Hare Krishna

I'm just curious about it. There is a whole bunch of them at my university and I can honestly say everyone of them who has come up to try recruit me is crazy. Tbh it seems rather like a cult to me.
All I want to know is what do they believe? All I have managed to get them to explain so far is that its not a cult, its science and it's from india. Thats all i've gotten out of them when they ask me to come meditate with them (I say no every time). Anyone know what they are all about?
I have a book from the International Society for Krishna Consciousness but I couldn't get past the 5th page before I started to feel insane.
Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
No animal shall wear clothes.
No animal shall sleep in a bed.
No animal shall drink alcohol.
No animal shall kill any other animal.
All animals are equal.
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Do they have a vacant eye look on their faces has they talk about their cult, you bet they do! They are quite expert at subtle brain washing techniques and continuous recruting is what they are programed to do. Best advice is to stay away. Their main doctrine seems to be to get all your worldly goods and have you as an obidient slave.
If you want to fight back, complain to the university about the harrassment, that might get them to at least leave you alone.
Another way is to invite them to social events, mixers, keg partys, any secular social function; with a promise they can talk about their cult. One will not show up, THREE or more will show up. Don't give them any podium just keep them circulating; then watch as one by one they sit down somewhere and fall asleep. Their mind control masters never give them enough sleep, no joke.
NEVER go to their social fuctions, NEVER!! You'll get hooked before you know it.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
Tapey, do you have any info on where they have the science in their teaching? I once saw a young HK man preaching on a street in my city nearby... Had a chat with him, but I don't remember what it was about anymore, I didn't learn much anyway.
AFAIK, Hare Krishna is a sect that has their timing a bit wrong. They believe that we are still in Kali Yuga (dark age) which will end in a couple hundred thousand years, when the god or hero Rama or Indra (I don't know) will come and start killing demons. And that is supposed to have some relevance for us to know.
Well, many esotericists and three foremost Indian saints including Sathya Sai Baba agreed, that Kali Yuga is ending now. (just about the damn time)
The movement is based on bhakti yoga, or way of the heart. That means, love, devotion, idealism, worship and no regard whatsoever to details and facts. They believe in freedom from karma through extreme yoga practices but also through a faster way, reciting the Hare Krishna mantra. I assure you, it doesn't work unless it is one's personal karma to work his ass of in a hinduistic sect.
Another information about them is restriction of sex only to procreation in marriage. Not that I'd have heard about any scandals, but restricting sex is a bad idea, Catholics could tell.
As a small kid once I've been with my family on a local Hare Krishna farm, as visitors. (my parents' ideas of vacations were like that, I grew up seeing Indian monks, spiritual festivals, mantras n' stuff
) It was an interesting place, the farm was huge, they had peacocks walking around... The buildings were a bit rough, bare walls without plaster in buildings where they worked. But the people were nice to us and mostly young, they were busy, dressed in their robes, smiled at us, one of them showed us around. We stayed for dinner, in a big hall, nicely decorated, with Krishna's portrait on wall. The food was given on the floor, we kneeled on pillows, I think. I still remember, it was vegetarian food and really good one. Rice, some vegetables, sauce and a wheat pancake in it. They can really cook and I have liking for such a cuisine in general.
Even today, Hare Krishna community is the best place to order Indian spices in large amounts. Last year we bought from them lots of garam masala (I spent it all on my cooking) tandoori masala and other things. They of course didn't forget to throw in some vegetarian brochures into the box.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Unfortunatly not. But then again what you call science and what I call science may be differant. The book said something about most of modern sciences teachings being wrong. We know this intuitively. I believe the stuff they think modern science is wrong about is the creation. There was a bit on preventing death and how modern science will never do this. There was also a bit on how we are not lifeless atoms.
Though I suspect there is no science as most people on this forum would accept at at least under the definition of science.
Here are there views on science and possibly there own science, If not they pretty much give there books away. They pretty much throw them at me. I guess I give them a better reaction than most they talk to. I kinda feel bad because I have no intention of ever taking them seriously.
I will take a look at it my self after chrismas.
Most religions I get, even understand but not this and that bugs me.
Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
No animal shall wear clothes.
No animal shall sleep in a bed.
No animal shall drink alcohol.
No animal shall kill any other animal.
All animals are equal.
Check on the vacent look in there eyes. Well at least some. Tbh i was more thinking they were stoned. They certainly look it, but I get the feeling that isn't allowed.
Sounds like a bigger pain than they are
I assure you im immune to there hippie charms no matter how much candy they offer in exchange for me to meditate with them.
Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
No animal shall wear clothes.
No animal shall sleep in a bed.
No animal shall drink alcohol.
No animal shall kill any other animal.
All animals are equal.
Hare Krishnas and a Hare New Year to you too, sorry, anyway, vacant expression is caused primarily by them having to chant "Hare Krishna, Rada krishna" so many thousand times a day before they are allowed their own thought time.Hence, critical thinking skills become redundant, both long and short term memory start to fail, and spatial awareness becomes so docile in that if they told you lord Krishna was really a dancing gnome, you'd believe it without question. It's commonly called Brainwashing, just like all other religions, parting the red sea!!!, yeah right.
No Intervention No Evidence (NINE) 999999999999999
Part of the brainwashing is their diet; high in carbs, low in calories and low vitamin counts. They are in fact anemic, their brains do not have the strength to fight off the rigged chanting and their bodies do not have the strength to fight back or run away. That vacant eyed look I mentioned earlier is in fact evidence of slow starvation.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
Yah, the standard "cult diet" is also low in protein as well. When your body can't make everything that it needs, you tend to end up vulnerable to lots of things.