Why Is There So Little Secular Information on Faith Healers?

Marty Hamrick
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Why Is There So Little Secular Information on Faith Healers?

I started out googling Kathryn Kuhlman because I distinctly remember reading somewhere, years ago that it was found out that she used electrical filaments in her sleeves for her "slain in the spirit" act. My mom and sis went to see her back in 1974 and were impressed, my dad, who was recuperating from a broken leg, refused to go as he had no use at all for faith healers. I also remember reading or hearing something about Oral Roberts also being "debunked" at some point, but at the time, I wasn't interested and the source escapes me now.

What's puzzling is, you would think debunking faith healers would be all over the net by people who specialize in such, but even finding ANY secular sources on people such as Kuhlman or Roberts is difficult. There is plenty of material of denouncement from other Christians who cite biblical sources why these televangelist "healers" are fake, but precious little from secular sources.

One can't help but think that with the money these scam artists rake in (just look at how well some of them live, like Benny Hinn, a protege of Kuhlman), and much of that money is tax exempt, that somehow, evidence of fakery was "bought off" by their ministries and families after they passed on. Kuhlman is practically deified by the majority of sources one finds on the net.

Discuss folks, speculation is welcome.


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I think these people just

I think these people just have so much money by the time they become famous that only someone equally rich and very determined or someone inside and trusted completely could uncover actual evidence of wrongdoing.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

Marty Hamrick
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Vastet wrote:I think these

Vastet wrote:
I think these people just have so much money by the time they become famous that only someone equally rich and very determined or someone inside and trusted completely could uncover actual evidence of wrongdoing.


Well there have been some good investigations the Randi Institute went after Peter Popoff, but surprise surprise he's back in business after a 25 year hiatus. I know that I read somewhere about fakery with Kathryn Kuhlman that I previously mentioned, but darned if I can find anything now.

"Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings."

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This page may lead you

This page may lead you somewhere.   http://www.csicop.org/search?cx=partner-pub-7990294390318881%3Akq7omegpkyf&cof=FORID%3A10&ie=UTF-8&q=faith+healers&sa=%C2%BB

You might also explore "alternative medicine" and pseudoscience for subject headings to lead you down some different trails.  (try those at CSI too) I just typed in faith healers on their page.


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