Sarah Palin is a liberal that uses socialist terminology!

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Sarah Palin is a liberal that uses socialist terminology!




Pro-Life Group Says Palin 'Misleading And Unreliable' On Abortion



On a day where most critics are attacking Sarah Palin for being too conservative, one group of anti-choice activists is slamming former Alaska governor for not being conservative enough when it comes to the issue of abortion.


American Right To Life, the self-proclaimed "personhood wing of the right-to-life movement" attacked Palin today for using "liberal, pro-choice, socialist terminology" in her political rhetoric on abortion and for distinguishing "between her 'personal' and public pro-life views" ("personally pro-life means officially pro-choice," the group says.

ARL on Palin, from the website the group launched today:

As a candidate whom many pro-lifers want to support, her actual abortion record and rhetoric is shocking to the conscience.

The "personhood movement" as ARL describes it, advocates full legal rights "from the moment of sexual or asexual human reproduction, which includes from fertilization." The group opposes all forms of abortion as well as contraception like the Plan B pill and "any birth control pill or intrauterine device that works to prevent implantation."

And though moderate and progressive groups often hail Palin's beliefs on the issue of family planning (she favors abstinence-only education and is strongly pro-life), the ARL says she does not go far enough. On their new website, "Prolife Profiles," ARL targets Palin and other GOP politicians the group accuses of hypocrisy on the issue of abortion rights.

From the long list of offenses ARL finds in Palin's rhetoric:

- allows her name to be used in ads promoting grisly government-funded embryonic stem cell "research" - undermines the God-given right to life by promoting evolution while officially opposing creation - harms personhood by claiming that "equal protection" should not apply to unborn children

Other Palin level hypocrites when it comes to abortion, according to ARL: Mitt Romney, George W. Bush and, "coming soon," Antonin Scalia.

ARL claims it "derailed" Romney's presidential bid last year by helping to defeat him in Iowa and South Carolina. As Palin considers her own run for the GOP presidential nomination, the group is hoping its threats will guide her to embrace its "personhood" platform.



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 She is obviously not far enough to the right. That has been the problem all along.

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She's an idiot, plain and

She's an idiot, plain and simple.

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Big E wrote:She's an idiot,

Big E wrote:

She's an idiot, plain and simple.

The epitome of truth.

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I love the way Palin blames

I love the way Palin blames Couric for her magazine question answer.

It was a simple question, wasn't loaded and any moron could have answered it.

I hope Palin runs again although I doubt she will. She would get bitch slapped.



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She's a politician. She

She's a politician. She doesn't have any loyalty to the right or left wing. Her only loyalty is to herself. So she'll say and do whatever she thinks will get her more votes.

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ClockCat wrote: She is

ClockCat wrote:

 She is obviously not far enough to the right. That has been the problem all along.


Dude, click through to get to the website.  Apparently, Randall Terry and Judge Roy Moore are not far enough to the right for those idiots.  They do not have the specific profiles for them up yet but the guidelines appear to be that they might not support the murder of abortion providers.

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Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."


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I am amazed, astonished,

I am amazed, astonished, astounded, and bewildered by the amount of publicity Palin has gotten and is getting.

It is surely because of the effort of many people in the attempt to groom this woman for some involvement in the next presidential campaign; be it for actually nominating her for the presidency or vice presidency or some other role, Palin is not going to diminish in importance in the political area.

People like her. They dont seem to care that she has made many blunders.

People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.

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aiia wrote:

People like her. They dont seem to care that she has made many blunders.




Hold on.






Okay. I think I'm good now.

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aiia makes a good point.

aiia makes a good point. Idiot or not, Republicans seem to have latched onto the idea of getting a woman into the oval office (probably to appease feminists and similar left leaning groups). Palin is, for the record, one of only two female US politicians I could name at any given moment (I doubt the average American could do much better, seeing as how their media is widely viewable here, and only Palin and Clinton get much air time). The other is a Democrat, and unavailable for their use. After Bush jr., I'd not be very shocked to see her get elected.

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Vastet wrote:
aiia makes a good point. Idiot or not, Republicans seem to have latched onto the idea of getting a woman into the oval office (probably to appease feminists and similar left leaning groups). Palin is, for the record, one of only two female US politicians I could name at any given moment (I doubt the average American could do much better, seeing as how their media is widely viewable here, and only Palin and Clinton get much air time). The other is a Democrat, and unavailable for their use. After Bush jr., I'd not be very shocked to see her get elected.


