Robert Erickson and the teabaggers

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The end of it makes it all worth it.

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nutxaq wrote:OMFG! that is

nutxaq wrote:

OMFG! that is the funniest fuckin' thing i've seen in weeks!

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 If you had trouble understanding him in the video, the following is a text of his speech.



Hi everyone my name is Robert Erickson and I’m really excited to here! Its people like you and events like this that make our country great! Give yourselves a round of applause!

We have a problem in this country. Illegal immigration has been a blemish on the face of America for hundreds of years, and the time has come to set things right.

Now let me be clear! I’m not against legal immigration. If these Illegal Europeans want to get in line and apply for citizenship with the tribal counsel like everybody else, they’re more than welcome to! But there will be no shortcuts, or special privileges for the perpetrators of genocide!

Columbus is the original illegal immigrant—his arrival, along with the anchor babies he brought with him, signaled the beginning of the colonization of America. He came without papers and didn’t ask for permission. Through policies of ethnic cleansing and extermination, the original pilgrims stole this land from real Americans, killing more than 30 million North Americans in the worst genocide in human history.

Behind me is the I.C.E. detention center. Their job is to apprehend and deport criminal illegal aliens, but they seem to be confused about who the illegals are. For years, they have been wasting billions of taxpayer dollars, while failing to apprehend a single illegal European immigrant. Instead they have focused on terrorizing undocumented Americans who are native to this continent. I want to be clear-Undocumented Americans share very little in common with the illegal European settlers who came to America seeking gold and plunder, eventually stealing all the land from the Atlantic to the Pacific under a doctrine of manifest destiny. Undocumented Americans come here out of economic necessity to find work and try to feed their families. They should not be targeted by I.C.E. which should be tracking down the real criminals.

The same illegal Europeans who colonized North America are now enacting a second conquest on Central and South America through their neo-liberal economic policies like NAFTA, which forces Mexican farmers to compete with subsidized U.S. corporate agribusiness, and drives the prices down so far they are unable to make a profit. In fact the U.S. corn subsidies are ten times the entire Mexican agricultural budget. This leaves them with only 2 choices: starve to death, or migrate north to a land overrun by illegal European immigrants. Just as the original pilgrims profited from the exploitation and murder of indigenous Americans, modern day pilgrims are reaping massive profits by displacing indigenous Central and South American’s from their rightful homelands through economic conquest.

Its time to say enough is enough! Are you with me? Are you with me? Alright! I’m calling for a national back to Europe movement this Thanksgiving asking that all Illegal Europeans report themselves to I.C.E. for voluntary self deportation. We have to save America from the evils of illegal immigration, and the best place to start is with ourselves! I understand that not everyone is ready to make the commitment to self-deportation. Dakota people now retain less than 1% of their original homelands, so one thing you can do is to donate money as reparations to the Dakota people, to help them raise funds to buy back some of their land for traditional cultural activities. You can find resources for action at

But I can no longer stand hiding in the shadows. Do we want to see our children living as a burden to Americans on stolen land? Do we want to leave future generations trapped in this cycle of deceit and injustice?! I’m ready to do what’s best for America! Who’s with me?

Columbus Go Home! Columbus Go Home! Columbus Go Home!


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Robert Erickson wrote: 

Robert Erickson wrote:

  ...... but they seem to be confused about who the illegals are.

Indeed ....


Robert Erickson wrote:

 Alright! I’m calling for a national back to Europe movement this Thanksgiving asking that all Illegal Europeans report themselves to I.C.E. for voluntary self deportation. We have to save America from the evils of illegal immigration, and the best place to start is with ourselves! I understand that not everyone is ready to make the commitment to self-deportation. Dakota people now retain less than 1% of their original homelands, so one thing you can do is to donate money as reparations to the Dakota people, to help them raise funds to buy back some of their land for traditional cultural activities. You can find resources for action at

But I can no longer stand hiding in the shadows. Do we want to see our children living as a burden to Americans on stolen land? Do we want to leave future generations trapped in this cycle of deceit and injustice?! I’m ready to do what’s best for America! Who’s with me?

