"Gay men better in the sack than women" say gay marriage opponents

I found this article on beliefnet on the subject of gay-marriage and how it can potentially be detrimental to society. Regardless of what I think about the conclusions drawn by the author, I thought that I would post the article here because I found it to be, if nothing else singular in it's approach to the subject and worthy of note simply for the author's inventiveness.
The thrust of the article is that in a society that lacks heteronormativity most people who would otherwise not engage in homosexual activity because they are not naturally inclined will do so recreationally. It's a claim of obviously uncertain merit to say the least but I'm willing to grant as much.
Where the article lost me was when the author says that in such a society, heterosexual women will ultimately lose out. This on account of the fact that no matter how good your wife, girlfriend or whatever thinks she is in bed, she is actually far out of her league when attempting to compete with the mind-bogglingly awesome hard-core gay sex that slutty, smooth-skinned young men have been doling out in generous quantities since forever( I'm paraphrasing of course).
I won't bore you further with my thoughts on the subject, but I would like to hear what other people think about this, especially women.
Choice excerpt below:
The social history behind this piece is clear: once they've experienced sex with other men, Catullus tells us, men are unsatisfied with what their new wives provide them. Notice that the poet is unconcerned about the husband's dallying with other women -- it's the other men around that threaten the marital union.
If Catullus addressed the bridegroom on the eve of his wedding, the satirist Martial (Book 11, Epigram 43) depicts the reality of married life itself. As satire, the section is too bawdy to be reprinted here, but the sanitized version goes like this: A woman chastises her husband for continuing to dally with male acquaintances. He counters that many other married men are doing it as well. Desperate, she offers to service him in the same way that his male suitor does. He rebuffs, concluding, that she just can't satisfy him the way his suitor can.
Full Article: How Women Will Be Hurt by Gay Marriage
There are twists of time and space, of vision and reality, which only a dreamer can divine
H.P. Lovecraft
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I think that this comment sums it up"
This is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time.
Man oh man...
How stupid can you be........
Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare
So... the argument is that all men secretly want it in the ass? (definitely not true)
And then furthermore, those that are inclined to pursue this aren't allowed to out of compassion for womankind? How humanitarian of you men!
idk, I really don't have much of a response to this; I suppose such illogical thinking doesn't really warrant one. I don't mean to brag, but I definitely don't have trouble satisfying men, and have never even considered how I'd stack up against another guy. I do agree that women can't "compete" with men, but not because one is better than the other, but rather because both sexes are different (duh), so obviously the experiences won't be the same. However, I know MANY guys that refuse to engage in homosexual behavior because they're simply not attracted to men. As long as there are guys like this around that prefer women over men, there is nothing to worry about. And if one day, all men do become homosexual (which is an essentially impossible scenario), that's fine because I'm bi, so I'll just go chase after the chicks. The only concern would be the propagation of our species, but at our current population, that might be a good thing anyways.
Well, it is true. Every man is a little gay. A little gayer when drunk, too. And very gay if they've ever had sex with a man. And totally gay when gay marriage is legal. Clearly, we've been caught on to. Too late, of course; there are too many countries now that allow same sex marriage. America will fall to the gay agenda. Soon no man will want sex with a woman. Children will cease to be born. We will all adopt babies from less-well-off nations and raise them to be gay! Success! And we had all thought Phathe Two would take the longest!
BigUniverse wrote,
"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."
I thought you were joking until the lisp kicked in.
How can not believing in something that is backed up with no empirical evidence be less scientific than believing in something that not only has no empirical evidence but actually goes against the laws of the universe and in many cases actually contradicts itself? - Ricky Gervais
...at least now the Religious Right is openly stating what they seem to have long implied.
I suppose that's...
Of course...now it's out there for everyone to see...and laugh at.
Well, I'm straight, and from my point of view I see it like this....
My only problem with being attracted to straight women are the enormous number of obese straight women, not to mention the bitches.
As far as gay guys are concerned, it amazes me as to the number of attractive gay guys. That's not to say that I would go to bed with any of them, as I'm not sexually aroused by guys.
As far as gay women are concerned, my sexual attraction to women is not based on their sexual preference, rather it's based on my own arousal. However,
of the 4 basic groups, gay women are almost without exception, exceptionally unattractive.
