Newt suggests judges be arrested. Wisky Tango Faux Newt trot.

It's all over the news so google it. Republican thug and closet fascist now suggests that the way to keep a check on government is to haul judges into congress under threat of arrest.
He also lied about Abe L doing it. Abe did make the suggestion but never followed through with the idea. And what makes people think we should agree with such a thing even if a president gets away with it once. That is the same stupid fucking argument "everyone else was speeding". "It's not illegal when the President does it" Richard Nixon. We all know how that thinking turned out.
When people talk like this it scares the living shit out of me. And Newt is to fucking stupid to consider that if he got what he wanted it cuts both ways. There are lots of Supreme Court decisions I disagree with, should I have the right, when I don't like what they do, to threaten them with arrest to explain their ruling?
AND ON TOP of that insane bullshit Newt said "how can I trust you with power if you dont pray"? Hey fuckwad! "NO RELIGIOUS TEST" in OUR constitution.
The suggestion that we take away the protection of dissent and separation of power is sick and scary.
Newt's doublespeak would make Orwell cringe. If Newt wants to live under powers that can simply get rid of dissent go live in North Korea.
Now, this doesn't only concern the left, even the most right of right wingers are saying "what the fuck".
Here is how our Constitution works Newt. You COMPETE over long periods and you allow for dissent to compete as well. If you don't like the judges, work to get people into the voting booth to appoint people you like. You pretend that even the Supreme court is stagnant, it is not, there is a future to compete for and if a ruling doesn't go your way you have the future court that you can appeal to.
And since it cuts both ways, what if America was a majority atheist with Newt's attitude of threatening dissent.
Hey Newt, you have more in common with Kim Jong Ill with that selfish attitude. Hitchens would be if alive ripping your stupid ass apart and using Jefferson to bitch slap you.
We live in a country where if you don't like Obama, you can bitch. We live in a country where if you don't like Bush you can bitch. And we live in a country where our judges, from the local level, to the Supreme court are not always going to side with us, the individual.
Newt gets my fascist asshole of the week award. And when Joe Scarborough and even Glen Beck and other right wingers say "what the fuck" you know he deserves it.
Arresting judges when they haven't committed a crime and merely have an opposite opinion? HOLY FUCKING SHIT!
Seriously Newt, if anyone needs arresting, your comments fit the definition to treason to the Constitution. But fortunately even dickheads like you don't need to be arrested because far to much of the public, both on the left and the right now how bat shit insane that suggestion is.
Newt is merely a fucking crybaby who is crying sour grapes. I am glad I have a constitution to protect me from fuckwads like this. If I did not crybabies like this could end up wearing trash collector jump suits and bad oversized sun glasses running fascist states like North Korea.
When I cuss in other threads, it is merely bluster in cold water "wake up". But this I really mean it, it is not just words at this point. You deserve all the scorn and blasphemy and ridicule and verbal bitch slapping when you dare even suggest a judge be arrested for merely not siding with you.
So once again, NEWT gets my "asshole lifetime underachievement" award.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
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On the bright side, he's about as close to becoming president now as he ever was. Which is to say, he'll never be president.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Well, it is still like a near miss at an airport. All it takes is enough traffic controlers "voters" to fall asleep or allow him to land on an occupied runway.
I am just glad the GOP group is playing Wack a Mole. But imagine if Hillary or Obama said shit like he did?
This is one thing I really am dead serious about. This mentality if left to fester and grow would destroy freedom for everyone, not just me, but his side as well. The only thing that keeps people like him marginalized to the point of being ineffectual are people like me calling people like him out. That is something no citizen should ever fall asleep over.
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance" I forgot who said that, but they certainly had people like Newt in mind.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Fortunately, Newt's stupidity is countered by the ignorance of the average voter. There are more indifferent people than Newt supporters. And there are at least as many opposed to Newt as there are supporting him. So he's stuck in political purgatory.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
What republican hopeful has a shot of beating Obama?
Religion Kills !!!
Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
Colin Powell, but even he supported Obama on some issues. And I think unlike the goons he worked under his heart was in the right place.
I'd even vote for Reagan Sr. I hated what he set in motion, but I would highly suspect that if alive today he would blast what his party had turned into and wouldn't have done what he had done knowing the outcome and division it had caused.
There is nothing about the right that you save at this point because it is being pulled way beyond the pendulum of what our founders intended. If the right gets what it wants we will end up with one of two things. And economic free for all with sweat shops, or a theocracy.
But, the good thing about our system is that it seems to be, as painful and slow as it can be sometimes, seems to self correct because of the ability to challenge and our free press.
That party is out for nothing but power and will stop at nothing to get it. Fortunately they are being exposed for the frauds they are and the bottom line will always be that when you cant put food on the table or find work, all the party and religious ideology flies out the window.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at