God vs Science

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God vs Science

Science is the study of the physical natural world using observation and experiments.

What is God? God is spirit, therefore he is more than natural. He is supernatural. There are different bodies in the world. There is the natural human body, animal bodies, fish bodies, and then there is the spiritual body. Example: the body of AIR , you cannot see it, but you can see it's efects when the wind blows the leaves off a tree. 
The human being is limited to the physical world. We can only study the things that we see, hear, smell and feel using our limited technology.
We only know the things that God has revealed.God has revealed that he is eternal, no beginning and no end.The universe and time itself has a bigining and therefore one day an end.God revealed himself to humanity in the form of a man called Jesus. God revealed his words in the book called the word of God or bible.The bible itself is not a regular common Book. Isaac Newton studied the bible and discovered that it was written in a mathematical puzzle or code. This is the reason why we study Jesus and the bible.To discover God in any other way would require the person to be a genius, with the example of Isaac newton or Albert Einstein discovery of God using mathematics and the laws of physics. 
The human being lives in a Three dimensional world or a physical world (check out Einstein  or  Carl Sagan  3 dimension explanation on you tube).God exist in another dimension, but he has the capability to enter our 3 dimension world when he wants to. We the humans are limited to this 3D world and cannot cross over to another dimension.To compare God's world and dimension to our world is like comparing apples and oranges .The use of science to reveal God   Being or existence is not the proper way. But it is the proper way to study Jesus, the bible and Israel. 

Albert Einstein said; "I'm not an atheist and I don't think I can call myself a pantheist. We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. It does not know how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangements of the books, but doesn't know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God."

We are sure that you have heard about Sir Isaac Newton's contributions to Mathematics and Physics. His discovery of Gravity, his formulation of the laws of Motion and of interaction between bodies. Many of you will have heard of his invention of Calculus, of differentiation and of integration. But there is one thing that we are equally sure that most of you will have never heard of. And it is this: 
Sir Isaac Newton knew that the Bible was written in a code. 
He spent around half of his life trying to decode it.

Sir Isaac Newton in his book   Principia said ; "The most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being. 

What did the two world's most intelligent scientists know that we today, do not know?

God Bless.

appeal to ignorance is an argument for or against a proposition on the basis of a lack of evidence against or for it. If there is positive evidence for the conclusion, then of course we have other reasons for accepting it, but a lack of evidence by itself is no evidence for a no God. 

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Jimenezj wrote:Science is

Jimenezj wrote:
Science is the study of the physical natural world using observation and experiments. What is God? God is spirit, therefore he is more than natural. He is supernatural. There are different bodies in the world. There is the natural human body, animal bodies, fish bodies, and then there is the spiritual body. Example: the body of AIR , you cannot see it, but you can see it's efects when the wind blows the leaves off a tree.  The human being is limited to the physical world. We can only study the things that we see, hear, smell and feel using our limited technology. We only know the things that God has revealed.God has revealed that he is eternal, no beginning and no end.The universe and time itself has a bigining and therefore one day an end.God revealed himself to humanity in the form of a man called Jesus. God revealed his words in the book called the word of God or bible.The bible itself is not a regular common Book. Isaac Newton studied the bible and discovered that it was written in a mathematical puzzle or code. This is the reason why we study Jesus and the bible.To discover God in any other way would require the person to be a genius, with the example of Isaac newton or Albert Einstein discovery of God using mathematics and the laws of physics.  The human being lives in a Three dimensional world or a physical world (check out Einstein  or  Carl Sagan  3 dimension explanation on you tube).God exist in another dimension, but he has the capability to enter our 3 dimension world when he wants to. We the humans are limited to this 3D world and cannot cross over to another dimension.To compare God's world and dimension to our world is like comparing apples and oranges .The use of science to reveal God   Being or existence is not the proper way. But it is the proper way to study Jesus, the bible and Israel.  Albert Einstein said; "I'm not an atheist and I don't think I can call myself a pantheist. We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. It does not know how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangements of the books, but doesn't know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God." We are sure that you have heard about Sir Isaac Newton's contributions to Mathematics and Physics. His discovery of Gravity, his formulation of the laws of Motion and of interaction between bodies. Many of you will have heard of his invention of Calculus, of differentiation and of integration. But there is one thing that we are equally sure that most of you will have never heard of. And it is this:  Sir Isaac Newton knew that the Bible was written in a code.  He spent around half of his life trying to decode it. Sir Isaac Newton in his book   Principia said ; "The most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.  What did the two world's most intelligent scientists know that we today, do not know? God Bless.


