Famous US Pastor, Rick Warren's 27 year old son commits suicide.

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Famous US Pastor, Rick Warren's 27 year old son commits suicide.


  Rick Warren, who wrote The Purpose Driven Life, has suffered the loss of his adult son to suicide.  www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/06/matthew-warren-suicide_n_302979.html

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I am sorry to hear that . . . .

This is very tragic and wouldnt know how to express as to the proper etiquette of sending condolences. Death is a tragic time for the surviving family members and friends, and offering the right words of comfort can go a long way to helping them heal. Saying the wrong thing unintentionally however, can cause undue pain.

I would wish they'd all take a brake and get out of Dodge (U.S. idiom). Pain I've learned, in the last months, since my grandfather's passing is a very private thing. It is really not shared, least of all in the impersonal enviroment of a church setting . I woke up this morning in the wee hours with tears streaming down my cheeks remembering the circumstances of my Grandpa's passing. He didnt intentially kill himself but it could have been completely avoid if he had acted rightly, in his case. I havent had that experience in quite a while. He was immediately Life-Flighted to the emergency. He fell and was on blood-thiners. 80-85% of his brain was lost and he was left on life-support for entire two months. This puts this news in a somber light for me personally. I sure the family is grieving.

p.s. -- Christians have a bad habbit of saying stupid things in moments like these. I hope the family is spared those remarks!

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The funny thing is I have as

The funny thing is I have as much disdain and dislike for Rick Warren as anyone on this earth, but I still feel really bad for his loss.

The Internet is rumoring that he was gay. Whether he was gay or strait, my opinion is that someone who commits suicide at his age(27), it is most likely due to sexual frustration or drugs(prescribed or illegal). He was treated by the best doctors. But I know from experience that modern medicine is way too focused on unresolved childhood issues and chemical imbalance as causes of depression and not sexual frustration. A case of science being constrained by 'the Christian world view'.


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Terrible news.If it is true

Terrible news.

If it is true that his son was gay and the suicide was because of the suppression of those emotions and thoughts, then a simple "It's ok that you are gay. I accept you for who you are" would have stopped this from happening.


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digitalbeachbum wrote:

Terrible news.

If it is true that his son was gay and the suicide was because of the suppression of those emotions and thoughts, then a simple "It's ok that you are gay. I accept you for who you are" would have stopped this from happening.


I wonder how many times that gay people or people with issues could have been spared from such things ? It's really not a subject that I care to think about too deeply, truth to be told.

One of the reasons why I am an Anti-Theist as much as an Atheist these days.

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Family Systems Theory

Family Systems Theory (Murray Bowen) states there are recognizable patterns in all pathological family relationships.  There’s dysfunction in all families but to avoid this fact the most sensitive or vulnerable family member is often targeted, perhaps unconsciously and made into the family scapegoat.

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digitalbeachbum wrote:

Terrible news.

If it is true that his son was gay and the suicide was because of the suppression of those emotions and thoughts, then a simple "It's ok that you are gay. I accept you for who you are" would have stopped this from happening.


Kind of hard to do when you've built your entire career on pushing the bible as the answer to everything. Since the bible claims homosexuality is among the worst forms of immorality and even call for them being put to death.

How nice to know that Rick Warren is praying for us:


I'm sure they will be as effective as his prayers for his son. But it's a nice way for him to dodge the question of 'did sexual repression in his church play a role?'

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EXC wrote:digitalbeachbum

EXC wrote:

digitalbeachbum wrote:

Terrible news.

If it is true that his son was gay and the suicide was because of the suppression of those emotions and thoughts, then a simple "It's ok that you are gay. I accept you for who you are" would have stopped this from happening.


Kind of hard to do when you've built your entire career on pushing the bible as the answer to everything. Since the bible claims homosexuality is among the worst forms of immorality and even call for them being put to death.

How nice to know that Rick Warren is praying for us:


I'm sure they will be as effective as his prayers for his son. But it's a nice way for him to dodge the question of 'did sexual repression in his church play a role?'

I only recall one part of the bible which says you shouldn't be gay. I don't recall it being on the 10 commandments if it was such an important item for their god. One would think that if "god knows every thing" then god would have know it would have been a important issue 2000 years later.

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I Don't Blame Him

I don't blame him.

If I was Rick Warren's Son I probably would commit suicide also. Rick Warren is FOR gay marriage and has proven on countless occasions to be a heretic. He is not a Christian but a Megan McCain of the Christian World as she is in the Republican World. Though humanly, even though Rick is a wolf in sheeps clothing and deserves a punch in the mouth, prayer should be given to him and his family.


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Vastet wrote:How quickly the

Vastet wrote:

How quickly the vultures attack each other.

If I was a vulture, I'd be offended at such a comparison. Sticking out tongue