Well, here goes nothing.

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Well, here goes nothing.

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               You've come to the right place. Now can you tell use more about yourself.  I'm a lefthanded unemployed, though well off engineer. Keep reading and post your own opinions often. I am also living in Canada;  how about yourself?


"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."

VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"

If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?

Abu Lahab
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Welcome and good to meet you. As you'll no doubt realize after a few visits and hopefully some posts you're in a place that's like Cheers but way cooler.

COACH: What would you say to a glass of beer, Norm?
NORM : Going Down?

COACH: What would you say to a glass of beer, Norm?
NORM : Daddy wuvs you.

COACH: What's shaking, Norm?
NORM : All 4 cheeks and a couple of chins.

COACH: What'll it be, Normie?
NORM : Just the usual Coach.  I'll have a froth of beer and a snorkel.

SAM  : What'll you have, Norm?
NORM : Well I'm in a gambling mood, Sammy.  I'll have a glass of whatever
comes of whatever comes out of that tap.

SAM : Oh, Looks like beer, Norm.
NORM : Call me Mister Lucky.

WOODY: Hey Mr. Peterson, there's a cold one waiting for you.
NORM : I know, and if she calls, I'm not here.

WOODY: Hey Mr. Peterson, Jack Frost been nipping at your nose?
NORM : Yep.  Now let's get Joe Beer nipping at my liver, huh?

COACH: Can I draw you a beer, Norm?
NORM : No, I know what one looks like.  Just pour me one.

COACH: How about a beer, Norm?
NORM : Hey I'm high on life, Coach....Of course, beer is my life.

COACH: How's a beer sound, Norm?
NORM : I dunno.  I usually finish them before they get a word in.


How can not believing in something that is backed up with no empirical evidence be less scientific than believing in something that not only has no empirical evidence but actually goes against the laws of the universe and in many cases actually contradicts itself? - Ricky Gervais

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Alrighty. Im Dominique, My mother was a crackhead, my father a drug dealer. She was 18, he was 29. I was born(you do the math). When I was three she passed away (breast cancer). I was raised a christian, but I always questioned why? Why is there so much pain in the world? I looked to god for answers, I got shit =]

So I became an Atheist at the age of 10 (without knowing the actual term, haha). Advanced for my age, I still continued to look for answers. Not from god, but rather- this wondefull world known as the internet. I found things I never could have imagined. I found out about horrible diseases, rapists, pedifiles, murders, etc.. It gave me no hope what so ever. Why do so many people worship a god(s)?It just didnt make sense.

I eventually started looking into evolution and found  that alot of stuff that my man darwin was saying, made a shitload of sense.

I have a gambling addict of a father (and an abusive one at that!) so, I never really stayed in one place, but the one thing that I always saw- whether it be living in his car, eating out of the garbage, living in homeless shelters, seeing people die, I realized that my life was pretty fucked up. I didn't really have anything worth living for, but as I grew older, and I saw more and more shit, I began to realize what my purpose was in life. To debate, To be known, to be-different.

anyway, I would be forced to go to church because my father said , that if i didn't then my grandmother would be very upset. I didn't like church very much, but i found comfert in the church by debating with older people whom I had no respect for. They would gang up on me, and nagg about me going to hell, eventually When my grandmother died, and I was kicked out- I had no where left to turn. I still studied, still debated with friends and random people.

I know my purpose in life. Im going to become a lawyer, probably a scholarship, in either debate, or some type of athletic. I like to help people. I volunteer alot. And I sure do love a good story. I still have questions even with my knowledge at hand. Im only 14, just turned-but, well i guess I have a lot to learn. I have the rest of my life to learn about theisms and gods, and such, but for now im sticking to what i know, and what ive seen.


thanks for reading, and I'm uber excited to learn!



-Curiousty Killed the cat-
-Ignorance Killed the kid-

~Dominique Danger Dorantez~

14 year old, with a lot of questions.

Abu Lahab
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CuriousChild wrote:Alrighty.

CuriousChild wrote:

Alrighty. Im Dominique, <SNIP>


Hey Dominique, judging only from your attitude you'll be just fine.


You already know there's more to life than the lies that religion offers so you're ahead of the herd.

How can not believing in something that is backed up with no empirical evidence be less scientific than believing in something that not only has no empirical evidence but actually goes against the laws of the universe and in many cases actually contradicts itself? - Ricky Gervais

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CuriousChild wrote:Alrighty.

CuriousChild wrote:

Alrighty. Im Dominique, My mother was a crackhead, my father a drug dealer. She was 18, he was 29. I was born(you do the math). When I was three she passed away (breast cancer). I was raised a christian, but I always questioned why? Why is there so much pain in the world? I looked to god for answers, I got shit =]

So I became an Atheist at the age of 10 (without knowing the actual term, haha). Advanced for my age, I still continued to look for answers. Not from god, but rather- this wondefull world known as the internet. I found things I never could have imagined. I found out about horrible diseases, rapists, pedifiles, murders, etc.. It gave me no hope what so ever. Why do so many people worship a god(s)?It just didnt make sense.

