tiny brain that liberals cant value wealth. And you also completely missed that I blasted him as well.


He wasn't wrong about the pay disparity. He was wrong about scrapping the secular system. He confuses "it isn't working", missing the point of TIME AND CONTEXT, I'd argue that simply because people misuse the tool, WHICH THE UBER RICH DO, doesn't mean you throw the tool out because of what the users do with the tool.


What he should argue is monopolies of power and pay gap, not get rid of voting, I sure as hell wont give up my right to vote considering that you vote. He is well intended, just wrong about tactic.



Why shouldn't he lead by example? He has the power to fix the pay gap by giving away his wealth.

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Beyond Saving wrote:Brian37

Beyond Saving wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

Beyond Saving wrote:

Never heard of the imbecile until he started talking. A quick google reveals he just purchased another $2.2 million home. If he is so concerned about the poor, why doesn't he give away his millions?

Holly shit Beyond, you really have it in your tiny brain that liberals cant value wealth. And you also completely missed that I blasted him as well.


He wasn't wrong about the pay disparity. He was wrong about scrapping the secular system. He confuses "it isn't working", missing the point of TIME AND CONTEXT, I'd argue that simply because people misuse the tool, WHICH THE UBER RICH DO, doesn't mean you throw the tool out because of what the users do with the tool.


What he should argue is monopolies of power and pay gap, not get rid of voting, I sure as hell wont give up my right to vote considering that you vote. He is well intended, just wrong about tactic.



Why shouldn't he lead by example? He has the power to fix the pay gap by giving away his wealth.

Stop it , this is not a loyalty oath issue. "Conservatives" have no monopoly on wealth as if they are the only ones entitled to gain it.

It is not wealth that is the problem, it is ATTITUDE. All classes are needed. But I doubt he has the same Ayn Rand attitude you do.

Wealthy people can be liberals both economically and socially, the problem is there are not enough of them. Most of the global uber rich have your attitude which is sinking our economy and not helping anyone.

Now here is what I can do that you wont do. If I made what he made, I'd be happy to give up more if it meant someone at our lower or lowest status could make ends meet. If they can, then guess what, that means they wouldn't have to be as dependent on government. That should appeal to a small government advocate like you.


I do however think his attitude of "voting doesn't work" is really fucked up, even that is too much for me considering that Obama handed Rove and the Koch brothers their asses TWICE.






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Brian37 wrote:Stop it , this

Brian37 wrote:

Stop it , this is not a loyalty oath issue. "Conservatives" have no monopoly on wealth as if they are the only ones entitled to gain it.

How is Russell entitled to his wealth when the corporations and people he criticizes are not? Sorry, I have no respect for someone who doesn't practice what they preach.


Brian37 wrote:

It is not wealth that is the problem, it is ATTITUDE. All classes are needed. But I doubt he has the same Ayn Rand attitude you do.

His attitude isn't going to feed the homeless. His money could, instead he chose to purchase a mansion while at the same time criticizing other rich people for not caring for the poor. 


Brian37 wrote:

Now here is what I can do that you wont do. If I made what he made, I'd be happy to give up more if it meant someone at our lower or lowest status could make ends meet. If they can, then guess what, that means they wouldn't have to be as dependent on government. That should appeal to a small government advocate like you.

What makes you think I don't do that on a daily basis? I do what you can't because you don't bother taking steps to increase you income making potential. "If" doesn't feed anyone and since you selfishly refuse to improve your career, you are unable to substantially help anyone financially. I don't oppose using your own money to help people, I oppose taking money from other people and using government force to make people help others.

Liberals like Russell are always very generous with other people's money. They are generally greedy pricks when it comes to their own money. I don't really care if people are greedy pricks, but it does annoy me when a greedy prick wants to take money from others to do what they are not willing to do with their own money, like Russell Brand or Warren fucking Buffett not paying his secretary more and blaming everyone else for it. In general, liberals love to complain, but do very little to improve their corner or the world, even when they have the means to do so.

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Quote:What makes you think I

What makes you think I don't do that on a daily basis? I do what you can't because you don't bother taking steps to increase you income making potential.


Stop it. This is bullshit. It isn't a matter of me wanting more. It is a matter of the exploding gap pushing me and the middle class down further.


You are the one living in fantasy land, not me. You really want to help me? STOP BITCHING ABOUT WHAT I DO FOR A LIVING as if it is a fucking crime. What people like you can do and my boss can do is stop cutting back my hours and pay me what I am worth to keep up with the cost of living. THAT is how you can help.


