*#(%&(#*%@*&() Fox.

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I think I've become so

I think I've become so desensitized to the non-stop idiocy of Faux News, that even something this heinous can't shock me anymore..


Incidentally, that wasn't an apology by the late night idiot either... it was a rationalization to save face...and a crap one at that. 

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Apologies to our friends to

Apologies to our friends to the North for that. Pay no attention to FauxNews.

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Vastet, I doubt you need to worry about putting "FUCK FOX" in the title of the thread.


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I almost did, but

I almost did, but professionalism took over.

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Here's the vid in

Here's the vid in question




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Vastet wrote:I almost did,

Vastet wrote:

I almost did, but professionalism took over.

As compared to Rick Warren being a proffessional comic book salesmen? No, Howard Stern and Larry Flint are professionals, they don't lie about what they sell and they don't sugar coat what they do. They don't force anyone to listen/buy their product, but they dont lie to you about what they are doing.

Now, if you want to say that there is a time place and context for everything, I agree. I doubt in formal situations that Larry Flint or Howard Stern would cuss. But you are not at work, and you are not at a wedding or funeral.

I am not against "tact" in a given situation. In fact today, I attended the memorial of one of my mom's friends and the talk was using my mom's friend for the self centered narcsicim of the God character, and I wanted to shout from the rooftops BULLSHIT! In that context, I would have been out of line, so I bit my tounge.

But, this IS an atheist website, and we are not as hung up on cussing as many prudes are in demanding that we never cuss at all.

Places you don't cuss.........Weddings, funerals, formals.... business mettings...classrooms....but we are amoungst friends in an informal setting.

I couldn't imagine watching a Redskins game without cussing at the TV about how bad they suck and how Danny Boy is a FUCKING IDIOT! There, thats better.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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 Oh look, someone's making

 Oh look, someone's making fun of the Canadian military. That's so old it kills me. The only people who don't make fun of the Canadian military are the military personnel of other countries. We'd been in World War II for two years before the US decided that sinking Japanese civilian boats was causing a problem. "They attacked? That's so unexpected!"

Meanwhile, the guy they hired so that it would look like the right had a replacement for Jon Stewart turns out to pick the lamest jokes possible. Honestly, everyone knows the Canadian military has a $14 budget. Compare that to the American budget of $How Much Do You Want, and American pilots still shoot Canadians and Brits by accident.

The reason it's disgusting isn't because he's making fun of the military. The reason it's disgusting is that he doesn't know that the Canadian soldiers are there cleaning up a Russian-American mess. We're doing the states a favour, for fucks sake. What a douche.

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Only one way to resolve this

Only one way to resolve this little exercise of free speech:

Have Gutfeld and Benson (the parties responsible for all the funny) repeat their tough guy jokes about "capri pants", "pedicures" and suggestions for "invading Canada", face to face w/ members of the Canadian military and put this lack of toughness theory to the test. 

In fact this should apply to all of the mis-statements/outright lies spewed continuously by Fox.  You want to make $$ selling this grade school tough guy image (pretense) to the bigot and the uneducated?  Then be prepared to get off that well fed ass and back it up.  Yes, I'm talking to you O'Reilly and Hannity.

The large percentage of those here in the U.S. realize that Canada has a far less aggressive foreign policy, 1/10th of our population and a much smaller percentage of a budget steered toward their military.  It's only the select few of far right morons who would have thought this funny anyway and who gives a *#@ what they think ?

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AmericanIdle wrote:Have

AmericanIdle wrote:
Have Gutfeld and Benson (the parties responsible for all the funny) repeat their tough guy jokes about "capri pants", "pedicures" and suggestions for "invading Canada", face to face w/ members of the Canadian military and put this lack of toughness theory to the test. 

That would be hilarious! Of course, the Canadian response to people who are obviously insane is to shake your head and walk away. Even in the military. You really going to tell someone who just had their friend blow up next to him that he's not tough? What would be the point of that? He'd probably agree, frankly.

"Yeah, I guess crying at my friend's funeral means I'm not tough. Why don't you go rape a chicken or whatever it is you do on weekends, you fucking schoolboy."

Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
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