Proof Creationism is right. You can't deny this.

This week I found absolute proof evolution is false and there must be a God that punishes our sins. The thought came to me earlier tonight. Ready for the theory. Ok here it is.
There must be a creator, like the biblical god, who is offended by everything and serves severe punishment for these crimes. Why else would a woman turn into a complete B#%)# while on her period? I am currently a recipient of this punishment. What evolutionary purpose could this possible serve? I dare anyone to even try to refute this. You will be wasting your time. I am officially going public with my find as of now.
"Take all the heads of the people
and hang them up before the Lord
against the sun.” -- Numbers 25:4
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Easy. From a reproductive standard, it is basically useless to fuck a chick who happens to be on the rag. Given that, nature provides us guys with a disincentive to do the deed, thus increasing the odds that we will be ready to go a week or so later when the baby batter is actually useful.
Hey, you made the challenge...
Damn it. I was about to go public too. Thanks for ruining everything with your "facts".
"Take all the heads of the people
and hang them up before the Lord
against the sun.” -- Numbers 25:4
Not all women turn into bitches when they get period-emotional, much like not all men turn into assholes when they get drunk.
But the statistical odds are that they will - both of them - and I find this interesting.
This post was of course a joke, but it never the less raises an interesting question: What kind of psychology is this Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde thing about? Repressed emotions? Sexual frustrations? My personal theory is that it is a product of "conditioning", probably connected to a domineering and very demanding parental relationship that created deeply rooted feelings of inadequacy and personal emotional insecurity. Then, when hormones are raging or a drug is tranquilizing your self control, the rotten child comes out screaming bloody murder - in an attempt to compensate for earlier humiliations endured.
"The idea of God is the sole wrong for which I cannot forgive mankind." (Alphonse Donatien De Sade)
I thought republicans weren't allowed to use Howard Stern like language. Palin is going to wash your mouth out with soap.(Note to Gene: Just being silly).
"Baby batter". That is a classic.
It is funny I used to have a co-worker. She cussed like a sailor and didn't take shit from anyone. One day she was talking about another woman she knew and used a term I had never heard in my 40+years and laughed so hard my stomach hurt. Guess what you think my co-worker thought of this woman when she used
Growing up with my high school buddies and co-workers throughout my life and being a South Park fan, I seriously thought I had heard it all until that.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
We used to call chicks with less than discriminatory sexual habits- "Cum burping gutter sluts"
"Lisa, if the Bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, it's that girls should stick to girls sports, such as hot oil wrestling and foxy boxing and such."
Homer Simpson
The word is "bitch". And that doesn't make her all bad all the time, it just means her biology is something to duck unless you want your head taken off. I've dealt "that time of the month" with my mom growing up and I was married too. Not fun for sure, but avoiding the word "bitch" solves nothing when we all know what you meant.
I'd leave it at, "sometimes nature sucks". She isn't always like that. So take a breather and hide somewhere until it passes.
I love my mom and I still am fond of the time I spent with my x-wife and BOTH are strong women. If anything pisses me off about nature the testosterone of men that causes some dipshits to fight over a soccer game or be a gang member or start a war, MEN, bother me a shitload more. If all you have to do is avoid a period once a month, you've got it good.
Mind you, wouldn't trust a women on a period with nuclear codes anymore than I would trust a male soccer fan. Both sexes have their upsides and downsides.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
There is a natural reason for women getting testy while on a period, they can't make a baby during this time, so, like other animals they spurn the male of the species.
On that note consider why a woman can have multiple orgasms, and men do not. Consider why more women are born than men, etc.
This is kind of a silly post but I'm bored anyway so you get a reply !
Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin
Actually, it is the sensation of ants crawling over my skin that made me not want to have yet something else crawling all over my skin.
Being married to a not-so-young male, you might want to consider your future: prostate gland. Yes, peeing 4 times a night is waiting in your future, while I get to sleep the night through. Ha! No, I am not awakened by hot flashes - not now, all done. My poor husband has managed to cut down the bathroom trips to one a night with medication, and he has to suffer for the rest of his life. Glad I am female at this point.
-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.
"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken
"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.
Hey, you'd be pissy too if you bled out of the most inconvenient orifice on your body for a week at a time every single month. Ever had to wear a tampon? IT'S NOT FUN!!!
Personally, I get more depressed than angry, although I admit my patience for stupid shit gets cut down to a fraction of my already quite short patience for stupid shit. Which sucks when I'm at work because I'm in customer service and I deal with a loooooooooooooot of STUPID FUCKING SHIT.
But I get it. It's tough having to tiptoe around someone when they're not in the best mood. Hang in there, dude.
For me, “that time of the month” isn’t that bad…. It’s the week before that I, and everyone around me, am lucky to survive.
I’ve never been one that wanted to own a gun because I would be afraid that I would hesitate to use it. I’m not saying others shouldn’t have the right just that they are not for me. One day I was talking on the phone to a friend and discussing how I think I’ve gotten to a point where I wouldn’t hesitate, so I could see getting myself a gun. We discussed this for about 10 minutes when I stopped and said “Ignore everything I just said. I just realized I’m suffering from PMS” LOL
This topic is retarded and you should go fuck yourselfs.