Glen Beck and Al Sharpton on Faux News

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Glen Beck and Al Sharpton on Faux News,2933,590584,00.html

Now of course BOTH are political WWE entertainers.

But Glen has lost his cover of the Bush monopoly and may be finally seeing that his tripe wont sell. Why has this chalkboard molester, who paints himself as the founders bitch, as if Thomas Jefferson was in love with him and not his slave, suddenly have a left wing welfare lover on his show suddenly be seeking common ground?

Maybe that is because he knows that the tide of media is changing and people are not as fooled by his smoke and mirrors.

Maybe that Glen doesn't want to accept that welfare is not a class issue, or that the rich are not the only people who exist in this country.

Maybe Glen and Sharpton have the same problem. Maybe the public is seeing that class and race have nothing to do with problems we have in common.

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Personally i think it is

Personally i think it is because glen beck doesn't chose who comes on the show? maybe he doesn't write the script? maybe he needs a break from ranting? maybee he feels the need to try show that really liberals and conservatives arent really that differant, both on the same side just want to take differant paths to the same goal? Maybe he did it so people will think he is less biased. In other words I have no clue. but i doubt the tide is changing.


hmm I have a confession. I like glen beck. Iv never seen a full show with me not living in america but  iv seen many many many clips because someone is always is complaining and say go look at rubbish he is saying now. Yes more often then not he is speaking complete trash but hell its entertaining and i like it. And I appluade him for how close he comes to the voice of london in V for Vendetta. I just laugh even though I disagree. Just listen to the rather racist rant on india and tell me its not entertaining.




But I have always wondered why America gets this kind of tv.  Ours is pretty much neutral, don't think we have anything like glen beck on either side. If we did I might actually go buy a tv. 


P.S. please don't get me wrong, may like it still think he is a jackass

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Tapey wrote:Personally i

Tapey wrote:

Personally i think it is because glen beck doesn't chose who comes on the show? maybe he doesn't write the script? maybe he needs a break from ranting? maybee he feels the need to try show that really liberals and conservatives arent really that differant, both on the same side just want to take differant paths to the same goal? Maybe he did it so people will think he is less biased. In other words I have no clue. but i doubt the tide is changing.


hmm I have a confession. I like glen beck. Iv never seen a full show with me not living in america but  iv seen many many many clips because someone is always is complaining and say go look at rubbish he is saying now. Yes more often then not he is speaking complete trash but hell its entertaining and i like it. And I appluade him for how close he comes to the voice of london in V for Vendetta. I just laugh even though I disagree. Just listen to the rather racist rant on india and tell me its not entertaining.




But I have always wondered why America gets this kind of tv.  Ours is pretty much neutral, don't think we have anything like glen beck on either side. If we did I might actually go buy a tv. 


P.S. please don't get me wrong, may like it still think he is a jackass

The problem is that a great many Americans do not understand that Glen Beck (and Fox News) is entertainment. I know too many people who take what he says as gospel.

Nobody I know was brainwashed into being an atheist.

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 Glenn Beck's ratings have been tanking since his "revelations" in January. He is getting close to only 2 million viewers now, and is probably trying to up his viewer base anyway he can. Apparently people aren't as interested in his doomsaying now as they were then. 


You can only bang the same drum so long for most people before they get bored. Even for people that watch and honestly believe blatant lies and heavily edited video like the ACORN thing being told to them for over a year.


On top of this his advertising isn't bringing in much revenue, and a lot of companies have banned themselves from advertising during his shows because of previous racial, gender, sexual orientation, and religious bigotry he displayed on his show to get attention. They don't want to be linked to that.


If people figure out he is only doing what he is doing to get ratings, then that would be the death of his show.

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Goes without saying,

Glenn Beck is a racist, piece of shit dicknose. End of story.

Tapey wrote:
And I appluade him for how close he comes to the voice of london in V for Vendetta.

That's only if you are talking about that Hollywood abortion of a movie. The great comic was butchered so badly, Alan Moore (the writer) threatened to sue the studio if they put his name on the thing. In the comic, the voice of Fate is supposed to sound very measured, almost computer like.

