Surely at least a few atheists are open-minded enough to convert?

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Surely at least a few atheists are open-minded enough to convert?

He's known you since before you were conceived. He's been at your side ever since. He always is, and has been there, watching you. You run from him from him. You cannot hide from him. He loves you so much that he wants to save you from yourself. He doesn't care if you're a man or a woman, a boy or a girl, or what your nationality and ethnic origins are. He's your father, and he even sent himself as his son, your own foster brother, to die so that he may forgive you for your transgression in rejecting the death of his son, your own foster brother. He wants you to come live with him, at the feet of his throne, so you can tell him how great he is for all time.

But, if you don't believe in the power of his sacrifice as his son, and eat his corpse's remains, then he'll be forced to torture you for all time. He doesn't want to have to do this to you. He loves you much too much, and told you so personally in his own personal love letter to you. He even went through the trouble of dictating it to forty different men throughout human history just to make sure the message got through perfectly. But he'll have no choice if you force him to burn you forever. He'll have no choice, because he believes in mercy.

If you'll just do that one thing, and live by the rules he laid out for you in his love letter to you, then he'll protect you and keep you safe from everything. He will always protect you from all harm, unless he doesn't. Sometimes he'll have to hurt you himself though. But it's not because he wants to, or doesn't love you! It's merely so that you can learn your place. It builds character. He wants your love, yes, but he also wants your fear. A healthy relationship cannot live without it. He wants you to love everything about him so much you hate yourself. He wants you to fear him so much you quake in terror at his voice. He wants you to respect and trust him enough to let him tell you your thoughts and opinions.

All you have to do is give up. You must only surrender to him, and allow him to do what he wills with you. Stop fighting. Stop trying to control your own life. Let him do it instead. He's so much better at it. He wants you to know you don't have a clue how to live. You never have, and you never will. He wants you to know that, without him, you are a failure. Before you had him in your life, you were a horrible, vile, wicked beat. But then he changed all that. He just wants you to know and accept it. He just wants you to acknowledge that, without him, you are less than nothing; that he is the only value in your life. He wants you to need him. He wants your dependency on his continued love and acceptance to define you. He wants, in essence, the perfect, ultimate relationship with you.

Why do you turn him away, atheists? You are meant for him. You were born to serve, obey, and love him. You know it's true. Even if you don't want to admit it, you know you want the relationship he offers. So why not accept him into yourself today, atheists? You will have to either way, so why not do it willingly? Smiling

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Kagos wrote:He's known you

Kagos wrote:

He's known you since before you were conceived. He's been at your side ever since. He always is, and has been there, watching you. You run from him from him. You cannot hide from him. He loves you so much that he wants to save you from yourself. He doesn't care if you're a man or a woman, a boy or a girl, or what your nationality and ethnic origins are. He's your father, and he even sent himself as his son, your own foster brother, to die so that he may forgive you for your transgression in rejecting the death of his son, your own foster brother. He wants you to come live with him, at the feet of his throne, so you can tell him how great he is for all time.

But, if you don't believe in the power of his sacrifice as his son, and eat his corpse's remains, then he'll be forced to torture you for all time. He doesn't want to have to do this to you. He loves you much too much, and told you so personally in his own personal love letter to you. He even went through the trouble of dictating it to forty different men throughout human history just to make sure the message got through perfectly. But he'll have no choice if you force him to burn you forever. He'll have no choice, because he believes in mercy.

If you'll just do that one thing, and live by the rules he laid out for you in his love letter to you, then he'll protect you and keep you safe from everything. He will always protect you from all harm, unless he doesn't. Sometimes he'll have to hurt you himself though. But it's not because he wants to, or doesn't love you! It's merely so that you can learn your place. It builds character. He wants your love, yes, but he also wants your fear. A healthy relationship cannot live without it. He wants you to love everything about him so much you hate yourself. He wants you to fear him so much you quake in terror at his voice. He wants you to respect and trust him enough to let him tell you your thoughts and opinions.