The wind, by the way,  is the motion of the physical molecules of air in a measurable and quantifiable form. We can measure wind, it's a real, tangible and material thing... Now, weigh me out this spirit you claim to exist.

The Bible code is a silly notion, Newton also was an alchemist... he thought one could find the Philosopher's Stone and transmute lead to gold... Even a brilliant man can have some very dumb ideas.

Your Jesus was a sad and pathetic figure, a madman whose tawdry life and death were capitalized on by superstitious fools.

LC >;-}>


Christianity: A disgusting middle eastern blood cult, based in human sacrifice, with sacraments of cannibalism and vampirism, whose highest icon is of a near naked man hanging in torment from a device of torture.

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Science is the study of

Science is the study of everything we observe and can detect reasonably consistently by any means, including highly sophisticated and ingenious instruments, or by meticulous recording , including human thought, beliefs, behaviour, both individual and as a group.

It does study the different ways people handle the God concept, how it affects their behaviour, their attitude to others, and the broader social effects of such belief.

It has studied the efficacy of prayer (prayer fails), the reality behind reported miracles, at least when there is some kind of evidence available and accessible. And note that 'evidence ' includes the testimony of people who claim to have witnessed such things.

So if there was some entity 'out there' having some regular impact on this reality, even if just on people's thoughts, Science could study it.

This common assumption that Science only studies  what can be weighed and directly observed with our senses is utterly false.


Favorite oxymorons: Gospel Truth, Rational Supernaturalist, Business Ethics, Christian Morality

"Theology is now little more than a branch of human ignorance. Indeed, it is ignorance with wings." - Sam Harris

The path to Truth lies via careful study of reality, not the dreams of our fallible minds - me

From the sublime to the ridiculous: Science -> Philosophy -> Theology

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Welcome to the forum.Jimenez

Welcome to the forum.

Jimenez wrote:
Example: the body of AIR ,

You can call any concept "a body of" if you define the term broadly enough. That's just toying with semantics.

Jimenez wrote:
you cannot see it,

Sure you can. Look outside your window at the sky. That's the gases in the atmosphere.

Jimenez wrote:
but you can see it's efects when the wind blows the leaves off a tree.

I can also feel the wind. Breathe it. Smell it. And hear it. Which one of those things do you do with spiritual bodies? What are its observable effects?

Jimenez wrote:
What did the two world's most intelligent scientists know that we today, do not know? God Bless.

Appeal to authority. 


Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare

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Stop posting the exact same

Stop posting the exact same thing over and over because you feel insecure. Additional copies of this lame fallacy train will be deleted. 

Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare

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Jimenezj wrote:Science is

Jimenezj wrote:
Science is the study of the physical natural world using observation and experiments. What is God? God is spirit, therefore he is more than natural. He is supernatural. There are different bodies in the world. There is the natural human body, animal bodies, fish bodies, and then there is the spiritual body. Example: the body of AIR , you cannot see it, but you can see it's efects when the wind blows the leaves off a tree.  The human being is limited to the physical world. We can only study the things that we see, hear, smell and feel using our limited technology. We only know the things that God has revealed.God has revealed that he is eternal, no beginning and no end.The universe and time itself has a bigining and therefore one day an end.God revealed himself to humanity in the form of a man called Jesus. God revealed his words in the book called the word of God or bible.The bible itself is not a regular common Book. Isaac Newton studied the bible and discovered that it was written in a mathematical puzzle or code. This is the reason why we study Jesus and the bible.To discover God in any other way would require the person to be a genius, with the example of Isaac newton or Albert Einstein discovery of God using mathematics and the laws of physics.  The human being lives in a Three dimensional world or a physical world (check out Einstein  or  Carl Sagan  3 dimension explanation on you tube).God exist in another dimension, but he has the capability to enter our 3 dimension world when he wants to. We the humans are limited to this 3D world and cannot cross over to another dimension.To compare God's world and dimension to our world is like comparing apples and oranges .The use of science to reveal God   Being or existence is not the proper way. But it is the proper way to study Jesus, the bible and Israel.  Albert Einstein said; "I'm not an atheist and I don't think I can call myself a pantheist. We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. It does not know how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangements of the books, but doesn't know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God." We are sure that you have heard about Sir Isaac Newton's contributions to Mathematics and Physics. His discovery of Gravity, his formulation of the laws of Motion and of interaction between bodies. Many of you will have heard of his invention of Calculus, of differentiation and of integration. But there is one thing that we are equally sure that most of you will have never heard of. And it is this:  Sir Isaac Newton knew that the Bible was written in a code.  He spent around half of his life trying to decode it. Sir Isaac Newton in his book   Principia said ; "The most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.  What did the two world's most intelligent scientists know that we today, do not know? God Bless.

Well, Stephen Hawkins said that a God is not required to explain anything. Einstein said that the Jewish myth was "noble but childish".

And since we have absolutely no evidence of thought existing outside biological evolution the claim that a non material thinking being is patently absurd.

The reality is that human imagination is the reason god belief exists. Mundane, but facing reality prevents things like the Dark Ages and 9/11.

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Quote:What is God? A

What is God?


A whacked-out concept that has no underlying definition, but persists because humans are scared of the unknown.


God is spirit, therefore he is more than natural. He is supernatural.


Science reveals what can't be seen and if it can't be seen by current conventional means, we create something that can see it.  The Hubble has revealed a lot of interestingly vivid objects in the cosmos, but no hint of a designer.  Just because a nebula, quasar or dwarf star are pretty doesn't mean there is omnipotence behind it.  Disregarding all that, a spirit is another word in the human language that has no clear definition.  If we're all a part of the same materials in the universe, then there's no need for the term "supernatural" because everything is natural; we're just located in different sectors in different galaxies.  



There are different bodies in the world. There is the natural human body, animal bodies, fish bodies, and then there is the spiritual body.


That's like saying "there are different types of food; the kind you eat, drink, swallow in pill form and then there's dream food you can only ingest while you sleep."  Fallacies everywhere.


Example: the body of AIR , you cannot see it, but you can see it's efects when the wind blows the leaves off a tree.


There are cells everywhere in and on your body, but you can't see them until you closely examine them under a microscope.  Every animal, vegetable and mineral has these similar characteristics, but unless science existed, we'd all still be attributing what we see as evidence of a designer rather than just too small to see with the naked eye.  Your example of air as evidence is, well, dangerously ignorant to the actual reality of our world. 

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Even a brilliant man can have some very dumb ideas.

The probability of Isaac Newton being correct on the subject of the existence of God far exceeds your probability of the theory of no God. Due to the fact of his qualifications and experience in the subjects of mathematics , physics, cosmology, and theology.

appeal to ignorance is an argument for or against a proposition on the basis of a lack of evidence against or for it. If there is positive evidence for the conclusion, then of course we have other reasons for accepting it, but a lack of evidence by itself is no evidence for a no God. 

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Even a brilliant man

The bible’s mathematical puzzle or codes and gematria has peen proven to be true by :

A. University of Jerusalem
B. Isaac Newton
C. E.W. Bullinger

I understand your opposition on this matter. To agree with the subject would be against your very principal. But in the end, there can only be the truth. And what is the truth?

