I need ideas for a silent one man protest

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I need ideas for a silent one man protest

So there is this ass hole at my college who stands on random sidewalks and yells at people. He tells them they are sinners, that they are going to burn in hell, and that Jesus can save them. His rant is always the same, and if you yell back at him he just out screams you. He never answers any hard questions thrown at him, just sticks to the basics about hell, sin, Jesus, yadda yadda. I got an idea to combat this lunacy from the Colbert Report. Every night the Report does a segment called, "the word." During this time Steven (Stephen?) goes on a mock radical tirade about something or other, while behind him a screen offers common sense rebuttals in black text. I want to make cue cards, big enough to read from 20 feet or so, with comical responses to this douche bag's hooting and hollering. I really want to rock one of those V for Vendetta masks like the Anonymous group does when they protest scientology, but I hate to rip them off. I want mask ideas and any points revealing christian dogma's fallacies I may not already have thought of. I promise to have someone video tape the whole thing. Ideas?

Of all the animosities which have existed among mankind, those which are caused by the difference of sentiments in religion appear to be the most inveterate and distressing, and ought most to be depreciated. -George Washington

treat2 (not verified)
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Just call security and have

Just call security and have him thrown off the campus.

The only people allowed on college campuses are people having some business with the college, e.g. students, professors, misc. staff.

NO college campuses are not open for the general public to hang around.

Something tells me you're smoking crack.

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Fundamentalists preach at my

Fundamentalists preach at my university all the time. But, I go to the University of Washington, Seattle, which might be the most atheistic university in America, so whenever there's "you're going to hell" types of guys, students sit on the sit on the steps next to where they preach and watch and talk to them. They always get pwnd in debates; it's really funny. I mean, you have some random natural sciences major explaining why their opinions on biology, cosmology, etc. are wrong, some random philosophy major counting the fallacies in their arguments, and some random religious studies major explaining things that they didn't know about their own religion. "Wtf is taxonomy?" "I'm not making a false dichotomy and several non sequiturs!" "Who's John Calvin?" 

Hahaha, they really don't stand a chance. 

Last time, I had my Bible with me and cited this verse from the OT.

"Say to the Israelites: "A woman who becomes pregnant and gives birth to a son will be cermonially unclean for seven days, just as she is unclean during her monthly period. On the eighth day the boy is to be circumcised. Then the woman must wait thirty-three days to be purified from her bleeding. She must not touch anything sacred or go to the sanctuary until the days of her purification are over.
If she gives birth to a daughter, for two weeks the woman will be unclean, as during her period. Then she must wait sixty-six days to be purified from her bleeding."" Leviticus 12:2-5

The guy couldn't explain the sexism.

Seriously though, these kinds of people aren't going to listen to anything. Your best bet would be to just wear a pirate costume and preach for his Noodleliness.

Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare

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Unfortunately that would

Unfortunately that would require a private campus. I go to a state university. I've tried this, and was told that he didn't even need a permit. In fact, I've never been to a college campus that DIDN'T have noisy god botherers hollering on them. When I was visiting USC there must have been 20 of them all over the place. I'm lucky to only have one or two to deal with. Treat2, thanks for the constructive comment ass hole.

Of all the animosities which have existed among mankind, those which are caused by the difference of sentiments in religion appear to be the most inveterate and distressing, and ought most to be depreciated. -George Washington

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treat2 wrote:NO college

treat2 wrote:
NO college campuses are not open for the general public to hang around.

Most college campuses are open for the general public. In fact, treat2, I go to one such college, and it is open for the general public. The other college students on this forum will tell you the same thing.

Edit: I've also visited the University of Portland, Harvard, MIT, Cal-tech, Yale, Pace, Boston University, Columbia, and more. All of those campuses were open to the public. Do you have any more bullshit for us treat2? 

Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare

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Yeah, the pirate costume

Yeah, the pirate costume would be fun but for my own protection I'd really prefer to be wearing a mask. I go to the University of Oklahoma, and you never know when some pro-lifer might try and shoot you for talking bad about his imaginary friends. I wish Bill Hicks was here to point out the irony, it's funnier when he does it.