When asked about the film, Alan Moore responded:

"[The movie] has been "turned into a Bush-era parable by people too timid to set a political satire in their own country... It's a thwarted and frustrated and largely impotent American liberal fantasy of someone with American liberal values standing up against a state run by neoconservatives—which is not what the comic V for Vendetta was about. It was about fascism, it was about anarchy, it was about England."

Another quote be Alan Moore about V for Vendetta:

...the central question is, is this guy right? Or is he mad? What do you, the reader, think about this? Which struck me as a properly anarchist solution. I didn't want to tell people what to think, I just wanted to tell people to think and consider some of these admittedly extreme little elements, which nevertheless do recur fairly regularly throughout human history.

Personally, I think the characters and plot of one of my favorite stories was butchered, and I think it's sad how many will remember it by that rendition.

I know most of you would like the part in the comic where V kills the evil fascist Bishop. After the Bishop attempts to rape Evey, V comes in, kills the lights, puts Beethoven on the record player to cover the mics in the room, and gives him a great speech. He makes the Bishop consecrate a communion wafer that V informs him has cyanide on it. If his religion is correct, it will no longer be the communion wafer and will then be the body of Christ. If the transubstantiation really worked, the cyanide would have changed, same as the wafer. It's not a surprise what happens when the Bishop, very terrified and completely broken, is forced to take it.

"This may shock you, but not everything in the bible is true." The only true statement ever to be uttered by Jean Chauvinism, sociopathic emotional terrorist.
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Tapey wrote:P.S. please

Tapey wrote:
P.S. please don't get me wrong, may like it still think he is a jackass


Well, I suppose that you win the “I get it” award then. Glenn Beck is the antimatter twin to Rachael Madcow. However, your pull video is not pure Beck at his best. It is a TYT wraparound to a Beck clip. Can you say “selection bias”?


How about if you pull a random and pure Glen Beck video and let it sink or swim based on the merit of what he has to say?

NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:
Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."


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(No subject)

NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:
Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."


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Answers in Gene Simmons

Answers in Gene Simmons wrote:

Tapey wrote:
P.S. please don't get me wrong, may like it still think he is a jackass


Well, I suppose that you win the “I get it” award then. Glenn Beck is the antimatter twin to Rachael Madcow. However, your pull video is not pure Beck at his best. It is a TYT wraparound to a Beck clip. Can you say “selection bias”?


How about if you pull a random and pure Glen Beck video and let it sink or swim based on the merit of what he has to say?


 Maddow is not a wingnut of any kind. She is what is needed to counter the cultish claptrap of Beck. If Beck states any facts they are buried by his appeal to Christian revisionist history. I wouldn't trust Beck if he told me the sky was blue.



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OK what is this thing about

OK what is this thing about saying that Madcow is a Jesus like figure who can do no wrong thing, no matter how insane her actions are?


Seriously, I want to understand how it is that people who call themselves atheists have this whole "worship the magical dyke" thing going on.


Who would win this fight:  Rachael Madcow or the hypnotoad? ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD!!!!

NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:
Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."


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Answers in Gene Simmons

Answers in Gene Simmons wrote:

OK what is this thing about saying that Madcow is a Jesus like figure who can do no wrong thing, no matter how insane her actions are?


Seriously, I want to understand how it is that people who call themselves atheists have this whole "worship the magical dyke" thing going on.


Who would win this fight:  Rachael Madcow or the hypnotoad? ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD!!!!

I'd like to understand how someone calling themselves an atheist can vote republican. The difference is that when you do, I don't see republican or atheist, I see a human who simply disagrees with me. Maddow is no more a equal nut to Beck than vanilla ice cream is to Neopolitan.

Beck is like the nutcase stating the fact that George Washington was a real person while still insisting Washington could fart a Lamborghini out of his ass. Maddow is simply saying "that is not true". How that makes her batshit insane to the level of Beck is miffing.

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 I'm with Brian on this. I've only seen maybe 7 or 8 shows Maddow did, but I never witnessed her do anything crazy.


