The Daily Show's take of the Texas Textbook fiasco.

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The Daily Show's take of the Texas Textbook fiasco.

This is great! The Daily Show does a decent job giving a national spotlight to the bullshit being pushed onto the schools of Texas and beyond.


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There is proof that the ignorance of the American people is created.  As long as they are buying tacos who cares if they know about how they are being exploited. 

A daughter of hope and fear, religion explains to Ignorance the nature of the unknowable. -Ambrose Bierce

Abu Lahab
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That's so fucked up. No small, self-interested group of people should have that much power unless I'm one of them.

How can not believing in something that is backed up with no empirical evidence be less scientific than believing in something that not only has no empirical evidence but actually goes against the laws of the universe and in many cases actually contradicts itself? - Ricky Gervais

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Abu Lahab wrote:That's so

Abu Lahab wrote:

That's so fucked up. No small, self-interested group of people should have that much power unless I'm one of them.

Oh shut up you towel head, just because you are a fellow Redskins fan doesn't mean you or I have the right to bitch about being second class. This wetback, didn't know his place, I know my place. It is behind our Christian overlords who own this joint. You piss them off you are in a world of hurt.

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Abu Lahab wrote:That's so

Abu Lahab wrote:

That's so fucked up. No small, self-interested group of people should have that much power unless I'm one of them.


Hahahahahahaha.... Great Quote, sir...

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ShadowOfMan wrote:There is

ShadowOfMan wrote:

There is proof that the ignorance of the American people is created.  As long as they are buying tacos who cares if they know about how they are being exploited. 

You hit the nail on the head. I recall an ad from this years superbowl in which some guy accomplished various feats, the most notable being delivering a baby tiger while on safari IN AFRICA!

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(No subject)

NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:
Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."


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Answers in Gene Simmons

Answers in Gene Simmons wrote:

I stand corrected.

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 very interesting video I

 very interesting video I like this



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One of the Texas Republicans

One of the Texas Republicans who help push for this (David Barton) is a buddy of Holocaust deniers and Neo-Nazis - he voluntarily spoke at white supremacist and "Christian identity" rallies back in the 90s, then claimed "not to have known they were Nazis":

He's also one of the more popular "Christian nation" revisionists - and he's been caught outright forging Founders' quotes in books he's published, to prove that the US was founded as a Christian nation.

He also has no credentials in history and earn his doctoral degree from a diploma mill (Pensacola Christian College) which is located right next door to Kent Hovind's creation museum.

And this is the guy who's deciding what your kids are learning in Texas public schools. No wonder our generation is screwed.

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