Science Saved My (Soul) excuse the pun
Most people that I run across (on my way to the lab at Einstein Hospital) try to tell me that Jesus loves you,and I feel very embaressed for these adults,grow the F<>k up,is my first thought,live your own life,open a F<>king science book is my other thought,I came across this really good video at " All things Science'' - and another great thinker -Richard Feynman on the Uncertainty of Knowledge -
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I showed the 'How the science saved my soul' video to a Christian I know. Surprisingly, he liked it (with my help) and even let me to spread it among other Christians on his Facebook page. Which even got some positive replies.
Well, then he borrowed some money from me and delayed their return under some excuses unless he'd run off the excuses and just delayed and avoided me, but that's not the point
I got rid of him in this way pretty cheaply, he liked to borrow my stuff and expose me to unhealthy doses of Youtube videos of Christian songs and Enrique Iglesias. (no shit) It was so fascinating to observe all that and to wonder what the hell he's thinking he's doing.
The point is, I think that we can have a noticeable influence on Christians, if we:
- show them such a beautiful and deeply meaningful scientific video with thought-provoking commentary
- translate and explain it to them.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
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If you liked that video check out this one!