Columbus Go Home! Columbus Go Home! Columbus Go Home!


Had them at 'deportation' LMFAO!



*looks up Erickson to follow him on twitter*

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iwbiek wrote:OMFG! that is

iwbiek wrote:

OMFG! that is the funniest fuckin' thing i've seen in weeks!

Off topic, but I got it from thewalkingdude over at photobucket. He's got all kinds of great shit.

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nutxaq wrote:iwbiek

nutxaq wrote:

iwbiek wrote:

OMFG! that is the funniest fuckin' thing i've seen in weeks!

Off topic, but I got it from thewalkingdude over at photobucket. He's got all kinds of great shit.

i'll take a look.  ahhh, ice cube: one of history's biggest posers.

"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
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Just watched the video. Wow!

Just watched the video. Wow! It's amazing all the cheers this guy got from the crowd. It's like they didn't realize what he was actually saying.

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"Stolen land"HA HA HA HA HA

"Stolen land"


Seems you morons didn't have a problem when the "settlers" stole land from the Native Americans.

Instead of falsely using labels to make a case for the burdon of undocumented people causing economic stress on the country, you falsely use nationality and origin as the cause.

If one wants to make the country out as a lifeboat which is sinking because to many people are climbing aboard, THAT would be a better case.

Our economic problems as a nation are not due to race or national origin. Our economic problems are due to lack of jobs and lack of decent wages and because of big business blackmail, we are becoming a third world country because it has become a race to the bottom of pay scale because third world countries pay their workers far less and the only way to compete is to cheat, instead of raising the living standard.

This idiot does what most people do, left and right, turn a humanitarian problem into a race issue.

What we should be doing in this country is keep good paying jobs here. What we should encourage other countries to do is pay their workers livable wages. BUT, none of our problems are based on skin color or national origin.

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I will give him credit

I will give him credit though, this is a unique tactic in "if we want Mexicans to go home, then we have to lead by example". Still doesn't make race the issue FUCKWAD!

How about simply saying, we have way too many people here and no way to effectively manage them?

But you cant blame people for wanting to survive anymore than I can be blamed for Jefferson owning slaves. We cant forget the past, but this idiot without realizing it IS.


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Brian37 wrote:

I will give him credit though, this is a unique tactic in "if we want Mexicans to go home, then we have to lead by example". Still doesn't make race the issue FUCKWAD!

How about simply saying, we have way too many people here and no way to effectively manage them?

But you cant blame people for wanting to survive anymore than I can be blamed for Jefferson owning slaves. We cant forget the past, but this idiot without realizing it IS.




You seem angry Brian.

He trolled them. Very very well. It was hilarious statement, and he even managed to get them to rally behind it.


Mockery of public idiocy is entertainment.



I'm not really sure what you are angry about, or who you are calling a fuckwad and an idiot. Please clarify...?

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ClockCat wrote:Brian37

ClockCat wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

I will give him credit though, this is a unique tactic in "if we want Mexicans to go home, then we have to lead by example". Still doesn't make race the issue FUCKWAD!

How about simply saying, we have way too many people here and no way to effectively manage them?

But you cant blame people for wanting to survive anymore than I can be blamed for Jefferson owning slaves. We cant forget the past, but this idiot without realizing it IS.




You seem angry Brian.

He trolled them. Very very well. It was hilarious statement, and he even managed to get them to rally behind it.


Mockery of public idiocy is entertainment.



I'm not really sure what you are angry about, or who you are calling a fuckwad and an idiot. Please clarify...?

Thanks for slapping me in the face. I need to slow down. I hate it when I get an itchy trigger finger.

Never mind. I simply shot off my mouth while on auto pilot.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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You know what I did at a

You know what I did at a pro-choice march on Washington, not the last big one, but the previous big one.

