HIV vaccine trial has positive results

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 This is news.

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Quote:Scientists announced


Scientists announced last month that a combination of vaccines gave a 31% level of protection in trials among 16,000 heterosexuals aged 18-30.



Wait, so there's a heterosexual vaccine and a homosexual one?



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Cpt_pineapple wrote:


Scientists announced last month that a combination of vaccines gave a 31% level of protection in trials among 16,000 heterosexuals aged 18-30.



Wait, so there's a heterosexual vaccine and a homosexual one?





Shush, woman!


Although I do find the fact they differentiated sexual preference a little disturbing.

Also, they said that it would not work elsewhere. It is simply a milestone in developing a vaccine for the virus.



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I'm not sure how it would

I'm not sure how it would matter. The virus doesn't get altered because you got it in the ass instead of the pussy.
> >

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I think that the

I think that the heterosexual thing is just them reporting all the news. HIV is more prevalent in gay men (that is true right, otherwise just ignore me). It was probably done for this reason, since if it is more likely you'll get the disease in the first place then their percentage of people who were protected would go down. I suppose this might discredit the study somewhat.

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Stosis wrote:I think that

Stosis wrote:

I think that the heterosexual thing is just them reporting all the news. HIV is more prevalent in gay men (that is true right, otherwise just ignore me). It was probably done for this reason, since if it is more likely you'll get the disease in the first place then their percentage of people who were protected would go down. I suppose this might discredit the study somewhat.

I believe that the explicit statement of heterosexuals is because they administered the vaccine in Thailand ...where there's a high prevalence of the virus in the heterosexual sex trade there.  They had to find people who would come into contact with the virus.

By the way, Globally, HIV is more prevalent among heterosexuals.  Go figure.

BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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                  Thomathy is right.   HIV is prevelent as a "gay" disorder only in North America,  in all the rest of the world it is transmuted throught  straight -- heterosexual -- practice.

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