Learn to speak Tea Bag!

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Learn to speak Tea Bag!


For those of you who haven't been able to jump on the bandwagon yet, this is a self-help guide! You are welcome! Laughing out loud


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That was awesome, Thanks

That was awesome, Thanks Clock

Answers in Gene...
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Dude, you are aware that I

Dude, you are aware that I am a conservative republican, right?


In fact, for my local tea party, I even dug up the company that holds the fiscal remains of the East India Tea Company so that we could dump proper tea.

NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:
Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."


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Answers in Gene Simmons

Answers in Gene Simmons wrote:

Dude, you are aware that I am a conservative republican, right?


In fact, for my local tea party, I even dug up the company that holds the fiscal remains of the East India Tea Company so that we could dump proper tea.


Oh crap, I forgot that because we both don't believe in god/s we have to agree on all things all the time.

I love Penn of Penn and Teller, and he too is an atheist and a "tea bag" fan.

Gene, there is no way that 6 billion people are going to be clones of each other. But we do need to get beyond this accusation that because the other disagrees with someone else that we both want to stick the other in an oven.

I simply have to disagree with you on the direction we should take. I see far too much corperate anarchy forced on the middle and poor class to maintain their profit margins by threatening layoffs and moving jobs over seas because the Titans are in a dick measuring contest with others their own size and don't realize that there are different weight classes.

Who do you think will buy the products of mega business if a pound of meat ends up costing $15?

My problem isn't less regulation vs more regulation, neither are an absolute. My problem is that a ratio has to be maintained which it has not been. You cant have the pay gap explode, move jobs overseas, produce nothing but low paying jobs, treat wall street like a casino, simply pass money around, and expect things to improve long term. It may make some rich short term, but it does nothing long term to keep the economy viable.

Our government is out to protect business and profits and seems to reflect nothing more than a ponzy scheme more and more.

I am not for a government run economy. The Soviets tried it, and they failed. But for our open market to work, ethics depends on self introspection if one wants less regulation. I don't see mega business doing that.


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Why is welfare for the rich

Why is welfare for the rich ok, but screw the middle and poor?

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Answers in Gene Simmons

Answers in Gene Simmons wrote:

Dude, you are aware that I am a conservative republican, right?


In fact, for my local tea party, I even dug up the company that holds the fiscal remains of the East India Tea Company so that we could dump proper tea.



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Answers in Gene Simmons wrote:

Dude, you are aware that I am a conservative republican, right?


In fact, for my local tea party, I even dug up the company that holds the fiscal remains of the East India Tea Company so that we could dump proper tea.



See, you were that good! One step ahead of the rest of us. Most of us had to watch the flash video first...

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the tea party thing has sort

the tea party thing has sort of been hijacked by the establishment republicans a bit

the real tea party movement started on the 16th of dec 2007 when ron paul raised 6 million in a single day

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Am I doing it right?

Am I doing it right?

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ClockCat wrote:Learn to speak tea bag

   I gotta show my conservative brother this    He'll get a laugh ?

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Tapey wrote:

Am I doing it right?


Missing the gay and Nazi themes.


Oh and dead babies. Don't forget those.


Off to a great start though! Keep up the good work Laughing out loud

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Meet Dale Robertson, the proclaimed founder of the tea party and head organizer of nearly all the big events. He co-ordinates the teabaggers. Isn't he lovely? Oh, and he is the owner of teaparty.org


He is a REAL patriot! He started this over a year ago. Now THAT is dedication! This is a man every TRUE AMERICAN (tm) can get behind.

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ClockCat wrote:Missing the

ClockCat wrote:

Missing the gay and Nazi themes.


I thought the Hilter stash and the Queerdo hairdoo covered that

What Would Kharn Do?

Abu Lahab
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The Doomed Soul

The Doomed Soul wrote:

ClockCat wrote:

Missing the gay and Nazi themes.


I thought the Hilter stash and the Queerdo hairdoo covered that


You work so hard to make it subtle and that's the thanks you get.