Of all the animosities which have existed among mankind, those which are caused by the difference of sentiments in religion appear to be the most inveterate and distressing, and ought most to be depreciated. -George Washington

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I don't really mind the

I don't really mind the other street preachers around here, they pretty much just hold up their signs and look like dumbasses. The reason I want to rock the mask and cards is that this guy isn't engaging anyone, he's just yelling, and it's invasive and annoying. Plus, he makes himself a target for stuff like this and I just can't resist. Even if I don't draw a crowd to help mock him, it would be original and make for a funny ass YouTube video. Also, I always feel like engaging these people gives them a feeling of persecution, which christians just eat up. They all want to feel like David in the lion's den or something and it seems to actually give them more conviction. I imagine that a silent protester would be really frustrating for him, as his volume can't drown out large printed words.

Of all the animosities which have existed among mankind, those which are caused by the difference of sentiments in religion appear to be the most inveterate and distressing, and ought most to be depreciated. -George Washington

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Why silent?

How about a bullhorn and a noise maker. Every time he starts up just bleep him out.


Non-violent and very effective. You'll find your supporters will materialize like a biblical miracle.


Here's how to do it: http://www.instructables.com/id/Really-Obnoxious-Noise-Maker/




How can not believing in something that is backed up with no empirical evidence be less scientific than believing in something that not only has no empirical evidence but actually goes against the laws of the universe and in many cases actually contradicts itself? - Ricky Gervais

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Try this.

StupidPillBill wrote:

I don't really mind the other street preachers around here, they pretty much just hold up their signs and look like dumbasses. The reason I want to rock the mask and cards is that this guy isn't engaging anyone, he's just yelling, and it's invasive and annoying. Plus, he makes himself a target for stuff like this and I just can't resist. Even if I don't draw a crowd to help mock him, it would be original and make for a funny ass YouTube video. Also, I always feel like engaging these people gives them a feeling of persecution, which christians just eat up. They all want to feel like David in the lion's den or something and it seems to actually give them more conviction. I imagine that a silent protester would be really frustrating for him, as his volume can't drown out large printed words.

              First off it is Daniel in  the lions den.         Your first card should read this famous quote  "Tis better to remain silent and let others think you a fool, rather then speak out and remove all doubt."  How would he shout that down?


"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."

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You have to get up pretty

You have to get up pretty early in the morning to beat these guys, and it probably isn't worth it.  But if you want to, prepare to parody this guy as much as possible, show up about half an hour before he does, dressed as much like him as possible, and take over his place.  Set up a mock time clock with some time cards.  Shout out quotes from the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or read from the Iliad and tell people to get right with Zeus, or get copies of the Book of the SubGenius and shout out quotations from "Bob."  When he shows up, visibly clock out, go hand him his time card and tell him to clock in. 

Have a friend ready to show up in half an hour or so.  He should tell the guy it's time for him to clock out and go home.

Get it on videotape if at all possible.


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OK, this is kind of old

OK, this is kind of old and tired at this point, even so. Why no Rick Roll the guy?


Where abouts are you? I am in SW Connecticut and I am on vacation right now. If you are close enough, I have a Marshall amp that is louder than he is. All that I need is a power source that can go where ever he shows up.

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Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."


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Amps and noise makers are

Amps and noise makers are good but make sure you won't be violating any university rules about loudspeakers and noise.  You could just get one of those canned airhorns people take to ballgames and such.  Try to find a mask of jesus and wear that.  Stand behind him and pantomime everything he does.  If you can find a jesus mask make signs that says "I did not say that", "blasphemer", "yada, yada, yada" or "Why do I always attract idiots".

Treat2, I was a cop with the University of California Police for several years and I can tell you straight up that any university or college that receives any government funding at all cannot prevent non-student/faculty/staff from coming on the campus, nor can the public be ejected from campus property unless they are creating a disturbance or other problem detrimental to the academic atmosphere, or are engaging in or about to engage in some illegal activity.

"Erecting the 'wall of separation between church and state,' therefore, is absolutely essential in a free society." Thomas Jefferson

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Dude you guys rock. Yeah unfortunately bullhorns and air horns and such things would probably disrupt the learning environment and get me in trouble with the administration. I'm loving the time clock idea, but my favorite is the Jesus mask. This is gonna be fucking awesome.