I eventually started looking into evolution and found  that alot of stuff that my man darwin was saying, made a shitload of sense.

I have a gambling addict of a father (and an abusive one at that!) so, I never really stayed in one place, but the one thing that I always saw- whether it be living in his car, eating out of the garbage, living in homeless shelters, seeing people die, I realized that my life was pretty fucked up. I didn't really have anything worth living for, but as I grew older, and I saw more and more shit, I began to realize what my purpose was in life. To debate, To be known, to be-different.

anyway, I would be forced to go to church because my father said , that if i didn't then my grandmother would be very upset. I didn't like church very much, but i found comfert in the church by debating with older people whom I had no respect for. They would gang up on me, and nagg about me going to hell, eventually When my grandmother died, and I was kicked out- I had no where left to turn. I still studied, still debated with friends and random people.

I know my purpose in life. Im going to become a lawyer, probably a scholarship, in either debate, or some type of athletic. I like to help people. I volunteer alot. And I sure do love a good story. I still have questions even with my knowledge at hand. Im only 14, just turned-but, well i guess I have a lot to learn. I have the rest of my life to learn about theisms and gods, and such, but for now im sticking to what i know, and what ive seen.


thanks for reading, and I'm uber excited to learn!



Just to be clear here, it is great that anyone overcomes  adversity. BUT your "purpose" is what you make it. Do not conflate your "purpose" as being part of some grand design. Evolution itself doesn't favor anything. Life is random and both you and I could die tomorrow.

What is important to me, and seems to be important to you, is that when shit happens you don't have to make shit up to explain it.

Your family life certainly IS an argument against the claim of an "all loving god". But that only addresses moral issues, not the existence of any claimed  being.

Super natural beings, past and present, polytheist or monotheist are claims of brains with no brains, no neurons or cerebellum with magical powers.

"I don't want to be them" Is not a good argument against a god. "I don't want to be them" is a pragmatic realism facing the fact that if you do what they did you will end up like them.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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CuriousChild wrote:I have a

CuriousChild wrote:

I have a gambling addict of a father (and an abusive one at that!) so, I never really stayed in one place, but the one thing that I always saw- whether it be living in his car, eating out of the garbage, living in homeless shelters, seeing people die, I realized that my life was pretty fucked up. I didn't really have anything worth living for, but as I grew older, and I saw more and more shit, I began to realize what my purpose was in life. To debate, To be known, to be-different.

Welcome, Dominique, and keep going the way you're going. Eventually you'll lead your own life and not be tied to your father. In the mean time, feel free to vent your frustrations here.

anyway, I would be forced to go to church because my father said , that if i didn't then my grandmother would be very upset. I didn't like church very much, but i found comfert in the church by debating with older people whom I had no respect for.

That's hilarious. Most people get comfort from church from the wishful thinking. But at least you got comfort from church. Hehe.

I know my purpose in life. Im going to become a lawyer, probably a scholarship, in either debate, or some type of athletic. I like to help people. I volunteer alot. And I sure do love a good story. I still have questions even with my knowledge at hand. Im only 14, just turned-but, well i guess I have a lot to learn. I have the rest of my life to learn about theisms and gods, and such, but for now im sticking to what i know, and what ive seen.

Awesome. For what you described of your life, not many 14 year olds would have come through that with much hope leftover. Keep going, you're gonna do fine.

There *is* lots to learn. Far more than anyone could learn in an entire lifetime. The universe just keeps surprising us again and again. Have you ever watched the Cosmos series by Carl Sagan? Even though it's old, it's still one of the best documentaries ever.

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Hi Curious


Sounds like your old man was projecting the shit his mother forced on him onto you with the church thing. Have fun on the site. There are a few other younger folks around here, too. Wish I kicked the god habit before I was 14.





"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck

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Same here!

 For me my parents are both drug dealers... But my mom is more an addict than a dealer and a bitch... and both of my parents are still alive(SHIT!!!)

Hope we can be friends! or something... well GOOD LUCK with your life and so...

Call me shan! (not real name) my real name sucks!
Long live the Philippines w/ all the catholic or whatever!
man I wish I was never born in a religious country!

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 I'm starting to realize

 I'm starting to realize Between Shan and CuriousChild... That got a damn good life.

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  If you call that a good



If you call that a good life... but it's nice having a unloving dad.... and a crazy mother... xD

even they hate me I still I love them(what the hell I'm I saying?!)

ah... man I wish I could remove my feelings....

Call me shan! (not real name) my real name sucks!
Long live the Philippines w/ all the catholic or whatever!
man I wish I was never born in a religious country!

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There's nothing wrong with

Shan wrote:



If you call that a good life... but it's nice having a unloving dad.... and a crazy mother... xD

even they hate me I still I love them(what the hell I'm I saying?!)

ah... man I wish I could remove my feelings....


Your real feelings Shan - they sound normal and good. Sad to hear it's hard on you there. 

"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck

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 Well my real feelings...

 Well my real feelings... are actually all about hatred and suffering...

but over the years I have found a way to control them 

Call me shan! (not real name) my real name sucks!
Long live the Philippines w/ all the catholic or whatever!
man I wish I was never born in a religious country!