There was a group of Christians praying on the sidewalk and I was shouting at them but mixed up my words, at first I said it correctly, "Pro life what a lie, you don't care if women die", But at that point I was getting emotionally spent from the long day and mixed up my words, "Pro choice what a lie, you dont care if women die!"

DOH! At least the priest got a laugh out of it.

I just saw "teabaggers" and got on auto pilot.

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Brian37 wrote:I just saw

Brian37 wrote:

I just saw "teabaggers" and got on auto pilot.


And by autopilot you mean enjoying delicious tea on your chin?

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stuntgibbon wrote:Brian37

stuntgibbon wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

I just saw "teabaggers" and got on auto pilot.


And by autopilot you mean enjoying delicious tea on your chin?



Oh, never mind.

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"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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stuntgibbon wrote:Brian37

stuntgibbon wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

I just saw "teabaggers" and got on auto pilot.


And by autopilot you mean enjoying delicious tea on your chin?

Long before I made this faux pas Jane Fonda stated on late night that she was afraid of balls hitting her chin.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Yes let's open the borders

Yes let's open the borders up to Catholic Mexicans who's duty to God is to have tons of babies, after all God will take care of them(and if God doesn't the taxpayers can).

Let's bring in all the Muslims whose duty to Allah is have tons of babies, then destroy the infidels and impose Sharia law.

Open the borders, let's let in all people with nutty religious ideas.


Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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EXC wrote:Yes let's open the

EXC wrote:

Yes let's open the borders up to Catholic Mexicans who's duty to God is to have tons of babies, after all God will take care of them(and if God doesn't the taxpayers can).

Let's bring in all the Muslims whose duty to Allah is have tons of babies, then destroy the infidels and impose Sharia law.

Open the borders, let's let in all people with nutty religious ideas.


Who the fuck is advocating lawlessness? NOT ME. But your response to a real human problem seems as kneejerk as theistic opposition to questioning their ideas.

Don't conflate acceptance of human behavior as being natural as being the same as promoting a particular behavior.

Humans have babies for the same reason a spider does. The more you have the more genes you spread.

Do you really think that if 6 billion people were atheists, that a battle over resources or ideology wouldn't exist?

So if a Christian or Muslim thought that atheists shouldn't reproduce, then they would have more rights to dominate because they have more numbers.

Stop looking at life as a label issue, that is what they do. Life is a pragmatic issue.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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xkcd provides an excellent

xkcd provides an excellent anecdote of this:





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Brian37 wrote:Humans have

Brian37 wrote:

Humans have babies for the same reason a spider does. The more you have the more genes you spread.

But humans can understand this. We can also understand that all species will spread their genes until death, misery and lack of resources are the only things to control further growth.


Brian37 wrote:

Do you really think that if 6 billion people were atheists, that a battle over resources or ideology wouldn't exist?

It depends on how rational these atheists were. I think atheists already do have fewer children and are generally more concerned about the environment than pleasing invisible men. If they were willing to compromise on the number of children in exchange for economic security and more pleasure then perhaps 6 billion atheists could prevent this continuous battle to consume all resources while spreading one's seed. But there is no compromising with extremists committed to their religious or political ideology, they never see life as tradeoffs but only as rights they demand to have.

Brian37 wrote:

So if a Christian or Muslim thought that atheists shouldn't reproduce, then they would have more rights to dominate because they have more numbers.

Yes that's what goes on in countries dominated by Islam. The catholic church keeps itself going by encouraging high birth rates among it's members and thereby are able to keep their cultural domination over societies.

If we're going to let immigrants in, they should be able to contribute to the labor pool or contribute in some scientific/technical/cultural way. Not just breeders that believe god and government is there to take care of their children.

Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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EXC wrote:If we're going to

EXC wrote:

If we're going to let immigrants in, they should be able to contribute to the labor pool or contribute in some scientific/technical/cultural way. Not just breeders that believe god and government is there to take care of their children.

Exactly. Brain-drain other societies by taking in as many of their scientists and engineers as possible in order to enrich our society. Don't let massive hordes of uneducated and extremely poor immigrants in to depress your nation's wages, out breed you and then force your culture to mirror the culture of the nation that they fled from. In America our only problem seems to be our open border with Mexico. In parts of Western Europe their problem is wage depression from poor Eastern Europeans and letting in far too many uneducated and violent Muslims.

Immigration is a good thing. Letting massive amounts of ultra-poor immigrants who refuse to adopt your cultural customs emmigrate isn't such a good thing. The fact that these poor third world hordes tend to be extremely religious is an added problem for us atheists.

"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."
British General Charles Napier while in India

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And yet, they are becoming

And yet, they are becoming the backbone of North American commerce, as immigrants are the most likely to accept minimum wage jobs. And the actually educated among them don't have their educational merit accepted, forcing engineers and doctors to become cabbies.
Still, letting in hordes isn't going to fix anything anywhere. In fact, it'll just make everything worse. The poor leave their countries, making less demand on those nation's resources, which effectively means they have room for even more people, so if anything, birth rates will increase. While there is currently lots of room in North America for more people, that could flip over completely in the span of a generation. And the places the immigrants come from tend to be overpopulated and growing despite emmigration, so the local problems become global ones.

I think we should have maximum quotas on immigration based on aging populations. With preference given to the educated, and a bare minimum requirement that immigrants learn the local language.

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Jormungander wrote:

Immigration is a good thing. Letting massive amounts of ultra-poor immigrants who refuse to adopt your cultural customs emmigrate isn't such a good thing. The fact that these poor third world hordes tend to be extremely religious is an added problem for us atheists.

I got to think the Islamic Imams must be laughing at the cultural suicide the west is making thanks to the socialists and leftists. They tell their ignorant followers to breed like rabbits so their religion and culture can dominate. Then the socialist agree to pay for all these children(or at least force others to pay). They got to be smiling at how stupid all these socialists really are in aiding Islam's take over.


Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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Vastet wrote:While there is

Vastet wrote:
While there is currently lots of room in North America for more people, 

I'll try to remember that when I'm sitting in traffic. Also when we have water restrictions, smog days, endangered species, no more room in parks, prisons or schools.

Vastet wrote:
a bare minimum requirement that immigrants learn the local language.

And how does that work? If they don't then they loose there healthcare and other welfare benefits? You don't let them have any more kids?

Remember you must be consistent with your socialist values to reward irresponsible behavior and punish responsible behavior. If they learn the language and get a better job, then they must get punished with a higher income tax rate.


Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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EXC wrote:It depends on how

EXC wrote:

It depends on how rational these atheists were. I think atheists already do have fewer children and are generally more concerned about the environment than pleasing invisible men. If they were willing to compromise on the number of children in exchange for economic security and more pleasure then perhaps 6 billion atheists could prevent this continuous battle to consume all resources while spreading one's seed.

Uh... Did you seriously just write that?

It's already a given in your statement that indoctrinarian people who love to have babies are going up against your small number of free-thinking atheists who agree to have fewer children. Hopefully you see how your statement collapses in on itself?

Another huge problem is that a lot of atheists have a fondness for human rights. One of these rights is the right to have children.

I tire of Malthusians, but you really take the cake.


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"I'll try to remember that

"I'll try to remember that when I'm sitting in traffic. Also when we have water restrictions, smog days, endangered species, no more room in parks, prisons or schools."

Just because there are big cities doesn't mean there isn't lots of room. All the problems you mention are poor management and decision making, not overpopulation of the continent.

"And how does that work? If they don't then they loose there healthcare and other welfare benefits? You don't let them have any more kids?"

How about they don't get in in the first place? You just keep making up your strawmen that prove your position untenable. It allows rational people to see that you have nothing.