All you have to do is give up. You must only surrender to him, and allow him to do what he wills with you. Stop fighting. Stop trying to control your own life. Let him do it instead. He's so much better at it. He wants you to know you don't have a clue how to live. You never have, and you never will. He wants you to know that, without him, you are a failure. Before you had him in your life, you were a horrible, vile, wicked beat. But then he changed all that. He just wants you to know and accept it. He just wants you to acknowledge that, without him, you are less than nothing; that he is the only value in your life. He wants you to need him. He wants your dependency on his continued love and acceptance to define you. He wants, in essence, the perfect, ultimate relationship with you.

Why do you turn him away, atheists? You are meant for him. You were born to serve, obey, and love him. You know it's true. Even if you don't want to admit it, you know you want the relationship he offers. So why not accept him into yourself today, atheists? You will have to either way, so why not do it willingly? Smiling

If you insist on wasting server space with what amounts to threats and bribes, please be brave enough to defend it, rather than leave your first post as a hit and run.

Why is it, other than " I know it's true" or "God said" or "faith" or "you wouldn't understand".

Please explain why, while you have no problem blindly giving your brain attention to something unproven. And on top of that, a concept that is not one of consent or voting, would not want in reality to live under a dictator?

Please tell me why I should submit to someone I cannot vote out of office or impeach? I am an adult, not a child, and don't need parent.

I obey the cops, not because they themselves have absolute power, nor should they. I obey them because we have oversight over them and can change laws when we don't like them and have cops arrested when they abuse their power.

Why would I want to give up my ability to criticize power or my ability to change power or give up my consent?

"Why not do it willingly"?

Yea, there is a sick joke "End rape, just say yes".


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That is....




                     ........wihout a doubt the sweetest and most poetic piece of claptrap I have ever read on this site.    We as atheists do NOT turn away from god & jesus because there never was a god or a Jesus to turn away from.  



                      Yet let me leave you with this pearl of wisdom from your "prince of peace";


                         Matt.10:35;   "  I do not come in peace, I come with a sword to raise havoc and cause discord between father and son and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law!!!"



                       For my money you can keep your book of fairy tales,  for I had as leif pray to another book "Tales of the Brothers Grimm".


                 Poeticlly yours



"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."

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Just a few questions...1. We

Just a few questions...

1. We can't hide from him but he hides from us? Many have asked for God to reveal himself without result. Is that love?

2. He loves us so much he wants to save us from ourselves? We're not punishing ourselves according to your Scripture. In fact, he's saving us from himself.

3. He wants us to love him and quake in terror of him? Can you say battered spouse syndrome?

4. God will have no choice but to implement the punishment that he set forth? he's not omnipotent then?

5. God wants to control your life? Is he that afraid of you having responsibility for your actions? Or is the fear yours?

6. Do you really consider acquiescing to these threats as the same as giving yourself to God willingly? Look at question 3 again.

Then again, you may just be a hit and run theist so I'm not looking for a reply.

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin

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Quote: You cannot hide from

You cannot hide from him.

If you want to know what a sick concept this is, I would suggest you read George Orwell's 1984.

If none of us can hide from this god you claim, then that means it watches you piss and shit and have sex. Think about that when you think about or actually bump your privates with others plumbing.

And as an aside. I am sure you are a fan of the idea of design and god's perfection. I won't take credit for this next analogy because Christopher Hitchens is where I got it from.

I am paraphrasing here, "What a great design, he puts a sewage system in the middle of an entertainment system".

If I am to blindly believe you, then that means your God was watching when your dad stuck his penis in your mom's vagina.  And I thought I was into internet porn.




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Jeffrick wrote:




                     ........wihout a doubt the sweetest and most poetic piece of claptrap I have ever read on this site.    We as atheists do NOT turn away from god & jesus because there never was a god or a Jesus to turn away from.  



                      Yet let me leave you with this pearl of wisdom from your "prince of peace";


                         Matt.10:35;   "  I do not come in peace, I come with a sword to raise havoc and cause discord between father and son and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law!!!"



