Kirk Cameron - Origin Into Schools

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Kirk Cameron - Origin Into Schools

You guys seen this yet? Heck, it even made it on AOL news:

I first saw it not too long ago. It just made me wanna shake my head. It's funny how Kirk claims people are being brain washed, and not getting to hear the other side, yet that could be said about any Christian. Especially Christian kids that are being raised to believe that nonsense, and that anything else that says otherwise is the work of Satan. That's what I was taught to believe, and I was a grown man before I got to hear/read the other side of the debate.

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Lol! The cheeky fucker!!

Lol! The cheeky fucker!!

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Strafio wrote:Lol! The

Strafio wrote:

Lol! The cheeky fucker!!

Hey don't disrespect kirk like that.  He was just voicing his disgust of the evangelical-homeschooling movement!  You didn't get that from what he said?

"They always say the same thing; 'But evolution is only a theory!!' Which is true, I guess, and it's good they say that I think, it gives you hope that they feel the same about the theory of Gravity and they might just float the f**k away."

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Kirk is a nutjob. Teaching

Kirk is a nutjob.

Teaching evolution is no more indoctrination than saying that the sky is blue.

Teaching that you'll get a magic harem in the after life, teaching that virgins can get knocked up by ghosts IS indoctrination. There is no good reason to teach that other than the parents want to believe it.

Believers always claim indoctrination when something doesn't point to their position. Muslims do it too Kirk and their fantastic claims are as credible as yours.

Knowing what mitosis is does not make me "indoctrinated", it makes me educated.



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Great Comedy

I actually enjoy watching Kirks and Rays videos. I think it's some of the best comedy on the net. They may seem to have a thousand and one arguments against evolution, but broken down, every argument is simply a different version of the same thing. They basically take a scientific theory (i.e. Big Bang), break it down and re-explain it in a way that makes it sound obsurd (nothing exploded and created everything), then they give an example (a coke can forming randomly with no maker) that makes no sense in order to drive their point home. I personally think that these arguments do nothing more than reinforce the beliefs those who already believe in that direction. As for actually converting a non-believer, especially an educated one, then these tactics most often don't work. I'm quite sure that handing out this book at colleges would probably backfire thier intent since it'll do nothing more than open a dialog in an educational setting and end up having everything openly debunked and probably even cause a few conversions of people who started out as believers of this garbage to more rational thinkers.

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If only God can change

If only God can change people's hearts, why don't these guys shut up?


It would be funny, but this stuff is outright lies and millions of people in America eat it up with a spoon.  They have the nerve to talk about DNA when, the vast majority of bioligists think their argument is ridiculous.


I am another one of those people who grew up being taught what him and his ilk wanted me to be taught about the origin of life.  I grew up hearing all the anti-evolution stuff, and the reason they are scared is because when you lay the arguments down side by side creationism loses every time.


It isn't funny to me, it is revolting and unsettling.



Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.

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The one true way to

The one true way to salvation is crystal clear;


1.  Only conservative, free market gurus can properly read the Bible. 

2.  Only people who give me lots of money or are otherwise well-off are going to heaven.

3.  People who masterbate, talk at the theatre, use cell phones, kiss and tell, play video games, watch reality tv or refuse to give head are not going to be saved.

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KirkCameron wrote:The one

KirkCameron wrote:

The one true way to salvation is crystal clear;


1.  Only conservative, free market gurus can properly read the Bible. 

2.  Only people who give me lots of money or are otherwise well-off are going to heaven.

3.  People who masterbate, talk at the theatre, use cell phones, kiss and tell, play video games, watch reality tv or refuse to give head are not going to be saved.

Damn it you win, fine I'll convert.

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mellestad wrote:It isn't

mellestad wrote:

It isn't funny to me, it is revolting and unsettling.