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EXC wrote:I got to think the

EXC wrote:

I got to think the Islamic Imams must be laughing at the cultural suicide the west is making thanks to the socialists and leftists. They tell their ignorant followers to breed like rabbits so their religion and culture can dominate. Then the socialist agree to pay for all these children(or at least force others to pay). They got to be smiling at how stupid all these socialists really are in aiding Islam's take over.


Uh... you and Jorum do know that "open borders" is a major policy stance of the Libertarian party, right? Or all of a sudden, you feel the right to deny inalienable rights of others? Just checking. You placing illegal immigration at the hand of "socialists" and "leftists" is laughable. To wit: do some research on the Progressives. Staunchly anti-immigrant, as they knew the new immigrants wouldn't be in their unions, and their wages would be depressed. There are still many progressives and liberals who advocate isolationist economic policies and reduced immigration in order to keep the average wage rising. There's also lots of open border conservatives, who regard any fellow believer as a fellow citizen, a child of God. But blanket statements and baseless attacks are nice, maybe you fooled a couple people.

And seriously, still grasping to tired Malthusian fears? Sigh. You do know that Malthus was utterly wrong, don't you? And every revival of it has been equally dismissed. Technology will always be the factor that allows populations to sustain themselves even at relatively high levels of growth. These high levels inevitably decline, though... which admittedly isn't as sexy as screaming "we're all going to die unless we stop having sex!" but it's the truth. Check out Europe and Japan... if it weren't for immigrant populations, they'd have abysmal declines in population -- and Japan is on pace to drastically reduce its population by 2050.

I really think a lot of this boils down to people being afraid of a mixed planet. And being afraid our "culture" will dissolve at the hands of crazy immigrants. Ignoring the fact that cultures change vastly, but what comes even quicker than that change is assimilation, even by the Mexicans (which is the hot group of the moment to demonize). Another interesting development is that Mexicans are no longer coming en masse, since the incentive of risking one's life for a bad economy isn't really there. In fact, we are getting a steady stream of well-educated, dare I say rich Latinos/Hispanics from countries you wouldn't really expect. All here to invest cheaply in these bad times, much like the Chinese. All adding to this culture, instead this time they won't be slaves.

You can't be a believer in global free markets, and then shut out the resulting immigration effects. At least, if you want to be politically/ideologically consistent. 

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I don't think consistency was his goal. 

After wading through some of the Libertarian arguments put out by EXC on the other forum, why was I not surprised he was going to spout this take on immigration?

Actually, in the video, I was expecting the European argument to be about modern day illegal European and Canadian immigrants.  I understand there is a fair number.


-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.

-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.

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Newprince wrote:Uh... you

Newprince wrote:

Uh... you and Jorum do know that "open borders" is a major policy stance of the Libertarian party, right?

You know I don't care what the Libertarian Party says, right? They are a decent political party for libertarians; but most libertarians don't identify with that party and some even go out of their way to announce their opposition to it. I am aware of the Libertarian Party's stance on immigration, and I disagree with it.


Newprince wrote:

To wit: do some research on the Progressives. Staunchly anti-immigrant, as they knew the new immigrants wouldn't be in their unions, and their wages would be depressed.

I already know about that. Your condescension is a bit misplaced. I do think it is funny that there are progressives that want to completely stop all immigration. Cesar Chavez wanted to completely stop all immigration for example. He supported illegal immigrants, but was opposed to any new illegal or legal immigrants since they would just compete with him.


Newprince wrote:

And seriously, still grasping to tired Malthusian fears? Sigh. You do know that Malthus was utterly wrong, don't you?

Is this a concern over population growth rates, or is it a concern over a relatively small native population being potentially overrun by a much larger foreign population? Wanting to keep immigration levels somewhat low in order to gradually let in outsiders and let their influence on your society happen slowly rather than so suddenly that it results in a backlash isn't a Malthusian concern. If so many are let in so quickly that it produces a bit of a culture shock for the natives, you risk them supporting anti-immigration policies. I don't see any unreasonableness or misplaced Malthusian worries in desiring moderate immigration rates rather than extremely rapid immigration rates.


