RNC 2009 Census

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RNC 2009 Census



I imagine a headline later saying their census showed 100% of respondents hate all of Obama's policies.




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 I think I learned a few things in push polling from this.

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ClockCat wrote:



I imagine a headline later saying their census showed 100% of respondents hate all of Obama's policies.




I'm a little skeptical, tastes like poe'slaw. I mean, the US parties have been absurd for a pretty long time, but this? Really?

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Eloise wrote:

ClockCat wrote:



I imagine a headline later saying their census showed 100% of respondents hate all of Obama's policies.




I'm a little skeptical, tastes like poe'slaw. I mean, the US parties have been absurd for a pretty long time, but this? Really?


I would think the same thing if my mom didn't get one of these in the mail along with a letter from Michael Steele.. :I

Oh, and it also included demands for monetary donations to the GOP. 

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Theism is why we can't have nice things.

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Republican push-poll

Republican push-poll wrote:

1. Do you oppose the Obama-Pelosi health care takeover plan that would bring Washington bureaucrats between doctors and patients, ration medical treatment and deny critical care while skyrocketing the national debt?

This is my favorite. It's like they're saying, "The government shouldn't take over the job of insurance companies! Private insurance will be much more efficient at placing bureaucrats between doctors and patients, and are much better at rationing medical treatment. And how can the government hope to be as good at denying critical care?"

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I love the current pole that

I love the current pole that says that ONLY 1 IN 5 of voting age claim to be republican. That is only 2 out of 10 and only 20 out of 100.

How the heck they can say they are victims after the past 8 years. How they can say "leave it to the rich with no regulation" after the past 8 years. How they can say "we are the party of national security" after TWO wars with no end in sight and DIDN'T catch Bin Ladin.

Thats what you get for your "I love Rush, guns and babbles" attitude.


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