The Rational Responders (trollville)

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The Rational Responders (trollville)

 I have to admit, I've been to several discussion boards involving the issue of theism vs. atheism, and I must say that this website contains the dumbest group of people I've ever seen.  At Dr. Craig's discussion board at, the atheists there are so much more intelligent.  The same applies at Matt Slick's CARM website.  

With that in mind, who do you all think is the most intelligent atheist here?  Pick someone and I'll be willing to debate that person one-on-one.  As I easily defeat that person, I will show that the Rational Responders are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to internet atheists.


EDIT IN BY MOD: The highly intelligent troll starts immature trollish threads about peoples personal lives:


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Tom_the_Who wrote: With

Tom_the_Who wrote:


With that in mind, who do you all think is the most intelligent atheist here? 



Me of course Smiling




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What is the topic?

What is the topic? Intelligence is a pretty BS term.

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Can you link me to a debate

Can you link me to a debate you had with the smartest atheists over at the smartest atheist sites?


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*Vastet falls over, laughing

*Vastet falls over, laughing at a moron who got totally owned by everyone who ever responded to him, and who is so self delusional he'll never realise it*

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Tom_the_Who wrote: I have

Tom_the_Who wrote:

 I have to admit, I've been to several discussion boards involving the issue of theism vs. atheism, and I must say that this website contains the dumbest group of people I've ever seen.  At Dr. Craig's discussion board at, the atheists there are so much more intelligent.  The same applies at Matt Slick's CARM website.  

With that in mind, who do you all think is the most intelligent atheist here?  Pick someone and I'll be willing to debate that person one-on-one.  As I easily defeat that person, I will show that the Rational Responders are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to internet atheists.

I'd call "dumb" believing in a magical invisible super brain with no material. So where is your super hero smiting us "dumb" people?

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Tom_the_Who wrote: With

Tom_the_Who wrote:


With that in mind, who do you all think is the most intelligent atheist here?  Pick someone and I'll be willing to debate that person one-on-one.  As I easily defeat that person, I will show that the Rational Responders are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to internet atheists.

I have yet to see you "defeat" anyone.


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harleysportster wrote:

Tom_the_Who wrote:


With that in mind, who do you all think is the most intelligent atheist here?  Pick someone and I'll be willing to debate that person one-on-one.  As I easily defeat that person, I will show that the Rational Responders are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to internet atheists.

I have yet to see you "defeat" anyone.


Yes he has defeated us, in his mind, but that counts about as much as claiming to be Napoleon. All he needs is a street corner and a cup of pencils to sell.

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Hello Mr. M.   Welcome

Hello Mr. M.   Welcome back.  I will respond to your insult with an observation.  

Often, in a professional manner, I have to search through numerous forums for various information.  Just as often, I come across less informed individuals, or some that display outright ignorance (you may call them stupid, but that's such a vague term that it's usually used ironically). Upon encountering such "stupid" gathering of individuals one is faced with two main options, either engage in the stupidity and spend countless hours on such a forum, or move on to a more informed forum. 

Smiling I'm sure you have a very intelligent reason for spending so much time debating such stupid atheists.  And I'm sure it will go well over our heads.  I do recall responding to your last post of vague comments about science, you, however, in your vast wisdom chose not to grace me with a reply.  I'm sure it was due to the fact that my response, even though coherent, were of such vast idiocy as to not even warrant a reply.  Now yours were some comments I would consider less informed, or less focused, but I wouldn't go so far as to call them stupid.  Smiling


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harleysportster wrote:

Tom_the_Who wrote:


With that in mind, who do you all think is the most intelligent atheist here?  Pick someone and I'll be willing to debate that person one-on-one.  As I easily defeat that person, I will show that the Rational Responders are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to internet atheists.

I have yet to see you "defeat" anyone.

I guess I must have missed the part in his OP where he's won debates against 'smarter' atheists than the ones here...


Methinks the OP has another raging hard on for BobSpence1





I keep asking myself " Are they just playin' stupid, or are they just plain stupid?..."

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Quote: Now yours were some

Now yours were some comments I would consider less informed, or less focused, but I wouldn't go so far as to call them stupid..

I would. His intent isn't to debate, his intent is to attempt to parade us around like zoo animals. If he wants to dish it out, then he cant bitch when we dish it out.

Caposkia isn't like that at all. Caposkia verbally  boxes, but his boxing is debate driven not bigotry driven, not ignorance driven. Cap doesn't take what we throw at him personally. Cap doesn't see us as an enemy to be hated. He merely thinks we got it wrong. I think Capolskia is full of shit too, but not in the sense that he is a bad person, just in the sense on ONE ISSUE. Outside the issue of god claims, I bet he is a very nice person. But in the ring, his claims are fair game.

But with Tom I have no qualms whatsoever calling a douche bag a douche bag. It wouldn't surprise me if Tom was Jean Calvin with another  server address. Tom is acting like a douche. I think it upsets him to think that some atheists wont take shit from him.

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redneF wrote:harleysportster

redneF wrote:

harleysportster wrote:

Tom_the_Who wrote:


With that in mind, who do you all think is the most intelligent atheist here?  Pick someone and I'll be willing to debate that person one-on-one.  As I easily defeat that person, I will show that the Rational Responders are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to internet atheists.

I have yet to see you "defeat" anyone.

I guess I must have missed the part in his OP where he's won debates against 'smarter' atheists than the ones here...


Methinks the OP has another raging hard on for BobSpence1


Thanks for the mental image. Now I can safely commit suicide without feeling guilty. (Don't worry, Bob will get a chuckle out of this)

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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