How can not believing in something that is backed up with no empirical evidence be less scientific than believing in something that not only has no empirical evidence but actually goes against the laws of the universe and in many cases actually contradicts itself? - Ricky Gervais

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Abu Lahab wrote:The Doomed

Abu Lahab wrote:

The Doomed Soul wrote:

ClockCat wrote:

Missing the gay and Nazi themes.


I thought the Hilter stash and the Queerdo hairdoo covered that


You work so hard to make it subtle and that's the thanks you get.




I tried so hard to find one with dead babies to! I guess dead baby jokes really arnt funny

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Tapey wrote: I ted so hard

Tapey wrote:


I ted so hard to find one with dead babies to! I guess dead baby jokes really arnt funny


... look closely at HIS right eye... i see the head of a baby in it

Details! DETAILS! pay attention!


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Here's CC's language:Put a

Here's CC's language:

Put a gun to their heads to take that capitalist pig money. We need the responsible to pick up the tab for the irresponsible.


Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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EXC wrote:Here's CC's

EXC wrote:

Here's CC's language:

Put a gun to their heads to take that capitalist pig money. We need the responsible to pick up the tab for the irresponsible.


Yeah. But someone, somewhere, who you and ClockCat will never meet, is speaking with hyperbole and is a conservative. So all conservative and libertarian thought is invalid and you are a crazy wingnut for supporting it. Am I getting your argument right Clockcat?


Or should I say ClockCat, the baby killing Nazi socialist?

"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."
British General Charles Napier while in India

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Jormungander wrote:Yeah. But

Jormungander wrote:

Yeah. But someone, somewhere, who you and ClockCat will never meet, is speaking with hyperbole and is a conservative. So all conservative and libertarian thought is invalid and you are a crazy wingnut for supporting it. Am I getting your argument right Clockcat?



That sums it up.




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EXC wrote:Here's CC's

EXC wrote:

Here's CC's language:

Put a gun to their heads to take that capitalist pig money. We need the responsible to pick up the tab for the irresponsible.


Wrong again. The gun is to keep the captains of industry from overreaching and taking more than their fair share.

"Faith, Faith is an island in the setting sun,
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Abu Lahab wrote:

The Doomed Soul wrote:

ClockCat wrote:

Missing the gay and Nazi themes.


I thought the Hilter stash and the Queerdo hairdoo covered that


You work so hard to make it subtle and that's the thanks you get.



Also it is missing biblical references to the antichrist. Oh and communism references. Almost there though Laughing out loud


<3 you guys.

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Jormungander wrote:

Yeah. But someone, somewhere, who you and ClockCat will never meet, is speaking with hyperbole and is a conservative. So all conservative and libertarian thought is invalid and you are a crazy wingnut for supporting it. Am I getting your argument right Clockcat?


Or should I say ClockCat, the baby killing Nazi socialist?


Touche. A major coordinator and organiser of events, as well as owner of teaparty.org, clearly is just a random obscure person and has no influence. *nods*


Do you know who else tried to marginalize mainstream politics in favor of an extremist grassroots movement? That's right, Hitler.


On top of this you choose the name of a serpent. How predictable for Satan to send his Hitler-loving comrades to try and corrupt the public! Just admit it-you want to destroy America.

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The Doomed Soul
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ClockCat wrote:Just admit

ClockCat wrote:

Just admit it-you want to destroy America.

... just give me 1 good reason why i shouldnt...

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ClockCat wrote:Touche. A

ClockCat wrote:

Touche. A major coordinator and organiser of events, as well as owner of teaparty.org, clearly is just a random obscure person and has no influence. *nods*


Do you know who else tried to marginalize mainstream politics in favor of an extremist grassroots movement? That's right, Hitler.


On top of this you choose the name of a serpent. How predictable for Satan to send his Hitler-loving comrades to try and corrupt the public! Just admit it-you want to destroy America.



I don't think he's saying he doesn't have influence, he's saying that the 'Teabaggers" are their own group and do not necessarly represent conservative's views any more than PETA represents vegetarian views.




