"Against New Athiesm"

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"Against New Athiesm"

Here is a piece I just read on http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=127933

"Now that its moment in the media sun has passed, the New Atheism is fading fast. Richard Dawkins has repeatedly demonstrated why he needs to be put out to intellectual pasture. He published an entire book dedicated to passing off an inference as a fact before belatedly discovering what everyone else knew already: His biggest fans are an unpleasant collection of socially maladjusted losers. Christopher Hitchens was repeatedly beaten up in debates by various Christians before being physically beaten by Syrians he had provoked. Then he took Dawkins's OUT campaign a little more literally than anyone had expected and outed himself as an occasional homosexual. Sam Harris' two accomplishments have been to create the amusingly misnamed Reason Project, which was founded for much the same reasons and is expected to have about the same success as Air America, and to publish a wildly irrational attack on one of America's most celebrated and accomplished scientists in the New York Times that was completely disregarded by the Obama administration as well as everyone else.

No one has any idea what Daniel Dennett has been doing, but that's understandable because no one, including the atheists who claim to be his fans, actually reads his books.

But there is no idea so gaseous that its passing does not leave a lingering stench. One seldom hears atheists bring up Sam Harris' self-contradicting Red State argument these days following its demolition in "The Irrational Atheist" and the historically illiterate Religion Causes War argument is beginning to disappear as well, but these and other New Atheist arguments are still utilized by the most ill-informed and intellectually vacuous segment of the population, which is to say college students.

Since one cannot reasonably expect the average college student to be capable of actually reading a book anymore, much less distinguish between a logically correct case supported by copious historical evidence and an openly fallacious argument supported by nothing more than the irrational opinion of a credentialed ignoramus, I have created a slideshow which graphically demonstrates the fundamental falsity of seven of the primary New Atheist arguments. The slideshow, titled "Against the New Atheism," addresses the following contentions:

Religion causes war
Religion inspires violence
Religion inhibits science
Sam Harris' extinction equation
Sam Harris' Red State argument
Atheists commit less crime
Richard Dawkins' improbability of divine complexity

Each of these arguments are not only false, but they can easily be shown to be false through the use of readily available empirical evidence. There is simply no excuse for anyone attempting to defend these arguments except complete ignorance, but with this little slideshow, there is now a free, downloadable tool that can be utilized to roundly defeat the argumentative atheists of your acquaintance. Of course, as their arguments are exploded, it is safe to expect that the self-proclaimed devotees of reason will not surrender to the evidence, but will instead retreat to other, equally spurious arguments. Therefore, the slideshow will be expanded and updated accordingly.

In the 11th canto of his "Inferno," Dante wrote:

Violence against the Deity may be done
In the heart denying and blaspheming blind;
In Nature too, spurning his benison.
The smallest ring hath therefore sealed and signed
For its own both Sodom and Cahors' offence
And all who speak with scorn of God in mind.

Dante understood the intrinsic connection between the rejection of God, the rejection of nature and the rejection of the truth. While genuine differences of opinion can always be tolerated, no quarter can be given to the deep intellectual dishonesty that underlies the secular ideology known as the New Atheism."

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I've noticed more and more

I've noticed more and more religious sites are not allowing comments at all. If I missed the comment section, it was not obvious at that site.

In any case, who the fuck is this idiot fooling. Dawkins is out with his new evolution book. The God Delusion is still selling well. Detroit has made the news with its atheist adds. Atheists continue to hold huge conventions that get bigger and bigger every year all over the world.

There wasn't a single refutation in this article. It was simply the desperate act of whiny crybaby because others wont blindly follow his invisible sky daddy.

If we are being "defeated" as this person claims, then they shouldn't have  a problem tangling with us on our turf, after all we are "losers".

Hey dipshit, I bet you don't even know how much skepticism and skeptics have been a part of society. Bill Gates, Lance Armstrong, Kathren Hepburn, (Thomas Jefferson(deist, not atheist, but welcomed blasphemy and questioning) To name a few. Tons of others I could name.

