And MSNBC wonders why they cant get certain guests....

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And MSNBC wonders why they cant get certain guests....

total hit job, distortion and demagoguery

between this interview and the one he did with peter schiff while filling in for that fathead ed schultz i can honestly say lawrence o'donnell is one of the worst interviewers ive ever seen

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 Don't worry, the Daily

 Don't worry, the Daily Show is watched by twice as many people which is approximately the number of people who would watch Beck if he slept the whole show. Of course, that means Beck is "fringe" and MSNBC is "mainstream" since we are now living in opposite land. 

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I've watched this stuff.Why

I've watched this stuff.

Why do people call "a lack of softball questions to my favorite guy" a "hit job"?

I see this regardless of party affiliation.

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jcgadfly wrote:I've watched

jcgadfly wrote:

I've watched this stuff.

Why do people call "a lack of softball questions to my favorite guy" a "hit job"?

I see this regardless of party affiliation.


this is a hit job because of the bullshit intro followed by not listening to a word that was said, followed by distorting the persons actual position, followed by a bit a quote mining, followed by race based emotional political attacks, followed by again not listening, followed by more distortion and seeming not getting history correct


not to mention totally not following the agreement of the interview, which was to not talk about other peoples campaigns, want to know about a persons campaign? ask that person

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Media is a business like any

Media is a business like any other, all of them.

I think it is a distraction on BOTH sides to say, "They do it too" is the same bullshit excuse when one get's pulled over for speeding "They do it too".

Whatever lagit problems some might have with alleged "left wing" media, does not change the fact that America has had 30 years of no rules slash and burn anarchy in the corporate sector, and then these poor crybaby bastards bitch when someone suggests speed limits.

The car(government) has had drivers on both sides and the middle class and poor continue to get screwed and foot the bill for the corporate anarchy.

So bitch all you want about "left wing" but other than more of the same, which is where the right wants to take us back to, what are they offering?

Bush took us from a budget surplus and ran the car off the cliff and the best the republicans can do is say lets go back to what drove the car off the cliff in the first place?

Right wing, "Your policies suck"

Ok, what do you have to offer?

Right wing, "NO breaks, just like before. Didn't you like my driving before?"

FINE, if the right thinks the left sucks, then offer something new that doesn't produce the same shit the right produced before.

What matters to me is the cost of living. What matters to me is that one's class should not be a death sentance when it comes to health care. What matters to me is stopping China's cheep labor driving down the conditions here.

I don't give a fuck which side solves the problem, but as far as I can tell the ones who claim they can do better have not shown a good track record.


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Brian37 wrote:Media is a

Brian37 wrote:

Media is a business like any other, all of them.

I think it is a distraction on BOTH sides to say, "They do it too" is the same bullshit excuse when one get's pulled over for speeding "They do it too".

Whatever lagit problems some might have with alleged "left wing" media, does not change the fact that America has had 30 years of no rules slash and burn anarchy in the corporate sector, and then these poor crybaby bastards bitch when someone suggests speed limits.

The car(government) has had drivers on both sides and the middle class and poor continue to get screwed and foot the bill for the corporate anarchy.

So bitch all you want about "left wing" but other than more of the same, which is where the right wants to take us back to, what are they offering?

Bush took us from a budget surplus and ran the car off the cliff and the best the republicans can do is say lets go back to what drove the car off the cliff in the first place?

Right wing, "Your policies suck"

Ok, what do you have to offer?

Right wing, "NO breaks, just like before. Didn't you like my driving before?"

FINE, if the right thinks the left sucks, then offer something new that doesn't produce the same shit the right produced before.

What matters to me is the cost of living. What matters to me is that one's class should not be a death sentance when it comes to health care. What matters to me is stopping China's cheep labor driving down the conditions here.

I don't give a fuck which side solves the problem, but as far as I can tell the ones who claim they can do better have not shown a good track record.



well im no fan of george bush nor of the republicans really, they didnt do a very good job to say the least

you should listen to dr. paul, the man actually has ideas and solutions, they arent bumper sticker slogans, you gotta actually do some thinking

i think a large issue we have is when theres a problem like "gee {insert whatever here} is so expensive" we always say "well if its so expensive lets price fix, subsidize, etc"

we never stop and ask the question, atleast not in any meaningful way that explains anything,  "hey WHY is it so expensive, how did it get this way"

we are always treating symptoms and not the disease

the problem is the WHY actually takes some thinking and thats so much harder to do and its so much easier to just promise people free stuff and fixes that wont work and usually make shit worse all because of political expediency

its time to start doing some thinking

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 Well, normally I don't


Well, normally I don't care much for Ron Paul. He is generally a waste of valuable oxygen.


However, if you want to interview him, then let him say whatever he wants. That interview amounted to O'Donnell demanding that he admit that he is opposed to all that is good and normal. It was a total hack job and a poorly done one at that.

NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:
Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."


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Quote: so much easier to

so much easier to just promise people free stuff and fixes that wont work and usually make shit worse all because of political expediency

Right, so when the rich get tax deductions, they are getting free stuff, where does the money come from that has to be compensated for what they don't put in? Why is it the middle class and poor pay a higher rate of taxes? Because WE have to subsidize what they don't pay.

If the rich want government off their back, then they need to put the workers first. When the worker can make ends meet, and has a life outside their job, and don't have to worry about health care, they are more productive and wont feel the need to demand "free stuff".

BOTH parties are screwing the middle class and the poor and the pay gap is lopsided and the corporate class is the one causing it.

I feel no sympathy for someone making a billion or even a half billion dollars a year who bitches that they might have to pay more. Then they blackmail congress into not taxing them more by threatening job cuts or shipping jobs over seas.

Tax cuts for rich only makes the rich richer. It is not that they cant pay, it is that they don't want to pay.

Invest in the worker, pay a livable wage, pay for their health care on your own then you wouldn't have government on your back.



"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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