Especially nothing like crying on camera talking about how it's the end of the world "our fathers prepared for us" and how the founding fathers work is being stabbed, killed, murdered, etc. by a socialist marxist communist fascist possibly Kenyan and definitely unAmerican American president that likes "fancy" mustard (proof he is an elitist!).


I mean, Beck started the whole teabagger thing when he got his show and pushed it ever since. Has Maddow done anything batshit crazy like that? I mean he created the 9/12 protest and the rest of Fox covered and supported it. <--his website is even still up for it


If Maddow has done something insane like this, I haven't seen it.




Also Gene: Your rewriting of her name only shows your own lack of maturity here. I hope you realize that appealing to the lowest common denominator with unimaginative insults isn't going to get the same response from this board as it might in whatever other places you socialize. "Hur hur I called her MADCOW. Get it?"


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ClockCat wrote: I'm with

ClockCat wrote:

 I'm with Brian on this. I've only seen maybe 7 or 8 shows Maddow did, but I never witnessed her do anything crazy.


Especially nothing like crying on camera talking about how it's the end of the world "our fathers prepared for us" and how the founding fathers work is being stabbed, killed, murdered, etc. by a socialist marxist communist fascist possibly Kenyan and definitely unAmerican American president that likes "fancy" mustard (proof he is an elitist!).


I mean, Beck started the whole teabagger thing when he got his show and pushed it ever since. Has Maddow done anything batshit crazy like that? I mean he created the 9/12 protest and the rest of Fox covered and supported it. <--his website is even still up for it


If Maddow has done something insane like this, I haven't seen it.



Does this mean you and I are on speaking terms? You think it is hard being gay? Try being the atheist trying to get you and Gene to understand we are on the same team.  I like both of you and that is what sucks. Trying to bitch slap both of you to get along, which you probably do, if it weren't for certain issues.

I'd advise you both to think about how many times both of you wanted to bitch slap me. OK DO YOU GET IT NOW! WE ARE ALL HUMAN!

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Brian37 wrote:

Does this mean you and I are on speaking terms? You think it is hard being gay? Try being the atheist trying to get you and Gene to understand we are on the same team.  I like both of you and that is what sucks.


Since when were we not on speaking terms? Also, I wasn't aware there would be teams.


Still, anyone voting in people that pander directly to religion and it's "traditional values" puts them at odds with my ideals. Anyone pushing to keep equal rights at bay for myself and others in this country are also at odds with my ideals. 


I have a vested interest in both of these things, and as such do not easily tolerate dissenting opinions in these areas. I think that is entirely understandable and within reason though. Opposition to my existence for example, is something that I can hardly ignore. The same for opposition to attributes of myself. My preferences, my enjoyments. 


If I loved cake and there was an anti-cake organisation pushing to make purchasing cakes only legal, and only as mildly stale, in a few select states..I would feel quite upset. Even if I did live in one of those states, because every time I visited a store where cakes would be held, they would either not be there or they would be incomparable to how they should be. Then that moment I would see the untouched, perfectly socially acceptable pies beside them, because the anti-cake organisation's god didn't tell them that pies were an abomination.

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Personally, I think Glenn

Personally, I think Glenn Beck just needs to get rid of another 10 thousand "Faith Hope & Charity" T-shirts... That whole succession of "logic" make little sense to me... But the shirts sure look terrific...


As far as Sharpton goes?... To me, he is an enemy of the State... and is as awful a human being as there is walking the Earth.... Personally I would like to see that bloated oaf die slowly, as a mentally competent, lonely incontinant invalid...

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ClockCat wrote:Brian37

ClockCat wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

Does this mean you and I are on speaking terms? You think it is hard being gay? Try being the atheist trying to get you and Gene to understand we are on the same team.  I like both of you and that is what sucks.


Since when were we not on speaking terms? Also, I wasn't aware there would be teams.


Still, anyone voting in people that pander directly to religion and it's "traditional values" puts them at odds with my ideals. Anyone pushing to keep equal rights at bay for myself and others in this country are also at odds with my ideals. 


I have a vested interest in both of these things, and as such do not easily tolerate dissenting opinions in these areas. I think that is entirely understandable and within reason though. Opposition to my existence for example, is something that I can hardly ignore. The same for opposition to attributes of myself. My preferences, my enjoyments. 