Not to mention YOU believe in a magical invisible brain with no brain that floats around in the cosmos everywhere and nowhere at the same time. You believe in ghostsperm making magical babies without two sets of DNA and zombie god surviving rigor mortis, and have the nerve to call rational people "losers"?

Credulity is the passion of the willfully ignorant. Good luck to you, I am sure someday you'll have "God" replecated and falsified and independently peer reviewed. I'll be awaiting your findings, lets set a date, how about a week from NEVER?

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This guy is a twat


"While genuine differences of opinion can always be tolerated, no quarter can be given to the deep intellectual dishonesty that underlies the secular ideology known as the New Atheism."

The new atheism is a media label. Celebrity atheists do not own atheism and their pet arguments do not constitute the heart of atheist/theist debate. Undermining these arguments does not suddenly prove the gap god is real. There is nothing in this piece that adds anything new to the discussion. It's a sprawling adhom from beginning to end. The sun is going down on atheism? What the fuck? What is Vox Day's position in the debate anyway? He carefully avoids revealing the source of his bias.




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Oooh, more nuttery from the

Oooh, more nuttery from the brilliant minds at WingNutDaily...

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KSMB wrote:Oooh, more

KSMB wrote:

Oooh, more nuttery from the brilliant minds at WingNutDaily...

KSBM, this would be a great name for a parody site. You aught to copy write it. Or, if you don't have time to run a website give an atheist here permission to use it.

Maybe with a slogan, "We watch the nuts so you don't have to". You could mix the parody with serious news and atheist news.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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"While genuine differences of opinion can always be tolerated, no quarter can be given to the deep intellectual dishonesty that underlies the secular ideology known as the New Atheism."

Religion, rather than strong and outspoken non-belief,  is inherently intellectually dishonest - in the words of Mark Twain, "Faith is believing what you know ain't so" ....



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Not a surprise from WND

Those kooks at WND always rant and rave about this kind of bullshit. First they say how something is being defeated by god's army or some such bunk, then they go off on the MASSIVE danger it poses to THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE!!!

Don't expect anything different from WND. Those people are kooks of the highest order and have no sane articles.

I remember one article they posted that P.Z. Myers linked to on Pharyngula months ago. It was this teen guy who was sent to a gay prom at the city hall in Boston to report on TEH GEY!! Man, the way he wrote it, he must have been scared shitless, afraid to get TEH GEY KOOTIIES!!

That was a funny read, only because of how much of a big deal everything was made out to be. OH MY, kids are dancing, kissing, and smoking at a prom, WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT! It would have been more hilarious if it hadn't been for the fascist message of the whole article. The kid who wrote it was such a tool since he actually believes the tripe.

"This may shock you, but not everything in the bible is true." The only true statement ever to be uttered by Jean Chauvinism, sociopathic emotional terrorist.
"A Boss in Heaven is the best excuse for a boss on earth, therefore If God did exist, he would have to be abolished." Mikhail Bakunin
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B166ER wrote:Those kooks at

B166ER wrote:

Those kooks at WND always rant and rave about this kind of bullshit. First they say how something is being defeated by god's army or some such bunk, then they go off on the MASSIVE danger it poses to THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE!!!

Don't expect anything different from WND. Those people are kooks of the highest order and have no sane articles.

I remember one article they posted that P.Z. Myers linked to on Pharyngula months ago. It was this teen guy who was sent to a gay prom at the city hall in Boston to report on TEH GEY!! Man, the way he wrote it, he must have been scared shitless, afraid to get TEH GEY KOOTIIES!!

That was a funny read, only because of how much of a big deal everything was made out to be. OH MY, kids are dancing, kissing, and smoking at a prom, WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT! It would have been more hilarious if it hadn't been for the fascist message of the whole article. The kid who wrote it was such a tool since he actually believes the tripe.

Mother-Fuckin' A

“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)

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Theists proclaiming nonsense... I wonder why this sounds familiar to me. *Slurps Coffee*