Deus Non Est, By Brian37

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Deus Non Est, By Brian37

Deus Non Est, By Brian37


Our blue orb

Is not flat

Deus Non Est



Makes no sense

Deus Non Est


We advance

When we give up myth

Dues Non Est


Isis, Marduke, Thor

Dead like those before

Deus Non Est


No second set


Deus Non Est


Rigor mortis

None escape

Deus Non Est


Chosen people

Do not exist

Dues Non Est


Allah and Jesus

Fictitious gaps

Deus Non Est


Hocus pokus

Is all it is

Dues Non Est


Invisible friends

In the sky

Deus Non Est


To free your mind

They must die

Dues Non Est


To worship such

Is tyranny

Deus Non Est


Obey him

Or suffer eternally

Deus Non Est


An abusive spouse

Is all he is

Deus Non Est


In a billion years

He wont exist

Deus Non Est


Myths will die

Upon extinction

Deus Non Est


We will avance

Without superstition

Deus Non Est


Being finite

Frightens me not

Deus Non Est


This is it

All there is

Deus Non Est


Before I was born

I'll be after I die

Deus Non Est


Lets leave the caves

And ancient myths

Deus Non Est



"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at

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Son of a bitch, i DID IT

Son of a bitch, i DID IT AGAIN!

Mod, someone, please correct the spelling of "Dues and change it to Deus" in the title.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at

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I must ardently stress that

I must ardently stress that although this poem is blasphemous against god claims, it really is not a poem of hate, but a positive one that once humanity gives up on absurd claims, we can move into the future. The past is where we should leave it.

This poem is a call to rational thinking void of comic book claims and superstition of any kind. We do not have to become fascist just like we don't want a theocracy. But even with the acceptance of the ability to make claims of any kind is the extremely important attitude to kick the tires of any given claim.

This poem is merely stating that just like we no longer believe the volcano is an angry god, we don't even need a generic human like super hero in the sky to move humanity forward. Myth is myth no matter how popular it is. It wasn't true that the sun was a god when the Egyptians falsely believed it for 3k years and it is not true that an invisible super hero will swoop down and save humanity and defeat the villain.

By any name, past or present, monotheist and polytheist, the idea of a super hero is absurd. I find no fear and much comfort in the knowledge that this is all there is and all we have, if we face it with courage, is each other.

That is not to day man is god or a replacement for that matter. Man is not god just like man is not Micky Mouse either. We are not gods any more than we are Superman. We simply are what we are, flawed and finite and nothing more. We are not a product of a cosmic comic book super hero anymore than the moon is made of cheese. We are not gods either because no such thing exists.

We accept that Thor does not make lighting. I think humanity can give up on Allah and Jesus too if they are intellectually brave enough to accept reality. It is absurd to me in the age of DNA and Hubble that we still cling to ancient myth.



"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at

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Brian37 wrote:Son of a

Brian37 wrote:

Son of a bitch, i DID IT AGAIN!

Mod, someone, please correct the spelling of "Dues and change it to Deus" in the title.

Although the fact that churches tend to more confused with "dues" (tithes, offerings) than with "Deus" provides some enjoyable irony.

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin

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jcgadfly wrote:Brian37

jcgadfly wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

Son of a bitch, i DID IT AGAIN!

Mod, someone, please correct the spelling of "Dues and change it to Deus" in the title.

Although the fact that churches tend to more confused with "dues" (tithes, offerings) than with "Deus" provides some enjoyable irony.

Go ahead, pick on me, maybe I'll stalk myself and post a picture of myself to scare myself. You can take your irony and drop your ice cream in doo doo!


Other than my misspelling, did you like my newest pile of tripe?

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at

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Done. I like it!  Need to



I like it!  Need to get some monks chanting it.


Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.

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Brian37 wrote:jcgadfly

Brian37 wrote:

jcgadfly wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

Son of a bitch, i DID IT AGAIN!

Mod, someone, please correct the spelling of "Dues and change it to Deus" in the title.

Although the fact that churches tend to more confused with "dues" (tithes, offerings) than with "Deus" provides some enjoyable irony.

