Another, Another AN Refugee

The Batlord
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Another, Another AN Refugee

Just another dude from the AN dude looking for a new home. What up to Qual, Ciarin, Opiate, TRBB, and anyone else from the AN.

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Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.

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                You are welcome to The Batlord; I sure hope the last one out of AN remembers to shut the lights off. I'm from near Toronto Canada, how about you?

"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."

VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"

If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?

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(No subject)

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Jeffrick wrote:I sure hope

Jeffrick wrote:
I sure hope the last one out of AN remembers to shut the lights off.


That will be Jake (after he buffs the scuff marks out of his coffee table and vacuums the last of the crack from the carpet).

"TRBB - Changing the attitude of the forums one thread at a time." - KSti

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Jeffrick wrote:You are

Jeffrick wrote:
You are welcome to The Batlord; I sure hope the last one out of AN remembers to shut the lights off. I'm from near Toronto Canada, how about you?


I'm from Portsmouth, Virginia, US. Right near Virginia Beach.


Qualinesta wrote:

Jeffrick wrote:
I sure hope the last one out of AN remembers to shut the lights off.


That will be Jake (after he buffs the scuff marks out of his coffee table and vacuums the last of the crack from the carpet).


Don't worry, I made sure there won't be any crack left. He might want to air the place out a little though.

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The Batlord wrote:Don't

The Batlord wrote:
Don't worry, I made sure there won't be any crack left.


Impossible. That shit gets trampled way down in there - and after 10+ years it's EVERYWHERE!

"TRBB - Changing the attitude of the forums one thread at a time." - KSti

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Qualinesta wrote:The Batlord

Qualinesta wrote:

The Batlord wrote:
Don't worry, I made sure there won't be any crack left.


Impossible. That shit gets trampled way down in there - and after 10+ years it's EVERYWHERE!


I spent a few hours/days crawling over the carpets with a magnifying glass smoking every piece of dirt, bit of popcorn, lint ball I could find. Trust me. There's nothing. rlkdfhg. Sorry about that, all that crack gives me the twitches.

White Swallow
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burning down the house

Qualinesta wrote:
and after 10+ years it's EVERYWHERE!


There's only one thing for it: burn the place down. You bring the matches; I'll bring the petrol. Jeff and Ciarin can dance naked around the fire, chanting to their gods. It'll be fab. 


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Welcome batlord.  ps.

Welcome batlord.



ps. Heathens don't dance naked.

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 Welcome aboard Batlord.

 Welcome aboard Batlord.  I'm assuming you're an atheist?

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He's so atheist he shits

He's so atheist he shits Evolve Fish.


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Ciarin wrote:Welcome

Ciarin wrote:

Welcome batlord.



ps. Heathens don't dance naked.


They don't????????

Oh, yeah, it was the Druids.


"We will pray with those old Druids
They drink fermented fluids
Waltzing naked thru the woo-ids
And that’s good enough for me

Give me that old time religion
Give me that old time religion
Give me that old time religion
And that’s good enough for me"

Arlo Guthrie & Pete Seegar



-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.

"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken

"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.

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Hey Bat!

Hey Bat!

White Swallow
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Ciarin wrote:ps. Heathens

Ciarin wrote:
ps. Heathens don't dance naked.


Oh why on earth not, love? It's fun. Your ancestors used to take part in naked circle dancing. (Pastimes of the Viking & Anglo-Saxon Age)

That's Christian puritanical influences at work in your heathenism, love; cleanse yourself of it: dance naked tonight, waving your spatha in the moonlight. Smiling

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Welcome.This 'flood' of new


This 'flood' of new 'blood' is a bit overwhelming, I hope it all works out for you here.


Favorite oxymorons: Gospel Truth, Rational Supernaturalist, Business Ethics, Christian Morality

"Theology is now little more than a branch of human ignorance. Indeed, it is ignorance with wings." - Sam Harris

The path to Truth lies via careful study of reality, not the dreams of our fallible minds - me

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 I want to

 I want to fu....




Hey there.

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White Swallow wrote:Ciarin

White Swallow wrote:

Ciarin wrote:
ps. Heathens don't dance naked.


Oh why on earth not, love? It's fun. Your ancestors used to take part in naked circle dancing. (Pastimes of the Viking & Anglo-Saxon Age)

That's Christian puritanical influences at work in your heathenism, love; cleanse yourself of it: dance naked tonight, waving your spatha in the moonlight. Smiling


maybe cause it's cold? Puritanism has nothing to do with it. Thanks for the assumption though, I love it when people do that. I would never dance naked. It would be uncomfortable, not only because of environmental factors but because my tits are so huge it would cause me pain to not wear a bra whilst dancing. Not everyone who likes to wear clothes has hang ups about nudity, FYI. Why should I have to be uncomfortable just to show you I "cleanse" myself of non-existent puritanical influences? Don't be such a dick.


I'm not aware if any of my ancestors were in a cult of odin, let alone participated in a acrobatic warrior dance with weapons. You're reaching.



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Cold? Build a bonfire to dance around

Ciarin wrote:
maybe cause it's cold?


Build a bonfire to dance around.  



Ciarin wrote:
It would be uncomfortable... because my tits are so huge it would cause me pain


Oh okay; you're excused, then.

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bonfires do nothing. Sauna

bonfires do nothing. Sauna is better, and there's no dancing in there.

The Batlord
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Thanks for all the

Thanks for all the greetings, and yes I am an atheist. Been one ever since I was born.


White Swallow wrote:
dance naked tonight, waving your spatha in the moonlight. Smiling


Don't be afraid of me and my video camera. That red light means it's off.


Ciarin wrote:
my tits are so huge it would cause me pain to not wear a bra whilst dancing.


Now that makes me wanna dance. clapping

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The Batlord wrote:Now that

The Batlord wrote:
Now that makes me wanna dance. clapping


The thought of Ciarin in pain?


I didn't think you rolled like that...

"TRBB - Changing the attitude of the forums one thread at a time." - KSti

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Qualinesta wrote:The thought

Qualinesta wrote:
The thought of Ciarin in pain?


I didn't think you rolled like that...


Hey, she can hurt me all she wants. I'm an equal opportunity sado-masochist.