Are religious fundamentalists trying to Christianize the government?

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Are religious fundamentalists trying to Christianize the government?

My one-hour documentary, “In God We Teach” has just been posted online for viewing by all. The film tells the story of a high school student who secretly recorded his history teacher in class and accused him of proselytizing for Jesus. The teacher, in danger of losing his job strenuously denied it. The specifics of this controversy speak directly to the church and state issues that are being heatedly argued this election year. With Stephen Colbert, Alan Dershowitz, Neil deGrasse Tyson and others.


Please feel free to stream, download, share, embed and link to the film for non-commercial use.




Vic Losick


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Vic Losick

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150 West 87th Street, 8C

New York, NY 10024


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Youtube: This account has been terminated due to repeated or severe violations of our Community Guidelines.

The other two links are hating on my PS3 browser.

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I saw part of the

I saw part of the documentary and that history teacher needs to be fired at the bare minimum!! I'm surprised it happened in N.J. and not some southern redneck state!

But there is no way looney ChristNUT fundies are taking over government! If anything they are losing the religious war! Slowly but surely!

Church attendance is only at 26% and even a pastor neighbor of mine once told me half the people only show up for the social scene and the refreshments afterwards. So that leaves about whopping 10% of the nation who are truly dedicated.

But more and more people realize the bible is like Harry Potter as my physics teacher once told me! ALL FICTION!!


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Similar Experiences

There was a great deal of Christian proselytizing in my high school. Most of the stuff directed at me came from a science teacher (believe it or not) who believed in creationism and a young Earth. He actually handed me a tract about how it could be scientifically proven that the universe was only 6000 years old (something about how Saturn's rings are bright and shiny and things that are new tend to be bright and was complete nonsense really). I never said anything because I knew a lot of people, both students and staff, really liked this guy and I'd probably get a lot of backlash for going at him. All I can say is the guy was lucky it was the 16 year old me and not the me of today.


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KnockEmOuttt wrote:There was

KnockEmOuttt wrote:

There was a great deal of Christian proselytizing in my high school. Most of the stuff directed at me came from a science teacher (believe it or not) who believed in creationism and a young Earth. He actually handed me a tract about how it could be scientifically proven that the universe was only 6000 years old (something about how Saturn's rings are bright and shiny and things that are new tend to be bright and was complete nonsense really). I never said anything because I knew a lot of people, both students and staff, really liked this guy and I'd probably get a lot of backlash for going at him. All I can say is the guy was lucky it was the 16 year old me and not the me of today.


That was a public school?? What part of the nation?

According to crazy Repuke Michelle Bachmann it's not Christians who are trying to influence the goverment but it's the Muslim brotherhood!! LMAO!!

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This was in a public school

This was in a public school an hour north of New York City. Of course, it is a rather small town and largely christian. The main street in my hometown has four churches on it, all literally within about 100 feet. The majority of people are Roman Catholic (this teacher, however, was Pentecostal). I would've been asking for a lot of trouble if I'd made a fuss about this guy. I wouldn't have been surprised even to get a brick through the window; they're like that here.

Jenkins, chap with wings there, five rounds rapid!