To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction.
Isaac Newton

Like I said before. Without Jesus and the bible, the understanding of this subject requires genius intelligence like in the case of Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein.

I wish you the best in life. And perhaps one day you will understand.

appeal to ignorance is an argument for or against a proposition on the basis of a lack of evidence against or for it. If there is positive evidence for the conclusion, then of course we have other reasons for accepting it, but a lack of evidence by itself is no evidence for a no God. 

Conor Wilson
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Jiminezj wrote:


"The probability of Isaac Newton being correct on the subject of the existence of God far exceeds your probability of the theory of no God. Due to the fact of his qualifications and experience in the subjects of mathematics , physics, cosmology, and theology."


Me: Sorry, but no.  Newton may well have credentials (...one should note: credentials which are proper to his timeframe; we've learned quite a bit since then.)  But credentials simply are not the issue, here.  What *is* the issue is *evidence.*  So tell me, Jiminezj: what *evidence* did Newton bring to bear on the God debate that we should consider?



"Faith should not fear reason."--Pope Pius XII

"But it should!"--Me

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Stephen Hawkins said that a God is not required to explain

Steven Hawkins:  In his book called "a brief history of time " pages 125-127 ,he said regarding the universe and the creation of life.

"It  would be very difficult to explain why the universe would have begun in just this way, except as the act of a God who intended to create beings just like us. "

It seems that Professor Hawking has changed his mind about the need for God.

Like I said before. Without Jesus and the bible, the undetstanding of this subject requires genius intelligence like in the case of Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein.

I wish you the best in life. And perhaps one day you will understand .

appeal to ignorance is an argument for or against a proposition on the basis of a lack of evidence against or for it. If there is positive evidence for the conclusion, then of course we have other reasons for accepting it, but a lack of evidence by itself is no evidence for a no God. 

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I can also feel the wind. Breathe it. Smell it. And hear it. Whi

I can also feel the wind. Breathe it. Smell it. And hear it. Which one of those things do you do with spiritual bodies? What are its observable effects?

John 3:8

Jesus said:
The wind blows wherever it wants. Just as you can hear the wind but can't tell where it comes from or where it is going, so you can't explain how people are born of the Spirit."

The natural = the supernatural or A=B.To figure this out goes againts the laws of mathematics.

Like I said before. Without Jesus and the bible, the understanding of this subject requires genius intelligence like in the case of Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein.

I wish you the best in life. And perhaps one day you will understand.

appeal to ignorance is an argument for or against a proposition on the basis of a lack of evidence against or for it. If there is positive evidence for the conclusion, then of course we have other reasons for accepting it, but a lack of evidence by itself is no evidence for a no God. 

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So tell me, Jiminezj: what *evidence* did Newton bring to bear o

Read his book: Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica [mathematical principles of natural philosophy], one of the greatest milestones in the history of science.

if you dont understand it, read the bible and let Jesus talk for himself.

Get back to me once you are finish reading these books. And thank you for your comments.

appeal to ignorance is an argument for or against a proposition on the basis of a lack of evidence against or for it. If there is positive evidence for the conclusion, then of course we have other reasons for accepting it, but a lack of evidence by itself is no evidence for a no God. 

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Jimenezj wrote:The

Jimenezj wrote:
The probability of Isaac Newton being correct on the subject of the existence of God

Probabilities are determined by testing empirical evidence, not individual opinion. Appeal to authority. Additionally, I can list intelligent individuals that do believe in a god, so you're ignoring opposing evidence, if we assume your implicit, incoherent claim that opinions = evidence.

Jimenez wrote:
far exceeds your probability of the theory of no God.

Atheism is not a theory. Non-belief is not a theory.

Jimenez wrote:
The bible’s mathematical puzzle or codes and gematria has peen proven to be true by :

A. University of Jerusalem
B. Isaac Newton
C. E.W. Bullinger

No, asserting that it has been proven does not mean that it has.

