In a Field

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In a Field

In a Field

I saw their blood upon the field
And ashes of the men they killed.
I saw innocence of children playing
Then toys guns to bide their waiting.

"You can't write a chord ugly enough to say what you want to say sometimes, so you have to rely on a giraffe filled with whip cream."--Frank Zappa Books on atheism

Brian37's picture
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There is nothing worse to me

There is nothing worse to me than watching the news, and seeing a little kid, ON ANY GIVEN ISSUE, shout about adult subjects being used as pawns by adults.

Pawns, By Brian37


Hitler's youth, Jihad's "truth"

Anti-abortion we must defend

Toy guns grow up too

Becoming real with utopia zeal


Take the sponge

The empty slate

Rape it's mind

With certain fate


The only way

It is to be

The real children

Are the adults


Without the elders

In the same room

The little one's fairness

On it's own forms


Allah Akbar

Jesus loves me

How can a sponge



Yet they tell them

And pass it down

To the next generation

And no peace at hand


The adults

Are the real children

Afraid of the boogiemen

The "outsiders"


Tribalism, nationalism

Labels and religion

Are adult beefs

Not that of children


No one is special

Among 7 billion

Yet all our species

Protect their children


We can do better

Than to sell division

To raise them with guns

Instead of debate


Only the rise

Of rational thought

Teach them to think

For themselves






"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at

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Brian37 wrote:There is

Brian37 wrote:

There is nothing worse to me than watching the news, and seeing a little kid, ON ANY GIVEN ISSUE, shout about adult subjects being used as pawns by adults.

Pawns, By Brian37


Hitler's youth, Jihad's "truth"

Anti-abortion we must defend

Toy guns grow up too

Becoming real with utopia zeal


Take the sponge

The empty slate

Rape it's mind

With certain fate


The only way

It is to be

The real children

Are the adults


Without the elders

In the same room

The little one's fairness

On it's own forms


Allah Akbar

Jesus loves me

How can a sponge



Yet they tell them

And pass it down

To the next generation

And no peace at hand


The adults

Are the real children

Afraid of the boogiemen

The "outsiders"


Tribalism, nationalism

Labels and religion

Are adult beefs

INot that of children


No one is special

Among 7 billion

Yet all our species

Protect their children


We can do better

Than to sell division

To raise them with guns

Instead of debate


Only the rise

Of rational thought

Teach them to think

For themselves






That is  truly a great poem Ya need to post it as primary. Or I guess we could make this topic area and post with this subject here.


"You can't write a chord ugly enough to say what you want to say sometimes, so you have to rely on a giraffe filled with whip cream."--Frank Zappa Books on atheism

TGBaker's picture
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For Honour and King

We saw the visions
Of promised gain
So we stole the souls of men.
We made provisions
To cleanse our stain
While sped our regimen.

It is God we said
That led unsaid
Our men to victory.
But count the dead
And those who bled
Oh, God, Gethsemene.

'Tis war we love
Not Him above
And Death the masterstroke.
For with warrior glove
Our honors shove
Our youthful gentlefolk.

To fight our cause
To hide our flaws
While we in safety rest.
As power awes
Ambition gnaws
Within each emptied breast.

What care we
Which cause is right
'Tis war that makes us bold.
Sound reveille
To prove our might
And fill our sacks with gold.

They all have died
But we survived
To plan our next campaign.
They died for pride
We so contrived
To make our war humane.

A simple lie
To so deny
That profit was our goal.
And by and by
We justify
Our noble  kingly role.

For war is ours
To have and hold
While we in power be. . .
Our greed devours
Young and old
And insures our destiny.

"You can't write a chord ugly enough to say what you want to say sometimes, so you have to rely on a giraffe filled with whip cream."--Frank Zappa Books on atheism

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One of the most recent

One of the most recent examples of child indoctrination that sickens me, that I saw on a documentary of the Taliban, was the film maker in a cave with the men and his children. The little girl displayed fear of the film maker. Not because he was a threat, but because the social climate produced in the uneducated country causes the parents to sell this fear to this child.

I think humanity needs to look at it's abuses of each other in the form of tribalism to break this cycle, as no different as domestic child abuse. As Bob Spence rightfully puts it, there is a mistake that once one sees themselves as the victim, they falsely think that they or their future generations wont go on to abuse others.

These Taliban men, because of their deep indoctrination proclaim themselves as the oppressed and even shouted at the American troops they fired at in the documentaries as "bullies".

I remember watching a daytime talk show where a racist was interviewed and of course was spouting bullshit. Unknown to her, her white child was put in a green room with others of mixed race. What happened in that green room was expected. Without her being there to teach her kid hate, the kid naturally played with the others without the adult baggage.

I think the internet, now more than ever, needs to be protected and kept free for all. The bigots of all labels will lose long term the more people can see that the real issues are not our differences, but what our species has in common.

This poor girl will likely grow up needlessly hating the west. But even if she manages to escape that, she and women of that country are still subject to the sexism their men force on them.