Go ahead, pick on me, maybe I'll stalk myself and post a picture of myself to scare myself. You can take your irony and drop your ice cream in doo doo!


Other than my misspelling, did you like my newest pile of tripe?

I enjoyed it - little bits of truth to counter the hypocrisy.

Would it be all right if I took some of your work and used them as audition pieces?

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin

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jcgadfly wrote:Brian37

jcgadfly wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

jcgadfly wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

Son of a bitch, i DID IT AGAIN!

Mod, someone, please correct the spelling of "Dues and change it to Deus" in the title.

Although the fact that churches tend to more confused with "dues" (tithes, offerings) than with "Deus" provides some enjoyable irony.

Go ahead, pick on me, maybe I'll stalk myself and post a picture of myself to scare myself. You can take your irony and drop your ice cream in doo doo!


Other than my misspelling, did you like my newest pile of tripe?

I enjoyed it - little bits of truth to counter the hypocrisy.

Would it be all right if I took some of your work and used them as audition pieces?

Audition pieces? For what? Are you an actor? I would say that if you do, I am certainly not against it as long as you give standard quotation, like you would on a college paper. But if you are auditioning do realize that even if these are liberal people, those judging you might find this poem politically incorrect, like much of my blasphemy.

As long as you are not passing it off as your own. I don't want credit for fame purposes or money purposes, just a by line, thats all.

The thought of my work being read aloud is flattering. But just don't show them a picture of me.

I don't know if you remember the movie "Revenge of the Nerds" when the nerds applied to be a fraternity and they were all sitting around reading response letters to their applications.

"They all rejected us" nerd 1

"Here's one that accepted us"

"Did you send a picture?"


I am fine with it and flattered in all seriousness as long as you quote and don't pass it off as yours. Just list here on this board what you are using of mine as far as when and where with as much information that does not give away your personal identity or location while confirming your usage.

You can PM Bob Spence here with any info you consider sensitive and he can pass that on to me privately. And Sapient can speak for me as far as trusting me with that personal info.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at

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Brian37 wrote:jcgadfly

Brian37 wrote:

jcgadfly wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

jcgadfly wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

Son of a bitch, i DID IT AGAIN!

Mod, someone, please correct the spelling of "Dues and change it to Deus" in the title.

Although the fact that churches tend to more confused with "dues" (tithes, offerings) than with "Deus" provides some enjoyable irony.

Go ahead, pick on me, maybe I'll stalk myself and post a picture of myself to scare myself. You can take your irony and drop your ice cream in doo doo!


Other than my misspelling, did you like my newest pile of tripe?

I enjoyed it - little bits of truth to counter the hypocrisy.

Would it be all right if I took some of your work and used them as audition pieces?

Audition pieces? For what? Are you an actor? I would say that if you do, I am certainly not against it as long as you give standard quotation, like you would on a college paper. But if you are auditioning do realize that even if these are liberal people, those judging you might find this poem politically incorrect, like much of my blasphemy.

As long as you are not passing it off as your own. I don't want credit for fame purposes or money purposes, just a by line, thats all.

The thought of my work being read aloud is flattering. But just don't show them a picture of me.

I don't know if you remember the movie "Revenge of the Nerds" when the nerds applied to be a fraternity and they were all sitting around reading response letters to their applications.

"They all rejected us" nerd 1

"Here's one that accepted us"

"Did you send a picture?"


I am fine with it and flattered in all seriousness as long as you quote and don't pass it off as yours. Just list here on this board what you are using of mine as far as when and where with as much information that does not give away your personal identity or location while confirming your usage.

You can PM Bob Spence here with any info you consider sensitive and he can pass that on to me privately. And Sapient can speak for me as far as trusting me with that personal info.


I consider myself a semi-professional actor. I get paid for about half the work I do.

I always give credit to the writer for the pieces I use (unless the title is sufficient to indicate the author, i.e. If I say I'm doing a piece from Hamlet, I don't feel a need to say it was written by Shakespeare). In auditions, it's part of "slating the piece" (where you give your name and the information about the piece you're doing).