I'm at the university of Oklahoma. It's pretty much the Alamo of free thought for the state. It's dangerous to be openly atheist. I'm a veteran of Iraq and fierce about the freedom of speech I feel I earned (though I didn't have to.) The fact remains that it's potentially life threatening to publicly argue against the existence of God here so humor is really the safest course of protest. A Jesus mask and a suit with a red tie and a white shirt would be funny and get peoples attention. Either way it's getting videotaped. I can't wait.

Of all the animosities which have existed among mankind, those which are caused by the difference of sentiments in religion appear to be the most inveterate and distressing, and ought most to be depreciated. -George Washington

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Well, the mid-west is too

Well, the mid-west is too far for me to rick-roll some random street preacher. Even so, this guy needs a first class hosing.

Here is an idea that is easier to do. You need a boom box and a Ramstein CD with the song “Buck Dich”. You also need an IV bag full of milk under each shoulder (under your shirt of course). Connect the hoses to a strap-on dildo and during the chorus, give the guy a full hose down.

NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:
Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."


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While that would be fucking

While that would be fucking awesome I'm afraid it would be anti productive. I want to try and make it more acceptable and safe to voice anti-religious opponions. Nutting all over a street preacher, while satisfying, would probably have the opposite effect. Plus, I didn't survive Baghdad to be hanged by a bunch of redneck frat boys in Norman, Oklahoma.

Of all the animosities which have existed among mankind, those which are caused by the difference of sentiments in religion appear to be the most inveterate and distressing, and ought most to be depreciated. -George Washington

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Let me know when this is

Let me know when this is going to happen. I only live about 80 miles from OU, in Ada. It might be worth the drive.

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Stewie: Yay and God said to Abraham, "you will kill your son, Issak", and Abraham said, I can't hear you, you'll have to speak into the microphone." "Oh I'm sorry, Is this better? Check, check, check... Jerry, pull the high end out, I'm still getting some hiss back here."

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StupidPillBill wrote:Dude

StupidPillBill wrote:
Dude you guys rock. Yeah unfortunately bullhorns and air horns and such things would probably disrupt the learning environment and get me in trouble with the administration. I'm loving the time clock idea, but my favorite is the Jesus mask. This is gonna be fucking awesome. I'm at the university of Oklahoma. It's pretty much the Alamo of free thought for the state. It's dangerous to be openly atheist. I'm a veteran of Iraq and fierce about the freedom of speech I feel I earned (though I didn't have to.) The fact remains that it's potentially life threatening to publicly argue against the existence of God here so humor is really the safest course of protest. A Jesus mask and a suit with a red tie and a white shirt would be funny and get peoples attention. Either way it's getting videotaped. I can't wait.

I've got an idea, preach ridiculous things like - "Jesus hates yellow colour", "Breathing is a sin" and so on. But make sure to look dead serious, it would be best if it seemed like you were with him Smiling

The Flying Spag...
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This is way too easy to

This is way too easy to solve...

Simply find 2-3 of your friends to report separately that he's threatening to kill nonbelievers and uses such words as "bomb," "jihad," and "terrorism." These types of threats are no longer taken lightly at any institution, public or not.


During the whole Columbine incident, we were watching the news at my high school and me and my buddies were talking about how easy it would be to do it at our school. Of course, we weren't SERIOUSLY thinking of doing it, but since class was interpreted and we're free-thinking individuals, why the hell not? Some girl heard us and reported us.

We were each interviewed by the principal and a group of cops separately for over an hour with threats of "conspiracy" being thrown into the conversation. One of the cops asked me if I liked guns and I told him, "No, but I like bombs." Yeah, that added another 2 hours, easy. There is no such thing as a sense of humor with such issues, anymore.

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The Flying Spaghetti Monster

The Flying Spaghetti Monster wrote:

We were each interviewed by the principal and a group of cops separately for over an hour with threats of "conspiracy" being thrown into the conversation. One of the cops asked me if I liked guns and I told him, "No, but I like bombs." Yeah, that added another 2 hours, easy. There is no such thing as a sense of humor with such issues, anymore.

Good times.... good times...