This was the last poll I've seen related to her.


Also, I don't know any feminists that like her. Her stances are contrary to every feminist one, even to go as far as being anti-choice. She is totally against "women's rights".


Not to mention that she alienates everyone that doesn't feel comfortable with our nation's warmongering, by approving of them and calling them "holy wars" where are soldiers are "sent by God". Disturbing.


She is pretty much batshit crazy and it's a secret to nobody. If she is somehow nominated as a presidential candidate, she will be the death of whatever party she is running in that year.


She only attracts the loons like teabaggers, which make up such a tiny portion of the population and are largely irrelevant except as fodder for comedy.




Also, a very small portion of the population in this country even watches televised news and pundits. Fox News has some of the highest ratings, and they average around 2-3 million viewers. Out of a population of over 300 million.

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In 2000, 12% of Americans

In 2000, 12% of Americans claim to watch fox news on a daily basis. (Source: Fox has grown in popularity since then, so it might be even more today. What is that, like 35 million people? That 2 to 3 million isn't their total number of viewers per day, it is their number of viewers at any one moment only at prime time. Keep in mind that this 12% of the population is likely to be apart of the voting population. Given that only 218 million of us are eligable to vote and that only 57% of eligable voters even voted in the 2008 election; that means that about 124 million Americans are actually voters. You'de better hope that the 30 something million daily fox news viewers don't significantly overlap with the 120 something million voters. Assuming that only 57% of that 35 million people who watch fox news daily vote, you have 20 million voters or about 16% of the entire voting population. And seeing as fox news veiwers actually care about politics (unlike most Americans), maybe more than 57% of them are voting in presidential elections. They could be much more likely to vote than the national average.

So no, that isn't only about 1% (2-3 million) of Americans as you were thinking. It is a hell of a lot more. There is a reason why people complain about the power of the news media in politics. And it isn't because the most popular news network only reaches at most 1% of the population per day.

"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."
British General Charles Napier while in India

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Jormungander wrote:

In 2000, 12% of Americans claim to watch fox news on a daily basis. (Source: Fox has grown in popularity since then, so it might be even more today. What is that, like 35 million people? That 2 to 3 million isn't their total number of viewers per day, it is their number of viewers at any one moment only at prime time. Keep in mind that this 12% of the population is likely to be apart of the voting population. Given that only 218 million of us are eligable to vote and that only 57% of eligable voters even voted in the 2008 election; that means that about 124 million Americans are actually voters. You'de better hope that the 30 something million daily fox news viewers don't significantly overlap with the 120 something million voters. Assuming that only 57% of that 35 million people who watch fox news daily vote, you have 20 million voters or about 16% of the entire voting population. And seeing as fox news veiwers actually care about politics (unlike most Americans), maybe more than 57% of them are voting in presidential elections. They could be much more likely to vote than the national average.

So no, that isn't only about 1% (2-3 million) of Americans as you were thinking. It is a hell of a lot more. There is a reason why people complain about the power of the news media in politics. And it isn't because the most popular news network only reaches at most 1% of the population per day.


Wow, I've never seen anyone claw so desparately to extrapolate the most possible about a subject like this.



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  There's nothing in

  There's nothing in Palin's head that is even the least bit admirable or impressive.  Coherence is something that only occasionally occurs in her public discourse ( Steven Colbert appropriately described a past speech of hers as "word salad"

   If she had the homely physical appearance of Golda Meir political conservatives would likely dump her as fast as they could.  She is just a stage prop betcha !

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ClockCat wrote:Wow, I've

ClockCat wrote:

Wow, I've never seen anyone claw so desparately to extrapolate the most possible about a subject like this.



Claw desperately? What? I don't like Fox news at all. I just think that you are very wrong in thinking that it holds almost no influence. I think that a sizable proportion of the voting population watches Fox news on a regular basis. I know that my statistics are a bit rough. But the lynchpin of 12% of adults watching Fox news daily holds strong. The proportion should be even larger today than it was nine years ago since Fox has grown in popularity since then. From the 12% statistic it naturally follows that a sizable proportion (over 15%) of the voting population is composed of self-described daily Fox news viewers. Are you claiming that there is no way that 15% of voters watch Fox news regularly? Do you have an argument here or just smart ass comments?