Newprince wrote:

And being afraid our "culture" will dissolve at the hands of crazy immigrants.

If we are talking about this in the context of illegal Mexican immigrants in the US (as a SoCal resident, this is what I am most familiar with), then that is indeed a silly concern. They want to share in our wealth and they don't want to fundamentally alter our society. Their motivations in coming here is just to get a lot of money and have their children live outside of poverty. As little as I like the illegal Mexican immigration, I am not worried about them obliterating our society.

If we are talking about this in the context of certain foolish European countries allowing far too many Muslim immigrants in, then I believe that there is some legitimacy in people worried about the Muslims trying to obliterate their culture. I have read and seen too many Muslims announcing that their intentions are to undo all of Western culture and replace it with their own. I sincerely hope that the Muslim immigrants who declare their intentions to destroy Western civilization are just some crazy fringe and that most of them value Western culture and want to assimilate. But the extremely high crime rates and violent protests staged by Muslim immigrants in Europe makes me think that maybe they do lack respect for Western culture. The popularity of Sharia courts in certain European countries is also extremely worrisome. That is basically them telling us that they are going to import their horrible culture into countries that I like. Their stated intentions to turn liberalized Western nations into nations run by Islamic law is an extreme cause for concern. This isn't a case of people imagining that the immigrants are out to dissolve their culture, this is a case of the immigrants announcing that they will do everything within their power to dissolve Western culture.

I see the value in cultural change and allowing other cultures and immigrants to enrich your culture. Every day at graduate school I interact with immigrants. You wouldn't believe the number of foreign students there are at my school. I am glad that they are here to partake in my nation's education system. I hope that they stay and enrich America with their technical expertise. All of this is good. The one thing I can't stand is people from a culture that lacks my conception of basic human rights and secular governance proclaiming that they will immigrate and impose their way of life on Europe. I am going to make an exception in my support of immigration for Muslims that are vocally against the existence of secular Western democracies. Let's not let those people immigrate. And let's especially not let them immigrate in extremely massive numbers so that they can influence local politics and attempt to impose their horrible way of life on us. Is this such a controversial or backwards position to take? I would think that a board of atheists would be especially against this kind of attempt to undo our secular governments. If anyone should be in opposition to Muslims attempts to impose Islamic law on Europe, it is atheists, women and gays. European Muslims have actually murdered people because people criticized their extremely poor treatment of women or mentioned religious concepts in relation to Islam that Muslims don't like. If anyone should be rejecting this kind of PC attitude, it should be us.


Newprince wrote:

In fact, we are getting a steady stream of well-educated, dare I say rich Latinos/Hispanics from countries you wouldn't really expect.

Sounds great. Using legal immigration to take the best and brightest away from poorer countries is something that I support. If they are so well educated, then it would be wise to give them work visas and eventually green cards.


Newprince wrote:

You can't be a believer in global free markets, and then shut out the resulting immigration effects. At least, if you want to be politically/ideologically consistent. 

I don't see the ideological inconsistency. I can immagine someone that would want goods to cross borders without impediment, but was against people immigrating to their country. What part of wanting free exchange of goods necessarily makes you have to want free exchange of people? I personally support legal immigration and am opposed to illegal immigration, but I don't see how a capitalist that disagrees with me on immigration matters is necessarily inconsistent in his beliefs. For that matter, immigration isn't a binary option. There are a number of positions one could take. One could avocate no immigration, unlimited immigration or limited ammounts of immigration. I'm in the 'limited' camp and I support global free markets, does that make me inconsistent in some way?

"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."
British General Charles Napier while in India

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ClockCat wrote:Haha!!I

ClockCat wrote:

I caught on when he mentioned the smallpox.
So that was a group of genuine teabaggers he had cheering with him?

If I ever meet that guy I'm buying him a drink!!

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