                       For my money you can keep your book of fairy tales,  for I had as leif pray to another book "Tales of the Brothers Grimm".


                 Poeticlly yours



Here is what believers don't get. We don't turn away from "Jesus" anymore than they turn away from "pink unicorns".

We REJECT unproven claims. Not out of emotion or hate. But simply because of lack of evidence. I can find beauty in stories like Star Wars without believing that "The Force" is real or that "Darth Vader" will get us.

The more I read posts like this, the more I agree with Dawkins that Plato really fucked up humanity and set it back with his idea of "essence" and "perfection".

When humanity, and posters like this accept that there is no such thing as a utopia or super heros, we as a species will be much better off.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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This is a Poe

Did y'all read this or just jump to a conclusion from 1 or 2 sentences?

This is a Poe. It is such a big time parody.



For example:

Kagos wrote:


He's your father, and he even sent himself as his son, your own foster brother, to die so that he may forgive you for your transgression in rejecting the death of his son, your own foster brother.

There may be wacko theists that see it this way, but xtians usually start with the 'original sin' of the Adam & the Eve characters.


And how could you miss this snippy remark here:

Kagos wrote:

He wants you to come live with him, at the feet of his throne, so you can tell him how great he is for all time.

Yeah right. I realize the book of LSD fantasies aka Revelation has everyone kissing ass 24/7 forever but come now, you really think this is someone serious?


And then we have this:

Kagos wrote:

But, if you don't believe in the power of his sacrifice as his son, and eat his corpse's remains, then he'll be forced to torture you for all time.

This is obviously a parody.


And of course:

Kagos wrote:

He doesn't want to have to do this to you. He loves you much too much, and told you so personally in his own personal love letter to you. He even went through the trouble of dictating it to forty different men throughout human history just to make sure the message got through perfectly.

Really now, 'love letter' and '40 different men' took crib notes?


Kagos wrote:

But he'll have no choice if you force him to burn you forever. He'll have no choice, because he believes in mercy.

Seriously, I've not ever heard an xtian put burn you forever and mercy together, other than during the Inquisition.

Kagos wrote:

If you'll just do that one thing, and live by the rules he laid out for you in his love letter to you, then he'll protect you and keep you safe from everything. He will always protect you from all harm, unless he doesn't. Sometimes he'll have to hurt you himself though. But it's not because he wants to, or doesn't love you! It's merely so that you can learn your place. It builds character. He wants your love, yes, but he also wants your fear. A healthy relationship cannot live without it. He wants you to love everything about him so much you hate yourself. He wants you to fear him so much you quake in terror at his voice. He wants you to respect and trust him enough to let him tell you your thoughts and opinions.

These are not things an xtian can face in the real world. Clearly parody.


Kagos wrote:

All you have to do is give up. You must only surrender to him, and allow him to do what he wills with you. Stop fighting. Stop trying to control your own life. Let him do it instead. He's so much better at it. He wants you to know you don't have a clue how to live. You never have, and you never will. He wants you to know that, without him, you are a failure. Before you had him in your life, you were a horrible, vile, wicked beat. But then he changed all that. He just wants you to know and accept it. He just wants you to acknowledge that, without him, you are less than nothing; that he is the only value in your life. He wants you to need him. He wants your dependency on his continued love and acceptance to define you. He wants, in essence, the perfect, ultimate relationship with you.


What does this sound like to you?

Kagos wrote:

Why do you turn him away, atheists? You are meant for him. You were born to serve, obey, and love him. You know it's true. Even if you don't want to admit it, you know you want the relationship he offers. So why not accept him into yourself today, atheists? You will have to either way, so why not do it willingly? Smiling

Oh I'm convinced now.


Yeah, right.

Complete parody!

"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me

"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.

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If it's a Poe - it's a

If it's a Poe - it's a damned good one. I know people who speak like this. In fact I know folks who are happy not understanding anything about God claiming "If I knew what God was and how he worked it would detract from his awesomeness!"