Your being a judgmental jackass makes you look like a jaded prick. And stupidly you want to make this strictly about me. No, this is about my fellow co workers, this is about both public and private workers in all industries at the low level and mid level that are increasingly becoming indentured slaves due to lack of good pay keeping up with the cost of living. YOUR attitude and the majority ruining our economy you side with is what the problem is.












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Beyond Saving wrote:Why

Beyond Saving wrote:
Why shouldn't he lead by example? He has the power to fix the pay gap by giving away his wealth.


Oh good, then, by that logic, you wouldn't mind chipping in by selling your company, all your assets and living the stripped down life, now would you?

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Brian37 wrote:What people

Brian37 wrote:

What people like you can do and my boss can do is stop cutting back my hours and pay me what I am worth to keep up with the cost of living. THAT is how you can help.

I may be remembering incorrectly, but I thought Beyond Saving once offered to point you to advice on how to negotiate for a better wage, how to find a better job, and how to make oneself be more desirable as an employee. Now, I imagine it would take a significant amount of effort to accomplish these things. Still, if I'm recalling correctly, Beyond certainly made a genuine offer of help.


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blacklight915 wrote:Brian37

blacklight915 wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

What people like you can do and my boss can do is stop cutting back my hours and pay me what I am worth to keep up with the cost of living. THAT is how you can help.

I may be remembering incorrectly, but I thought Beyond Saving once offered to point you to advice on how to negotiate for a better wage, how to find a better job, and how to make oneself be more desirable as an employee. Now, I imagine it would take a significant amount of effort to accomplish these things. Still, if I'm recalling correctly, Beyond certainly made a genuine offer of help.


STOP! This is not about me, this is about an entire economy. I really hate this crap when people like him and now you've been infected by his bull, when people say "you want to be happy?" They project their script on others.


I told him how big and small business owners can help the likes of the middle class and working poor. Pay us better and stop blaming us for what what was done to us.


"Better job", that is just the type of snobish language that fucking pisses me off.


No the only thing he is "genuinely" doing is the same bubble projection of his utopia on par with theists.


I have a damned good job, I love my job, I DO NOT WANT ANOTHER JOB. Being a dish washer is not a fucking crime. My hours being cut is the crime. I didn't ask for that, THAT WAS DONE TO ME. Now again, this isn't just me, this is everywhere and not just the poor class. The middle is getting fucked as well.


I am not the bad guy and more people at my end and the middle class are not going to put up with bullshit failed arguments like this. The pay needs to go up, and there needs to be INVESTMENT in EVERYTHING. THAT is how you can help. We are not going to put up with being scapegoated.





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Brian37 wrote: Being a dish

Brian37 wrote:


Being a dish washer ....


      You're in your forties now,  correct ?   Jesus, there's millions of inexperienced teenagers who have at least acquired some marketable job skills and show more ambition than you.   Income-wise that puts you just above the earnings of a street person.   Do you even own a car, or live on your own ?   There's no fucking way.

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Sage_Override wrote:Beyond

Sage_Override wrote:

Beyond Saving wrote:
Why shouldn't he lead by example? He has the power to fix the pay gap by giving away his wealth.


Oh good, then, by that logic, you wouldn't mind chipping in by selling your company, all your assets and living the stripped down life, now would you?

I don't view the pay gap as a problem and I'm not running around wanting to take other peoples money. If I did, I would. 

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Brian37 wrote:Stop it.

Brian37 wrote:

Stop it.



Brian37 wrote:

This is bullshit. It isn't a matter of me wanting more. It is a matter of the exploding gap pushing me and the middle class down further.

No one is pushing you down. You have other options, you choose not to pursue them.


Brian37 wrote:

You are the one living in fantasy land, not me. You really want to help me?

Not particularly. I don't really give a shit how you live.


Brian37 wrote:

STOP BITCHING ABOUT WHAT I DO FOR A LIVING as if it is a fucking crime.

I'm not bitching about it. I don't give a shit what you do for a living, but since you do nothing to seek other employment, don't bitch to me about your chosen employment not paying you enough. You have choices, you choose not to pursue them. If you want advice on how you could make more money, I can offer that. I am not going to put a gun to your head and force you to do it.


Brian37 wrote:

What people like you can do and my boss can do is stop cutting back my hours and pay me what I am worth to keep up with the cost of living. THAT is how you can help.

