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I suppose I should have gotten to this earlier, but I am Higgins, I was brought to the forum by one of my former apartment mates when he shared with me a video on how atheism leads to moral nihilism. Let's see I have recently graduated college with B.A.s in Philosophy as well as Religious Studies. I have always had an interest in the nature of gods and the philosophy of religion. I identify myself as a non-theistic Buddhist, which often leads me to say that I am neither a theist, atheist, or agnostic. Frankly, I have no reason to care about if there are gods or not. I am more interested in the beliefs which people hold to.


Any other questions I would be more than happy to answer.



"Lycurgus, Numa, Moses, Jesus Christ, Mohammed, all these great rogues, all these great thought-tyrants, knew how to associate the divinities they fabricated with their own boundless ambition."

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Welcome to the site.




                    I'm not sure what a non-theistic Buddhist is. Did you grow up in a Buddhist household but have no beliefs?   Around here being an atheist or theist is rather black and white. If you have any belief in any religion you are a theist if you have no religious beliefs then you are an atheist.

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Higgins wrote:I suppose I

Higgins wrote:

I suppose I should have gotten to this earlier, but I am Higgins, I was brought to the forum by one of my former apartment mates when he shared with me a video on how atheism leads to moral nihilism. Let's see I have recently graduated college with B.A.s in Philosophy as well as Religious Studies. I have always had an interest in the nature of gods and the philosophy of religion. I identify myself as a non-theistic Buddhist, which often leads me to say that I am neither a theist, atheist, or agnostic. Frankly, I have no reason to care about if there are gods or not. I am more interested in the beliefs which people hold to.


Any other questions I would be more than happy to answer.



Your philosophy is Buddhism, but its the non-theistic kind. therefore you are an atheist. However you suggest you believe there is a nature to "god(s)"  so that would suggest that you believe they exist otherwise they would have no nature to speak of.

Agnosticism refers to knowledge while atheism/theism refers to belief.  Two separate questions.

To suggest that atheism leads to moral nihilism to also another suggestion that morals are not useful. If morals are useful they can be derived from their use.  Does your friend have any morals that he/she finds useless?

Sounds made up...
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Agree with Magus


The connection between atheism and moral nihilism is only made by people with no comprehension of the evolutionary benefit of social relationships. Such people need to spend time at the zoo watching the monkeys scratching each other's backs.

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Welcome Higgins. Just a note

Welcome Higgins.

Just a note about myself here, and I only speak for myself, so don't associate others here as having the same personality as me. As most here will tell you, I don't give anyone a pass as far as what they claim.  That is not to say I hate people I disagree with, merely just that if you claim something I don't find credible, I don't give you a pass, regardless of what label you attach to yourself.

You will find many different personalities here. There are the library types and the verbal boxers(like me). Treat us all as individuals while you are here, and don't confuse bluntness and blasphemy as being the same a bigotry or hate.

One thing that always gets me is when ANYONE comes here and says, "I am not like the others". Meaning that they are not fans of the gods of Abraham. My attitude is so what? To me if you claim an affiliation to an old myth, regardless if that myth has gods in it or not, it is still a myth.

As far as Buddhism is concerned, just because its fans don't claim to pray to a god, they still have superstitious prayers and rituals that were written in the same unscientific past by unscientific people.

If you don't know who Sam Harris is, he as well, has an affinity to the Buddhist label, according to him, not because of any superstitious past, but he things "there is something there", but cant place his finger on it. He DOES label himself an atheist.

As much as I love Sam Harris and loved his book "Letter to a Christian Nation". A must read FYI, the fact that he still clings to old superstitions bothers me, for whatever tangential reason he gives.

Look at me this way. I am treating your claims no differently than I would if I could debate Thomas Jefferson. I loved Thomas Jefferson in the fact that he would not fear someone questioning what he held deeply.

That was a long winded welcome. I admit. It is actually more to show other people, especially fans of Abraham god fans, that I am fair to all.  A claim should not get a pass, just because it was uttered, and I wont treat you any differently with your claims, even if I like you, the person.