What causes abuse after abuse after abuse in human history is the mundane evolutionary trait of the strive to become the alpha male. Unless we skip the labels and accept that life is about the drive to gain resources, and strip it of labels and utopias and superstition, our species will continue to focus on the dangerous distraction of such.

That is not to suggest that it is pragmatic to try to rid the world of labels, that is an unrealistic utopia too. But what our species can promote which is realistic, is to make common ground the focus.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at

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TGBaker wrote:Brian37

TGBaker wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

There is nothing worse to me than watching the news, and seeing a little kid, ON ANY GIVEN ISSUE, shout about adult subjects being used as pawns by adults.

Pawns, By Brian37


Hitler's youth, Jihad's "truth"

Anti-abortion we must defend

Toy guns grow up too

Becoming real with utopia zeal


Take the sponge

The empty slate

Rape it's mind

With certain fate


The only way

It is to be

The real children

Are the adults


Without the elders

In the same room

The little one's fairness

On it's own forms


Allah Akbar

Jesus loves me

How can a sponge



Yet they tell them

And pass it down

To the next generation

And no peace at hand


The adults

Are the real children

Afraid of the boogiemen

The "outsiders"


Tribalism, nationalism

Labels and religion

Are adult beefs

INot that of children


No one is special

Among 7 billion

Yet all our species

Protect their children


We can do better

Than to sell division

To raise them with guns

Instead of debate


Only the rise

Of rational thought

Teach them to think

For themselves






That is  truly a great poem Ya need to post it as primary. Or I guess we could make this topic area and post with this subject here.



Thank you. I've been writing poems for 20 years now. I get criticized for my block style and capitalization and simplicity. But, it is art, and people can take it for what it is. I personally care more about the message and it's timing and universal qualities.

I admit, sometimes I go back and read something and ask myself, "What was I thinking". But then there are other times where someone criticizes me, and I'll defend THAT individual poem.  I will not defend every poem I have written. Just getting comments like this lets me know that good or bad, I am on the right track.



"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at

TGBaker's picture
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Brian37 wrote:TGBaker

Brian37 wrote:

TGBaker wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

There is nothing worse to me than watching the news, and seeing a little kid, ON ANY GIVEN ISSUE, shout about adult subjects being used as pawns by adults.

Pawns, By Brian37


Hitler's youth, Jihad's "truth"

Anti-abortion we must defend

Toy guns grow up too

Becoming real with utopia zeal


Take the sponge

The empty slate

Rape it's mind

With certain fate


The only way

It is to be

The real children

Are the adults


Without the elders

In the same room

The little one's fairness

On it's own forms


Allah Akbar

Jesus loves me

How can a sponge



Yet they tell them

And pass it down

To the next generation

And no peace at hand


The adults

Are the real children

Afraid of the boogiemen

The "outsiders"


Tribalism, nationalism

Labels and religion

Are adult beefs

INot that of children


No one is special

Among 7 billion

Yet all our species

Protect their children


We can do better

Than to sell division

To raise them with guns

Instead of debate


Only the rise

Of rational thought

Teach them to think

For themselves






That is  truly a great poem Ya need to post it as primary. Or I guess we could make this topic area and post with this subject here.



Thank you. I've been writing poems for 20 years now. I get criticized for my block style and capitalization and simplicity. But, it is art, and people can take it for what it is. I personally care more about the message and it's timing and universal qualities.

I admit, sometimes I go back and read something and ask myself, "What was I thinking". But then there are other times where someone criticizes me, and I'll defend THAT individual poem.  I will not defend every poem I have written. Just getting comments like this lets me know that good or bad, I am on the right track.



I think you are right. Art is expression and why should my expression conform to the way someone wants it. They can find that elsewhere.  I like to write archaic style for romance purposes but I like to write experimentally to express my feel and thoughts.  A lot of times you let it come and it is not so much "what was I thinking" as things in the unconscious are crawling out and needing to breath.


"You can't write a chord ugly enough to say what you want to say sometimes, so you have to rely on a giraffe filled with whip cream."--Frank Zappa Books on atheism

Brian37's picture
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TGBaker wrote:Brian37

TGBaker wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

TGBaker wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

There is nothing worse to me than watching the news, and seeing a little kid, ON ANY GIVEN ISSUE, shout about adult subjects being used as pawns by adults.

Pawns, By Brian37


Hitler's youth, Jihad's "truth"

Anti-abortion we must defend

Toy guns grow up too

Becoming real with utopia zeal


Take the sponge

The empty slate

Rape it's mind

With certain fate


The only way

It is to be

The real children

Are the adults


Without the elders

In the same room

The little one's fairness

On it's own forms


Allah Akbar

Jesus loves me

How can a sponge



Yet they tell them

And pass it down

To the next generation

And no peace at hand


The adults

Are the real children

Afraid of the boogiemen

The "outsiders"


Tribalism, nationalism

Labels and religion

Are adult beefs

INot that of children


No one is special

Among 7 billion

Yet all our species

Protect their children


We can do better

Than to sell division

To raise them with guns

Instead of debate


Only the rise

Of rational thought

Teach them to think

For themselves






That is  truly a great poem Ya need to post it as primary. Or I guess we could make this topic area and post with this subject here.



