The Crux of the Argument

Marty Hamrick
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The Crux of the Argument

I like to duplicate my posts and place them not only here but on the CARM site's forums as well. It's interesting to compare the differing points of view from Christians who post there as well as atheists. I've come to the conclusion that debates and arguments are unwinnable from an objective point of view and when one side concedes, its in reality, a draw because its two polar opposite points of view with no testable way of determining which one is correct to anyone's satisfaction but their own.


Here's how Jean put it when he was trashing one of my posts:

The Christians starts with the cause and infinte unversal via personality. The people who pretend to be atheists start with finite rocks and worms and never get a chance to look up and crawl to a universal.

Such thought isn't exclusive to Christianity, but that's beside the point. He goes in a typical condescending manner with smug self righteousness and egotistical pride.


As a result, since this cannot be done from your perspective, you then have the burden of proof to demonstration how this can be done. For if you are unable to do this, you are unable to comprehend anything let alone a sentice vs. an argument.

Here are two polar opposites that will never have a definitive conclusion because the theistic side will always have a caveat, a "way out" so to speak. Its in reality a wordy way of saying "God did it, he's infinite and he can." From there, one can make the leap to matter arising from thought and the only direction for the argument to go is philosophy. It becomes a "who lives a better lifestyle and who is held accountable for the moral things that supposedly " matter". The atheist dismisses this as a superfluous dodge, like trying to figure out how to repair a lawnmower by reading a romance novel. Here is the conclusion this apologist made of me after reading one of my threads .He makes this assessment of me:


You are a pretend atheist because you are a filthy evil human being. You are rotten to the core. YOu are selfish, arrogant and a stupid fool (Psalms 14:1).

You do not have a logical reason to hate God excpect you wish not to be accountable for your disgusting actions. Let me guess, are you divorced? yet?

So its not about cosmology to the theist. Its not about physical evidence because evidence can be interpreted as many different ways as scripture, hence we have Christian fundies who believe in YEC and liberals who prefer a metaphoric Genesis. Since he cannot engage me as I refuse to be drawn into his world of psychophilotheosophy babble, he gets personal. Does anyone NOT see a pattern?


"Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings."

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I have noticed

 I have noticed that with many theists in debates. Although I would not cite Jean for a primary example, guy is a pain in the ass and does it deliberately. 

I think of him as troll and ignore him. 


But I do see what you are talking about. 

“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno

Marty Hamrick
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harleysportster wrote: I

harleysportster wrote:

 I have noticed that with many theists in debates. Although I would not cite Jean for a primary example, guy is a pain in the ass and does it deliberately. 

I think of him as troll and ignore him. 


But I do see what you are talking about. 


Well Jean is the only one I've come across here that isn't a Bible robot like JLY. He's at least got a vocabulary of more than 10 words and I used him because in spite of sounding articulate and intelligent, he follows the same party line and automatonic answers as the Biblebots and God Zombies.

"Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings."

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Marty Hamrick wrote: Well

Marty Hamrick wrote:


Well Jean is the only one I've come across here that isn't a Bible robot like JLY. He's at least got a vocabulary of more than 10 words and I used him because in spite of sounding articulate and intelligent, he follows the same party line and automatonic answers as the Biblebots and God Zombies.


Well, I guess you got a good point there. 

“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno

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Theists who make the

Theists who make the laughable claim of being educated almost always speak and think like jean. The funny thing about them is that I can almost see their point of view, any time I'm willing to jump my head through a bunch of hoops.

The problem with them is that they never learned anything without filtering it through philosophy, so they never actually learned anything at all.

Its sad, really. To have the potential to have a mind capable of seeing reality, but wasting it on fantasy simply because they never learned how to think.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

Marty Hamrick
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Vastet wrote:Theists who

Vastet wrote:
Theists who make the laughable claim of being educated almost always speak and think like jean. The funny thing about them is that I can almost see their point of view, any time I'm willing to jump my head through a bunch of hoops. The problem with them is that they never learned anything without filtering it through philosophy, so they never actually learned anything at all. Its sad, really. To have the potential to have a mind capable of seeing reality, but wasting it on fantasy simply because they never learned how to think.


Good point,Vastet. It tells me that there is some damage there as filtering through your own prejudices nullifies the learning process.

"Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings."