Angry Atheist in NYC - Hello!!

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Angry Atheist in NYC - Hello!!

 Hi from Manhattan.  I guess I'm very lucky to live in such a liberal city.  I've recently thought about joining NYC Atheists, but I get the feeling that they may be a bit too mild for me.  I really wish that there was a group meeting of Rational Response people in NYC. I'm just soooo angry these days.  Any news or tv shows about religion (especially right-wing christian evangelism) just makes my head want to explode...really!!!  Even just normal friends of mine who are believers boggle my mind...even when I tell them the true facts!! One thing I really need help with right now are my exclamations.  I still say "Oh my god", or "jesus christ" (which I sometimes change to "jesus fucking christ", especially for the sake of tourists in Times Square...LOL).  Any and all sugestions will be greatly appreciated!! A little about me:  I was born in Santa Monica and lived in Brentwood, Westwood & Beverly Hills, before my Mom remarried and we moved to NYC (although I went back and forth on x-mases & summers to see my dad).  I consider myself very fortunate to never have been baptised and growing up in a very non-religious family.  My dad was Agnostic, brother & half-sister are Atheist, my mom wanted and tried to believe but couldn't...she was sooo cute!!  I'm married to a real Sicilian who of course was brought up catholic, but he could care less about it and now is totally anti-religious and considers himself an Atheist.  We have a long distance marriage going on 23 years.  He lives there and I live here.  Best marriage ever!!!  I've had a very fascinating life and hope to share it with new friends from the RRS. Cheers!!! Valerie


"Religion must die for mankind to live" - Bill Maher

"Those who deny reason cannot be conquered by it" - Ayn Rand

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Valerie wrote: Hi from

Valerie wrote:

 Hi from Manhattan.  I guess I'm very lucky to live in such a liberal city.  I've recently thought about joining NYC Atheists, but I get the feeling that they may be a bit too mild for me.  I really wish that there was a group meeting of Rational Response people in NYC. I'm just soooo angry these days.  Any news or tv shows about religion (especially right-wing christian evangelism) just makes my head want to explode...really!!!  Even just normal friends of mine who are believers boggle my mind...even when I tell them the true facts!! One thing I really need help with right now are my exclamations.  I still say "Oh my god", or "jesus christ" (which I sometimes change to "jesus fucking christ", especially for the sake of tourists in Times Square...LOL).  Any and all sugestions will be greatly appreciated!! A little about me:  I was born in Santa Monica and lived in Brentwood, Westwood & Beverly Hills, before my Mom remarried and we moved to NYC (although I went back and forth on x-mases & summers to see my dad).  I consider myself very fortunate to never have been baptised and growing up in a very non-religious family.  My dad was Agnostic, brother & half-sister are Atheist, my mom wanted and tried to believe but couldn't...she was sooo cute!!  I'm married to a real Sicilian who of course was brought up catholic, but he could care less about it and now is totally anti-religious and considers himself an Atheist.  We have a long distance marriage going on 23 years.  He lives there and I live here.  Best marriage ever!!!  I've had a very fascinating life and hope to share it with new friends from the RRS. Cheers!!! Valerie


Ask your hubby if he's gotten, "Catholics aren't true Christians"


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Abu Lahab
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Hey Valerie,


Welcome to RRS, nice pussy!

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"Catholics aren't true christians"

Hi Brian,

My husband isn't an active Atheist like I am.  He just IS, if you know what I mean.  But thanks so much for replying.  I too am a huge animal lover.  But I donate  for Cats.  I just made my yearly donations to Aspca, Humane Society, Bide-A-Wee, and 10th Life Sanctuary.  I'm just a huge cat fanatic!!!  But I do love big dogs, too...


"Religion must die for mankind to live" - Bill Maher

"Those who deny reason cannot be conquered by it" - Ayn Rand

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          I'm in Toronto but I grew up in Maine which makes me a Blue Jays & Patriots Fan, so I guess we are enamys on two counts but this RRS place is great and I am sure you will enjoy it here.  I'm like Brian I think you have a great pussy also, you know we are perverts, although I haven't seen Brian at the meetings lately,  it's his turn to bring the cookies.

"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."

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Hello Valerie!I live in NYC

Hello Valerie!

I live in NYC too. Anywho, about exclamations, I say 'oh my god' as well. Sometimes I'll just change the god to some other deity. And 'jesus christ' I usually change it to 'jeebus christ'. My brother had asked me why I say 'oh my god' and the like. They are just words to me. So I say keep on keeping on lol

 BTW, I love cats too! I have two, named Cheddar and Swiss. I'm a member of the ASPCA as well.

Welcome to the site. Smiling



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 Hi, and Welcome!Sounds

 Hi, and Welcome!

Sounds like you should find some kindred 'souls' here...

I'm from Australia.

I did spend 5 days in Manhattan while visiting the US back in '99. Even got a nice view of the island and the harbour from the very top of a very tall building at the southern end of the island, one of a pair, which don't seem to be there any more....

I think we need enough people around who take Xianity seriously to give phrases like "Jesus Fucking Christ" and "Oh My God!" their blasphemous edge, which makes them work so well as expressions of extreme surprise and frustration.

Favorite oxymorons: Gospel Truth, Rational Supernaturalist, Business Ethics, Christian Morality

"Theology is now little more than a branch of human ignorance. Indeed, it is ignorance with wings." - Sam Harris

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Ain't she, though?!!

Abu Lahab wrote:

Hey Valerie,


Welcome to RRS, nice pussy!

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Hi Valerie


Nice to meet you. I'm very angry, too, and have a strong desire to see christians and muslims being toasted in a lake of fire. Or boiled. Or whatever it is they have planned for our correction. It's nice to be told you are immoral, have been since birth, are incapable of good and deserve to die/be tortured. Better still if it comes from your own family. Still. It's a view that allows me to tell them to get fucked and then say: "See - you were right. I am evil - it is all true."




"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck

Answers in Gene...
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Hey Valerie,   I am about

Hey Valerie,


I am about an hour train ride away from NYC myself. Also, Normal Bob hangs out around Union Square. Perhaps we should plan something. Do you know off hand if Jack the Ripper/Jekyll and Hyde/Slaughtered Lamb are still in business? Any of those would make for some decent pics for the forums. In fact, I would bet that we could get Normal Bob to put on the full make-up for that. Heck but I might dust off my Klingon gear for a photo-op with Normal Bob.


BobSpence1 wrote:
I did spend 5 days in Manhattan while visiting the US back in '99. Even got a nice view of the island and the harbour from the very top of a very tall building at the southern end of the island, one of a pair, which don't seem to be there any more....


Wasn't that a great view from up there? Does “very top” mean that you got out on the roof deck? I did once back in the early 80's. I never had the chance again despite being so damn close. Too bad. Perhaps the replacement will have a roof deck. If they ever get past the damn political crap and get started on the project that is...


PS: My best friend is more tummier than your avatar.



NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:
Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."


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Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare

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Answers in Gene Simmons

Answers in Gene Simmons wrote:

Hey Valerie,


I am about an hour train ride away from NYC myself. Also, Normal Bob hangs out around Union Square. Perhaps we should plan something. Do you know off hand if Jack the Ripper/Jekyll and Hyde/Slaughtered Lamb are still in business? Any of those would make for some decent pics for the forums. In fact, I would bet that we could get Normal Bob to put on the full make-up for that. Heck but I might dust off my Klingon gear for a photo-op with Normal Bob.


BobSpence1 wrote:
I did spend 5 days in Manhattan while visiting the US back in '99. Even got a nice view of the island and the harbour from the very top of a very tall building at the southern end of the island, one of a pair, which don't seem to be there any more....


Wasn't that a great view from up there? Does “very top” mean that you got out on the roof deck? I did once back in the early 80's. I never had the chance again despite being so damn close. Too bad. Perhaps the replacement will have a roof deck. If they ever get past the damn political crap and get started on the project that is...


PS: My best friend is more tummier than your avatar.


 If you bothe promise to dress normally, I would love to get together for a drink!!!


"Religion must die for mankind to live" - Bill Maher

"Those who deny reason cannot be conquered by it" - Ayn Rand