In the land of "gaydom", i.e.
when considering the 2 gay groups, barring some miracle of an attractive lesbian, I would find my left hand more sexually arousing than gay men. And wouldn't count on the 1 in a million attractive lesbian suddenly changing whaat arouses her. After all,
plenty of gay men and women congregate, and I've yet to learn of a lesbian being attracted to a very attractive (gay or straight) man, as opposed to being attracted to the most ugly looking lesbian imaginable.
Still, if all straight women turn into enourmous blobs, it wouldn't be much different than things are today.
True. There are quite a few obese straight men, there's just not half as much as obese straight women.
Fuck it.
Shhhhhh. Don't go giving the secrets away
Theism is why we can't have nice things.
This supports that conclusion.
It even states that homosexuality is "overturning god's design"! Wow, it is that powerful! You can beat god at his own game with it!
Theism is why we can't have nice things.
Why are there so many repeat offenders in our prisions? Must be going back for something.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
shit its worse than we thought. Now the gays are not only going to destroy our sex lives and indoctrinate our children into gay but they're also planning on destroying the whole world. Here's how:
The gays are going to start buying all the milk. Then they're won't be any left for out children who will grow up to have bone dieseses and die and won't be able to fight for Jesus. Like seriously they're going to take away our children's basic nutrients. This is proof that the gays are evil. Also with all that mild they'll become super strong super beings and take away out jobs as underwear models.
Too late.
You're a guy?
Logic is a systematic method of coming to the wrong conclusion with confidence.
I'm not going to pollute my brain with such crap, but I had to say it's completely ridiculous. The female shape turns me on. The male shape does not. So even before the sex starts, the woman has the guy beat. But it gets worse. I have to take objects up the ass with a male. IF I were so inclined as to enjoy it, then a woman could always wear a strap on. No victory for men there. Vagina isn't tight enough? You want a anus? She has one of them too.
Just because sex is recreational doesn't mean that every human is constantly so horny as to screw anything that can be screwed should the puritant idiots fail to put a chastity belt on everyone.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Actually, now that you go through it point by point, men do have something women don't: zero stress factor.
I mean seriously, I grew up with a set of constraining rules of conduct with females because I was emotionaly invested with them - an annoying side effect of being straigh. Most of the time those constraints were a pain in the ass and certainly cost me a fair bit of cash. Hell, even now I live with a woman that requires more attention than both my cars combined, and one of them is a real attention whore.
With men this is completely different - I simply don't care. I should start fucking men, maybe ease in on it with shemales. Not like I can't get it up, in that respect it's like I have priaprism - I could fuck a door if I wanted to. Ancient Greeks might have had a point.
Logic is a systematic method of coming to the wrong conclusion with confidence.
I'd be a liar if I said men weren't generally a hundred times easier to hang out with, but if she's looking at me that way, my friends will be out the door before they know what hit them....
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
And that's a positive thing?
Logic is a systematic method of coming to the wrong conclusion with confidence.
It isn't?
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Dude, you ditch your friends for a skirt and call it a good thing? I would rather slap myself with a boat.
Logic is a systematic method of coming to the wrong conclusion with confidence.
Shrug. To each their own. My friends will be there in an hour, happy I kicked them out briefly for a skirt.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Yah, really.
I kick my friends out for a bit and tell them that we are going to go out for beers after. Later on, I shower, dress and tell her that I have to go out. I am thinking that this is still a win:win situation for me and the guys.
The worst that can come from that is that I miss the first quarter of the game. I still get to go out for a couple of hours of hoisting brews and watch most of the game. And really, how many games are won in the first quarter (baseball fans may refrain from comment).
Even so, let's assume that the basic idea is true and guys really are better in the sack. The fact is that I am in no position to find out. 'Cause a guy's butt hole doesn't do anything for me. The only way to find out would be if there were some straight guys who were willing to “take one for the team” and do the research. However, those guys would be bisexual anyway and incapable of providing useful information to straight guys. And guy's butt holes still would not do anything for me.
Really, they should have consulted with ex-pastor Ted Haggard. I seem to remember that he was out doing some covert field work regarding this very topic.
It's a shame to let all that research go to waste.