It is not a good thing that Fox news holds significant sway in US politics, but it is a fact of life. My rough estimations determining the proportion of Fox news watching voters don't change the fact that Fox news is very influential and does not show that I'm "clawing desperately" for anything.

"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."
British General Charles Napier while in India

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Jormungander wrote:ClockCat

Jormungander wrote:

ClockCat wrote:

Wow, I've never seen anyone claw so desparately to extrapolate the most possible about a subject like this.



Claw desperately? What? I don't like Fox news at all. I just think that you are very wrong in thinking that it holds almost no influence. I think that a sizable proportion of the voting population watches Fox news on a regular basis. I know that my statistics are a bit rough. But the lynchpin of 12% of adults watching Fox news daily holds strong. The proportion should be even larger today than it was nine years ago since Fox has grown in popularity since then. From the 12% statistic it naturally follows that a sizable proportion (over 15%) of the voting population is composed of self-described daily Fox news viewers. Are you claiming that there is no way that 15% of voters watch Fox news regularly? Do you have an argument here or just smart ass comments?

It is not a good thing that Fox news holds significant sway in US politics, but it is a fact of life. My rough estimations determining the proportion of Fox news watching voters don't change the fact that Fox news is very influential and does not show that I'm "clawing desperately" for anything.


I agree.  As much as I dislike Palin and Fox news, the figures I hear close to 50% of Americans like Palin, and millions of Americans trust Fox news as their primary source of information.

I hope she runs just because I want the Republican party to split.  I would love to see the tea party and far right split off and let the moderates take control of the party again.  As it stands now the Republicans cater to the extreme right so much they cannot field any viable candidates.  I would like to be back in a position where I am not totally terrified of a Democratic loss in politics.  I don't even like the Dems especially, but when the alternative is a group of people who venerate the likes of Palin it isn't like i have a choice.

Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.

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Ahahahahahahaha. This is hilarious.

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i have met this nut a couple of times...........................

and I knew right away that she was a heartless POS that would do or say anything to get what she wanted. I can't believe everyone in AK was fooled by this witch.

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Man, why does the cute chick

Man, why does the cute chick have to be fucking retarded? 

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dingusdangus wrote:and I

dingusdangus wrote:

and I knew right away that she was a heartless POS that would do or say anything to get what she wanted. I can't believe everyone in AK was fooled by this witch.

It was my impression that Alaska was one of the biggest anti-Palin states. They had protests all the time. Was I mistaken?

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Vastet wrote:dingusdangus

Vastet wrote:
dingusdangus wrote:

and I knew right away that she was a heartless POS that would do or say anything to get what she wanted. I can't believe everyone in AK was fooled by this witch.

It was my impression that Alaska was one of the biggest anti-Palin states. They had protests all the time. Was I mistaken?
Governor Palin, back in 2006. Of course, nothing turns a state's populating against a politician like actually electing them, so...


Big E wrote:
Why, yes, I am!

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Ah, yes. lol.

Ah, yes. lol.

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I have no idea what you are talking about.......................

Vastet wrote:
dingusdangus wrote:

and I knew right away that she was a heartless POS that would do or say anything to get what she wanted. I can't believe everyone in AK was fooled by this witch.

It was my impression that Alaska was one of the biggest anti-Palin states. They had protests all the time. Was I mistaken?
people in Alaska were all wound up about her.


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Not in a good way. Not

Not in a good way. Not during the federal election. They had protests in her own city.

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Yay!  At least Columbus

Yay!  At least Columbus isn't the only city highlighted as having dumb as rocks Palin supporters.  


The woman is stupid.  She hurts feminism also because they are pushing her because she's a woman and pretty, not because she has good ideas that will benefit the country and world.

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In order to get a politician

In order to get a politician elected, you have to rally enough voters.