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Fanas wrote:

StupidPillBill wrote:
Dude you guys rock. Yeah unfortunately bullhorns and air horns and such things would probably disrupt the learning environment and get me in trouble with the administration. I'm loving the time clock idea, but my favorite is the Jesus mask. This is gonna be fucking awesome. I'm at the university of Oklahoma. It's pretty much the Alamo of free thought for the state. It's dangerous to be openly atheist. I'm a veteran of Iraq and fierce about the freedom of speech I feel I earned (though I didn't have to.) The fact remains that it's potentially life threatening to publicly argue against the existence of God here so humor is really the safest course of protest. A Jesus mask and a suit with a red tie and a white shirt would be funny and get peoples attention. Either way it's getting videotaped. I can't wait.

I've got an idea, preach ridiculous things like - "Jesus hates yellow colour", "Breathing is a sin" and so on. But make sure to look dead serious, it would be best if it seemed like you were with him Smiling

           AS we all know the acid Bihydroxide Monoxide contaminates our  enviroment it is so powerfull it disintergates iron,  it infests our  faucet supply and even soft drinks. Can we not stop it???????    The bible says we can Jesus turned Bihydroxide Monoxcide into wine,  believe in Jesus the wino;  boy do I like wine!!


"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."

VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"

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The Doomed Soul wrote:The

The Doomed Soul wrote:

The Flying Spaghetti Monster wrote:

We were each interviewed by the principal and a group of cops separately for over an hour with threats of "conspiracy" being thrown into the conversation. One of the cops asked me if I liked guns and I told him, "No, but I like bombs." Yeah, that added another 2 hours, easy. There is no such thing as a sense of humor with such issues, anymore.

Good times.... good times...


Well, a dozen or so years ago, I was part of a group that accidentally shut down the entire internet for a few hours.  Right now, I am too drunk to do a full write up on the story but I will post the story in my thread for bragging tommorow.  Basically, for a short time, I was considered to be the world's first "cyber-terrorist".

NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:
Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."


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Answers in Gene Simmons

Answers in Gene Simmons wrote:

The Doomed Soul wrote:

The Flying Spaghetti Monster wrote:

We were each interviewed by the principal and a group of cops separately for over an hour with threats of "conspiracy" being thrown into the conversation. One of the cops asked me if I liked guns and I told him, "No, but I like bombs." Yeah, that added another 2 hours, easy. There is no such thing as a sense of humor with such issues, anymore.

Good times.... good times...


Well, a dozen or so years ago, I was part of a group that accidentally shut down the entire internet for a few hours.  Right now, I am too drunk to do a full write up on the story but I will post the story in my thread for bragging tommorow.  Basically, for a short time, I was considered to be the world's first "cyber-terrorist".

Not bad. I created the universe, but hey...when you have meatballs as big as mine are it's not surprising.

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The Flying Spaghetti Monster

The Flying Spaghetti Monster wrote:

This is way too easy to solve...

Simply find 2-3 of your friends to report separately that he's threatening to kill nonbelievers and uses such words as "bomb," "jihad," and "terrorism." These types of threats are no longer taken lightly at any institution, public or not.


During the whole Columbine incident, we were watching the news at my high school and me and my buddies were talking about how easy it would be to do it at our school. Of course, we weren't SERIOUSLY thinking of doing it, but since class was interpreted and we're free-thinking individuals, why the hell not? Some girl heard us and reported us.

We were each interviewed by the principal and a group of cops separately for over an hour with threats of "conspiracy" being thrown into the conversation. One of the cops asked me if I liked guns and I told him, "No, but I like bombs." Yeah, that added another 2 hours, easy. There is no such thing as a sense of humor with such issues, anymore.

Now that just absurd.

But I bet it was rather fun, I would have gone with the flow and talk shit for all the time: I would have told story of my life, how my person ended with being disgusted by people, and how I hate laws and how I have no intention obeying them, and how I hate jesus (being atheist adds a few bad-ass points Laughing out loud ) and so on.

It would have been rather fun, screwing with them when they could not actually sentence me Smiling


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Fanas wrote:The Flying

Fanas wrote:

The Flying Spaghetti Monster wrote:

This is way too easy to solve...