Why should I? I don't need a dishwasher because I don't have any dishes that need to be washed. Your job is worth what you are getting paid, if you want more you need to find a job people are willing to pay more for.


Brian37 wrote:

Your being a judgmental jackass makes you look like a jaded prick. And stupidly you want to make this strictly about me.

It is all about you.


Brian37 wrote:

No, this is about my fellow co workers, this is about both public and private workers in all industries at the low level and mid level that are increasingly becoming indentured slaves due to lack of good pay keeping up with the cost of living. YOUR attitude and the majority ruining our economy you side with is what the problem is.

I would offer the same advice to your coworkers and no doubt many of them are taking steps to improve their marketable skills and get higher paying jobs. If you want to make more money, the restaurant industry is going to have limited options. The margins are small and few people make any serious money at it outside of the massive scale. That is why I am not in the industry, although I did seriously consider purchasing a bar for a bit.

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Brian37 wrote:I told him how

Brian37 wrote:

I told him how big and small business owners can help the likes of the middle class and working poor. Pay us better and stop blaming us for what what was done to us.


Why don't you pay me more?


Brian37 wrote:

I have a damned good job, I love my job, I DO NOT WANT ANOTHER JOB. Being a dish washer is not a fucking crime.

Okay, so you don't want another job. Fine. But your choice not to pursue another job has a direct impact on your income level. Don't bitch at me because your chosen job has low income. All I really want to do is hunt, but no one is going to pay me a living wage to hunt. Prozac wants to spend his days in Siberia playing with an array of weaponry, but no one is going to pay him to do that. People don't pay you to do what you want, they pay you to provide them with something they want. The more they want it, the more they are willing to pay.

Now I understand if you like your job and want to do it despite it paying low income. My brother could be making really good money as a doctor, but he has chosen to be a missionary and makes virtually no money. I actually ran into a manager of a restaurant I haven't seen for awhile who has a degree in engineering. He used to have a six figure job, but he didn't like it, so he chose to go back to being a manager in a restaurant making maybe a third of what he used to. The difference is that neither of them are bitching to me about needing to be paid more. They made the choice to accept a lower income than they could otherwise make to do jobs they enjoy more.  


Brian37 wrote:

My hours being cut is the crime. I didn't ask for that, THAT WAS DONE TO ME. Now again, this isn't just me, this is everywhere and not just the poor class. The middle is getting fucked as well.


Why is it a crime to not need you? Your boss could simply decide fuck it, close the restaurant and live a stripped down life like Sage suggested. Then where would you be? Should he be forced to stay in business because YOU want to work there?


Brian37 wrote:

I am not the bad guy and more people at my end and the middle class are not going to put up with bullshit failed arguments like this. The pay needs to go up, and there needs to be INVESTMENT in EVERYTHING. THAT is how you can help. We are not going to put up with being scapegoated.

If you want your pay to go up, I can offer practical advice on how to achieve that goal. However, it might mean you have to do something you don't want to do. It is your choice, don't bitch to me just because you don't like the consequences of your choice.

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Beyond Saving

Beyond Saving wrote:



  That is why I am not in the industry, although I did seriously consider purchasing a bar for a bit.

Speaking of which, (even though it is way off of the topic and no doubt you have probably posted it on here before) What sort of business are you in exactly ? I don't think I have ever recalled you mentioning this in all of the posts and what made you decide to go into it ?

Me personally, and I know how this must sound, but I tried running my own lawn care business for a long time and while some benefits were enjoyable (being my own boss, setting my own hours as long as all customers were satisfied, and being somewhat free) it did have its downside.

I had certain "friends" that were supposed to be helping me run the thing that did not seem to care if the phone was ringing or not, did not seem to be terribly good at punctuality, etc. (Never use so-called friends for employees to anyone who has never done it). Some of my employees were damned hard workers and as enthusiastic about it as I was.

BUT, in spite of freedom, I did live, breathe and eat it. If I walked into a restaurant or a bar, it was a flier in the window and chat with owners, if I was in a laundromat it was a flier in the window, if I was on the Internet it was ads, and more ads. If I overheard someone talking about moving into a new house, I was immediately in the conversation and casually asked if they needed their lawn cut. (It is a trick to learn how to NOT seem pushy while being pushy and I must say that I was rather good at it). But you get the idea, when I was not in a flowerbed, raking leaves, mowing or something, I was constantly thinking of new ways to get MORE business.

I even got into magnetic signs that could be slapped onto employees cars and my truck (where they could take them off when they wished) and I stayed busy.