I think the people who would want to see Palin elected are vastly better at rallying voters than the ones who naively think that "surely the Americans can't be THAT stupid!". There is also the fact to consider that the republican party is somewhat scattered and panicked, lacking a unifying figure. It's not unrealistic at all to envision a scenario where Palin is pushed forward as the figurehead - because she appeals to that sentimental "we are the champions" bullshit that Americans so love - with some "Cheney" type ultra-cynic being sent along to run the show behind the scenes.

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v4ultingbassist wrote:Man,

v4ultingbassist wrote:

Man, why does the cute chick have to be fucking retarded? 

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I thought she was still the

I thought she was still the governor? I don't keep up with current events at all. It's just not worth it.

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dingusdangus wrote:I thought

dingusdangus wrote:

I thought she was still the governor? I don't keep up with current events at all. It's just not worth it.

I knew there was someone else on this forum that held a similar opinion: following current events is tantamount to endorsing an apophenic view of contemporary life; precious few of these "events" represent a limen to a nominally rational person. Beset with irrelevancy, they tend to endorse the current interest in elevating the mediocre to a position of primacy. Ms. Palin is but a symptom of the disease.

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Unrepentant_Elitist wrote:

dingusdangus wrote:

I thought she was still the governor? I don't keep up with current events at all. It's just not worth it.

I knew there was someone else on this forum that held a similar opinion: following current events is tantamount to endorsing an apophenic view of contemporary life; precious few of these "events" represent a limen to a nominally rational person. Beset with irrelevancy, they tend to endorse the current interest in elevating the mediocre to a position of primacy. Ms. Palin is but a symptom of the disease.

Speak English you fruitcake. I don't think "apophenic" and "limen" are even words. believe it or not, I went to college too. And what is up with that picture? is that you? it looks like some Baptist minister attending some inbred family reunion in West Virginia.


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Unrepentant_Elitist wrote:

dingusdangus wrote:

I thought she was still the governor? I don't keep up with current events at all. It's just not worth it.

I knew there was someone else on this forum that held a similar opinion: following current events is tantamount to endorsing an apophenic view of contemporary life; precious few of these "events" represent a limen to a nominally rational person. Beset with irrelevancy, they tend to endorse the current interest in elevating the mediocre to a position of primacy. Ms. Palin is but a symptom of the disease.

BTW, I agree with everything you said, as did Thoreau, who wrote, "One need only read of one murder by the railroad tracks or one missing dog or one old womans purse stolen and never need to read of such matters again. Reading of a thousand donkeys hit by a train or a thousand Chinamen arrested doesn't make it any more relavant". or something like that. I am paraphrasing to say the least.


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The "Christian right" is neither!


"Most of our energy goes into upholding our importance. If we were capable of losing some of that importance, two extraordinary things would happen to us. One, we would free our energy from trying to maintain the illusory idea of our grandeur; and two, we would provide ourselves with enough energy to catch a glimpse of... the actual grandeur of the universe.” - Carlos Casteneda, "The Art of Dreaming"





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dingusdangus wrote:

Unrepentant_Elitist wrote:

dingusdangus wrote:

I thought she was still the governor? I don't keep up with current events at all. It's just not worth it.

I knew there was someone else on this forum that held a similar opinion: following current events is tantamount to endorsing an apophenic view of contemporary life; precious few of these "events" represent a limen to a nominally rational person. Beset with irrelevancy, they tend to endorse the current interest in elevating the mediocre to a position of primacy. Ms. Palin is but a symptom of the disease.

Speak English you fruitcake. I don't think "apophenic" and "limen" are even words. believe it or not, I went to college too. And what is up with that picture? is that you? it looks like some Baptist minister attending some inbred family reunion in West Virginia.



Apophenic is an adjective that describes the tendency to find "connections" and intrinsic value in meaningless or random data. In other words (pardon), an apophenic view of current events is to find value in the latest fashion trends or what celebrity went where for coffee...

Limen is defined in the OED as "the limit below which a given stimulus ceases to be perceptible; the minimum amount of stimulus or nerve-excitation required to produce a sensation."

As to my photo, I appreciate the sentiment; while I may not find my relatives altogether attractive, I nonetheless believe I would have made an excellent Baptist minister: I, too, can consult an old book and come up with irrelevant aphorisms and antiquated moral precepts. 

I enjoyed your Thoreau quote, but I cannot place it for the life of me; as this is producing a serious cognitive dissonance at this point, please remind me where you found it. 