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
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pauljohntheskeptic wrote:

This is a Poe. It is such a big time parody.

That was my gut instinct.


jcgadfly wrote:

If it's a Poe - it's a damned good one. I know people who speak like this. In fact I know folks who are happy not understanding anything about God claiming "If I knew what God was and how he worked it would detract from his awesomeness!"

Ya, that's the problem.

There really are people this skull fucked, that you're really never can tell for sure...





I keep asking myself " Are they just playin' stupid, or are they just plain stupid?..."

"To explain the unknown by the known is a logical procedure; to explain the known by the unknown is a form of theological lunacy" : David Brooks

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jcgadfly wrote:If it's a Poe

jcgadfly wrote:

If it's a Poe - it's a damned good one. I know people who speak like this. In fact I know folks who are happy not understanding anything about God claiming "If I knew what God was and how he worked it would detract from his awesomeness!"

The sentence that has:

Kagos wrote:

But, if you don't believe in the power of his sacrifice as his son, and eat his corpse's remains, then he'll be forced to torture you for all time.

Is enough to make this a Poe.

Seriously, y'all known Xtians that speak of the Jesus as a corpse and call communion "eating the corpse's remains"?

"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me

"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.

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Welcome to the forum,

Welcome to the forum, hit-and-run poster.

Kagos wrote:
He's known you since before you were conceived. He's been at your side ever since. He always is, and has been there, watching you. You run from him from him. You cannot hide from him. He loves you so much that he wants to save you from yourself. He doesn't care if you're a man or a woman, a boy or a girl, or what your nationality and ethnic origins are. He's your father, and he even sent himself as his son, your own foster brother, to die so that he may forgive you for your transgression in rejecting the death of his son, your own foster brother. He wants you to come live with him, at the feet of his throne, so you can tell him how great he is for all time.

So, if we're open-minded, we should be convinced by assertions without any evidence?

Kagos wrote:
But he'll have no choice if you force him to burn you forever. He'll have no choice, because he believes in mercy.

That's a quotable quote.

Seems like Poe.

Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare

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1. We can't hide from him

1. We can't hide from him but he hides from us? Many have asked for God to reveal himself without result. Is that love?

Yes. He only hides himself from people who don't want to, or don't need to, see him.

2. He loves us so much he wants to save us from ourselves? We're not punishing ourselves according to your Scripture. In fact, he's saving us from himself.

Of course you are. Rejecting his love letter means sending yourself to Hell. I've explained this. He doesn't want to have to torture you for rejecting his death. It's just that he has to. He is All Merciful.

3. He wants us to love him and quake in terror of him? Can you say battered spouse syndrome?

I can, but I'm not sure what my ability to say random phrases has to do with God's ultimate love, so I won't.

4. God will have no choice but to implement the punishment that he set forth? He's not omnipotent then?

Of course he is. He merely limits himself to be under his own laws.

5. God wants to control your life? Is he that afraid of you having responsibility for your actions? Or is the fear yours?

Genesis perfectly explains this with the Trees of Good and Evil and Life. God fears nothing. He simply wants you to admit that you have no control over your life, and would be better off if he ran it instead.

6. Do you really consider acquiescing to these threats as the same as giving yourself to God willingly? Look at question 3 again.

No, because they are not threats. They are Biblical facts.

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I feel bad for those who

I feel bad for those who have responded. It reminds me of the comments on edward currents youtube channel. Classic comedy when both sides fall for something.

Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin

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I don't think this is an

I don't think this is an especially good parody. Pretty obvious, really.

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 Its a freaking parody. You

 Its a freaking parody. You guys can't tell. 

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Kagos wrote:He's known you

Kagos wrote:

He's known you since before you were conceived. He's been at your side ever since. He always is, and has been there, watching you. You run from him from him. You cannot hide from him. He loves you so much that he wants to save you from yourself. He doesn't care if you're a man or a woman, a boy or a girl, or what your nationality and ethnic origins are...