If I loved cake and there was an anti-cake organisation pushing to make purchasing cakes only legal, and only as mildly stale, in a few select states..I would feel quite upset. Even if I did live in one of those states, because every time I visited a store where cakes would be held, they would either not be there or they would be incomparable to how they should be. Then that moment I would see the untouched, perfectly socially acceptable pies beside them, because the anti-cake organisation's god didn't tell them that pies were an abomination.

There are teams. We atheists have teams too didn'tcha know? If theists can have their gangs we should have gangs too.

Opposition to my existence for example, is something that I can hardly ignore.

But your existence is a threat to "normal"(*cough cough, BIGOTS*)people. Surely you can understand that? You might magically turn someone gay or give them cooties.

Cakes and pies suck. PUDDING! THATS A REAL DESSERT!

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Where I don't always agree with her, I enjoy watching Rachel Maddow since at least she's a funny nerd like me. Here's a great video. Rachel slams Beck for remarks he made about her being a liar. The very end is the best.

All in all, Rachel Maddow makes me wish I was a lesbian.

Rachel Maddow 1, Glenn Beck 0!

"This may shock you, but not everything in the bible is true." The only true statement ever to be uttered by Jean Chauvinism, sociopathic emotional terrorist.
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B166ER wrote: All in all,

B166ER wrote:

All in all, Rachel Maddow makes me wish I was a lesbian.

For those who haven't seen it ---


I saw Louden perform this live! He couldn't remember all the words, people in the audience were yelling them out for him.

-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.

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I know this will be

I know this will be unpopular here... But I am with Glenn Beck on this one...typical of MSNBC, who fail to see themselves as serving a different flavored Kool-Aid than their mirror images over at Fox... Rachel Maddow is just as much of a fear mongering, self agendizing asshole as they are...and in this case, I think Beck's point is better served...

(not that Beck insn't a lunatic, mind you)

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Rich Woods wrote:I know this

Rich Woods wrote:

I know this will be unpopular here... But I am with Glenn Beck on this one...typical of MSNBC, who fail to see themselves as serving a different flavored Kool-Aid than their mirror images over at Fox... Rachel Maddow is just as much of a fear mongering, self agendizing asshole as they are...and in this case, I think Beck's point is better served...

(not that Beck insn't a lunatic, mind you)

Not even close. The left can and does have it's wingnuts, but Maddow is not one of them.

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Thanks for the video, cj, I loved it. Not even just because it had footage from a bunch of great anime series like FLCL, Cowboy BeBop, and Ranma 1/2.

"This may shock you, but not everything in the bible is true." The only true statement ever to be uttered by Jean Chauvinism, sociopathic emotional terrorist.
"A Boss in Heaven is the best excuse for a boss on earth, therefore If God did exist, he would have to be abolished." Mikhail Bakunin
"The means in which you take,
dictate the ends in which you find yourself."
"Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government! Supreme leadership derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony!"
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B166ER wrote:Thanks for the

B166ER wrote:

Thanks for the video, cj, I loved it. Not even just because it had footage from a bunch of great anime series like FLCL, Cowboy BeBop, and Ranma 1/2.

You're welcome.  He said he never got asked for the song anywhere else but Portland, OR.  So if you get to see him live, be sure to ask.

-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.

"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken

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Brian37 wrote:   Rich Woods

Brian37 wrote:


Rich Woods wrote:
I know this will be unpopular here... But I am with Glenn Beck on this one...typical of MSNBC, who fail to see themselves as serving a different flavored Kool-Aid than their mirror images over at Fox... Rachel Maddow is just as much of a fear mongering, self agendizing asshole as they are...and in this case, I think Beck's point is better served...


(not that Beck insn't a lunatic, mind you)


Not even close. The left can and does have it's wingnuts, but Maddow is not one of them.


Well, I suppose that depends on the definition of a wing nut. One thing that is clear is that she has built a career based largely on commenting on the wing nuts from the opposite side of town. That fact, in and of itself probably does not qualify her but even so, from what I have seen of her, there is plenty more that might be indication of loose marbles.