I might have found it revolting and unsettling as well, if I thought for one moment that they were actually causing any kind of damage. But here you've got two guys who are spending a lot of donated money in order to reach out to college level science classes, which are probably studying evolution in depth, and trying to convince them that the entire theory of evolution is false because science has yet to unearth the skeletal fosilized remains of a crock-o-duck.



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KirkCameron wrote:The one

KirkCameron wrote:

The one true way to salvation is crystal clear;


1.  Only conservative, free market gurus can properly read the Bible. 

2.  Only people who give me lots of money or are otherwise well-off are going to heaven.

3.  People who masterbate, talk at the theatre, use cell phones, kiss and tell, play video games, watch reality tv or refuse to give head are not going to be saved.

So you're as fucked as everyone else.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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Vastet wrote:KirkCameron

Vastet wrote:
KirkCameron wrote:

The one true way to salvation is crystal clear;


1.  Only conservative, free market gurus can properly read the Bible. 

2.  Only people who give me lots of money or are otherwise well-off are going to heaven.

3.  People who masterbate, talk at the theatre, use cell phones, kiss and tell, play video games, watch reality tv or refuse to give head are not going to be saved.

So you're as fucked as everyone else.


Guys... I wouldn't respond so seriously to what is blatantly a joke.

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Exactly where they belong :p

KirkCameron wrote:

3.  People who talk at the theatre are not going to be saved.


Nor should they be ;p


"The righteous rise, With burning eyes, Of hatred and ill-will
Madmen fed on fear and lies, To beat and burn and kill"
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Kirk and Ray.  The two ball

Kirk and Ray.  The two ball brothers with their heads up their asses ....  LOL   ....

I am an atheist because I do not believe in any Gods or anything related to the imaginary subjective supernatural realm that does not exist outside the mind. -- NotSaved

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How to fit 100 lies into 6

How to fit 100 lies into 6 minutes by Kirk Cameron.  And how to throw a shit load of money away by Ray Comfort. 

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I like this response....

I like this response....

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 The Ray Comfort

 The Ray Comfort destruction of Origin of Species is now being reported on at


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MichaelMcF wrote:Vastet

MichaelMcF wrote:

Vastet wrote:
KirkCameron wrote:

The one true way to salvation is crystal clear;


1.  Only conservative, free market gurus can properly read the Bible. 

2.  Only people who give me lots of money or are otherwise well-off are going to heaven.

3.  People who masterbate, talk at the theatre, use cell phones, kiss and tell, play video games, watch reality tv or refuse to give head are not going to be saved.

So you're as fucked as everyone else.


Guys... I wouldn't respond so seriously to what is blatantly a joke.

I was aware of that, but sometimes theists see a parody and fail to realise it is a parody. I don't like to leave such things unchallenged, on the off chance a theist sees it wasn't challenged and assumes it's a good argument.

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Kirk Cameron, Yes indeed...

Kirk Cameron,

 Yes indeed... a self proclaimed 'Atheist" I was also just like him at age 16 when i also was a self proclaimed one...then I went one to get born again... I can relate a lot to this guy. Ive herd him in the debates and watched a few of his programs where he defends the faith..
 The entire argument he uses is the same he is also using to support creation into the school..the classic Ken Ham favorite of "where you there? He also uses the same lines as the other apologist use like Lee Strobel.
 I can tell you something, many of these fundnys are the ones who LOVE to be seen by man... And I think kirk is one who loves attention "an extreme attention whore"  He was a has been TV actor who then latter converted and now must always be in the stoplight. I think he doing all this 'knocking on politicians doors' is just another form of his to get attention and to be seen by Christians as a guy who is "on fire for god"
  He is a joke and should be considered with a grain of salt.

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 I can't believe I used to

 I can't believe I used to think Team Kirk/Comfort were cool and made really good points. I have a confession. I haven't told anyone. I used to think Kent Hovind was cool too. AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Please don't make fun of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    


I love my new life. 