I find Buddhism, with or without a god, as superfluous a placebo as any other religion or it's prayers. And it is a fallacy in the history of Buddhism that it has always been non-violent. In Tibet, it has no choice because it does not have the political or military strength to fight China. In America Buddhism gets the same sympathy as all other non-Christians because we are the minority. But that status does not make a tradition true because of status or numbers or history.

A history of popularity and a history of tradition, by any name, of any label, in human history, is not the same as a history of empirical evidence. All it means is that a claim has been believed in and passed down for long periods of time.

Once again, welcome and don't take my criticism personally. I just don't find Buddhism any more credible or any less superstitious than any other ancient ritualistic club.






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I was raised in a Catholic

I was raised in a Catholic household, the reasons why I say a non-theist Buddhist is because there are Buddhist of all sects who believe in a god/gods. I try not to concern myself with thinking about if there is a god or not, but I find the study of the world religions fascinating. Also as to the claim that since I ascribe to a set of beliefs that is a little messier the Buddha said that if the principles of the 8 fold path do not work then one ought not to do them. I find this very similar to Pierce's pragmaticism. As for Sam Harris I have not had the chance to read any of his books, but the next time I am out I will take a look for "Letter to a Christian Nation".

"Lycurgus, Numa, Moses, Jesus Christ, Mohammed, all these great rogues, all these great thought-tyrants, knew how to associate the divinities they fabricated with their own boundless ambition."

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Higgins wrote:I was raised

Higgins wrote:

I was raised in a Catholic household, the reasons why I say a non-theist Buddhist is because there are Buddhist of all sects who believe in a god/gods. I try not to concern myself with thinking about if there is a god or not, but I find the study of the world religions fascinating. Also as to the claim that since I ascribe to a set of beliefs that is a little messier the Buddha said that if the principles of the 8 fold path do not work then one ought not to do them. I find this very similar to Pierce's pragmaticism. As for Sam Harris I have not had the chance to read any of his books, but the next time I am out I will take a look for "Letter to a Christian Nation".

I love the guy, but when he hints at Buddhism having a hint of credibility my question to him would be the same, "What evidence do you have for your claim that there is "something" to Buddhism other than suspecting that there is something to it?"

Sam Harris ripped the American right wing a new a hole in that book, quite Jeffersonian in my view. If you cant stand fundies claiming "Christian Nation", then you will love that book. I couldn't put it down and it is rare for me to read any book in one setting.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Higgins wrote:Hello , a non-theistic Buddhist

  First off,let me say hi ."Welcome to the Machine" enjoy.Now as far as Buddhism is concerned, I briefly checked it out,and thought a lot like you,then I read a book from Germany "The Dark-Side of the Dali Lama" and on you tube I watched a video by Michael Parenti called "The Dali Lama was a Nazi Dictator" I understood just how f<>ked-up Northern Buddhism really is.check out this video. 

Signature ? How ?

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I should probably mention I

I should probably mention I am not Tibetan Buddhist

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Higgins wrote:I should

Higgins wrote:

I should probably mention I am not Tibetan Buddhist

Of the Theravada school then?

Ken G.
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Higgeins wrote: I'm not a Tibetan Buddhist

     I was into Zen Buddhism from Japan where Buddhism and Taoism merged and because they are into direct experience rather than a creed or some revealed scripture.

Signature ? How ?

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Ken G. wrote:     I was

Ken G. wrote:

     I was into Zen Buddhism from Japan where Buddhism and Taoism merged and because they are into direct experience rather than a creed or some revealed scripture.

Gotcha. :/

“Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.”

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I am closer to a

I am closer to a practitioner of Zen Buddhism...which is ironic because koans are notoriously anti-philosophical.

"Lycurgus, Numa, Moses, Jesus Christ, Mohammed, all these great rogues, all these great thought-tyrants, knew how to associate the divinities they fabricated with their own boundless ambition."

-Marquis de Sade