Mass shootings, a question for atheists.

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Mass shootings, a question for atheists.

Every time we hear about events like this the god talk always happens. I am looking to hear from any atheist who has been witness to, or lost a loved one, not just at the Denver theater, but any event anywhere in the past.

If theists are going to use these horrible events to advertise for their deity, why shouldn't atheist who can and are victims of crime as well, why shouldn't you open up and talk about your feelings?

I just get a bit sick to see our common humanity get tossed aside when these horrible events happen get monopolized by theists as if they are the only ones who suffer.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Well I haven't lost a loved

Well I haven't lost a loved one THANKFULLY in a tragedy like this but this is perfect opportunity for us to say JESUS IS A MYTH AND GOD DOESN'T EXIST!!!

Click here to find out why Christianity is the biggest fairy tale ever created!!

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That is a debate issue left

That is a debate issue left to a forum like this. That is not my issue.

I can hate a claim a person makes without hating them. And even with our believing friends and family, there is no human who is sane who likes losing a loved one, especially like this.

My point is the media and public venues that are monopolized by the religious. If human suffering is the issue, and both the believer and atheist can feel that pain, then it is a double standard to constantly see only one label, in times like this, in a news sound bite, or the words of a politician. Events like this are public, even when they happen on private property. It affects everyone, and no one should have to be subjugated to an expectation of silence merely because they don't share the same label as the majority.


One could expect, if an event like this were possible in Iran, that the Muslim majority would make the same types of displays, with the expectation that non-Muslims keep their mouth shut.

This is America, and in this country there is no entitlement to monopolize a public event and expect the silence of others. I felt the same sense of fear and horror on 9/11 as any theist, as I did with Colombine and now this.

But yet the only things I hear on TV are words like "faiht" "prayer" and "God" as if Christians were the only humans in history who ever can know what suffering is.

No one should be dicks to believers for doing what our species has always done, and even elephants do, mourn the loss of a loved one. Fine, but what my objection is to is the monopoly of venue.


Even people reading this here who are from NY City viewed the towers coming down. Believers act like those atheists were not there, and did not go through the same things they did.


I feel sorry for anyone who loses a loved one. Every human, no matter what, no matter how, will suffer that at some point. So I do have empathy. I just don't like the double standard in pretending that others don't exist because they are not part of that majority label. We are all the same species, no matter our politics, our religions or nationality or race.






"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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