Don't get me wrong, she clearly has about 60 more IQ points than Glen Beck but IQ and sanity do not go hand in hand.


The thing is that every time someone here links a clip, I know that I am going to be watching both moral and professional bankruptcy raised to an art form. As an example, have you seen her rant on the guy who did the pimp and hooker videos of ACORN?


Well, it is a fact that Fox News needs to be slapped like the bitch that they are for even thinking of turning that into a story. At best, the only thing that the videos could ever hope to prove is that certain specific ACORN employees gave advice to a pimp and a hooker. In all honesty, there is nothing illegal with giving someone advice on how to get a mortgage. The whole smuggling Mexicans into the country thing, well that would be a problem if it was real and fortunately it turned out that there was far more to the story than Fox would lead us to believe but again, at best, it references the behavior of one individual. It says nothing about the organization having an express policy of anything.


Hell's bells, even the Vatican is smart enough not to have a written policy on shielding molester priests (well, actually they have been caught at that but even so...).


In any case, Maddow did a lengthy segment about how the tapes had been edited. Whether the editing was done by O'Keefe of the producer at Fox is really irrelevant. Sure, the tapes were edited. They were probably originally like half an hour each and we all know that no news station would ever air them in raw form.


That being said, Maddow then goes to what she says is an unedited tape to prove something but what she shows is clearly an edited version. Her producer even pulled a screen cap of a single frame and she starts a rant about the shirt that is visible in the frame. The biggest problem with that rant is that the shirt does not match with any of the shirts worn earlier in the tape by anyone at all. Nor is it even that of a man wearing a business suit as O'Keefe was wearing earlier in the tape.


Do you care to explain how she can claim clear edits on her (well, probably her producer's) part as being raw tape?

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Answers in Gene Simmons wrote:

That being said, Maddow then goes to what she says is an unedited tape to prove something but what she shows is clearly an edited version. Her producer even pulled a screen cap of a single frame and she starts a rant about the shirt that is visible in the frame. The biggest problem with that rant is that the shirt does not match with any of the shirts worn earlier in the tape by anyone at all. Nor is it even that of a man wearing a business suit as O'Keefe was wearing earlier in the tape.


Do you care to explain how she can claim clear edits on her (well, probably her producer's) part as being raw tape?



..Wasn't that her point? She showed clips from the original tape that showed a clear disconnect from the doctored ones?


Did you miss the entire point of what she was doing? The clips shown on Fox News were heavily edited. She showed clips from the unedited. NOT that she was showing the entire raw digital recordings. Just to point out the blatant lies being pushed.


That is kind of what she is known for doing on her show. Pointing out the blatantly obvious lies. That is why I watch the comedy central more often to get humor about it, because I already know mostly what Maddow is talking about before she does it, and I don't need someone telling me what I already have read or watched and discerned myself. Sometimes she has good interviews though, or segments from what I have seen. I have yet to see anything I strongly disagree with her about, and your attempts at making her out as an extremist like Glenn Beck are laughable.


Next you will be saying the Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens was not elected as a moderate Republican. He who, in not changing his viewpoints one bit, has watched the "centrist" position shift heavily to the right on the court to where he is now leading the "left" side even though he was nominated by Gerald Ford to be center-right when he joined the court. He remarks about this a great deal, and how shocked he is that he is regarded as the most liberal of the judges today on the Supreme Court.


Also, I would like to point out that the last poll (done by Gallup, which is neutral and not funded by or has their CEO employed as a consultant for any political party like Rasmussen has) of whether people supported or opposed the tea party, of whites that strongly approved of the tea party only 17% think gays should "be allowed" to marry.


Some small government group right? Keep the government out of our lives but make sure it keeps the gays out from the same things we do!


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I can't stand to watch any

I can't stand to watch any of the ridiculous talking heads, unless they are making fun of the other talking heads.


I've never seen the lady in the other videos, but I agree with her that there is an entire genre in the news now that exists only to make flames and fear.  It drives me nuts because they always treat their audiences like retards.  The discouraging thing is that the audience buys it, which says something about them.  Yuck.


Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.

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