Jimenez wrote:
Just as you can hear the wind but can't tell where it comes from or where it is going,

Yes, we can. We have satellites observing every corner of the Earth every day. You can watch animations of warm and cold fronts as they approach your area. You're projecting your ignorance on everyone.

Jimenez wrote:
so you can't explain how people are born of the Spirit."

That cannot be explained because it is incoherent and non-existent.

Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare

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We'll be thinking for you

We'll be thinking for you until you wake up and join us in the real world.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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Jimenezj wrote:Steven

Jimenezj wrote:
Steven Hawkins:  In his book called "a brief history of time " pages 125-127 ,he said regarding the universe and the creation of life. "It  would be very difficult to explain why the universe would have begun in just this way, except as the act of a God who intended to create beings just like us. " It seems that Professor Hawking has changed his mind about the need for God. Like I said before. Without Jesus and the bible, the undetstanding of this subject requires genius intelligence like in the case of Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein. I wish you the best in life. And perhaps one day you will understand .


This has been pointed out to you already, but you are apparently to slow witted to get it. Einstein was NOT a believer in YOUR fucking god. Newton may have been a brilliant mathematician but he was a loon on other subjects, particularly RELIGION and ALCHEMY... understand, alchemy wasn't just a watered down version of chemistry, it related to REAL chemistry like Astrology relates to Astronomy.

You obviously have computer access, so look up the "Fallacy From Authority". I could list off hundreds of brilliant men who did NOT believe in a god, hell, I could point out that 80% of the top scientist in the US are non believers... (Pew Poll)... The silly part is, you seem obsessed with a Man (Einstein) who was at BEST a pantheist, and wavered between pantheism and atheism his whole life and a brilliant crackpot....

Jesus was a failure... a pathetic lunatic who succeeded only in pissing off enough people to get himself lynched. Failure on a stick.


LC >;-}>


Christianity: A disgusting middle eastern blood cult, based in human sacrifice, with sacraments of cannibalism and vampirism, whose highest icon is of a near naked man hanging in torment from a device of torture.

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Jimenezj wrote:I can also

Jimenezj wrote:
I can also feel the wind. Breathe it. Smell it. And hear it. Which one of those things do you do with spiritual bodies? What are its observable effects? John 3:8 Jesus said: The wind blows wherever it wants. Just as you can hear the wind but can't tell where it comes from or where it is going, so you can't explain how people are born of the Spirit." The natural = the supernatural or A=B.To figure this out goes againts the laws of mathematics. Like I said before. Without Jesus and the bible, the understanding of this subject requires genius intelligence like in the case of Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein. I wish you the best in life. And perhaps one day you will understand.

I am not going to repeat myself in this thread when I have already made my argument to you in other threads.

But you are DEAD WRONG. Period. Take the time to read the posts in the other threads where you are making this same argument.

Einstein's last letter before he died FYI, he called the Jewish faith "noble but childish".

We DO understand, which is why we are atheists. You are the one who needs to understand that humans invent gods and that is all humanity is doing. Gods are not real and never have been merely because humans want their fantasies to be real.




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but you are apparently slow witted to get it.

Once again, you are wrong.

Albert Einstein position on Jesus Christ.

When interviewed by the Saturday Evening Post in 1929
"You accept the historical existence of Jesus?"

Einstein answered; "Unquestionably! No one can read the Gospels without feeling the actual presence of Jesus. His personality pulsates in every word. No myth is filled with such life."

Einstein  said; "I'm not an atheist and I don't think I can call myself a pantheist. We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. It does not know how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangements of the books, but doesn't know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God."

To be "obsessed" with intelligent people is not silly, but intelligent. 

To say words like:

A. YOUR fucking god
B.brilliant crackpot....
C. a pathetic lunatic who succeeded only in pissing off enough people to get himself lynched. 

Is childish and ignorant. Since you believe in evolution Perhaps you will understand this. By my observation, i have concluded that your brain has not evolved into a more civilized  and intelligent human being.

I do not have intelligent discussions with people who make childish remarks. 

