Lets have some fun, believers welcome, fave comedy movie lines.

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Lets have some fun, believers welcome, fave comedy movie lines.

I take the debate of all god claims seriously. But we can discuss other things too and find some common ground even if we think the other is full of shit for believing or not believing. I'll start.

Lets work it like this. State a comedy line or comedy lines and someone else will guess the movie/s. Then they post a line and someone else guesses the movie. So on and so on. Winner gets a free supply of pocket lint.


1. "It's nice and cozy if you like Hannibal Lector"


2. "In the Virgina Slims tennis Tournament I always root against the heterosexual"


3. "You will cream in your jeans when you see Catholic High School Girls In Trouble"


4. "Cigarette?...........Yes I know"


5. "Do you like movies about gladiators?"


6. "Ive been out combing the high schools all day"


7. "I cant find any answers in this book"


8. "10-9-8-7-5......What happened to 6? Just kidding"

Now your turn. If you want to quote other lines from these same movies, go for it.



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Jeffrick wrote: I first saw

Jeffrick wrote:

 I first saw it on TV in the 60's, I just figured you had a TV in the 60's.  If you remember the year [1944} and the context [WW II} the movie was pretty racey for it's time, it's pretty racey for the 60's.


Yeah, we had a TV.  But in my home town, there was only one TV station until cable finally got there - about 1962, when I was in jr high.  And we didn't have cable in my house - or a color TV - until 4 years later.  And my home town TV station was conservative - a vast understatement.


Jeffrick wrote:

                      Simple storyline. A teenage girl dumps her dull boyfriend at a movie theater so she can go kiss the soldier boys good bye as they ship off to the frontlines.  She gets drunk, then gets married under a phoney name (Radskywadsky) her father the Police chief helps get rid of any and all paperwork so  there is no record of the wedding. Then she finds out she is pregnent!!  She doesn't want her small town neighbors to know she's unwed and preggers so she cons the dull  boyfriend into a psuedo-marrige so she has the paperwork for Radskywadsky.


                      Orville the dull guy, dresses up like a soldier then signs his real name and gets arrested for abduction, violating the Mann act and dessertion under fire.  Trust me the movie is funnier then I'm describing, eventually the governor makes him a State Colonel, there are even scenes with Rooseveldt, Hitler and Moussolini commenting on the "miracle..".



                      Now what was the "Miracle.."?


um, she got pregnant without having sex?


-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.

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No cj.




               The miracle is that she has five [5] babies [quadruplets], thats what the hoopla is about. Also at the end Orville agrees to act like the husband and father, but no one is legaly married. That's scandelous for the 1940's.  But they throw in a quote from Shakespeare at the end and everybody lives happily ever after.

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Jeffrick wrote:

               The miracle is that she has five [5] babies [quadruplets], thats what the hoopla is about. Also at the end Orville agrees to act like the husband and father, but no one is legaly married. That's scandelous for the 1940's.  But they throw in a quote from Shakespeare at the end and everybody lives happily ever after.


Sounds to me not like a miracle, but like hell on earth.  Oh, 5 babies would be quints, not quads.  From the Latin.


-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.

"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken

"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.