A lot of factors lead me to getting out of it. But, I have found that there is a great advantage to just going in somewhere and punching a clock. I don't take it home with me, don't have to plan around it and think about it all of the time, don't have to worry when my phone is not ringing and just have the simple pleasure of going home.

Just wondering how you feel about being in your own business.

I have thought about trying that again. Truth to be told, that was a few years ago and I am a lot older and wiser about what to do and not do when running one. I may only be 36 going on 37, but there is a major difference between now and 33 Smiling

“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno

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harleysportster wrote:Beyond

harleysportster wrote:

Beyond Saving wrote:



  That is why I am not in the industry, although I did seriously consider purchasing a bar for a bit.

Speaking of which, (even though it is way off of the topic and no doubt you have probably posted it on here before) What sort of business are you in exactly ? I don't think I have ever recalled you mentioning this in all of the posts and what made you decide to go into it ?

Me personally, and I know how this must sound, but I tried running my own lawn care business for a long time and while some benefits were enjoyable (being my own boss, setting my own hours as long as all customers were satisfied, and being somewhat free) it did have its downside.

I had certain "friends" that were supposed to be helping me run the thing that did not seem to care if the phone was ringing or not, did not seem to be terribly good at punctuality, etc. (Never use so-called friends for employees to anyone who has never done it). Some of my employees were damned hard workers and as enthusiastic about it as I was.

BUT, in spite of freedom, I did live, breathe and eat it. If I walked into a restaurant or a bar, it was a flier in the window and chat with owners, if I was in a laundromat it was a flier in the window, if I was on the Internet it was ads, and more ads. If I overheard someone talking about moving into a new house, I was immediately in the conversation and casually asked if they needed their lawn cut. (It is a trick to learn how to NOT seem pushy while being pushy and I must say that I was rather good at it). But you get the idea, when I was not in a flowerbed, raking leaves, mowing or something, I was constantly thinking of new ways to get MORE business.

I even got into magnetic signs that could be slapped onto employees cars and my truck (where they could take them off when they wished) and I stayed busy.

A lot of factors lead me to getting out of it. But, I have found that there is a great advantage to just going in somewhere and punching a clock. I don't take it home with me, don't have to plan around it and think about it all of the time, don't have to worry when my phone is not ringing and just have the simple pleasure of going home.

Just wondering how you feel about being in your own business.

I have thought about trying that again. Truth to be told, that was a few years ago and I am a lot older and wiser about what to do and not do when running one. I may only be 36 going on 37, but there is a major difference between now and 33 Smiling

That is what people who have never tried to start a business can't understand. There are a lot of great perks, but there are also a lot of drawbacks. There is a lot to say about knowing exactly how much you are going to get paid and knowing you will be working x hours. The business owner might not get paid at all, the employees and bills have to be paid first and it is quite likely with a new business that you won't make any significant profit for the first few years. I invested in an antique shop in 2011 and this is the first year I have drawn any cash from it and if I were to calculate my hourly rate it would be somewhere below the sweatshop in China- I am optimistic that in a few years I will get good cash flow from it, but maybe not. I started several businesses, but I am lazy and made a terrible sole proprietor.

I make my money by investing in start ups offering my advice and help get them off the ground. Initially I put in a lot of work, but I never take more than half of the equity. I want the people I invest in to call the shots, have the responsibility and be the ones living and breathing the business. I want the business to be theirs, I'm just helping out and offering my experience/advice when it comes to business matters that people who have never started a business tend to not think about. It is risky because I am at the mercy of others if they decide to give up or are incompetent, but when a business becomes successful the payoff can be substantial, and once it is running smoothly my advice and effort isn't needed so much allowing me to enjoy the freedom of not having to answer to anyone.

Currently, I own part of the antique shop ran by a father and son, I am selling off the remainder of the wine shop, and most of my money comes from a real estate appraisal company which bores the fuck out of me but is extremely profitable and I have managed to make myself almost completely irrelevant to the day to day operations. I would rather own 10-25% of several companies than to own 100% of one company. When I first invest, I actually enjoy the hard work, research and learning the intricacies of a new industry. Once I've done it for a few years I get bored and want to move on. 

What I would really love to do is own a vineyard, the start up investment for something like that is completely out of the question for me right now though. I invest where I see opportunity for profit, not necessarily where I want to, because it would be more fun to own a bar than a real estate appraisal company.

