What most atheists will deny

foul5town's picture
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What most atheists will deny

1. That they were unloved in highschool

2. That they do not own a $20 or more watch

3. Their parents gave them a the Robin instead of Batman on Christmas

4. When they eat they fart silently so that no one knows

5. They are not satisfied with movies or popcorn but need a lot of chocolate

6. If they drink gatrade their hands explode and their veins hang out for little lizards to play on (but their hands heal after 45 minutes)


7. They tell jokes that don't make sense

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This relates to Atheism

This relates to Atheism how? 


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foul5town wrote:1. That they

foul5town wrote:

1. That they were unloved in highschool

By you maybe pffft im awesome  *weeps silently*

foul5town wrote:

2. That they do not own a $20 or more watch

true watches have no perpose anymore now everyone has cellphones

foul5town wrote:

3. Their parents gave them a the Robin instead of Batman on Christmas

True I did have a robin action figure.. im awesome

foul5town wrote:

4. When they eat they fart silently so that no one knows

bwahahahahahahaha shhh its a secret

foul5town wrote:

5. They are not satisfied with movies or popcorn but need a lot of chocolate

true to the first half but not the second

foul5town wrote:

6. If they drink gatrade their hands explode and their veins hang out for little lizards to play on (but their hands heal after 45 minutes)

I have never heard of that drink

foul5town wrote:


7. They tell jokes that don't make sense

When does a orange feel the most love?

when you give it a squeeze


it makes sense

Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
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foul5town wrote:1. That they

foul5town wrote:

1. That they were unloved in highschool

Not true. My mother worked nights and all my friends came over to party.

foul5town wrote:

2. That they do not own a $20 or more watch

Watches are becoming like buggy whips, obsolete

foul5town wrote:

3. Their parents gave them a the Robin instead of Batman on Christmas

Actually neither as action figures came out when my kids were little. I gave them both.

foul5town wrote:

4. When they eat they fart silently so that no one knows

I grew up in Southern Colorado eating Mexican food, no one farts silently there.

foul5town wrote:

5. They are not satisfied with movies or popcorn but need a lot of chocolate

Depends on the movie. Rambo 6 I might need a big doobie

foul5town wrote:

6. If they drink gatrade their hands explode and their veins hang out for little lizards to play on (but their hands heal after 45 minutes)

Anything to do with the gators is disgusting and gross including Gatorade.

foul5town wrote:


7. They tell jokes that don't make sense

Knock! Knock!

Who's there?


Boo who?

Aw, no need to cry.

"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me

"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.

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 Quote:1. That they were


1. That they were unloved in highschool

By whom?  I'm an atheist, and as near as I can tell, I was loved (though not carnally) while in High School.

2. That they do not own a $20 or more watch

I do not deny that I do not own a $20 or more watch.  I don't deny that I don't own any watch.

3. Their parents gave them a the Robin instead of Batman on Christmas

I do not deny nor do I confirm that my parents gave me Robin instead of Batman on Christmas.  I cannot recall receiving either, since I was not a fan of Batman or Robin.

4. When they eat they fart silently so that no one knows

I do not deny having farted silently while eating.

5. They are not satisfied with movies or popcorn but need a lot of chocolate

I do not deny being unsatisfied with movies or popcorn, though I'm not sure if you're quite prepared for the truth table you'll get if you chart this sentence.  I deny needing a lot of chocolate.  

6. If they drink gatrade their hands explode and their veins hang out for little lizards to play on (but their hands heal after 45 minutes)

Were you high when you wrote this?  I am pretty sure my hands have never exploded.

7. They tell jokes that don't make sense

Three priests walk into a bar.  The fourth one ducks.



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foul5town wrote:

1. That they were unloved in highschool

2. That they do not own a $20 or more watch

3. Their parents gave them a the Robin instead of Batman on Christmas

4. When they eat they fart silently so that no one knows

5. They are not satisfied with movies or popcorn but need a lot of chocolate

6. If they drink gatrade their hands explode and their veins hang out for little lizards to play on (but their hands heal after 45 minutes)


7. They tell jokes that don't make sense


Do you admit that you raped and murdered a young girl in 1990?

Theism is why we can't have nice things.

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1: Quite the contrary. I had

1: Quite the contrary. I had both friends and enemies in large quantity in high school. Until I realised the quality of those friends and ditched all but two of them. I think that should qualify.

2: My watch was worth $50 at purchase.

3: I didn't want either. Only real error they ever made was getting a cheap knockoff of Perceptor (if I remember the name right) instead of the actual Autobot. But it worked out, because the knockoff had a superior colour scheme.

4, 5, 6, & 7: Too ridiculous to bother with.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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foul5town wrote:

1. That they were unloved in highschool

2. That they do not own a $20 or more watch

3. Their parents gave them a the Robin instead of Batman on Christmas

4. When they eat they fart silently so that no one knows

5. They are not satisfied with movies or popcorn but need a lot of chocolate

6. If they drink gatrade their hands explode and their veins hang out for little lizards to play on (but their hands heal after 45 minutes)


7. They tell jokes that don't make sense



              When will any of your posts make sense?

"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."

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foul5town wrote:
Thank you veterans


You're welcome, fuck off and die now please

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Oh - I get it now


You're an atheist too but you're too scared to play nicely with all the other little boys and girls.

Well, enough of the projections chum. Come on in and get with the program.

Welcome to the nut house. How's it going?






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I'll go to the animal

I'll go to the animal shelter and get you a kitty cat.  I'll let you fall in love with that kitty cat, then on some dark, cold night I'm going to steal away into your house and punch you in the face.

BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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Thomathy wrote:

I'll go to the animal shelter and get you a kitty cat.  I'll let you fall in love with that kitty cat, then on some dark, cold night I'm going to steal away into your house and punch you in the face.




             Unlike foul5towns'   Thomathy your story makes perfect sense.   Find him a cudly Angora.

"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."

VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"

If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?

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Dammit.  It's supposed to

Dammit.  It's supposed to be a non sequitur and it's not even original.

Abu Lahab
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Thomathy wrote:Dammit. 

Thomathy wrote:

Dammit.  It's supposed to be a non sequitur and it's not even original.


Quoting Sue Sylvester is its own reward.

How can not believing in something that is backed up with no empirical evidence be less scientific than believing in something that not only has no empirical evidence but actually goes against the laws of the universe and in many cases actually contradicts itself? - Ricky Gervais

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foul5town wrote:1. That they

foul5town wrote:

1. That they were unloved in highschool

geez, i wish. highschool would have been a lot more fun and productive without all the drama.

foul5town wrote:

2. That they do not own a $20 or more watch

duh, never have. a $5 watch tells the time just as well as a $500 watch.

foul5town wrote:

3. Their parents gave them a the Robin instead of Batman on Christmas

never got either. star wars and gijoe.

foul5town wrote:

4. When they eat they fart silently so that no one knows

hehe, i don't think any of my farts have been silent for the last 20 years or so. and my american bulldog, darwin, is the the loud-fart king.

foul5town wrote:

5. They are not satisfied with movies or popcorn but need a lot of chocolate

popcorn whips chocolate anyday. salts over sweets.

foul5town wrote:

6. If they drink gatrade their hands explode and their veins hang out for little lizards to play on (but their hands heal after 45 minutes)

gatrade???? i don't drink gatrade or gatorade, but lizards are really cool. i have 3.

foul5town wrote:


7. They tell jokes that don't make sense

oh oh oh!! best joke ever:

what's black, white and red and can't get through the door?

a nun with a spear through her head.



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Abu Lahab wrote:Thomathy

Abu Lahab wrote:

Thomathy wrote:

Dammit.  It's supposed to be a non sequitur and it's not even original.


Quoting Sue Sylvester is its own reward.

It is.  What an awesome character.


BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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Thomathy wrote:

Abu Lahab wrote:

Thomathy wrote:

Dammit.  It's supposed to be a non sequitur and it's not even original.


Quoting Sue Sylvester is its own reward.

It is.  What an awesome character.




Yes we cane.

Theism is why we can't have nice things.

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foul5town wrote:

1. That they were unloved in highschool

I actually was unloved in high school.  However, when I went home I was very loved.  My dad is/was a good man and a good parent.  By the way, my dad is a Christian minister and we have a great relationship.  Surprise!


2. That they do not own a $20 or more watch

I actually don't own a watch at all.  I had a watch that my husband bought me a long time ago before we ever got married, but, being the immoral atheist I am, I donated it because I didn't want anything that reminded me of him anymore.  You see, his Christian god put the idea in his head that it was okay to abuse his wife.


3. Their parents gave them a the Robin instead of Batman on Christmas

Actually, I did get the Batman.  Seriously, I did.


4. When they eat they fart silently so that no one knows

I actually can't fart when I eat because it would make me lose my appetite.  If it's a dire situation, I leave the table and go into the other room and fart.  And the people I live with don't care if I fart because two of them are cats and the other one worships everything about me, including my farts.


5. They are not satisfied with movies or popcorn but need a lot of chocolate

I don't eat chocolate because most of it has milk in it and I am a vegan.  Plus I don't even like chocolate.  However, I am always satisfied by a good movie.  I just watched El Orfanato and it was amazing.  You should see it.  Although if you don't understand Spanish you'll have to read the subtitles and that might be hard for you.


6. If they drink gatrade their hands explode and their veins hang out for little lizards to play on (but their hands heal after 45 minutes)

I have no idea what to make of this.  I don't drink gatorade, and I don't know what it has to do with veins or lizards.



7. They tell jokes that don't make sense

That your primitive mind can't comprehend the joke doesn't make it a senseless joke.  Or are you trying to say that this list made an ounce of sense?

Liberate your mind. Fuck religion.

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1. That they were unloved in highschool  / By whom?

2. That they do not own a $20 or more watch  / I don't know how much my watch cost, it was a gift.

3. Their parents gave them a the Robin instead of Batman on Christmas / I asked for neither and got neither

4. When they eat they fart silently so that no one knows / Oh really?

5. They are not satisfied with movies or popcorn but need a lot of chocolate / I am not satisfied with the movies since most movies made int the last 30 years are pure garbage. I can take popcorn with or without chocolate.

6. If they drink gatrade their hands explode and their veins hang out for little lizards to play on (but their hands heal after 45 minutes) / What?¿?¿


7. They tell jokes that don't make sense / Your confusing us with theists whose jokes don't make sense.


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foul5town wrote:1. That they

foul5town wrote:

1. That they were unloved in highschool


Don't deny



2. That they do not own a $20 or more watch




3. Their parents gave them a the Robin instead of Batman on Christmas



Never wanted either Batman or Robin



4. When they eat they fart silently so that no one knows

Girls don't fart



5. They are not satisfied with movies or popcorn but need a lot of chocolate



Most movies suck. law abiding citizen was decent, and I love chocolate.



6. If they drink gatrade their hands explode and their veins hang out for little lizards to play on (but their hands heal after 45 minutes)




7. They tell jokes that don't make sense


How do you wake up Lady Gaga?


You poke her face