My conversations with you are over!


appeal to ignorance is an argument for or against a proposition on the basis of a lack of evidence against or for it. If there is positive evidence for the conclusion, then of course we have other reasons for accepting it, but a lack of evidence by itself is no evidence for a no God. 

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Gods are not real

Once again, you are wrong.

Albert Einstein position on Jesus Christ.

When interviewed by the Saturday Evening Post in 1929
"You accept the historical existence of Jesus?"

Einstein answered; "Unquestionably! No one can read the Gospels without feeling the actual presence of Jesus. His personality pulsates in every word. No myth is filled with such life."

If you believe so much on evolution, perhaps you should watch the movie Planet of the Apes. And Maybe one day you will understand.
Have a good day Sir.

appeal to ignorance is an argument for or against a proposition on the basis of a lack of evidence against or for it. If there is positive evidence for the conclusion, then of course we have other reasons for accepting it, but a lack of evidence by itself is no evidence for a no God. 

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God vs Science

Science is the study of the physical natural world using observation and experiments.

What is God? God is spirit, therefore he is more than natural. He is supernatural. There are different bodies in the world. There is the natural human body, animal bodies, fish bodies, and then there is the spiritual body. Example: the body of AIR , you cannot see it, but you can see it's efects when the wind blows the leaves off a tree.

The human being is limited to the physical world. We can only study the things that we see, hear, smell and feel using our limited technology.

We only know the things that God has revealed.God has revealed that he is eternal, no beginning and no end.The universe and time itself has a bigining and therefore one day an end.God revealed himself to humanity in the form of a man called Jesus. God revealed his words in the book called the word of God or bible.The bible itself is not a regular common Book. Isaac Newton studied the bible and discovered that it was written in a mathematical puzzle or code. This is the reason why we study Jesus and the bible.To discover God in any other way would require the person to be a genius, with the example of Isaac newton or Albert Einstein discovery of God using mathematics and the laws of physics.

The human being lives in a Three dimensional world or a physical world (check out Einstein or Carl Sagan 3 dimension explanation on you tube).God exist in another dimension, but he has the capability to enter our 3 dimension world when he wants to. We the humans are limited to this 3D world and cannot cross over to another dimension.To compare God's world and dimension to our world is like comparing apples and oranges .The use of science to reveal God Being or existence is not the proper way. But it is the proper way to study Jesus, the bible and Israel.

Albert Einstein said; "I'm not an atheist and I don't think I can call myself a pantheist. We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. It does not know how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangements of the books, but doesn't know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God."

We are sure that you have heard about Sir Isaac Newton's contributions to Mathematics and Physics. His discovery of Gravity, his formulation of the laws of Motion and of interaction between bodies. Many of you will have heard of his invention of Calculus, of differentiation and of integration. But there is one thing that we are equally sure that most of you will have never heard of. And it is this:

Sir Isaac Newton knew that the Bible was written in a code. He spent around half of his life trying to decode it.

Sir Isaac Newton in his book Principia said ; "The most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.

What did the two world's most intelligent scientists know that we today, do not know?

God Bless.

appeal to ignorance is an argument for or against a proposition on the basis of a lack of evidence against or for it. If there is positive evidence for the conclusion, then of course we have other reasons for accepting it, but a lack of evidence by itself is no evidence for a no God. 

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 Please don't make two

 Please don't make two threads with exactly the same content.  One thread is enough.


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Jimenez wrote:To be

Jimenez wrote:
To be "obsessed" with intelligent people is not silly, but intelligent.

People that have an IQ of 70 do not have any psychological mechanism which prevents them from referencing famous and intelligent people. If making the same appeal to authority repeatedly, when it has already been pointed out to them over a dozen times, makes them intelligent, then yes; you sir, are extremely intelligent. 

Jimenezj wrote:
If you believe so much on evolution, perhaps you should watch the movie Planet of the Apes.

That is not evolution. 


Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare

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I have now come to believe

I have now come to believe you're just a troll trying to imitate a Christian on here. Nearly all of the things you've said (repeadetly) were logical fallacies. You cannot follow the statement that religion is true because "a genius said it". There are quite a few geniues today that are atheists, more than those that are not.

So please, just try to understand what we want to tell you.

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Jimenezj wrote:Once again,

Jimenezj wrote:
Once again, you are wrong. Albert Einstein position on Jesus Christ. When interviewed by the Saturday Evening Post in 1929 "You accept the historical existence of Jesus?" Einstein answered; "Unquestionably! No one can read the Gospels without feeling the actual presence of Jesus. His personality pulsates in every word. No myth is filled with such life." Einstein  said; "I'm not an atheist and I don't think I can call myself a pantheist. We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. It does not know how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangements of the books, but doesn't know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God." To be "obsessed" with intelligent people is not silly, but intelligent.  To say words like: A. YOUR fucking god B.brilliant crackpot.... C. a pathetic lunatic who succeeded only in pissing off enough people to get himself lynched.  Is childish and ignorant. Since you believe in evolution Perhaps you will understand this. By my observation, i have concluded that your brain has not evolved into a more civilized  and intelligent human being. I do not have intelligent discussions with people who make childish remarks.  My conversations with you are over!  


I'm sorry, junior... but you are the weakest link.
Einstein accepted a historical jesus, he remained a jew, thus, he may have thought the little madman existed, but he certainly didn't think he was god.

To cling to the words of a couple of men, to the point of carefully picking the quotes that seem in your dull mind to bolster your beliefs is asinine.

The appeal to authority is a FALLACY... by definition BAD LOGIC, BAD REASONING...

And I repeat... by the time Einstein died, he no longer even paid lip service to your idiotic desert god...

LC >;-}>


Christianity: A disgusting middle eastern blood cult, based in human sacrifice, with sacraments of cannibalism and vampirism, whose highest icon is of a near naked man hanging in torment from a device of torture.

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Reply to Jiminezj

1. Sorry about taking so long to get back to you.

2. *You,* as I recall, were the one proposing Newton's ideas as proof for the existence of God.  So you should be able to tell me what you found therein that positively demonstrates the existence of God.  I shouldn't have to leave a discussion, locate and read a book, and come back to a thread hoping that someone's still interested in the discussion.  So I will repeat my question, (expecting you to tell me what you found,): what *evidence* did Newton bring to bear on the proof of God's existence?

3. Suppose Newton *did* create a sufficient proof of God's existence.  That's still a long way from demonstrating the reliability of the Gospels, the nature of God as Trinity, or any other Christian doctrine.  Nor, for that matter, does it prove God's nature as a trio of gods united in purpose (as the Latter-Day Saints will have it,) or a perfect unity (as Jews and Muslims will have it,) or a multiplicity of deities (as Pagan religions will have it.)

4. I *have* read the Bible, and it was a confused mess.  Not only that, but I engaged in Christian apologetics vis-a-vis other Christians, (I was one myself at the time,) and neither I nor they could finally *prove* anything from the Bible.  All we *could* do, was engage in a useless verse war, back and forth, with no real way to judge one side or the other correct.

5. There have been attempts to have a public witness as to a proper understanding of the Bible, but they have two problems: 1) not all Christians accept these candidates; see the Catholic-vs-Protestant argument over the Pope's "ministry of unity;" and 2) these witnesses themselves become encrusted with varying ideas over time, and thus the confusion that besets the Bible becomes the confusion which also besets Catholic Tradition, or Papal pronouncements, or whatever else you like.  Or, as an alternative to this second option, they quickly become ridiculous, even by religious standards (see the repeated projections of the end of the world by Jehovah's Witnesses.)

So...please state for me what you found in Newton that you think proves God's existence without being either philosophically refuted successfully, or being disproven by scientific advances, since Newton's day.




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"But it should!"--Me

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Without the proper education

Without the proper education on the subject, you will never understand.