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That Cameron video is

That Cameron video is maddening. Almost the first words out of his mouth are a lie. "Our kids are no longer allowed to pray in public," he says. No, Kirk. They are just not allowed to pray in class. They can pray on the playground. They can pray on the way home from school if they want to. They can pray in church (which is presumably a public place) and they can even pray in the classroom if it's Sunday school or Shul or whatever the Muslim version is (sorry, I just don't know). Cameron is not concerned with the truth, however. He only cares about making his point. In other words, he's a liar.

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Brian37 wrote:Kirk is a

Brian37 wrote:

Kirk is a nutjob.

Teaching evolution is no more indoctrination than saying that the sky is blue.

Teaching that you'll get a magic harem in the after life, teaching that virgins can get knocked up by ghosts IS indoctrination. There is no good reason to teach that other than the parents want to believe it.

Believers always claim indoctrination when something doesn't point to their position. Muslims do it too Kirk and their fantastic claims are as credible as yours.

Knowing what mitosis is does not make me "indoctrinated", it makes me educated.



good post, that is exactly what I wanted to say.


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Follow up to the original

Follow up to the original clip:

One thing I'll say for them is that they did accomplish their goal. I don't know if they are going to convert anyone or not however, but kudos to them. I'm not siding with them, and I have not always agreed with them, and they have ticked me off as much as anyone, however they had a goal, they met it, and made a loud bang in the process. But again, I honestly don't know what the after effect will be.

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Zeeboe wrote:You guys seen

Zeeboe wrote:

You guys seen this yet? Heck, it even made it on AOL news:

It's funny how Kirk claims people are being brain washed, and not getting to hear the other side, yet that could be said about any Christian. Especially Christian kids that are being raised to believe that nonsense, and that anything else that says otherwise is the work of Satan. That's what I was taught to believe, and I was a grown man before I got to hear/read the other side of the debate.

Especially those fundamentalists that hail from the Vatican.... and their RAT pope.

“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)

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Largo wrote:That Cameron

Largo wrote:

That Cameron video is maddening. Almost the first words out of his mouth are a lie. "Our kids are no longer allowed to pray in public," he says. No, Kirk. They are just not allowed to pray in class. They can pray on the playground. They can pray on the way home from school if they want to. They can pray in church (which is presumably a public place) and they can even pray in the classroom if it's Sunday school or Shul or whatever the Muslim version is (sorry, I just don't know). Cameron is not concerned with the truth, however. He only cares about making his point. In other words, he's a liar.

I like this post. I'd give it a thumbs up if I could.

“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)

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 What I'm curious about is

 What I'm curious about is why ANYONE gives the slightest shit what Kirk Cameron says--some lameass washed-up teen actor who clearly has the IQ of a crocoduck.

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smartypants wrote: What I'm

smartypants wrote:

 What I'm curious about is why ANYONE gives the slightest shit what Kirk Cameron says

I care only because I know some people out there will believe him.  

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Sapient wrote:some people

Sapient wrote:
some people out there will believe him


But the REAL poblem is of course that these retards are steadily working their way towards political power.

I don't know about Obama, but Bush stated - in public - that: "The jury's still out on that one" (about creationism).

These people are - very literally - the forces of evil when it comes to human progress and social developments.

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a song for kirk and ray...

This is "Crocoduck" by Bravesirjoey/Agman:

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So ridiculous it's funny. You guys are pretty pathetic if you need to resort to such cheap measures.

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re:: Ever noticed something ?

  This might be an academic point.  Mr.-Kirk talks of a prime Creator at the beginning of everything within milliseconds of "the Big Bang" ?  You might guess where this is going.  That does not address the  origins of mankind .    You ever noticed that?


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Hello "Origins"

Anonymous_ wrote:

Mr.-Kirk talks of a prime Creator at the beginning of everything within milliseconds of "the Big Bang"







HELLO, Do not blink, you will miss it.  Interesting real difference  of 13,499,400,000 ±0.75 years between Kirk's 0riginator and the estimate according to anthropological evolutionary biologists.










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