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Cpt_pineapple wrote:

ClockCat wrote:

Touche. A major coordinator and organiser of events, as well as owner of teaparty.org, clearly is just a random obscure person and has no influence. *nods*


Do you know who else tried to marginalize mainstream politics in favor of an extremist grassroots movement? That's right, Hitler.


On top of this you choose the name of a serpent. How predictable for Satan to send his Hitler-loving comrades to try and corrupt the public! Just admit it-you want to destroy America.



I don't think he's saying he doesn't have influence, he's saying that the 'Teabaggers" are their own group and do not necessarly represent conservative's views any more than PETA represents vegetarian views.





And did I say anything about non-teabaggers there? Other than the simple fact they are all nazi commies that want to destroy America with their anti-freedom and baby genocide.



Why do you hate teabagging Cpt? It is a healthy American thing. America is #1. USA! USA! USA!

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Answers in Gene...
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ClockCat wrote: And did I

ClockCat wrote:


And did I say anything about non-teabaggers there? Other than the simple fact they are all nazi commies that want to destroy America with their anti-freedom and baby genocide.


And who is it that want's to commit the most baby genocide again?  Um the last that I heard, it was the damned socialists.  Speaking of which, I heard the other day that Russia posted their first positive population growth in many decades.  WTG socialism!!11!!one!

NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:
Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."


The Doomed Soul
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Answers in Gene Simmons

Answers in Gene Simmons wrote:

And who is it that want's to commit the most baby genocide again? 

*Raises hand*


Answers in Gene Simmons wrote:

Um the last that I heard, it was the damned socialists. 


...oooooooh... i see wut you did thar >.>

What Would Kharn Do?

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nutxaq wrote:Wrong again.

nutxaq wrote:

Wrong again. The gun is to keep the captains of industry from overreaching and taking more than their fair share.

Who is to say what is fair? How can you call it taking if you are the one giving to them? Why is your version of economics necessarily zero sum?

There is a problem with money being used to buy up and monopolize natural resources. But the socialist programs only amount to a punishment for success, they never address this fundamental issue. It's all driven by irrational jealousy and a sense of entitlement.

Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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 mmmm tea bagging is

 mmmm tea bagging is yummy.





What were we talking about?

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smartypants wrote:

 mmmm tea bagging is yummy.





What were we talking about?


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ClockCat wrote:LOL!

ClockCat wrote:


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ClockCat wrote:smartypants

ClockCat wrote:

smartypants wrote:

 mmmm tea bagging is yummy.





What were we talking about?


I live in the Seattle area and a few friends and I drove to Mt. Vernon to protest Glenn Beck receiving the key to the city. I had a grand old time telling those fuckwits to get off of our sidewalk.

That's me in the middle with the sign that reads "DOUHEBAG".

Good times.

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EXC wrote:Blah, blah, blah...

EXC wrote:
Blah, blah, blah...

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nutxaq wrote:

ClockCat wrote:

smartypants wrote:

 mmmm tea bagging is yummy.





What were we talking about?


I live in the Seattle area and a few friends and I drove to Mt. Vernon to protest Glenn Beck receiving the key to the city. I had a grand old time telling those fuckwits to get off of our sidewalk.

That's me in the middle with the sign that reads "DOUHEBAG".

Good times.


Hahaha. I love the "Mayor Fail - Norris gave our key to CRAZY"



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Jormungander wrote:EXC

Jormungander wrote:

EXC wrote:

Here's CC's language:

Put a gun to their heads to take that capitalist pig money. We need the responsible to pick up the tab for the irresponsible.


Yeah. But someone, somewhere, who you and ClockCat will never meet, is speaking with hyperbole and is a conservative. So all conservative and libertarian thought is invalid and you are a crazy wingnut for supporting it. Am I getting your argument right Clockcat?


Or should I say ClockCat, the baby killing Nazi socialist?

But ya just can't deny, the people over there making gigantic arses of themselves are far right conservatives doing it all in the name of far right conservative politics, and you can't blame us abortion-backing, pro-invasion, incentive-robbing liberal commies for that now, can you.


Oh wait...

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