I am sorry if it seems like im trying to insult your intelligence, But im not. I am sure you are a very intelligent human being. But to spend your life studying God, mathematics, physics, and the universe is not an easy subject. That is why there exist so much confusion on the subject.

I believe that "trying" is all we can do in life. But in trying , we must read all the evidence and become educated on the subject.

If you do not understand the bible, read the commentaries by experts like E.W.Bullinger (numbers in scripture and other books of his) and Newton.

I had an excellent time in this discussion with all of you. I do not hate the atheist or any other religion or race. To "Hate" is to go against my principals. I just don’t agree with a lot of philosophies based on the facts and evidence against them. In the end i hope we all learned something about our beliefs. Please do not reply, i will not be answering anymore questions. I have said what was meant to be said. I wish you all the best in life. Merry Christmas and God Bless.

appeal to ignorance is an argument for or against a proposition on the basis of a lack of evidence against or for it. If there is positive evidence for the conclusion, then of course we have other reasons for accepting it, but a lack of evidence by itself is no evidence for a no God. 

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One last thing. If all else fails.

Pray for understanding.

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The proper education on

The proper education on theology is nothing really, it is the study of nothing it is  fantasy really and imaginary beings and myth. You think god exists, but provide zero evidence for your claim, you think praying will do anything? Try it, it does nothing at all, praying that you will understand something means you understand far less than actually studying the subject and learning about it, however when it comes to god or gods there are thousands of sects to choose from, thousands of different views to follow and in the end they all end up in the same place, no evidence for god or any god, just zero real knowledge about myth and imagination.

The spirit world? doesn't exist, god that can come into the 3rd dimension, yet again ZERO evidence for your claim, you just come off very uneducated, and it is an insult to your intelligence what I am saying because you are showing none at all and making wild claims thinking we have to believe you merely because you believe it to be true, no it is false it is more insulting to us that you think we should believe your wild claims without any evidence at all. Even worse you ignore all the evidence that points to your god being nothing but imagination and myth.

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 Jimenezj, you don't have

 Jimenezj, you don't have your opinion. Everything you think is just the opinion you misinterpret and took from Isaac and Einstein. If you want to debate or argue something, you cannot go like this. Do some thinking, don't just use what others think. It doesn't make you look smart, it makes you look dumb. I do not believe you have a good amount of knowledge over the sciences you mentioned, you just have good knowledge of what a genius who lived in the past said. Try to be creative and original, your reasoning makes no sense.

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Jimenezj wrote:One last

Jimenezj wrote:
One last thing. If all else fails. Pray for understanding.

Pray for help in understanding a being who "reveals" time and again in his book that he is beyond understanding?

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin

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The Bible is only evidence

The Bible is only evidence of what a bunch of people believed, and why, who were writing few thousand years ago. 

People who had less knowledge of the true nature of 'Life, the Universe, and Everything' than other groups, such as the Greeks, who lived around the same time.

It is not, and does not contain, evidence for anything like a God-being.

There is no way that we could know anything with any confidence about the ultimate motives and nature of such a being, if it existed.

The evidence of actual reality, those aspects of it which can be properly observed and studied, are that if there is such a being, he is an evil prankster. Such a being would have no problem 'inspiring' writers to say anything he wanted them to.

Newton believed in Alchemy, which demonstrably does not work. So he was far from infallible.

The more one learns about reality, from actual study of it - not just what particular groups or individuals back through history, believed, whatever their reputation then or now, the less plausible or useful does the concept of a 'God' seem. As we see with both Hawking and Einstein.

The motto of England's Royal Society is Nullius in verba, is Latin for "Take nobody's word for it". Remember that Newton was president of the Society from 1703 until his death in 1727. So it would seem they were all against an Argument from Authority, which is pretty much all you have, Jimenezj.


Favorite oxymorons: Gospel Truth, Rational Supernaturalist, Business Ethics, Christian Morality

"Theology is now little more than a branch of human ignorance. Indeed, it is ignorance with wings." - Sam Harris

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