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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For anyone who is thinking

For anyone who is thinking about starting a company I would strongly recommend reading the 4-hour work week. It is my observation that a lot of people waste a lot of time doing things that don't need to be done and that becomes particularly true for business owners. Since they live and breathe their business, they often micromanage which is neither efficient nor effective. Often, the best thing you can do is get out of the way and let others do it. Also, when initially structuring a business it is important to structure it in a way that it will run just fine with minimal oversight. Your profit might be much smaller if you hire someone to do things like manage employees, but the time you save can be better spent elsewhere. It is better to have many small income streams that require little time and effort than to have one large income stream that demands significant time and effort. The most important thing in any business venture is to know what you want to get out of it before you start and to plan not only how to grow the business, but also what your personal role in the business is going to be.

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Brian37 wrote:STOP! This is

Brian37 wrote:

STOP! This is not about me, this is about an entire economy. (cut to save space)

Here's a list of some things I DIDN'T do:

-tell you how you should live your life

-state that being a dish washer is (or should be) a crime

-state that you asked for your hours to be cut

-state that you were "the bad guy"


By "better job", I meant any job you'd rather have over your current one. I only said "better" because there were certain aspects of your current job you didn't like--hours being cut, low pay, etc.  I would suggest talking to your boss about these issues, but you've probably already done that.

"My hours being cut is the crime." <-- Do you mean for that statement to be taken literally?


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Brian37 wrote:Holly crap, I

Brian37 wrote:

Holly crap, I am used to dealing with delusions from theists, but I really hate it when atheists do it. Russell is well intended in wanting to help the average Joe and the poor and sees like many the disparity between the top and the bottom. Sees the abuse of money and power and the over pollution of the planet.

But doesn't vote himself, says he won't vote because it does not work. My question to this moron is, what would you replace it with? And what does he think would happen to his own personal wealth if voting were scrapped? I'll tell him what would happen. It would create a power vacuum, and that vacuum would be filled with someone with even more  money than him, enough to create a monopoly on political power, like Gaddaffi, or the anarchy warlord country of Somalia. Removing voting would not guarantee the end of disparity, it would simply shift power.

What, he doesn't believe in voting? Well, I can't blame him, the only two decent people in American politics I know of (beyond local levels) are Jill Stein and Ron Paul, or so some people say. In USA most of congressmen are millionaires and they only represent the top 30 % richest, like big industrial interests, nobody represents the actual citizens. So voting or not voting doesn't cut it. The world and USA are short of one revolution.

Anyway, the best way to scrap voting is to scrap the federal government. Blue states are decent enough to live by their own laws and people can keep their votes and vote with their money. I'm no Libertarian, but there is nothing like Libertarianism on what are basically artificial problems. Red states can keep Iraq, Afghanistan, Gibraltar, South Korea, Guantanamo bay and other about 700 military bases, mostly stacked on each other around the borders of Iran.

Brian37 wrote:

Secular systems of government are no different that dictatorships, they are both run by humans and thus subject to abuse of power, because humans have always been capable of cruelty and compassion. Voting happens in Iran too but I doubt Russell  would like living there nor could he make a living making fun of religion like he does. Libya thought Gaddaffi overthrowing the prior democracy would cure their social ills, and all it did was allow him to become a dictator, BECAUSE OF HIS WEALTH.

The problem isn't voting, the problem is humans. At least in the west, people have MORE of an opportunity than a dictatorship, to have a voice. I'd say to Russell Brand, vote and or run for office, but don't bitch, and do not speak for me.  

Yeah, blame humans in front of a militant humanist. Not a good idea. Have you ever thought of how money fuck up everything, especially huge piles of money? The banksters own the Congress and Obama himself. In last decades they de-regulated every financial measure and went on a money-printing spree. When things get bad, they always blame the common citizens and the poorest. They always blame the people. The only thing that people did wrong was that they didn't storm the government buildings with shotguns like in the good ol' days and kept paying taxes.

I don't have a problem with the rich... well, I do, but I think even they aren't well off with the extreme inequality. If they hold all the money, the money lose meaning. This is not a leftist or rightist idea, this is a simple fact of monetary economy. Even if you don't mind the rich making lots of money, you can't be OK if there is a whole new class of super-rich off the charts people who own more money than anyone else on the planet. The system is so fucked up, that what you think of as politics and economy has lost its meaning. The problem isn't humans, it's the system.

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Beyond Saving
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I think there is significant

I think there is significant evidence that voting isn't great and to that extent Brand has some good points. The problem is, what do you replace it with? I haven't seen anyone suggest an idea that is appealing.

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X