Thank you for allowing me to do this. If I get parts with them, I'll let you know that as well.

As for offending people, the worst thing that can happen is I don't get the gig. I used to have a rule that I wouldn't use a piece that had "fuck" in it. I broke that one about a month ago.

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin

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jcgadfly wrote:Brian37

jcgadfly wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

jcgadfly wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

jcgadfly wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

Son of a bitch, i DID IT AGAIN!

Mod, someone, please correct the spelling of "Dues and change it to Deus" in the title.

Although the fact that churches tend to more confused with "dues" (tithes, offerings) than with "Deus" provides some enjoyable irony.

Go ahead, pick on me, maybe I'll stalk myself and post a picture of myself to scare myself. You can take your irony and drop your ice cream in doo doo!


Other than my misspelling, did you like my newest pile of tripe?

I enjoyed it - little bits of truth to counter the hypocrisy.

Would it be all right if I took some of your work and used them as audition pieces?

Audition pieces? For what? Are you an actor? I would say that if you do, I am certainly not against it as long as you give standard quotation, like you would on a college paper. But if you are auditioning do realize that even if these are liberal people, those judging you might find this poem politically incorrect, like much of my blasphemy.

As long as you are not passing it off as your own. I don't want credit for fame purposes or money purposes, just a by line, thats all.

The thought of my work being read aloud is flattering. But just don't show them a picture of me.

I don't know if you remember the movie "Revenge of the Nerds" when the nerds applied to be a fraternity and they were all sitting around reading response letters to their applications.

"They all rejected us" nerd 1

"Here's one that accepted us"

"Did you send a picture?"


I am fine with it and flattered in all seriousness as long as you quote and don't pass it off as yours. Just list here on this board what you are using of mine as far as when and where with as much information that does not give away your personal identity or location while confirming your usage.

You can PM Bob Spence here with any info you consider sensitive and he can pass that on to me privately. And Sapient can speak for me as far as trusting me with that personal info.


I consider myself a semi-professional actor. I get paid for about half the work I do.

I always give credit to the writer for the pieces I use (unless the title is sufficient to indicate the author, i.e. If I say I'm doing a piece from Hamlet, I don't feel a need to say it was written by Shakespeare). In auditions, it's part of "slating the piece" (where you give your name and the information about the piece you're doing).

Thank you for allowing me to do this. If I get parts with them, I'll let you know that as well.

As for offending people, the worst thing that can happen is I don't get the gig. I used to have a rule that I wouldn't use a piece that had "fuck" in it. I broke that one about a month ago.

Well I do think the artsy types are more open, but if they are religious and politically correct "don't pick on religion" this poem might offend them. Heck, I see the same "can't we all just get along" atheists here as well, it still is a risk.

I am not saying don't do it, just be aware that even those on the left can be sensitive to this kind of subject matter. Which is funny considering Jefferson, out of all the founders would be more socially on the left if alive today and most certainly could not be sided with the theocratic types like Fuckwell.

And what is wrong with saying "FUCK?" YOU and your silly context.

When I competed in forensics in high school I went into the room and said directly to the judge before I started,

"If you don't pick me as the winner FUCK YOU!" Then I started.

What? Why don't you believe me?


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at

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Brian37 wrote:jcgadfly

Brian37 wrote:

jcgadfly wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

jcgadfly wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

jcgadfly wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

Son of a bitch, i DID IT AGAIN!

Mod, someone, please correct the spelling of "Dues and change it to Deus" in the title.

Although the fact that churches tend to more confused with "dues" (tithes, offerings) than with "Deus" provides some enjoyable irony.

Go ahead, pick on me, maybe I'll stalk myself and post a picture of myself to scare myself. You can take your irony and drop your ice cream in doo doo!


Other than my misspelling, did you like my newest pile of tripe?

I enjoyed it - little bits of truth to counter the hypocrisy.

Would it be all right if I took some of your work and used them as audition pieces?