Thank you. I've been writing poems for 20 years now. I get criticized for my block style and capitalization and simplicity. But, it is art, and people can take it for what it is. I personally care more about the message and it's timing and universal qualities.

I admit, sometimes I go back and read something and ask myself, "What was I thinking". But then there are other times where someone criticizes me, and I'll defend THAT individual poem.  I will not defend every poem I have written. Just getting comments like this lets me know that good or bad, I am on the right track.



I think you are right. Art is expression and why should my expression conform to the way someone wants it. They can find that elsewhere.  I like to write archaic style for romance purposes but I like to write experimentally to express my feel and thoughts.  A lot of times you let it come and it is not so much "what was I thinking" as things in the unconscious are crawling out and needing to breath.



What bothers me about structure Nazis is that what good is all that building and placement if no one understands the words?

I don't think poetry should be "see spot run" but it also doesn't have to be so high pitched with 50 dollar words that only dogs can hear it.

I say be yourself. Don't worry about getting it right all the time. Just write. You will write crap sometimes and you can end up with gems sometimes.

I belonged to a poetry group in the early 90s. There was a guy that was structured and wordy and complained about style and simplicity. Yet when you surveyed the entire group of sometimes 50 plus, most people ended up saying "personal taste".

In fact, one of my poems I wrote which was popular in the group was a  polite "fuck you" to him in response to his complaining about another poet's poem I did like in our group. He also hated untitled poems so we decided that at one meeting, before hand, without telling him, to all write untitled poems. His face was beet red by the end of the meeting.

You'd never get me to buy a Jackson Polack(sp) or  Picasso, even if I had the money. But on the other extreme I don't understand one black dot in the center of a white canvas either.

Art is subjective and that is all there is to it. One mans trash is another man's treasure.



"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at

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Brian37 wrote:TGBaker

Brian37 wrote:

TGBaker wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

TGBaker wrote:

Brian37 wrote:


What bothers me about structure Nazis is that what good is all that building and placement if no one understands the words?

I don't think poetry should be "see spot run" but it also doesn't have to be so high pitched with 50 dollar words that only dogs can hear it.

I say be yourself. Don't worry about getting it right all the time. Just write. You will write crap sometimes and you can end up with gems sometimes.

I belonged to a poetry group in the early 90s. There was a guy that was structured and wordy and complained about style and simplicity. Yet when you surveyed the entire group of sometimes 50 plus, most people ended up saying "personal taste".

In fact, one of my poems I wrote which was popular in the group was a  polite "fuck you" to him in response to his complaining about another poet's poem I did like in our group. He also hated untitled poems so we decided that at one meeting, before hand, without telling him, to all write untitled poems. His face was beet red by the end of the meeting.

You'd never get me to buy a Jackson Polack(sp) or  Picasso, even if I had the money. But on the other extreme I don't understand one black dot in the center of a white canvas either.

Art is subjective and that is all there is to it. One mans trash is another man's treasure.



I agree. I am a guitarist and bassist.  I like a structure if it gives me a particular musical feel and that is about it.  Sometimes the lack of structure is  more musical though.


p { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }

Came the Cold
Upon the Day
Frosted meadows
And ice top lakes.

Came not sorrow
Nor cheerful refrain
But chilling breezes
And dull grey skies.

The world does not care
Then awaken...but
The Heavens do not dare.

The darkest birds
The boldest doves
Within the meadows
Await the breeze. . .
To scatter seed.

The boldest dove
Does takes the seed
The darkest bird
Then does feed.

Sleep. . .for
Came the Cold.

Comes the breeze
Over ice top lakes
And frosted meadows. . .
But not with cheerful refrain
But a mournful sorrow.

Then. . .Awaken. . .for
Came the Cold
Upon the Day.

Then so comes
Upon the Heavens
Dull grey skies
Over meadows
And lakes alike.

And descends
From them the Hawk
To the meadow
Upon bird and dove alike
And with a vengence
Upon the breeze
Cries its cry


  Being 56 I think there is that beatnik bongo thing going in my head with a view toward a coffee shop.

"You can't write a chord ugly enough to say what you want to say sometimes, so you have to rely on a giraffe filled with whip cream."--Frank Zappa Books on atheism

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If you are interested in

If you are interested in reading more of my stuff, here is a link to Infidel Guy's website.

If the link happens not to work, at that site I post it in the "Entertainment and Media" section.

Some of what you will read is mere tongue and cheek blasphemy. But others are serious.

I also have much more in the 20 years that has not been posted.

My two favorites there are "Out out brief Candle" a "remix" of the MacBeth line. And "Piety".

I actually had one that I read about 9/11 called "Twin Accordions" which got loud applause and cheers at a Unitarian Church I used to attend. I even had some request a copy with an autograph afterwords. I have not posted that one. Maybe I will.

My point is write. You will miss and you will hit, just write.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at