Simply find 2-3 of your friends to report separately that he's threatening to kill nonbelievers and uses such words as "bomb," "jihad," and "terrorism." These types of threats are no longer taken lightly at any institution, public or not.


During the whole Columbine incident, we were watching the news at my high school and me and my buddies were talking about how easy it would be to do it at our school. Of course, we weren't SERIOUSLY thinking of doing it, but since class was interpreted and we're free-thinking individuals, why the hell not? Some girl heard us and reported us.

We were each interviewed by the principal and a group of cops separately for over an hour with threats of "conspiracy" being thrown into the conversation. One of the cops asked me if I liked guns and I told him, "No, but I like bombs." Yeah, that added another 2 hours, easy. There is no such thing as a sense of humor with such issues, anymore.

Now that just absurd.

But I bet it was rather fun, I would have gone with the flow and talk shit for all the time: I would have told story of my life, how my person ended with being disgusted by people, and how I hate laws and how I have no intention obeying them, and how I hate jesus (being atheist adds a few bad-ass points Laughing out loud ) and so on.

It would have been rather fun, screwing with them when they could not actually sentence me Smiling


Ironically, I'm really not anti-establishment. I'm pretty conservative on many things, but yeah - stupid.

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The Flying Spaghetti Monster

The Flying Spaghetti Monster wrote:

Fanas wrote:

The Flying Spaghetti Monster wrote:

This is way too easy to solve...

Simply find 2-3 of your friends to report separately that he's threatening to kill nonbelievers and uses such words as "bomb," "jihad," and "terrorism." These types of threats are no longer taken lightly at any institution, public or not.


During the whole Columbine incident, we were watching the news at my high school and me and my buddies were talking about how easy it would be to do it at our school. Of course, we weren't SERIOUSLY thinking of doing it, but since class was interpreted and we're free-thinking individuals, why the hell not? Some girl heard us and reported us.

We were each interviewed by the principal and a group of cops separately for over an hour with threats of "conspiracy" being thrown into the conversation. One of the cops asked me if I liked guns and I told him, "No, but I like bombs." Yeah, that added another 2 hours, easy. There is no such thing as a sense of humor with such issues, anymore.

Now that just absurd.

But I bet it was rather fun, I would have gone with the flow and talk shit for all the time: I would have told story of my life, how my person ended with being disgusted by people, and how I hate laws and how I have no intention obeying them, and how I hate jesus (being atheist adds a few bad-ass points Laughing out loud ) and so on.

It would have been rather fun, screwing with them when they could not actually sentence me Smiling


Ironically, I'm really not anti-establishment. I'm pretty conservative on many things, but yeah - stupid.

Just one more question - are there really metal detectors at schools in USA?

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Fanas wrote:The Flying

Fanas wrote:

The Flying Spaghetti Monster wrote:

Fanas wrote:

The Flying Spaghetti Monster wrote:

This is way too easy to solve...

Simply find 2-3 of your friends to report separately that he's threatening to kill nonbelievers and uses such words as "bomb," "jihad," and "terrorism." These types of threats are no longer taken lightly at any institution, public or not.


During the whole Columbine incident, we were watching the news at my high school and me and my buddies were talking about how easy it would be to do it at our school. Of course, we weren't SERIOUSLY thinking of doing it, but since class was interpreted and we're free-thinking individuals, why the hell not? Some girl heard us and reported us.

We were each interviewed by the principal and a group of cops separately for over an hour with threats of "conspiracy" being thrown into the conversation. One of the cops asked me if I liked guns and I told him, "No, but I like bombs." Yeah, that added another 2 hours, easy. There is no such thing as a sense of humor with such issues, anymore.

Now that just absurd.

But I bet it was rather fun, I would have gone with the flow and talk shit for all the time: I would have told story of my life, how my person ended with being disgusted by people, and how I hate laws and how I have no intention obeying them, and how I hate jesus (being atheist adds a few bad-ass points Laughing out loud ) and so on.

It would have been rather fun, screwing with them when they could not actually sentence me Smiling


Ironically, I'm really not anti-establishment. I'm pretty conservative on many things, but yeah - stupid.

Just one more question - are there really metal detectors at schools in USA?

Hah, probably just in ones with bad crime areas or possibly rich public schools in California. I've never experienced one.