Audition pieces? For what? Are you an actor? I would say that if you do, I am certainly not against it as long as you give standard quotation, like you would on a college paper. But if you are auditioning do realize that even if these are liberal people, those judging you might find this poem politically incorrect, like much of my blasphemy.

As long as you are not passing it off as your own. I don't want credit for fame purposes or money purposes, just a by line, thats all.

The thought of my work being read aloud is flattering. But just don't show them a picture of me.

I don't know if you remember the movie "Revenge of the Nerds" when the nerds applied to be a fraternity and they were all sitting around reading response letters to their applications.

"They all rejected us" nerd 1

"Here's one that accepted us"

"Did you send a picture?"


I am fine with it and flattered in all seriousness as long as you quote and don't pass it off as yours. Just list here on this board what you are using of mine as far as when and where with as much information that does not give away your personal identity or location while confirming your usage.

You can PM Bob Spence here with any info you consider sensitive and he can pass that on to me privately. And Sapient can speak for me as far as trusting me with that personal info.


I consider myself a semi-professional actor. I get paid for about half the work I do.

I always give credit to the writer for the pieces I use (unless the title is sufficient to indicate the author, i.e. If I say I'm doing a piece from Hamlet, I don't feel a need to say it was written by Shakespeare). In auditions, it's part of "slating the piece" (where you give your name and the information about the piece you're doing).

Thank you for allowing me to do this. If I get parts with them, I'll let you know that as well.

As for offending people, the worst thing that can happen is I don't get the gig. I used to have a rule that I wouldn't use a piece that had "fuck" in it. I broke that one about a month ago.

Well I do think the artsy types are more open, but if they are religious and politically correct "don't pick on religion" this poem might offend them. Heck, I see the same "can't we all just get along" atheists here as well, it still is a risk.

I am not saying don't do it, just be aware that even those on the left can be sensitive to this kind of subject matter. Which is funny considering Jefferson, out of all the founders would be more socially on the left if alive today and most certainly could not be sided with the theocratic types like Fuckwell.

And what is wrong with saying "FUCK?" YOU and your silly context.

When I competed in forensics in high school I went into the room and said directly to the judge before I started,

"If you don't pick me as the winner FUCK YOU!" Then I started.

What? Why don't you believe me?


If you fucking must know, it was a piece of my comfort zone that I needed to stretch out of. Smiling

I auditioned for "Angels in America" and had to use a monologue from it - you can't get away from that show without having to say fuck a lot.

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin

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Quote:If I say I'm doing a

If I say I'm doing a piece from Hamlet, I don't feel a need to say it was written by Shakespeare)

COME ON NOW, just because you didn't write the song Happy Birthday doesn't mean people wont think you wrote it.

If you don't mention Bill as writing Omlet you are nothing but a common plagiarist. Yes, I said Bill and yes, I said Omlet.

If you don't like my corny sense of humor then attend Florida University.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at

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Brian37 wrote:Quote:If I say

Brian37 wrote:

If I say I'm doing a piece from Hamlet, I don't feel a need to say it was written by Shakespeare)

COME ON NOW, just because you didn't write the song Happy Birthday doesn't mean people wont think you wrote it.

If you don't mention Bill as writing Omlet you are nothing but a common plagiarist. Yes, I said Bill and yes, I said Omlet.

If you don't like my corny sense of humor then attend Florida University.

If it helps, I borrowed calling it "Hamhock" or "Hambone" from a professor.

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin

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jcgadfly wrote:Brian37

jcgadfly wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

If I say I'm doing a piece from Hamlet, I don't feel a need to say it was written by Shakespeare)

COME ON NOW, just because you didn't write the song Happy Birthday doesn't mean people wont think you wrote it.

If you don't mention Bill as writing Omlet you are nothing but a common plagiarist. Yes, I said Bill and yes, I said Omlet.

If you don't like my corny sense of humor then attend Florida University.

If it helps, I borrowed calling it "Hamhock" or "Hambone" from a professor.

You can mess with my atheism, you can mess with my physical looks, you can mess with my Skins, but you will never be able to mess with my cornball humor. Please, I'll leave the acting up to you, leave the silliness up to the professionals.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at