Is it Santa Clause? Perhaps some empirical justification for your naked assertion may help us believe that Santa is watching and knows if we've been good or bad...  

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Your god doesn't exist.

Your god doesn't exist. You've wasted countless hours of your life in devotion to a greedy church of men who lie, cheat, steal, threaten, and kill anyone they can to keep their pockets lined with money. Do something useful for once and open your mind to the freedom from god that rational people have the pleasure of knowing before you lose what little time you have left in the only life you will ever have.

I don't care if it's a parody or not. There's literally more crazy in reality than in parody, so you get enough people read this shit and a significant number will never recognise it as fake.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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Vastet wrote:Your god

Vastet wrote:
Your god doesn't exist. You've wasted countless hours of your life in devotion to a greedy church of men who lie, cheat, steal, threaten, and kill anyone they can to keep their pockets lined with money. Do something useful for once and open your mind to the freedom from god that rational people have the pleasure of knowing before you lose what little time you have left in the only life you will ever have. I don't care if it's a parody or not. There's literally more crazy in reality than in parody, so you get enough people read this shit and a significant number will never recognise it as fake.

Of course he does. I just proved it. You can deny his existence all you want, but we both know that you know deep down that he really does exist. Smiling

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Kagos wrote:Vastet

Kagos wrote:

Vastet wrote:
Your god doesn't exist. You've wasted countless hours of your life in devotion to a greedy church of men who lie, cheat, steal, threaten, and kill anyone they can to keep their pockets lined with money. Do something useful for once and open your mind to the freedom from god that rational people have the pleasure of knowing before you lose what little time you have left in the only life you will ever have. I don't care if it's a parody or not. There's literally more crazy in reality than in parody, so you get enough people read this shit and a significant number will never recognise it as fake.

Of course he does. I just proved it. You can deny his existence all you want, but we both know that you know deep down that he really does exist. Smiling

I thought we were talking about Santa, you're talking about god?

"Don't seek these laws to understand. Only the mad can comprehend..." -- George Cosbuc

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Of course. If you're going

Of course. If you're going to talk about someone, you might as well talk about someone who actually exists. Santa isn't real. God is. That should be patently obvious by now. Smiling

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Kagos wrote:Of course. If

Kagos wrote:

Of course. If you're going to talk about someone, you might as well talk about someone who actually exists. Santa isn't real. God is. That should be patently obvious by now. Smiling


I believe the god you're looking for is running North Korea.  He, at least, seems a lot like Yahweh.

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I must have missed a post,

I must have missed a post, or it got deleted - I saw nothing remotely even pointing unambiguously to the validity of the God concept, let alone 'proving' such an inherently illogical idea.

The Jesus story proves nothing about God unless you already have bought into the God nonsense in the first place. All it suggests is that maybe some preacher guy who got carried away with the idea of having an even stronger connection with his imaginary friend than usual thought he was called to let himself get sacrificed.

That and a few guys later made some unverifiable claims about seeing him alive in some form... yeah , and so is Elvis.

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Kagos wrote:

Of course. If you're going to talk about someone, you might as well talk about someone who actually exists. Santa isn't real. God is. That should be patently obvious by now. Smiling



                             Are you aware that the story of Santa Claus comes from the story of Kris Kringle which means Christ Child, so how can you say Christ the adult was real when you say the Christ child did NOT exist?  You seam to suffer from foot-in-mouth desease: keep up the good work.

"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."

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BobSpence1 wrote:I must have

BobSpence1 wrote:

I must have missed a post, or it got deleted - I saw nothing remotely even pointing unambiguously to the validity of the God concept, let alone 'proving' such an inherently illogical idea.

The Jesus story proves nothing about God unless you already have bought into the God nonsense in the first place. All it suggests is that maybe some preacher guy who got carried away with the of having an even stronger connection with his imaginary friend than usual thought he was called to let himself get sacrificed.

That and a few guys later made some unverifiable claims about seeing him alive in some form... yeah , and so is Elvis.


Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.